Reindeer Games 2 - Toys for Good Girls (2 page)

BOOK: Reindeer Games 2 - Toys for Good Girls
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Yes, he was there to deliver the box to her. Yes, they both knew what was in it. He had even delivered her similar packages before. But her reaction to
package was far more jubilant. He could only be glad the hem of his belted forest green tunic fell to midthigh so it camouflaged the immediate erection he sported as the most beautiful female in existence ran toward him.

Eyes wide, he flinched, hugging the box to his chest as meager defense when it became clear Tanty had no intention of stopping. In a ridiculously graceful move, she leaped into the air and managed to wrap her arms around his neck. The box dropped to his side as Tanty took him to the straw-strewn dirt floor. Laughing, she rolled on top of him, then sat up to straddle his belly. He couldn’t help but stare at the patch of bright orange curls that sheltered the treasure between her thighs, noting how vivid the color was against the dark of his tunic. I’m never going to wash this again, he thought.

Then she leaned forward, spreading her fingers over his chest as she brought her face closer to his. Her breasts would have been a distraction if he weren’t captivated by her face. So beautiful. She might be one of Santa’s elves, but to him she looked more like one of those ethereal angels that humans put on top of their Christmas trees. Her face was heart shaped, wide across rounded cheeks that narrowed to the sharp point of her chin. Her nose was tiny and upturned, dwarfed by enormous indigo eyes that were ringed by long lashes just a few shades darker than the wild mane that flowed from her head. She quirked one slim brow as perfect, petal-pink lips curled on one side. “You brought me a present?” He could only stare, speechless. But he had the presence of mind to nod.

“Is it what I think it is?”

Another nod.

She shrieked again, digging blunt nails into his chest and wiggling happily on his belly.

“You”—she dropped down to press a firm kiss to his lips—“are the best!” She smelled of snow and sun and faintly of oranges. Bok had never inhaled a more erotic fragrance.

He was still processing her touch when she launched off him toward the box that had fallen to the straw at his side. It was about twenty inches long and a foot wide and tall. The address on the front was one of many dummy addresses Bok had as his disposal. He worked in the Department of Acquisitions, one of a handful of computer geeks who spent their time ordering toys online. His coworkers often procured specialty items for other elves, but Bok had gotten a name for himself by obtaining adult toys. It made him popular with some of the ladies.

Tanty was one of those ladies.

She rose to her feet, the box cradled in her arms. She even rubbed her cheek against the cardboard, almost purring.

A tall male stepped into Bok’s line of sight behind Tanty to sling a familiar arm about her shoulders. Navy blue hair that was almost black in the shaded light was shorn on the sides and left long along the top and behind his head to drape halfway down his back. When Yor applied himself, he could make that hair into quite a dramatic Mohawk, but since the team had just come from a run in shifted form, the dark blue locks lay almost flat. “What have you got there?” Tanty kept purring and added some petting for the box. “A
new toy that Bok found for me.”

Yor grinned at Bok, who’d just managed to sit up. “What is it?” It was a measure of Bok’s obsession with Tanty that his eyes didn’t even roam as the other three females gathered around. Two of them were his customers. Issie had even sucked him off in gratitude for a vibrator she’d fallen in love with. But none of them stopped his heart like the girl with the hair of flame who smelled like citrus. “I, uh…” He wasn’t ever sure if his customers wanted their toys to be public knowledge.

He should have known Tanty wouldn’t mind. “It’s a sex machine.” Responding to the murmurs of interest from those around her, she presented the box, as though everyone could see what was inside. “It’s this awesome little wedge thing that’s got a vibrator stuck in the top of it.” She frowned slightly and glanced down at Bok. “It
vibrate, right?” Bok took a hand offered him and let Wod pull him to his feet. Lon’s boyfriend smiled, and he and Lon helped to dust Bok off as Bok answered, “Yeah.”

“Mmm.” Happy, Tanty hugged the box to her chest again.

“Well.” Jannie stepped into the circle. Everyone snapped to attention. Bok wasn’t sure if anyone else had known, but he certainly hadn’t realized Santa, the most magical elf in Santa’s Village, was present among them. The short, sporty curls of her grape purple hair were tucked behind her ears, which were pierced with silver and gold hoops all the way up to the pointed tips.

She gave him a stern look, although her silver eyes sparked with what he thought was humor.

“I’m glad to know our funds are being well spent.”

Bok flushed a little and tilted his head in respect. “It’s within Tanty’s allowance.” Everyone was given a certain allowance that, as long as they didn’t abuse the privilege, they were allowed to use for anything Bok or his coworkers from acquisitions could buy.

Tanty nodded happily. “I’ve been saving up,” she assured her boss, stroking the box.

Jannie chuckled. “I’m sure you have.” She considered the box with a tilt of her head. “Let me know what you think of it, Tants.” She wagged her eyebrows. “I may have to get one too.” General laughter followed her statement. Letting the matter go, Jannie called Rom and Wod aside. As their leaders chatted in private, the rest of the team peeled away. Most headed into their stalls to dress, followed by one or more of the throng that had been waiting in the barn.

Lon stayed at Bok’s side with Wod’s red velvet robe draped over his arms.

Laughing at something Yor whispered into her ear, Tanty pushed him away with one hand, then headed for her own stall. She, unlike the others, was alone, but she didn’t seem to mind. All of her focus was on the box she held close.

Bok had noticed that about her. She was very friendly and as prone as any of the reindeer to accept company for a sexual romp, but she didn’t encourage the same following as the others.

The tendency had been made obvious to him when she started ordering sex toys. It had begun in December when Bok, through Lon and his new relationship with Wod, had been brought to the attention of the reindeer. It was little surprise that many members of the team had quickly become his customers. But Tanty had taken a special interest in the toys. Most of the others had made vague requests and trusted Bok’s knowledge to supply them with something fun. Tanty had actually taken him out drinking to the Mistletoe twice so they could
what was best and why. To date, Bok had purchased four vibrators of various size and functionality, two anal plugs, a string of anal beads, and two clit stimulators for Tanty. It was her attitude toward the toys that sealed his fate. She took them seriously. She used them by herself. He knew this because she’d told him. Although it hurt his heart to think of her having sex with herself, he appreciated that she took the toys for the experience they could provide. That was why he’d mentioned the sex machine to her. After hearing about it and seeing images he’d printed out for her from the Web, she’d insisted that she
have it.

Watching her through the open door of her stall as she sat to pull on knee-high purple-and-orange stockings, he could only imagine what a sight she would be when she mounted the machine. The thought had him nearly coming in his pants.


Startled, Bok looked up to see Wod at his side. He’d been so caught up in watching Tanty, he hadn’t even been aware that the taller elf had finished his discussion with Jannie and rejoined them.

Wod grinned, aware he’d broken Bok’s train of thought. “How’s Tanty
you for her new toy?”

“Aw.” Bok flushed, dropping his head so a fall of his lime green hair could obscure his face. “You know I don’t do that anymore.” Back before he’d had reindeer as customers, when he’d bought toys for a few others in the village, he’d more often than not received sex as extra

“payment” for buying toys. It was the only sex a chubby boy like him had been able to get, although his various partners had told him he wasn’t half bad. But when the reindeer and Santa herself had taken an interest, Bok had stopped suggesting additional payment of any kind.

Wod shrugged into the robe Lon held for him. The three of them remained at the barn door, well away from the stalls and anyone who could hear them. “But you want her, don’t you?” Bok slanted a grimace at Lon, but his friend had suddenly and falsely taken an extreme interest in the tails of his blue tunic. Straight blond hair didn’t cover his face or the fake innocence on his face. “You told him.” He’d known Lon couldn’t keep secrets from Wod, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t get on Lon’s case about it.

Lon cringed, then sighed. “Oh come on, Bok. It’s not like it’s
to see that you’re infatuated with Tanty.”

Bok narrowed his eyes. “Infatuated? You’ve got a lot of nerve. How long ago was it that you—”

A strong hand wrapped over Bok’s mouth, Wod’s arm curling to bring him even closer.

“Now, now. Enough of that.” Wod’s expression was calm but stern, saying without words that he would allow Bok some leeway but his fiercely protective instincts would kick in quickly. “Lon didn’t tell me. I guessed. He just confirmed.”

Lon gave his lover a look of utter and blatant devotion, melting into the taller male’s side as soon as Wod released Bok. Seeing them together both warmed Bok’s heart—because his friend deserved a wonderful relationship—and made his belly ache—because he’d never have that. Or, at least, the chances weren’t good. All the women in the village wanted guys like Wod or Rom. No one wanted a short, chubby computer nerd like him.

Least of all Tanty.

“I’ve got to tell you,” Wod continued, casually cuddling his lover close, “I know Tanty well, and I’d say your chances with her at the moment are nearly one hundred percent.” Bok’s heart jumped into his throat. He’d considered that. Late at night, alone in his bed, he’d tried to convince himself that, given Tanty’s attitude toward the toys, she might consider at least letting him watch. She was open enough talking about what she did with them.

Before Bok could respond, however, Lon frowned up at his boyfriend. “How well?” Bok had to laugh as Wod blinked in surprise. Wod caught on quickly and joined the laughter as he wound both arms around Lon’s shoulders. “I haven’t even noticed her as anything more than a friend since you came into my life.”

Predictably, Lon relented. “Well. Okay.”

Bok turned away, glad for them, but he didn’t need to watch them cooing and caressing.

Across the barn, Yor left his stall and strolled into Tanty’s. Bok tried not to be jealous as the tall male stroked her loose hair, then, once he’d gained her attention, turned her into his larger body.

She was dressed now in a simple pullover dress that ended at midthigh over her knee-high stockings. Yor wore laced black trousers under an open, blousy navy shirt. The loose clothing was hardly any barrier between their bodies. Yor bent to murmur, and Tanty tipped her face up to accept his kiss. They were murmuring as they casually nuzzled. His hands slid down her arms, and hers idly stroked the dark fabric that covered his back. They looked infinitely comfortable with each other, and it burned Bok from the inside out. He swallowed his jealousy as she smiled and nodded, then gave Yor one last kiss before she stepped away. She gathered up her box, took Yor’s hand, and led him from her stall and out the back door of the barn. Without even a glance at Bok. Not that there was any reason for her to glance at him.

One hand patted his shoulder while another, smaller hand stroked the back of the other.

Bok straightened, aware Wod and Lon must have seen what he’d been watching.
Don’t say it.

Don’t say anything
, he warned them silently. Telepathy and empathy weren’t magics the elves had, but friendship must have given them insight, because neither of them made any comment.

They waited until he’d gathered his senses, then agreed to go with him to get a drink at the Mistletoe.


Chapter Two



Tanty clutched the brass rail of the footboard, bracing herself as Yor knelt behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, and they shared a smile. Quite handsome, was Yor. Broad shoulders, defined chest, and all that navy blue hair. With one hand braced on her hip, Yor gripped his cock and aimed it at her core. She shut her eyes and held her head back, anticipating that first, best moment when his thick cock penetrated. It was gorgeous, the first little stretch, followed by a wet engulfment. Moaning a little, she let her head fall between her shoulders as he slowly pushed in, filling her up. She squeezed just to feel the resistance, to make him push harder. Expelling a little groan of his own, Yor leaned in to grab the railing outside her own fists, using the leverage to yank himself that last little way so he filled her completely.

“Oh yeah,” he murmured, his breath hot on the back of her neck.

“Mmm.” That delicious tingle began in the muscles that squeezed him, then radiated out through her groin. Hot. Molten. This was the part she loved. “Fuck me.” Biting the back of her neck gently, he pulled out, then slammed back in. She gasped, and her elbows buckled, tumbling them both forward. Her chest was perilously close to the cool metal rail as he started thrusting in a slow, measured pace. She whined and twisted her hips so his thrusts hit slightly different places inside her, trying to draw out the moment.

No use. The delicious tingle now had her dancing in her skin, her heart pittering like a rabbit’s. She was going to come, come hard, and come soon, and there was nothing she could do about it. Yor had fucked her before. He knew it. He loved it. His only goal right then was to make her come.

“Nnnnn!” Tanty bit her lip and screamed into it, unable to keep still as lightning shot through her limbs. She shoved back onto Yor’s cock, desperately squeezing every inch of him as pleasure poured through her. It lasted for a brief, perfect moment.

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