Sacrifice (5 page)

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Authors: Nileyah Mary Rose

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Sacrifice
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“Ok but please think about it? Maybe reconsider? Take today off and see how you feel tomorrow.”

“With all due respect, I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t ready. I don’t want to reconsider. Working is probably the only way I can get Ella off my mind.”

“It’s only temporary Rachael, and I honestly think you should relax a little, but if working would make you feel better then you can start again tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” I said as I cracked a little smile that could barely be seen, “Can I work full time?”

“If you can handle full time hours, it’s all yours.”

“I can and thank you.”

“No problem and just let me know if there is anything else I can do for you, I will be glad to help.”

“Ok thank you, I am very grateful,” I got up and excused myself, walking by the co-worker who stopped to look at me as I cracked a little smile. I then walked faster so I wouldn’t have to answer any questions knowing the next day would be different. Before I could get out, another co-worker stopped me as predicted. 

“Girl what are you doing here, you just had a baby?”

“I know.”

“Where is your baby?”


I walked out still in search for another job. It wasn’t long enough before I found a night job as a cleaning lady. They didn’t pay as much but it was enough to subside some of the stress and both jobs kept my mind busy. As a result, I couldn’t see Ella as much as I would have liked, but I made sure I saw her twice a week regardless of the circumstances. I had no break for myself other than my night job whenever I got done early. I slept in the office that I cleaned that night until it was time to go. I did this for 5 months straight without a single distraction. Co-workers and other men tried to take a little time out of my schedule to spend with them, but my only priority was my child.


Chapter 4


I went to work every day and saved every penny I could. I repeated the same shift with no complaints, just waiting month to month to get Ella back until one day, I was walking down the street to catch the bus after work. I was about to go shopping for Ella since I was seeing her the next day. As I was walking, a black Chrysler 300 pulled up beside me. I kept walking thinking it probably had nothing to do with me until the man driving the car rolled his window down and said, “Hey pretty girl slow down.”

“Sorry I’m in a rush,” I said walking faster than I was earlier.

“Where are you off too?”

“To catch the bus,” I said still walking.

“Do you mind me giving you a ride?”

“No thank you, the bus will be here shortly if I get there on time,” I said giving him a hint to leave me alone.

“You wouldn’t have to do that if I give you a ride.”

“No really, it’s ok.”

“I insist.”

“No... No thank you,” I stuttered, afraid to look at him.

“Oh that hurt, I’ve never been turned down for anything.”

“Sorry, I can’t,” I said as the bus drove past us. “Sorry I got to go.”

I took off running towards the bus stop but the bus already left me by the time I got there. I sat down waiting for another bus in fury because I had missed the first bus. I wondered if I would have enough time to shop for Ella. The black Chrysler pulled up in front of me again, and a man got out of the car, went to the other side of the car, and opened the car door signaling for me to get in.

“It’s my fault you missed the bus, allow me to take you to your destination so I won’t feel guilty.”

“No really it’s not your fault, I will be fine.”

“Please, I insist, I don’t mind taking you anywhere; I have nothing else to do anyway.”

I sighed as I gave in knowing it will be convenient for this stranger to take me to the mall to save time. “Ok, thank you.”

I finally took a good look at him while getting inside the passenger seat. He had the smoothest skin tone I had ever seen. He was tall with a tattoo on his eyelid, which I didn’t understand, but for some strange reason, I thought it looked good on him. His hair was nicely faded and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a model for Crest toothpaste due to his pearly white teeth, along with his beautiful smile and a dimple on one of his cheeks.

“No, thank you for letting me take you,” he said.

Closing the car door behind me he went to the driver’s seat and I advised him of my destination and then we proceeded to the mall.

“So why are you going to the mall, if you don’t mind me asking.”

“Oh no, it’s fine. I just have to go get some stuff for my daughter.”

“Oh that’s what’s up. How old is she?”

“She is almost six months old. What about you, do you have any kids?”

“Me? Nah no kids”

“Why did you say it like that, it’s not a bad thing to have a baby.”

“Oh no I’m sure it’s not, I just haven’t met that right one to bear my children,” he said as he gazed forward.

“So why do you have a tear drop on your eyelid?”

“It’s a long story.”

“I’m listening,” I said out of curiosity.

“How about we save that for dinner one day, huh?”

I said nothing knowing I was not looking forward to a man that could possibly distract me.

“You don’t want to have dinner with me one day?”

“We’ll see,” I said.

I was trying to be as polite as I could be with a look on my face showing that I didn’t want to talk, and I am guessing he read it perfectly fine and stopped talking until we got to the mall. My instinct was that he was dropping me off then leaving me alone for good, but instead he parked the car and quickly rushed out of the car to open the door for me.

“Thank you,” I said as I got out the car.

“You welcome, do you mind if I come in with you?” he said as I started to walk away.

“Umm, sure you can.”

I wasn’t really sure about him walking with me. Once inside the mall, he helped me pick out a lot of stuff and even paid for it. I was very impressed, but I felt more pressure because he asked me out to dinner again. I felt like I had no choice but to accept it.

“Thank you so much for all these gifts for my daughter, I really appreciate it,” I said when I was done shopping.

“No problem, there is more where that came from,” he responded as I smiled.

“Can we leave now please?” I said knowing I had to catch the bus to my motel room to get dressed for my other job.

“Sure, come on lets go,” he said as we dragged all the stuff to his car.

“Once again, I am really grateful you bought all this for my child,” I said as we got in the car to drive off.

“No problem, I can do more you know.”

I went silent.

“So where do you want me to drop you off at?”

“You can drop me off at the bus stop then I can get home from there.”

“Oh you must not want me to see where you live huh?”

“Oh no, it’s not that. I just don’t want to ask for too much.”

“As beautiful as you are, you can never ask for too much, hell you’re not asking for enough.”

“Thank you,” I smiled at his compliment. I loved his ways, but I was a little afraid to get caught up with him.

“So, tell me a little about yourself,” he asked.

“I don’t really have much to say,” I said not wanting to talk about myself. I was more interested in hearing about him than myself.

“Come on, there’s got to be something about you.”

“There is nothing interesting or positive about me except for me having my daughter,” I smiled as I mentioned my child.

“That’s something,” he said, looking unsure of what else to ask me.

“So what about you, tell me a little about yourself?”

“Well let’s see, I’m a man who loves to live life, live by what I think is right and most of all, live life with no regrets because I believe whatever happens in my life is supposed to happen”.

“I like that,” I said with a smile.

“Thank you. So how do I get to your house?” he asked as we got closer to the bus stop where I was found by him.

“Turn right on Hammond Street and it’s on Cleveland Street at the Motel 6.”

“Oh you live in a motel?”

“Yeah, until I get my apartment.”

“You too beautiful to be living in a motel,” he said.

I said nothing but just smiled.

“I know we just met, but you know you can always stay at my house with me. I mean I live alone and would love to share it with somebody,” he suggested.

“Oh no that is way too much. Thank you for the offer but I am fine where I’m at.”

“Ok,” he said as he drove me down to my motel. “What time do you have to be at work tonight?”

“In one and a half hours.”

“Where is the place?”

“Chevron Cooperation.”

“How many minutes is it from here?”

“Like an hour on the bus and train.”

“I will be here in an hour to take you to work.”

“Oh no, please, I don’t want you to.”

“I want to so I will be here.”

“Ok, thank you,” I said as he opened the door for me, then helped me get Ella’s stuff to my motel room as I ran around feeling embarrassed with the way things were out of place in my room.

“You don’t have to do that because I’m here, I know you’ve been working too hard to have time to clean.”

“I have, but still there’s no excuse.”

“I understand, so you good? I will be back here in a few,” he said as he got closer to me. I could smell the fresh scented cologne he had on which made me want to hold on to him and rest my face in his chest for a while. But instead I pushed back preventing the temptation of jumping on him with the way my hormones were acting in his presence.

“Don’t worry I don’t bite, I just want to give you a hug that’s all.”

“Oh,” I said as I stood still for his hug.

He felt warm as he hugged me, but I was afraid to take it all in. I walked him outside and he got in his car and drove off. I quickly got in the shower trying not to think about everything that I found attractive about him. Despite my attraction, I felt like there was something about him that he hadn’t told me about himself, it just felt too good to be true. He came back as promised and took me to work, he then picked me up afterwards and took me home to get dressed as he waited to take me to go see my daughter and waited outside while I was visiting her then offered to take me to dinner which I couldn’t turn down after everything he had done for me in this short amount of time. I was extremely exhausted, but I went to show how grateful I was to him.

He took me out to eat and showed me the time of my life, unlike anything I’ve ever had. He sold me with his kindness as I spent more and more time with him. He gravitated towards my desire to be financially stable in order to get Ella back, so he rented me a two bedroom apartment with the master bedroom fully furnished obviously for me. What really blew me away was the fact that the other room was decorated just for my daughter. Everything was pink and was made for a little girl. I fell in love with this person who was going out of his way to be a good deed to me and my daughter when he barely even knew me. He showed me that he didn’t only care about my wellbeing, but my daughter’s as well, whom he had never met.

After that day, I started to see him differently and started falling head over heels for this particular man who had showed me he cared. At that point, I didn’t think twice when he made a sexual advance. I let him take control of me as he made love to me as gentle as he could. It felt good to finally have sex that I could enjoy from start to finish.

I couldn’t see anything but him. He even taught me how to drive a car, helped me get my license, and then went as far as buying me a car of my own. He begged me to quit my job, I refused but at the same time, I let him know that I would do anything for him. Yes, I found myself in love with him, well, maybe it was lust. But I couldn’t tell the difference because I had been blinded by the many stresses of my life. But, there was something that kept me doubting him. How does a man with no job from what I have experienced have tons of money, with a lot of time to spare? As for the answer, I couldn’t unfold until one day he finally let me into his full circle of life. My guess from him keeping me in the dark was to be sure that I truly loved him. Then he struck with his life’s desire, “I’m a pimp,” he said as it took me by surprise.

“What?” I responded while struck with shock.

“I am a pimp.”

“Wow, are you serious?” I asked still in shock but at the same time hoping this was all a stupid joke.

“Yes. I have females who sell their bodies, but listen how much do you love me?” he said as he stood me up from my seat standing face to face, looking in the eyes of an obviously shook woman.

“I love you,” I said staring in his brown eyes, waiting on the moment he would end this dramatic joke.

“Do you love me enough to do whatever for me?”

“Yes except for selling my body for money,” I made it clear just in case, or somehow he wasn’t joking.

“Then you don’t love me,” he said as he walked away from me.

“Yes I do, you can’t tell me how I feel!” I said as I followed him.

“If you love me you would want to do anything for me. Business is really bad right now and you are beautiful so I know with you, we will make a lot of money so that way you wouldn’t have to work a lot. Plus you would still have a lot of money to buy a house if you wanted to instead of raising your daughter in an apartment.”

“But I like this apartment,” I said looking around the beautiful well furnished apartment.

“Yeah the one that I got for you along with the car outside, but yet I never asked you for nothing but now I’m in need of your help and you’re saying no?”

I was afraid of the pressure I was in. I should have known I was going to have to pay everything back somehow.

“You… you…you can have it back,” I stuttered.

“I don’t want it back, I did it for the love I have for you and you can’t even do the same for me?”

“Sorry, I can’t do this Latif. I don’t want to share my body with anyone but you.”

“It’s ok, I wouldn’t mind,” he said.

I put my head down questioning if he really loved me. If he loved me, he would have a problem with another man going inside of me.

“Listen,” he said as he held on to my face to look him dead in his eyes, “Picture me inside of you, making love to you while they inside of you. I promise it won’t be long.”

“Latif, please I can’t,” he let go of my face.

“Forget it, you don’t love me,” he said as he walked out of the house slamming the door behind him.

I went back to the couch not knowing what to do. Yes I would do anything for him, except for sharing my body with anyone else. I didn’t know what to do. I had no friends or my mother to lean on for advice or support. So I sat and thought real hard and I came to the realization that I had no choice but to do this for him, he had been there for me.

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