Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (17 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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I'll do whatever it takes to find my sister if Justin is planning something. I will kill him myself if I have to. My sister's my heart were supposed to be in each other’s lives forever! I hate him more than I ever have at this Moment. Justin walks in with an older man around his age and a younger version of that man. “Well, I told you Taylor was here. Unfortunately, she was a little banged up when we took her. We had no choice but to ram our vehicle into theirs. It’s the only time the women were alone. I have taken care of her and trained her to your specification.” Justin said sounding like a proud soldier who did his King’s bidding. It was disgusting! The younger man walked up to Riley and hooked his finger under her chin and pulled her up into a sitting position. He looked into her eyes, and Riley didn’t back down, she looked right back into his eyes. He smiled at her and looked at Justin then the other man stating. “Finally I can have what's been mine since I was ten years old. Pay the man father, I want to take my bride to be home. She needs to start learning her place and earning her keep. I will take her out of this country to never be found.” He walked away, Riley and I held each other tightly. We're pulled apart screaming for each other. Then I felt a pinch in my neck and everything went dark, again.


Waking later I jumped remembering what happened. I started chanting in my head, “please let it have been a dream” over and over again. When Tiffany came into the room and asked if I needed a shot, I asked where my sister was. Tiffany sat on the vanity stool and asked. “Don’t you remember her coming to say goodbye? She left with the gentlemen who are going to help her with her issues. The hysterical hallucinations, and lying about Justin.” Tiffany's just as crazy and psychotic as Justin. I can’t believe he was raising Riley for someone’s son! That is creepy! Did he ever love any of us? How can you raise two little girls and feel nothing? He has no empathy whatsoever. I hope my dad, Tumbler, and Kid hurry and find me. I need them to get away from Justin. I want one chance to knock the living shit out of Tiffany! Just one to knock some damn sense into her dimwitted head. I need to find out what happened to Riley. I’m scared for her, I don’t know these men. What are they going to do to my sister? Why are all of these grown men being cowardly and using women to take out their issues with each other? I wanted to call them pussies to their faces, but I was scared of what the repercussions for Riley would be.





The Brothers, Wasp, Tumbler, Ghost, Arrow, Tracker, Bomber and I were sitting at the table waiting “The “Lost Devils Outlaws”, Uncle Jed’s club. He's bringing Fat Boy his VP, Sharp his Sargent at Arms, Hawk a patched member. Also “Lost Spirits MC” which was run by Lone Star, who was their Prez, Pipe their VP, Lock their Sargent at Arms, Whiskey and patch holder. Also coming was “Throwdown Riders MC” who was Indie’s club the Prez, Animal the VP, Primed the Sargent at Arms, and Cannon, a patch holder. They are our sister Charters and when King and Sniper called to inform them what happened to Skylar, my and Tumbler’s Ol’ ladies. They double-timed it making no stops other than fuel and food. Uncle Jed would do anything for Skylar, he and I were tight as well. Tracker was our Bomb expert, he also could find a needle in the haystack, especially with Bomber our head of security expert helping him out. That was an unbeatable team.


We hadn’t seen or heard a word from Bomber or Tracker since they went into the cave, where their tech equipment was to store. They haven't been seen since, that makes me uneasy. It meant they haven't found anything. When Uncle Jed gets here, we'll let him loose on Tazer and find out what he knows. We need to find our women without giving Justin his guy. Giving him Tazer gives him power, that's the last thing we want him to have. The recording for Wasp has made me pissed, I’ve never been this pissed in my life! If my girl gets sold, I'll cut Justin into tiny pieces, slow and painful until he tells me where she is. I will start with his body and will be shutting him up by stuffin' his fuckin' dick in his mouth! This guy who's bought my girl will suffer worse than if he went to hell itself. Justin better not have let this happen! I was pacing the room until I ended by the couches. Seeing this as my opportunity for a little privacy I call my dad to check in on my baby sister.


“Dad, checkin’ in, how's Sky?” My dad sighs and I know he's emotionally drained I hear my Mom in the background. Wantin' dad to ask if we've found Riley and Sadie yet? I answer "no" before he asks, save his strength some. Dad answers me. “The bullet was a through and through and missed vital organs. Took her into surgery to do some further explorin' to make sure nothin’ got overlooked. We were just informed they're stitchin' her up and takin’ her to recovery. She lost a lot of blood, but I donated to her. She'll sleep the first day or so, but they expect a full recovery. We're hopin' the girls are home by the time she wakes. Are the clubs in yet?” I’m grateful yet sad at the same time. Grateful my sis will be safe, now to get my Ol’ lady and her baby sister. I begin to answer my dad "no" when the doors fly open and they come charging in! Immediately screaming at us, wanting to know all information now. I let dad go.


Uncle Jed gets in my face, grabs my cheeks in his hands. It's an unasked question bout Skylar, I shake my head yes and he lets out a breath of relief. That's when I tell him we'll need to sit in the main room so we can all fit, we're all gonna need in on making' plans. They can get refreshments brainstorm savin' time. He yells for all clubs to grab grub from the kitchen and alcohol from the bar. Prospects are guarding Skylar and my folks at the hospital. Once things have calmed down, one will head our way.


Uncle Jed and the others ask us to start from the beginnin', we join together fitting pieces into each other’s story. Wasp then goes back and gives Justin’s (aka Alexander) history starting from when they were Kids. He then tells of finding Ashton and their history, how Justin was always eyeing her, then going through their marriage and Taylor's birth (Riley). Continues with his separation from her, his time in El Paso including an ex. I saw Ashton (Elizabeth) flinch. I feel for her, but all of that is nothing now. Finding her daughters is everything, her being strong through the story has earned her respect. When Wasp's done telling his story, I see him turn to Ashton. He must see something on her face, he gives her a soft kiss on her lips and whispers something in her ear. She gives him a smile, it looks like she has to force it. Jed asks Ashton about her time with Justin, she closes her eyes and starts a story that has every brother clenching their jaws and fist. We may be assholes, but you don't hurt women! Wasp turns pale when she talks about the years of beatings and rapes she endured at his brother's hands. Jed though is getting confused with all of the "Alexander" and "Justin" and asks for us all to stay consistent with one name. So, Justin, it is (I could’ve come up with somethin' more fittin').


When the story gets to the night we showed up to move the girls, that's Wasp breaking point. He gets up and grabs a bottle from behind the bar. I get up to go to him, we need clear heads to get the girls. A drink wasn't what he had in mind. He moves all of the alcohol from the shelves all calm like, but his face is different. He takes the glasses off and lines them with the bottles on the bar. I look to Tumbler and Travler, but neither of them seems to know what's up either. He pushes a piece of wood and the case slides to the side and there's an arsenal of every weapon I’ve ever heard of. Holy shit we have an arsenal! Why did not of us know this?


Then he walks to the back and pushes another piece, another wall opens. Fuck! It looks like Hannibal Lecter’s torture chamber. He turns to Jed “I don’t know what you need to get info from our rat Tazer, but take your pick brother. I only have one request, one: I get to be there, and two: I do what I want and none of you says a damn thing about it.” Uncle Jed just smiles at Wasp and says “Brother I wouldn’t expect nothin’ different. I woulda whooped your ass for not askin'.” Then Wasp, all of the Lost Devils, Lost Spirits and Throwdown Riders took off like a group of soldier's to our underground storage unit where Tazer is kept. Tic is goin’ to have a field day when he sees them comin' and relieve him of guard duty. Somethin' tells me he’s gonna stay for the show. He didn’t get to go with us for Skylar, and knowin’ the girls are gone has his anger at a new level. Tic takes protection of us seriously when one of us is hurt or missing he takes it personally. I hate this waiting bullshit, I look up and Wasp and Jed go into the hidden room behind the bar. I wish I'd at least had the offer to go with them. They leave the room, Wasp puts it back in place and very Wasp like (harshly) demands all of us to be getting off our asses and putting things back to rights. I see Rott and Muscles’ come in the front I tell at them “Right in time prospects! Get these glasses and bottles put away.” I’m glad they hadn’t walked in while the cabinet was opened. That's something prospects have no rights knowin’ boost.


Tic comes running up the stairs screamin' Kid, Tumbler guys say get in there. If you want in better hurry before they lock the door. We get up doin' this runs/walk thing down the stairs. If you flat-out run, you will slide down the stairs and it hurts like a bitch. We learned that lesson the hard way when we moved in.


Cannon opens the door and smiles at us and says, “Welcome to the party boys, we're fixin’ to get started. Ya sure you can handle this boys?” HA-HA, he chuckles at us sayin' the last of his sentence. He knows we can handle it, we want information. We give him a go fuck yourself look and walk in. I lean against the wall facing Tazer so he can see me. Tumbler takes up a spot next to me. Uncle Jed grabs Tazers hair sayin' through clenched teeth “I will ask one question, and only once. If you don't answer, I'll start playtime. Tell me where these boys (pointing to Tumbler and me) Ol’ ladies are?” Tazer looks at Wasp and smirks at him “I'll never tell, you don’t remember me. I was little when you ruined my Ma and Pa’s life! My Pa killed my Ma then himself because of you! I would’ve done this for nothing! Pretending you're honorable having to be the hero in your unit, ruined my Pa and the man who has your daughter. Hmmm…it’s a present for his son. His revenge, he lost his entire military future. I’m a little curious, were ya so full of yourself or do you happen to know who I’m talking about?”


Wasp looks confused, his military record is concealed. Knowing him, he caused someone else look inefficient at their job. He would never intentionally hurt anybody while serving his country, especially his men. I may not have known him personally in those days, but I’ve known him since the day I was born. I’ve only seen him a handful of times during the last twenty years, the man's the same since he arrived as he was when I was young. I would trust him with my life. Plus he is my girl’s dad, so he gets the benefit of the doubt.


Jed starts to laugh. “Well, looks like we’re doing this the hard way then. Boys strip him down to his boxer, please don’t remove those I don’t like looking at another man’s junk.” Tazer starts shaking and turns a shade of ash. “Don’t worry boy, I've never had anyone make it that far before.” I start snickering and Uncle Jed's guys join me. We've all heard stories of Uncle Jed and the shed. The shed is no longer usable as it’s been flooded and unstable. I decide to be a smart-ass to Tazer “Come on man, you gotta remember the stories of Uncle Jed and the shed?” I don’t think he's taking this well, he hasn’t cracked a smile once. Wasp reminds him “Torturing stops as soon as you tell us what we want”. Tazers comment's “even if I wanted to I couldn’t tell you where Riley is anymore. Justin has been training her for someone’s son for twenty.....” I lose it at the comment and everyone steps to the side. I go wild, I don’t know where I landed all my blows, Tumbler and Wasp had to pull me off. I pretty much black out after, I hear screams, I know he's bein' tortured. Thinkin' of a world where I don’t have my girl, I’m lost in my head. Tumbler is in my face screaming that we need to go, bringin' me out of my daze. Justin just called and he knows that we're not goin' to trade, Tazer told us where the old house is where Sadie's being held. I follow my Brothers to our bikes, destination unknown to me, but I follow my Brothers anyway. Maybe Sadie will know where my girl is, maybe the buyer hasn’t shown up yet. I need my girl damn it!







I can’t believe Kid blacked out during all of that. Tazer lasted through them burning, then removing his tat from his back. It was like they were filleting a fish. It really tested the strength of my stomach. Then they got creative, not technically doing anything he would pass out from but would hurt like a son of a bitch. They took clothes pins and started pinching pieces of him together with them. Now I have closed a finger in one of those wooden contraptions, and I’m not a pussy but that shit hurts. They put them on his ears, eyelids, fingers, toes. I have to say when Cannon went up the leg of his boxers and clamped one of those on his nut sack, I almost begged for him to stop. Tazer screamed like a bitch, but still wasn’t giving anything away. Now this is when things reached a whole new level of “oh shit” and really peaked my interest. Hawk from the “Lost Devils” is into some Dom shit with BDSM. He is an expert with a whip and is into some sadistic shit or something.


They removed his back piece already but stand him up with clothes pins on, and tie him up his arms stretched above his head. They've tied him to the rafters of the ceiling, then Hawk brings out this leather whip. It’s braided like normal until you get to the ends, it splits up into different layers with metal tips. You can’t tell me some woman enjoys that shit! I would run the other motherfucking way if someone came at me with that shit. Dom my ass, sick son of a bitch is more like it. My girl ever wants to try that shit, I'll show her the only beating will be my hand on her ass. No whips or belts are coming into our relationship. He only lasted through two whippins’ before he gave in, I would have seen that thing and sang. Rather it was the truth or not they’d need to figure out. I would never rat on my Brothers! He told us about Justin and his nurse. Didn’t know too much about who the man is that is lined up to take Riley. I just hope we he hasn’t gotten to her yet, Kid will tear the world apart to find that girl. That's exactly what I'd do, I'll help him find her, and the Brothers will not rest until we have her. We will threaten and steal whatever necessary to find her. Rather it is their money, business, cars or life.

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