Reindeer Games 2 - Toys for Good Girls (11 page)

BOOK: Reindeer Games 2 - Toys for Good Girls
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“Is that it?” Her fingers plucked the small box from the bend of his arm.

Unable to resist, Bok wrapped his arm around her waist, then pressed his nose behind her ear and breathed deep. “Yeah.”

She giggled, cuddling close. He felt the bite of the box against his chest, but only because she had it wedged between them. He could live with that.

“Let’s put it on.”

He startled. “Huh? Now?”

Laughing, she pulled away. Her hand slid down his arm until her fingers could twine with his. “Yes. Now. Hi, Lon.”

“Hi, Tanty.”

She kissed Lon’s cheek, then, with Bok’s hand firmly held in hers and the box curled against her chest, led the way to her stall.

“Shouldn’t we try it”—Bok glanced behind him, aware of a few people, Lon included, who were following at a short distance, their faces alight with curiosity—“later?” When they crossed the threshold of her stall, she released his hand and kept walking to the edge of the cot. Both hands were busy opening the box. “Don’t be silly. I want to wear it at the party.”

He groaned, wiping a hand down his face. “I was afraid you were going to say that.” Her chuckle had a wicked twist to it. “You know me too well.” Surprisingly, that was true. They had managed to work out a lot of issues between them in the past few weeks. He knew her far better than he could have ever hoped to know any woman, much less a reindeer.

“Oooo.” Excitement made her wiggle her bare ass, just visible under the fall of her hair.

She dropped the box and spun to face him, ripping at the packaging that remained around her new toy. Once it was free, she shook out the straps to free the small little bit of purple that promised her joy. It fit comfortably in the palm of her hand, basically a vibrating egg with a jelly housing that was shaped like a butterfly. The nylon straps were attached to each wing and designed to go around her thighs and hips to keep it in place, snug against her sex. The remote was attached with a thin cord but long enough that she should be able to tuck it in her pocket, or so she’d claimed when they’d read the details about the toy online. “It’s beautiful.” She held it out toward him, displaying it perfectly so he—and everyone behind him—could see. “Come help me put it on.”

He flushed. “Now?”

The arch look she gave him told him she knew exactly how many people were watching.

“Yes. Now.”

He went to her, lifting the toy from her fingers. She delayed him just long enough to brush a kiss on his lips before she pushed him to sit on the cot. He concentrated on the purple straps, figuring out what went where. He helped her step into them, then slipped the toy up her smooth legs. She parted her thighs to give him full access to cup the toy and fit it against that sweet, moist entrance to paradise she carried. She let him linger and stroked his hair as he pressed his cheek against her belly, briefly overcome by the beauty of this female who allowed him to touch her. Aware of their audience, he kept it brief, then pulled away to adjust the waist strap. She’d managed to free the batteries that had come with it and actually got them into the remote herself.

She didn’t try to start it, though, just handed the little piece of plastic to him once he had the toy in place.

“Feel okay?” he asked, unable to take his eyes from the purple jelly. She’d been right. The purple did go well with her neatly trimmed orange curls.

“Feels great.” She wiggled to test the fit. “It’s even comfortable.” He found that hard to believe, but he let it go. The remote was simple, sliding to three speeds. Knowing Tanty’s desires, he slid it to the middle speed.

“Oh.” Her hand clutched his shoulder. He looked up to see her head tilted back, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the first sensation. “That’s nice.”


“Not yet. That’s good.” Without looking, she stepped closer, forcing him to sit up so she could press against him. His face naturally found the space between her breasts, and it was a test of will not to take a sweet pink nipple into his mouth. He did slide his free hand around to cup her bottom. “Mmm, part of me wants to say let’s skip the party.” No longer caring about their audience, he closed his eyes and nuzzled the inside of one breast. “Okay by me.”

Fingers threaded through the hair at his nape just as lips pressed the top of his skull.

“We’re still going.”

He slumped a little, which made her giggle. “Oh, come on. It’ll be fun.”

“It’ll be torture knowing you’ve got this”—he plucked at the waistband along the lowest part of her back—“buzzing at you.”

“Mmmm.” She rocked her hips into him. “But think of how crazy I’ll be later.” He couldn’t think of anything else. He grunted. “You’ll wear me out later.”

“Exactly.” Her hands slid around to cup his jaw, tilting his face up. Gorgeous eyes in that hazy color between blue, purple, and black gazed down on him with enough warmth to set his blood to simmering in his veins. She smiled before sharing a slow, lazy kiss with him.

“I love you,” he whispered when her lips parted from his.

Their faces were so close, he almost couldn’t see her smile, but he saw the feeling in her eyes. He felt the tightening of her fingers on his jaw as he held the slim body that pressed against him. “I love you too.”



Loose Id Titles by Jet Mykles

A Rose is a Rose

Fox and Dragon

Just for You

One for the Team

Reindeer Games


Sursein Judgment

Tech Support

Two Man Team

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featuring characters from the
Heaven Sent
Pretty Red Ribbon

Sexy Spring Surprise

Fiesty Little Firecracker

Sly Spectral Trick

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The LEASHED Series

Leashed 1: Two for One Deal

Part of the anthology
with Raine Weaver & Jeigh Lynn
Leashed 2: More Than a Bargain

Leashed 3: The Lion’s Share

Spiritual Noelle

(A Sister “Leashed” Story)
Part of the anthology
Rated: X-mas,
With Rachel Bo and Barbara Karmazin


Jet Mykles



As far back as junior high, Jet used to write sex stories for friends involving their favorite pop icons of the time. To this day, she hasn’t stopped writing sex, although her knowledge on the subject has vastly improved.

An ardent fan of fantasy and science fiction sagas, Jet prefers to live in a world of imagination where dragons are real, elves are commonplace, vampires are just people with special diets and lycanthropes live next door. In her own mind, she’s the spunky heroine who gets the best of everyone and always attracts the lean, muscular lads. She aids this fantasy with visuals created through her other obsession: 3D graphic art. In this area, as in writing, Jet’s self-taught and thoroughly entranced, and now regularly uses this art to illustrate her stories or her stories to expand upon her art.


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