Reindeer Games 2 - Toys for Good Girls (5 page)

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Above her, Bok’s breath was as loud and winded as a new reindeer-hopeful after his first major test run. Tanty smiled and rubbed her palms down his thighs, over his legs. She would have nuzzled his spent cock, but she got the impression from the twitches in his muscles it might be a bit much for him.

After a slow minute, she sat back. Hissed. Her pussy was really sensitive now, and the darn dildo hadn’t stopped. Deciding not to overdo it, Tanty turned off the machine and rose from it, then sank to her side, glad of the soft, plush carpet to cushion her. Eyes closed, she just smiled and sighed, enjoying the moment.

Then Bok moved. Tanty cracked open one eye to watch him tuck his dick back into his pants, then tie his laces. She lay there as he stood and buckled his belt, and noted he avoided looking at her.
Poor guy.
Lazily, she stretched and rolled first to her knees, then to her feet. By the time she was standing, he was running bashful palms up and down the front of his tunic, clearly searching for something to say. Perfectly comfortable that she was naked, she stepped into him and slid her arms around his neck. She met his wide-eyed gaze with a half-lidded one, then angled in for a kiss. At first he shied away, but she kept with him, and eventually he melted into a real kiss. He was a
kisser when he wasn’t thinking too hard.

“Thank you,” she drawled, her lips brushing his as she stroked one hand through the soft hair at the back of his skull.

He blinked. “You’re welcome.” The stutter didn’t have a chance in the heat between them.

Hesitant hands squeezed her waist. “Thank you.”

“Mmmm.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “Maybe we could do it again sometime.”

“Uh, yeah. Maybe.”

She could tell by his face that he didn’t believe it would happen. She chuckled and drew back, sliding her palms down his chest to come to rest somewhere in the vicinity of his nipples.

He swallowed, then stepped back to break the connection, his eyes downcast. Maybe she should make him stay. And wasn’t it surprising that she kind of meant that? She hardly ever wanted anyone to stick around.

“I should go.”

Startled from her own thoughts, she decided to let him leave. “Okay.” She stayed where she was as he made a beeline for the door.

She knew where to find him when she wanted him.


Chapter Four



Bok stared at his ceiling. Barely a day after Tanty had blown his mind, and his thought processes were still not functioning. All he could remember was the taste of her lips, the sight of the dildo sinking into her body, the bounce of her breasts, the incredible, mind-boggling suction of her mouth when she’d sucked him off. Although most elves in Santa’s Village were pretty open and comfortable about sex, he’d never been with anyone as comfortable in their skin as Tanty. It had to come from being a reindeer, because Wod had the same confidence. It added to the allure of the reindeer team. Not that any of them needed any more help.

His hands remained folded on his bare belly. He hadn’t even been able to jerk off. When he’d tried, the feel of his own fingers and palm had so paled in comparison to Tanty’s touch, he’d given up. The frustration was too new, too keen. Now that he’d been to heaven, the normal world was just too mundane.

He was doomed. He lay naked in his own bed and wondered how he could live his life from that point forward.

The phone appeared beside him. Without looking, he picked it up off the mattress and glanced at the ID. That name made him sit up and take notice. “Gus?” The reigning Mrs. Claus was a slim, serious male elf. It was popular opinion that he was one of the best, most organized Mrs. Clauses in history. So organized, in fact, he often covered quite a few of Santa’s responsibilities as well. Recently he’d taken over personnel operations of the various departments, which included tracking who came in to work on time. Gus’s deep voice was calm, but the strength behind it was evident. “Are you coming to work?” Bok glanced at the time. It was well after midday. Although no one in Bok’s department worked particularly normal hours, they were expected to be at their terminals a certain number per day. Christmas through June might be the off-season for the reindeer, but acquisitions’ work was never done. Too many kids in the world—buying for them couldn’t be put off until the last moment.

“Yes, sir.” Bok hauled himself out of his bed even as he spoke. “I’m on my way now.”

“Good. One of the network segments is down. Work with Cam to figure it out.” Bok couldn’t even get another “yes, sir” out before the line was dead. He tossed the phone aside, letting it disappear in midair, and headed for his dresser.

“This is good,” he muttered to himself, shaking out a worn but comfortable dark blue tunic. “Work will get your mind off of her.”

Yes. If he said it enough, he might even believe it.

* * * *

She found him at his desk just fifteen minutes shy of the end of his shift. Which was remarkable since it was one in the morning. Or, judging from the skimpy little black party dress she wore over black-and-orange-striped tights, maybe the timing was perfect for her.

“How’s my favorite go-to guy?” she asked, slinking around the edge of his desk. The slight slur in her voice suggested she might have had a bit too much sleighberry wine. Her hair was bound in a tail that stuck straight up from her head, but abundant tendrils had escaped to frame her face and throat.

“Tanty.” Was he hallucinating?

“That would be me.” She sauntered right over to his side, her strappy sandals dangling from one hand. Without bothering to ask or warn him, she pulled back his wheeled chair and draped herself over his lap. Luckily, she was slim enough to fit, and she didn’t seem to mind working around his bulk as she wrapped one arm around his neck. “Hi.”

“Hi.” Then, when it didn’t look like she was going to respond: “What are you doing here?” Disregarding his question, she glanced at the three 27-inch monitors in front of him.

Thankfully, he’d not brought up any porn while he was multitasking that shift. It was all toy and novelty sites with carts in various states of completion. “Wow.” She sat up and leaned toward one of the monitors to take a better look. He was pretty sure she wasn’t that fascinated with toy robots, but she showed avid interest. “Wow. I never realized what, exactly, you did.” She waved a hand at the screens before them. “What’s all this?” “Toy Web sites.”

“You buy from these?”


“In bulk? Wouldn’t humans get suspicious?”

“Yes, they would. That’s why we don’t buy in bulk. We’ve got a number of bogus accounts and credit cards, and we rotate them constantly.” They also often created new ones. The elves had always kept themselves toward the forefront of human technology, and the Internet had provided a tremendous boon for them, possibly more dramatic than it had been for the other world. The ready, anonymous availability of movies and television shows alone had completely altered life in Santa’s Village. Some might argue for the worse, but Bok wasn’t one of them.

Tanty stared at the screens another minute, then looked back at him like she’d never seen him. “You buy stuff like this all day?”

Unable to take her direct look, he reached over her to a touchpad to click through a cart that would expire if he left it idle too long. “Yeah.” She swiveled back, taking note of the tiny text at the far left of the leftmost monitor. “Is that the list?”

“Part of it. My current assignment.”

She peered closely. It was a spreadsheet of names, listing children with not only their ages, sexes, and regions but their hobbies, preferences, religions, and handicaps. Each year, elves in the field took note of which toys had been successful and which had not and updated the list accordingly.

“Wow.” She settled back against his chest. “I have a new respect for what you do.” He flushed, and not just because the sexiest woman he’d ever laid eyes on was curled up in his lap. “Thanks. But it’s nothing like what you do.”

“No. But what we do is all flash and brawn. This”—she waved a hand at the monitors—

“this is real work.”

“Thanks.” He couldn’t help but be flattered. He barely even thought of what he did anymore. There were dozens if not hundreds of Web sites he visited on a regular basis just for his real work.

“But”—she stood, keeping her free hand at the side of his neck as she faced him—“all work isn’t good for you.” She twirled a lock of his hair around her finger. “You’re off soon, yes?”

“How did you know that?”

She brought her other hand up but was prevented from laying a finger aside her nose because she was still holding her sandals. Laughing, she dropped her hand. “I have my ways.”

“Oh.” He placed his fingers on the keyboard to input credit-card information. An idle, familiar moment to keep him from concentrating too hard on warmth she provided. “Yeah.” He startled when she leaned in to whisper in his ear, “Come home with me.” An entirely undignified squeak burst from somewhere in his throat. “What?”

“Come home with me.”


She giggled at his aghast look. “What? Don’t you
to fuck me?” A full-body shudder took him before he could play it cool. “Why me?” She was back to playing with his hair, tugging a little at the lock behind his ear. “Why not?”

“You just came from a party.”

“What?” She looked down at her clothing, at the sandals she held. “Oh. We were dancing at the Mistletoe.”

“You can’t tell me there weren’t guys there dying to go home with you.”

“There were.” Said without modesty, but then again, she didn’t need it. “But we have some unfinished business.”

“We do?”

“Yes. I like that you let me play with my toy while I was playing with you.” She shook her head. “I don’t think any of the other guys I could have taken home would have treated it with the same appreciation.”

His jaw dropped. “Really?” That was his in? No, what was he thinking? He had no
. He had no chance.

Her smile told him she understood his surprise. “Really.” “That’s… Huh.”

Purring, she bent to kiss the corner of his mouth. “I’m going to head on home and get everything ready.” Then a brush of lips on his. “Don’t keep me waiting long.” Tanty took her time strolling along the snow-lined avenue toward the hill, letting her mind wander. What would it be like to live in a world with different seasons? All her life, she’d known winter. She understood the magic that kept her alive, that made her and her magical race possible, also kept the North Pole realm in perpetual winter. It wasn’t the same winter as seen in the humans’ plane of existence. While cold, it was rarely a biting, killing cold, despite the constant snow. She had only seen pictures and read stories about lands that were free of drifts and hot and dry to the touch. About flowers so delicate they required a moderate heat to sustain life. Of animals that romped through the grass. Of grass. She only saw glimpses of such things during her trips to the humans’ realm when they visited the southern hemisphere. One day she’d love to actually see it in the daylight.

Occupied with idle thoughts, she walked off some of her tipsiness. She waved to some friends who passed by before she turned off Peppermint Avenue to head up the hill along Santa Claus Lane. At the top of the hill, the workshop stood as the largest and oldest building in the village. The first elves had all lived there with Santa. That was before the expansion to erect other buildings as others like the reindeer and Mrs. Claus came into the picture. Through the decades, Santa’s Village had grown and expanded in direct proportion to the humans’ belief in their existence. True, modern-day skepticism had threatened, but the elves continued to live on the hope and magic that parents instilled in their young children.

Far ahead toward the top of the hill on the opposite side of the lane, she saw a handful of people crowd down the narrow road that led toward Dasher’s house. She smiled. Rom had been having troubles deciding who to take home with him tonight. Evidently, he’d decided to make it a group effort. No doubt it’d be fun. She’d participated in more than one of the lead reindeer’s orgies, then struggled through the workout he demanded of her at team practice the next day. She thought Rom was great, but he had a sadistic sense of fun, in her opinion.

Amused by her own thoughts and enchanted by the moonlit evening, she nearly didn’t see the man waiting underneath the spreading pine that sheltered the turnoff of the path to her house.

Yor’s navy blue hair and dark clothing partially hid him in the shadows, but the pale skin of his face and the sexy triangle of chest bared by his open shirt gave him away.

She stopped a few paces in front of him. “Have you been waiting for me?”

“Just a few minutes.” He stepped forward, folding both arms over the top of the sign that identified Vixen Road. “So, I’ve been thinking about this toy of yours.” Her feet, once again wrapped in her new sandals, ached to be free of their confinement after her short walk. “Oh?”

“Mmm.” Violet eyes gleamed black in the moonlight. “I’d like to see it.” She kept his gaze, considering. On one hand, she and Yor were familiar lovers. Sex between them was consistently good and usually great fun. But on the other hand, she hadn’t been kidding when she told Bok the men she knew would take over. Yor would see the toy as part of foreplay and wouldn’t think to treat it as the main event. Also on that other hand, Bok was on his way over. Although she wasn’t averse to sharing—and was pretty sure even Yor might be up for it—instinct told her it wouldn’t sit well with Bok. She’d freaked him out enough.

Tonight she just wanted to enjoy and share that enjoyment with him.

So she smiled at the handsome elf who stood before her, but shook her head. “Maybe some other night.”

“You sure?”

She nodded. “I’ve got someone else on the way.”

“Oh?” He straightened and rounded the sign to get closer to her. “Who?” Hesitation. But why did she hesitate? She wasn’t ashamed. “Bok.” It took him a moment before a confused frown creased his brow. “The chubby little nerd?” She scowled. “Yeah. You got a problem with that?”

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