Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (9 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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I could hear them calling for my plane so I let my VP know I had to board. I would be seeing someone soon at the airport. Watch over my family until I made it to them. Once I was there, I was never letting them go again. That was a promise no one was ever taking from me again.


 Through the plane ride, all I could think about was seeing Ashton and my beautiful daughters. I couldn’t stop thinking about if they had the beauty of Ashton or did they look like me? Did they have my silver-grey eyes or did they have their mothers beautiful green eyes? Were they blond like my side or did they get the brown with auburn streaks? I know Taylor had the blond hair when she was a baby, so blond that I was always watching for it to stain if anything got in it. Was it still that beautiful color or did it all change with age? My mind wouldn’t stop with all of the questions I had no answers to. Justin was a dead motherfucker! I couldn’t wait to get to the clubhouse and see them with my own eyes, even if they didn’t know who I was yet. I hope my girls were willing to give me a chance. I wouldn’t give up until I knew everything about them and make Ashton mine again. As the wheels touched down on the tarmac, I couldn’t help the smile that came over my face looking through my window. I could see the rows of bikes there to welcome me home.



After getting to hear Wasps’ voice after all of these years, I finally felt a sense of peace. He was coming to me, to us. He believed in me, and he knew I wouldn’t have left him willingly. I wasn’t sure what went through his head after I had disappeared with our baby girl. I had always prayed he had found our journal and had seen my note to him. All these years I had never known if Justin had seen it. I have never stopped loving my man and even named my Sadie girl after his Mom, by giving her his Momma’s nickname. It was the only way I could share a piece of her daddy without giving Justin reason to fight. You see Justin had no clue that Wasp had given her that nickname it was tattooed on his chest right above his heart. He knew if Justin knew he would somehow make the name dirty.

I remember the day I met Wasp; it was lust at first sight for me. I had just turned eighteen and had been turned out by the foster care system. I was scared out of my mind. I was walking around filling out every job application I could get my hands on. Lucky for me I had graduated high school before turning eighteen, so I at least had a high school diploma going for me. Which wouldn’t land me a high paying job, but I was hopefuls it would get me something and keep me off the streets. What I hadn’t realized is that even with a high school diploma I didn’t have appropriate clothes for interviewing and working anywhere other than the typical fast food establishment or convenient store. Having no vehicle or money for a motel room I was about to bunker down with the rest of the throwaways from the system. I was sitting in the alley I had been in the night before, hoping one of the Kids would show up. When I heard a rugged laugh that captured my attention and wouldn’t let me go. I remember thinking; I wish I knew what it was like to be that happy. I had never known happiness like that before; he had this manliness to him with rough edges that captivated me and I couldn’t look away from him.


He was tall at least 6’2 with blond hair that was in that in-between stage of growing out. It was golden with platinum streaks through it, and the Muscles and tattoos he had running up his arms screamed danger. At that time, he had just gotten out of the service and was sporting a sun-kissed tan that made him more appealing to me. That laugh though it was rugged, raspy and all male. I could listen to it all day. I closed my eyes just so I could let it sink in my head and try to memorize it for those lonely nights I was facing.


As my eyes were closed enjoying the sounds of his laughter, I felt excruciating pain in my right leg. I opened my eyes to see I had two men standing over me, and one had a bloody knife. It dawned on me the asshole had stabbed me in the leg trying to get my backpack from me. I had it wrapped around my leg. Son of a bitch, this was not going to be good. The second man grabbed my hair and pulled back saying to the other “hot damn would you look at this fresh meat, she is fuckable, I say we welcome her to our neighborhood the right way. Let’s take her back to our section and show her how we expect payment for her to stay in our area.” I knew I was not going to let those men take anything from me, so I screamed at the top of my lungs. I screamed so loud that I could feel my throat being torn to shreds.


Through my screams, I still heard the loud war cry! As three men grabbed my two attackers. They moved so fast and with such precision my attackers had no chance to defend themselves. I have to say the gorgeous man I had appreciated earlier moved dangerously like he had been in a Kung Fu movie. They were like scenes out of a Steven Seagal movie. When they had the situation under control, he turned and looked at me, and his look went from pure rage to one of concern. He came up to me and introduced himself as Wasp, and I couldn’t help myself I died laughing and asked him what kind of name was that? That is when I heard the story. “Well believe it or not it really isn’t very interesting. We were on a training exercise and we were walking through some woods and out of nowhere I must have woken a hive of Wasp up and they chased me for nearly a mile. From that day on, I have been called Wasp. By everyone and it has grown on me.” I couldn’t help myself “So Mr. Hero are you going to tell me your real name?” He laughed and shook his head telling me “Only if you’re a good girl, I only tell those who are important to me. To everyone else it’s just Wasp. I wouldn’t mind knowing your name though doll.” I laughed at him calling me doll; I looked anything but like a doll at a size 14, maybe a cabbage patch with some of the rolls I have going on. I have a feeling if I don’t find a job and eat I may look like a doll. I decided to give him at least my first name since he did help keep those idiots from stealing from me and who knows what else. “My name is Ashton.”


I was pulled from my memory as Sadie and Riley came to check on me. My girls have been through so much, I hope that they will understand why I had to do what I did. I’m also praying that my dear sweet Riley will forgive me for not protecting her more. Please allow them to give Wasp a chance to show the amazing man he is. Don’t have their anger and disgust with me, keep them from giving him the opportunity to be the father they so desperately need. Justin is still out there somewhere, and my girls need as many people as they can watching over them. I notice as the girls are sitting with me, Kid and Tumbler can’t seem to keep their eyes from my baby’s. They are good men, and I believe they would be good for my girls.


The peace of just sitting around is broke as I hear the rumble of somewhere near ten bikes pull up in the garage area of the compound. I know he is here I can feel him, my heart is pounding hard, and my body is tingling just as it always did anytime he was near.





I know things are about to get intense as I hear Sniper and the guys pull up. He is bringing Wasp home. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Elizabeth look at the door anxiously for him to walk through the door. I have been busy on the phone making calls. I was calling our sister clubs asking them if they could come assist us. I have had an uneasy feeling all night, so I have stayed on alert. Keeping my eyes open without bein' obvious. I have caught Tazer one of our patch holders of four years acting strange tonight. He refuses to look me in the eye. Sniper has noticed for a while that he has been missing his doses, and things have come up missing around him. He has gone from being a clean man who barely takes a shower, or wears clean clothes. I looked around the room for my Sergeant of arms; Ghost and his second in command Justice they are our head enforcers. Ghost has my back and Justice has Snipers. I notice them over by the dart board, and whistle getting their attention. They both look my way and I signal them over. They put their darts up and come stand next to me at the bar.


Ghost asks me what’s up and I explain my suspicions of Tazer. And ask that they keep eyes and ears on him at all times. We all sit at the bar having a conversation about suspicious activities around the clubs and watch Tazer with his phone out texting. He is watching Elizabeth and the girls. The door flies open and Wasp comes flying through the door like there is a fire. Eyes wild as searching the clubhouse for his family he wants to reclaim. As their eyes connect Elizabeth jumps from the couch and is running full force for him with tears streaming down her face screaming his name. Riley and Sadie jump up and watch their Mom. They look shocked and possibly scared for their Momma. Kid and Tumbler go to the girls and hold them tight whispering to them. The girls are calming down, not looking as scared as they watch Elizabeth jump into Wasp’s arms. He falls to the ground holding her in his arms saying “I have you back baby doll!” Elizabeth has love in her eyes, she grabs his face and plants a heated kiss on his lips. The girls gasp and in surprise say “Mom what are you doing?” Then Sadie tells Riley “Thank God maybe that means dad isn't coming back.” Hmmm...Interesting, I was thought Justin treated Sadie well, I’m starting to wonder if we were wrong. Was hurting Sadie too? Is Sadie just glad they're away from him? Somethin' tells me we may never know all that happened.


Watching this play out in front of me I hadn't noticed the scuffle to the right of me. Catchin' my attention, I look over my shoulder and see Justice holdin' Tazer down. Justice has his right knee in Tazers lower back and his left hand holding the scruff of his neck. He's grinding his head into the floor. Ghost right foot is holding Tazers hand down, ripping his phone from his grip. Ghost reads the text messages, his face turns to a bright shade of red. His eyes are squinting as he yells for Justice to tie the motherfucker up. He brings the phone to me. I read the text and confirm we have our rat. I tell Ghost to "Puts him in the basement!" Tryin' not to be too loud, it's hard because I’m pissed. Tryin' not to let Wasp know just yet. He needs to see Ashton and meet his girls first. Ghost and Justice lead our rat to his confinement. Can't wait till the bastard gets his!


My phone starts to ring, I look at the caller id and note its Jed. He's my brother from foster care, we grew up on the streets together. He started his own MC known as the “Lost Devil Outlaws,” they are a 1% clubs. Sniper and I had enough of the everyday violence, Jed needed it. “Hey King, just wanted to give a heads up. Let ya know I made those calls for ya. We have agreed we'll be bringin' three men each with us to begin with, I have the list of names here. We'll bring Fat Boy, Sharp, Hawk and me. The "Lost Spirits" is bringin' Lone Star, Pipe, Lock, and Whiskey. The "Throwdown Ryders" are bringin' Indie, Animal, Primed, and Cannon. We'll be their the day after next. Can ya hold till then brother?” I replied “course; we'll hold down, my guys just secured a rat.” We said later and hung up, this is going to be a long night. I go to Wasp and we have a small talk, I call the wife and get some coffee.


As I’m grabbing’ my coffee, Elizabeth tells the girls that she will explain everythin'. Give her the evening with Wasp first. The girls were hesitant, but the guys started to pull them away. Lettin' em know the wanted to lay down with em, get some food and put a movie on and relax for a bit. Those boys are going to make good Ol’ men as soon as they get their shit together.



*********Prospect Malibu*********

I knew things were intense this evening. I’m a prospect and as a prospect I need to be prepared at all times. I was supposed to be taking Fern Jacobs out tonight. Skylar had set me up with her, I had seen her while helping Skylar move some equipment around. The Doc was sick that day and couldn’t make it, the only man at the hospital was tending to a patient. Fern, Skylar, Ryder, and Kid had all grown up together. Her dad was a member of Rage Ryderz until he had a heart attack when he was 39. He was running an errand for Sparrow's Bike shop, he worked for Smoke and Arrow. Sparrow is the Brothers’ last name given to them from their Indian Tribe. Fern’s dad’s photo was on the wall in the clubhouse, where all of the lost Brothers hang.


Meeting Fern was the highlight of my day. We left without each other numbers, and we both mentioned something to the groups. Next thing I know, we're talkin' or texting every spare minute we had. I received a text earlier from Kid tellin' me to get the media room ready for fours to sleep in. I had to get the fold out couches made, the room cleaned up. I put movies in their cases, I was pickin' up my phone to give Fern a call when Kid came in. Givin' me a funny look and asked “Malibu’s, what the fuck man, aren't ya supposed to be with Fern? You have been asking everyone where to take her. What the hell are you still doing here? If you stand that girl up, I’m gonna take you to the parking lot and tear you a new fucking ass!” I thought they needed me tonight so I asked. "I thought you wanted me here to help, you text me earlier askin' me to get the room ready. I was going to give Fern a call, I was told the clubs needed all hands.” He looked at me like I'd lost my mind. He pointed at the door and gave me a look then said “better enjoy it now, this may be your last chance for a while.” I let him know my phone would be on me in case I was needed. I ran before anyone could stop me from takin' Fern out and spendin’ some time with her. Fern was beautiful with brown hair that went past her shoulder blades. She was on the heavier side which was perfect for me. I can’t stand a skinny woman who is afraid to be themselves and enjoy life. Fern was the complete package, her hips were full and wide. I can imagine grabbing them when I’m on my knees behind her, I can pound into her bringing her pleasure. She has the perfect breasts, not overly large but big enough to satisfy. It was that ass thought, I can’t stop staring; she is always complaining about hearin' whispers on campus making fun of her ass. I tell her that that ass was absolutely fucking perfect for me. She's short, around 5’3 and is a spitfire. That excites me, she can be herself around me these fake ass bitches who have doctor paid implants, have fake personalities to go with em. Those bitches change the second they have you.

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