Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (23 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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“As I was saying, my sister came to me telling me she had found out who had caused problems for Justin. She was freaked out because she knew the word had gotten back to them that she was investigating. She warned me that something could happen or go wrong. Begging me to stay away and out of it if something did. Of course, I told her I would to ease her mind. We all know that when it comes to family you never stop looking or trying to figure it out. Two days later she was gone. It was as if she vanished into thin air. No one had heard or seen her and her cell phone was off. I couldn’t trace her or find her anywhere. I didn’t listen to her advice I began my own inquire of her and Justin’s dad’s disappearance. Suddenly I started getting threatening phone calls and nasty packages on my doorstep. That just managed to piss me off more and made me more determined. I didn’t want her in those people’s hands. One night I was sleeping about eight months later and someone put a cloth over my nose and I woke up startled. It must have been on there longer than I was aware because my fight was barely existent. Next thing I knew I woke up and looked into the eyes of pure evil. I looked around and saw the logo for The Shady Creepers, which was a devil with people bleeding all around that looked literally like shadows. It is the scariest logo I have personally come across. I knew immediately that when I looked at the man leaning over me with those scary as fuck eyes I was in trouble. I looked at his cut to catch his name and it said “Prez, Lucifer.”  I tell you he truly looks like the devil himself.


"He pulled me up by my hair and made me follow him to another room where my sister was naked and chained to a wall. Back facing me when we walked in, but I immediately knew it was her by seeing Justin’s name inked on her right hip. He tied me to a chair and made me watch while he and his men took their belts and whipped her wherever the belts landed. There were at least ten men in that room.  Lucifer, she screamed an ear piercing screech that will never leave me no matter how hard I try. I watched as they each took turns beating and spitting on her, whichever they chose. Then Lucifer had his minions cut me lose and they turned my sister around to make her watch me get the same treatment, I only had Lucifer. And that is how they informed me if I wanted my sister to live I would do whatever asked of me.  The only thing that was good out of it was I was able to see my sister and know at least for the time being she was alive. Then one day when I showed up they gave me your information Wasp. I was to entertain you and become your confidant. Apparently Jamison and his son Romeo were significant partners of theirs all of a sudden and was paying them to do a job. They explained everything about Justin and Ashton to me and said they would keep everyone alive, including my sister if I could keep you away long enough for Jameson to get Riley. I didn’t want to do it, I asked what would happen to your daughter. They said she would be a wife to a good man. Jamison and they had been prepping her for a long time to make a good wife for Romeo. I was sick to my stomach, I was warned that you’re Mom, Ashton, my sister and many others would be killed if my mouth opened or I failed on my mission.


My mission! I’m not a soldier, I just wanted to keep people alive! I knew that somehow I had to figure out a way to tell you. They took care of that for me though. They bugged everything. My phone, car, house and others that they refused to tell me. For five fucking years, I tried to figure out a way to tell you. I even thought about writing a note, but thinking of every scenario around that I wasn’t sure if you wouldn’t start screaming and they would know.” All of a sudden, Wasp was up screaming at the top of his lungs so loudly I couldn’t understand the words coming from his mouth. He started throwing things and smashing everything he could get his hands on. Can’t say that I blame him, I would lose it to. All of the Brothers moved the women into a corner in the room, they were all screaming and crying. Looked like they had been crying the whole time, I have cried for ten years.


The tears aren’t going to help me at the Moment. Smoke was guarding me against Wasp himself. He was standing in front of me, protecting me, from what? Wasp, or flying debris? Finally, Wasp stopped his rant and turned to me and asked. “Why now Cassidy, why are you telling me now, other than your sister? Something has spooked you, I know you said you want to runs. They threatin' you? Have they taken someone else?” This is gonna be tough for him, I swallow loudly and my throat is closing up on me. This is gonna fuck him up more, I’m glad he has his Brothers and family to hold him up for this one. “I found out they have your Momma and her friend Calliope. I can’t take it anymore Wasp. They have taken too much and too many lives. They have to be stopped!”


Wasp face turned red when he screamed “


I see the Wasps’ girls as they collapse onto a bar stool holding hands, their eyes are red-rimmed. My attention was then on all the Brothers turn to leave so I take it as my cues that I’m free to go. I grab my purse and start toward the front door when I’m off my feet and in the air. I scream in fear not knowing who has me or what they are going to do to me. Then I’m facing Smoke and he says to me in a husky melt me now, my panties are soaked voice. “Do not leave little flower, we need to protect you and you need to help us find these Creeper’s who have hurt Wasp for the last time. War is upon us and the women must be safe.”



Well, SHIT, guess I’m not going anywhere………




The Plan


We are all sitting down and I’m extremely irritated and my feet are bouncing up and down from the floor. I’m ready to get Momma back and take revenge on these Creeper motherfuckers. I watched as all my Brothers rather from Rage Ryderz or the visiting MC’s made their way in and found a place to settle for our talk and plan of attack. Prez and VP made their way in and Jed was right behind them with his phone pressed to his ear. We all heard him say “That’s fuckin’ right boys, don’t care how but you all are here in the fuckin’ am got it?” then he slammed his phone shuts.


“Enough of this fuckin’ shit! I know we keep our noses clean, I know we let Jed and the other MC’s handle our illegal activities for us. Not this time boys, this time we are going with. This has hit home too many times. Ours brother has been personally attacked by another MC! This is fuckin’ personal and we take care of our family at all cost! Now it is tricklin’ into our individual families as well, all of ours. My daughter and hopefully daughter-in-law one day. My boy Tumbler’s one day wife. Don’t give me that deer in the headlight look, Kid, you either Tumbler. You boys don’t realize it yet, but I see it those girls are your future. Not if we don’t secure their lives though. They have to be alive to give you that gift you don’t realize they are giving you in companionship and an ear for listenin’. We come up with a plan and this shit ends tomorrow. Jed has called in his guys they are loading up and headin’ this way as we speak. Tracker, I want explosives ready to go. Spidey I want everythin’ you need up to date for your Sniper detail. We have one more Sniper expert comin’ into town with the rest of the “Throwdown Riders”. Bomber make sure our tech equipment is up and running, we need night goggles and infra-red whatever it is you call it, where we can see body heat and movement. That tech shit is all on ya. Don’t give a damn what it’s called just have it all! Tarzan, Ghost, and Justice make sure you all are on the same page with the other MC’s enforcers so we can move as a unit. We aren’t gonna have much time to prepare so you enforcers need a plan. Tic, you will not be playing enforcer tomorrow even though you’re a damn fine enforcer. I need your brand of fuckin’ people up in charge with Wasp of the rescues mission. Wasp I’m sure you want revenge, first get your Momma out ok? Then fuck up as many people as you want, I will stand behind you for any choice you make. Once all those fuckers are dead Tracker’s bombs will blow that place up where there is no trace or evidence of anythin’ ever bein’ on that piece of dirt. I want no evidence of anythin’ make sure no signature you have ever used on a bomb is used Tracker, I fuckin’ mean it! Prez’s, VP’s anythin’ to add? No, do not get shitfaced tonight. Go out get some fuckin’ pussy, no drugs or alcohol of any kind, I need your heads one hundred percent fuckin’ clear. Let’s call this meetin’ and get supplies, bikes and ammo ready for tomorrow. I want out of here as soon as the others arrive. We are doin’ damage tomorrow boys. I love ya all, you’re my Brothers and family. I want you all to be careful, all of the MC’s in a perfect world I will return with all of ya by my side.”


“Boss, with Tazer no longer playin’ secretary we didn’t get a count of everyone. I feel like someone is missin’ anyone see someone not here? Didn't you order all Prospects join as well?"


I sure as fuck did.


"Brother, all of the patch holders are here, we only have one prospect now, he left the room as soon as Cassidy started telllin' us about The Shady Creepers and Wasp family. Did anyone see where Muscles went?”


Everyone started shaking their head and I have a feelin’ in the pit of my stomach that just won’t go away. “Sorry Brothers, I just have this weird feelin’ can’t say what it is. Maybe just nerves or anticipation for events tomorrow. I just feel that we need our eyes open.”


Prez hit his hand on the table telling us meeting adjourned. We were all starting to stand up and we were talking amongst ourselves making our way to leave when all of a sudden I heard my daughter Sadie screaming “Dad! We can’t find Mom! Help! Where is she, dad help us, please! We have looked everywhere!” She was screaming so loud through her sobs I was scared she was going to tear her voice box. I started running toward my daughter and Tumbler was right on my heels and Kid was keeping up with us. I got to my girl and looked at her and she was pale and shaking, she is scaring me. “Baby girl, are you sure she isn’t off upset somewhere because Cassidy is here. You know she isn’t all the way convinced I have forgiven her and want just her. Maybe she went for a walk? Or she is in the shower or hiding somewhere wantin’ to be alone” Sadie looked at me and shook her head no. “Dad, you don’t understand she wouldn’t hide from us. Riley has looked everywhere outside and she went back out to check just in case. Mom wouldn’t worry us like that, never!” I look up and Kid is heading outside to find Riley, good boy. Tumbler gives me a look that I understand, something isn’t right. I’m starting to think Arrow’s bad feeling was correct. Something has happened to my woman and I’m going to kill someone! Tumbler takes a hold of Sadie and walks her over and sits on the couch and puts her on her lap. I look over and Cassidy is looking at the pictures on the wall where all the boys’ photos are. We have pictures of patch holders from the past, present, and prospects that hopefully in the future will have their patch. Something is off with the way she is looking at one in particular. “Cassidy? Why do you look like you have seen a Ghost?” Cassidy looks at me points to a picture and ask “Who is this?” I look at the photos and see the prospect picture of Muscle. “It’s our prospect Muscle, Why?” She has fear in her eyes and starts searching the room wildly, she could be a star in the exorcists as fast as she is spinning her head. She catches the guy’s attention and everyone stops to watch. Arrow comes up to her and asks her “Little Flower, why do you look scared? No one here will hurt you.” She looks at him then me and says, “You do know that he is Lucifer’s son, right?” Fuck me! Did she really just say that I look around and all of a sudden there is chaos as we all start searching the compound for Muscles’? Two mother-fuckin-rats! How the hell did we let this happen?


Twenty-Four hours later………


We searched for four fucking hours for that stupid motherfucker! He's gone and so is my Ashton. Those Creeper fuckers are gonna hurt before they die. My girls are so distraught that the Prez’s and VP’s Ol’ ladies had to come to the clubhouse to stay with the girls while we head out. My girls want to go with us for revenge. Riley especially wants to fight after what she has been through. I watched as Kid threatened to tie her ass up if she even thought about it. She told him she would break-up with him to take that right away from him if it’s what it took for her to go. He laughed at her, told her it would be a cold day in hell before he would let her leave him. Picked her up threw her over his shoulder and they disappeared for a while. Sadie looked at Tumbler through slits in her eyes and told him that wouldn’t work on her. He gave her an evil laugh, head tilted back and all. I have to admit I was impressed, by the way, these boys were handling my daughters, not making me get involved. Annnnnd..... There went Sadie right over Tumbler’s shoulders. Ryder eyed Skylar and she put two hands up in surrender. His shoulders lost their tense posture. Skylar gave him a saucy smile and a wink, he gave her an “I don’t think so” look. He followed her down the hallway, I’m pretty sure she's trying to play him. These young men will have to figure out these women pretty soon or they'll be wrapped. My daughters included. These women don't realize this is not us going in and just fighting with these men and asking for my Mom and wife back. There is gonna be bloodshed, lots of bloodsheds, bodies, and explosions. It’s bad enough Ashton and my Mom will be there. I will not have my babies there as well. Nope, not happening. I will tie their asses up if their Ol’ men don’t.

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