Reindeer Games 2 - Toys for Good Girls (6 page)

BOOK: Reindeer Games 2 - Toys for Good Girls
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Yor held up both hands in surrender. “No, no. I’m just surprised, is all. Didn’t know you were into that.”


But Yor was at least a marginally sharp man. He shook his head and backed away.

“Nothing. I think I’ll just be going.” He circled her and began to back down the lane toward Donner Road farther down the hill. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Well, now she was irritated. Cursing under her breath, she stomped down her path.
why she’d hesitated in telling him. She’d known he’d react like that. That any of the reindeer would react like that. It wasn’t that being overweight was uncommon among the elves. Their iconic image of Santa Claus was portly. But the Santa Claus form had become a magical construction centuries ago, and as the elves’ population had grown, so had their tastes refined. As the reindeer were all physically fit and beautiful, so too their lovers tended to fall along the same lines.

But it didn’t
to be that way. Tanty was
with her choice of partner for the night.

With that firmly in mind, she opened her front door and promptly sat so she could take off the shoes from hell.


Chapter Five



Bok saw Tanty talking to a male. He was too far away to recognize Yor until the tall man stepped out of the shadows, but the shaved sides of his head under the dark swath of hair were distinctive.

The sight made Bok hesitate. What if Tanty changed her mind? He couldn’t blame her. He knew Yor was more her type, and it was pretty obvious they’d slept together often. Should he just go home and leave her in peace? But her parting words haunted him:
Don’t keep me waiting
heard that from a woman, not in a sexual situation. He knew better than to make her think he’d ignored her wishes. But, really, what did he have to offer her?

Inspiration struck. Knowing he shouldn’t take the time, Bok nonetheless turned to jog down Peppermint Avenue toward the street where he had his own modest home. It was only a few blocks, but he was woefully out of shape and breathing hard by the time he reached his door.

It took a precious few minutes for him to catch any semblance of breath or hear anything over the thudding of his heartbeat. Only the thought that this was
it kept him upright instead of sinking onto his couch until he felt better. So, gulping in a second wind, he rushed to a chest in the corner of his main room. Inside were any number of adult toys, all still in their boxes or plastic wrap. These were either the rejects or toys he’d purchased on a whim because he wanted to see them in person. Since most of them were for women and involved either penetration or clitoral stimulus, he’d not made use of any of them himself. But he did like to have an available stash for the odd girl who wanted something
right now
. Muttering, he rummaged through the selection, searching for a particular…


He held up the box and smiled. Even if it felt like his heart was going to explode, and even if he still had to run back to Tanty’s—
the biggest hill in the village—he was sure her reaction to this would be worth it.

* * * *

If he wasn’t going to show up, she’d darn well start without him!

Tanty had considered calling Bok, but pride got the best of her. If he wasn’t coming, she wasn’t going to chase after him. Not tonight, at least. So when the knock sounded at the front door, she was already naked and playing with one of her vibrators as a prelude to mounting the sex machine. Ensconced in the corner of her bedroom couch with both knees up on the cushions, she stared at the bedroom door and seriously considered not answering. But then she decided she wanted to hear why he was late.

She threw Bok off by answering the door without a stitch on. He blinked those eyes the color of ancient coins, then devoured her with his gaze. His breath was loud and labored. Had he run there? She let him look, then noticed a box in his hand. “What’s that?” Breathing deep in an effort to stop huffing, he raised the box with both hands. An offering.

“This is why I’m late. Sorry.”

“Hmm.” She made a show of reluctance to hold out her hand for it.

Appropriately shamed, he handed it over.

It wasn’t plain brown. It was the actual glossy packaging for the toy, complete with a picture on the front. Once the sight sank in, her irritation dissolved in mounting excitement.

“Oooo.” Leaving the door open, she swung around to return to the bedroom, already breaking the seal on the box. The little device was soft plastic in a flattened C shape. Nubbins of different sizes decorated the insides of each end, making it immediately obvious to her how to use it. It was also just a little bendable, to make the C wider or narrower. The plastic was pliable and soft orange, as though made for her. Grinning, she fell back into her corner of the couch and lifted one knee. “It’s lovely. Thank you.”

Caught in her bedroom doorway, he just stared at the juncture of her legs, no doubt noting she was already moist. The sex machine sat on the floor at her feet, assembled and waiting for her to mount up. Her other toys were laid out on the table that sat beside the wall right next to the couch. A nearly finished bottle of lube sat on the table as well, along with a fresh bottle.

Closely inspecting her new toy by turning it over and over in front of her nose, she advised: “You should probably take your clothes off now.” When he didn’t move, she glanced up at him. “Bok?”

Uncertainty showed in his frown. “Are you sure you want me to stay?” She softened. Poor thing. She kept forgetting he really didn’t think she wanted him there.

“Of course I do.” She sat forward to grab the packaging for the new toy and dug out the batteries.

“Now get naked.” A brief little instruction packet fell from the box and opened to a line drawing that caught her attention. She squealed in joy. “Oh, Christmas! You can fuck with this thing in?” She squeezed her thighs together, shivering at the very thought. Then she threw a wicked smile at Bok. “We’ve
to try that.”

His loose waistband slipped from his fingers, causing his trousers to drop around his ankles. His damn tunic was too long for her to see the reaction of his dick.

No matter—she’d find out soon enough. She smiled. “You should get the shoes off first.”

“What? Oh! Right.”

She unwrapped the batteries but watched him out of the corner of her eye. He perched on the edge of one of the chairs that matched the couch and bent to pull off his shoes and socks.

Despite the weight issue, he was really very cute. She was used to sleeping with men with hard muscles and slim hips, but she could adjust. The lime green hair was bright and vivid, nearly fluorescent, just like her favorite colors, and it was a convenient length to use as a handhold. He moved well, although she could see the evidence of strain because he’d hurried to get there.

Patches of his tunic were dark with sweat from the exertion, but she didn’t mind. A good, clean sweat turned her on.

By the time she’d filled the new toy with batteries and figured out how to start the vibration, he was pulling off his tunic. She noted he did so carefully and kept the garment clutched to his chest when off, in a paltry attempt to hide his body from her. Reaching down to apply her new toy to her hungry flesh, she raised her free hand to beckon to him. “Come here.” He hesitated. “Should I shower? I’m kind of sweaty.” She grinned. “I don’t mind. Come here.”

He did, eyes hungry as he drank in the sight of her. The pure adoration in his emerald gaze went straight to her heart, blossoming into a determination on her part to please him as a reward for making her feel special. She smiled and arched for him, pushing her pert breasts out to draw his attention. He knelt on the floor by her side, and only then did he drop the tunic and toss it aside. It meant she didn’t get to see the goods, but she let it go. She threaded her fingers in his hair and brushed his lips with hers before she guided his mouth to her nipple. She expected him to latch on with desperate intensity, but he surprised her with a small moan, then a delicate nip, followed by a slow, delicious drag of his tongue around her areola, licking at her like her breast was a scoop of delicious ice cream. That gentle exploration combined with the mindless vibration of the new toy in her sex forced her to close her eyes to adjust to the overwhelming sensations. A hesitant hand slid over her belly, then up to cup her other breast. His thumb stroked her nipple as his lips closed over its mate.

“Oh, yes,” she murmured, pulling him closer. She guided the toy slowly out, then back into her body and bent it so it would stay. The sensation was gorgeous, the C shape cupping her so the toy could massage her inside as well as stimulate her clit. Closing her thighs to hold it in freed her other hand so she could bring it up to wrap around Bok’s neck. “Yes, yes, yes. More.” He obeyed her encouragement, opening his mouth to take in more of her breast so he could suckle properly.

“Mmmm, yes. The other one.”

Her nipple popped from his mouth as he switched, leaning over her to reach her neglected breast. She scraped her nails down the smooth skin of his back as she buried her nose in the fragrant nest of his hair. The toy and Bok’s mouth were driving her pleasantly insane, tiny electric sparks from one clashing with sparks from the other to combine somewhere in her belly.

With no more than a little whine, she came quietly, her thighs clenching and her hips bucking.

It was by far the sexiest thing Bok had ever experienced. Eyes closed, mouth devouring Tanty’s breast, he felt her shudder against him, felt her fingers tug at his hair. His cock bucked where he had it trapped against the front of the couch, aching to get inside her.

But he understood. She wanted a playmate with her toys. She didn’t necessarily want to fuck. He could only do what she said and commit everything he saw to memory so he could recall it later in his dreams.

He slid his hand down her side as she shivered after the orgasm. Lapping at her nipple now, he stroked her soft skin until he could cup the taut curve of one side of her butt.


Strong fingers tugged his hair, pulling his mouth away from its treat. But since the direction was toward her mouth, he went. Deep purple-blue irises twinkled at him from beneath lush tangerine lashes for a few seconds before she opened her mouth on his. He sighed, managing to suppress the whimper that wanted to emerge. Tanty took charge of his lips, her tongue leading his on a merry dance. She twisted her hips so she rested mostly on her back, the move causing his hand to naturally slide over her belly. It was instinct to reach lower, to seek the vibrating plastic that hugged her most intimate parts. She squealed a little when he touched it, and he took that as permission to slowly wiggle the toy. He didn’t know what was touching her, exactly, whether it was the curve or the little nubbins built into it, but whatever it was pleased her. The moisture of her sex coated his fingers as he explored the delicate tissues around the toy and was even so bold as to slide a finger along the bottom curve of the toy, following it into her body.

Groaning, she clawed at his shoulders, her hips twisting. Then he must have moved the toy just right, because she ripped her head back to gasp at the ceiling. Without thinking, he leaned a little to the side and down so he could see his hand, see her opening, see the gorgeous, swollen pink tissues that clamped around the bright orange of the toy and his finger. Fascinated, he leaned closer, tapping the toy with his thumb and pressing on it inside her. Her hips bucked, and her nails dug into the back of his neck, but he stayed focused, delighted by the vibrating collection of plastic and wires that was pleasing her so well.

“Bok.” Her tone was urgent, her grasp encouraging him to turn more toward her.

Intent on the toy, he tilted it, tapped it, rubbed it. As he watched, she came again, the juices from her sex now covering his hand.

“Christmas,” she grumbled, tugging his hair. “Bok!”

He hoped she wasn’t as mad as she sounded. How could she be when she’d come beautifully? He should turn around, but the sight of the toy was so gorgeous…

He yelped when the world spun, not even realizing she’d shoved at his chest until he was on his back on the plush carpet. She was on him in an instant, crawling up to straddle his hips.

The vibrating toy pressed against the shaft of his cock, and he cried out.

“Did I hurt you?” she demanded, her palms spread on his chest.

He gazed up at her, captivated by the sight of her angelic face surrounded by a haphazard cloud of fiery orange hair. “No.” His voice was breathless.

She smiled and rolled her hips, making him moan again. “That feel good?”

“Christmas, yes.”

She rolled again, arching back as she did it, showing she also enjoyed the press of the toy between them. He closed his eyes and dug his fingers into the carpet, trying his best to hold on.

He didn’t see when she reached down, but he felt her fingers close around his shaft. He moaned as she stroked him. Then his eyes flew open when the vibration of the toy left and she held him straight up. His eyes snapped open, and he looked down, but he was too late to see her position the tip of his cock. In one swift motion, she impaled herself on him, sliding both herself and the toy down the length of his cock until her hips met his.

“Oh. Holy. Night.” He groaned as his hips bucked against hers through pure instinct.

“Oh, yeah.” She too was caught up. Her palms were back on his chest, and she leaned heavily, her eyes closed. Her bottom lip was twisted and caught by her teeth, and her brows were drawn together in fierce concentration. She jerked her hips, and they both cried out.

She took him that way. There was no other way to describe what she did. He lay beneath her, unable to form coherent thought as she gyrated and ground above him. The feel of her clenching his cock along with the unrelenting buzz of the toy set off major explosions in his brain and down along his spine. He was close, so close, he was going to…

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