Read Reindeer Games 2 - Toys for Good Girls Online
Authors: Mykles Jet
She heard the door open before her feet hit the street. “Tanty! Wait.” Slowly she turned. He only had the door cracked open. She could barely see his face.
When she didn’t start to come back, he stuck his head out the opening, keeping the rest of his body inside. “Don’t go to Gus.”
She frowned. He looked weird. Curious, she started back toward the house. What was it?
His hair was damp. Wet. Almost plastered to his head. That which wasn’t close to his skull stuck out at odd angles, the lime green darker than it should have been. But that wasn’t the weird part.
His face was flushed, and his mouth was a little unhinged. He looked…off. “Are you all right?” she asked, stepping up on the tiny porch.
He withdrew but kept the door cracked. It was dark inside so she couldn’t really see him well. “Yeah. I’m okay.”
“Why are you out of breath?”
“I’m not.”
“I’ve trained enough people for the reindeer games to know when someone’s winded.” She laid her hand flat on the door and pushed. He resisted. “Let me in, Bok.”
“I, uh, can’t. The place is a mess.”
“I don’t care.”
“I do. I…don’t want you to see me like this.”
“Like what?”
His slight scowl was much more like the real Bok than the male she’d been talking to. He reached up and scratched his ear. “Just please go away.” The plea almost got to her. She might have complied if worry hadn’t set in. “No.” She pushed at the door again, and still he resisted. “Not this time. Let me in. I don’t care if the place is a mess.”
“I’ve seen messes before.”
“No. I mean, why do you want to come in?”
Why. Good question. Wasn’t like they were bosom buddies. Technically, they weren’t even fuck buddies. They hadn’t gotten that far. Why did she care? “Just let me in.” He glanced inside, considering. “Tanty, I…”
He was
too pale, and why would he be sweating so much in a dark, enclosed space?
Her worry meter shot off. Without warning, she jumped at the door, slamming all her weight against it. She wasn’t all that heavy, but she had muscle and the element of surprise on him. He yelped and fell back. With Bok’s resistance gone, Tanty stumbled past the doorway and into the house.
It stank. Truly. Lots and lots of sweat, old and new, and not enough ventilation. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust and another moment for her to figure out what she was seeing.
Treadmill, weight bench, stationary bike. A bunch of cans of protein drinks on the dining table, a pile of empties against the wall behind it. The brightest light in the room came from the three monitors on the big desk shoved off to the side. Some recorded human program played out, the sound down low.
“What the…?”
She glanced down at her side. Bok had lost his balance when she’d shoved her way in, and ended up on his butt a few yards into the main room. He stared at the room too, seeing it with her, but with a dejected scowl on his face. She recognized the sweat marks at the armpits of his loose shirt and down the front of his chest. His legs were splayed apart, and he sat forward with his hands gathered in front of him. He looked every inch the abandoned puppy dog.
“I wanted…” He raised a hand to gesture at the exercise equipment, then let the hand drop with a sigh. “I just…” His head went down, twisting from side to side in sad negation.
Glad of the open door that provided a little bit of a breeze, Tanty knelt before him. She reached out to squeeze his calf. “Bok?”
She could see his profile at this angle. Worse, she could see the fat tear that dribbled from the corner of one eye. “Oh, Bok.”
When she moved toward him, he sprang to life and scuttled back. Those beautiful emerald eyes wouldn’t point her way. “I wanted it to be a surprise, y’know? I wanted to just
it, to just lose the weight, then come and find you. Show you.”
Tanty sat her butt on her heels, hard, staring at him. “You…what?”
“I’m fat. I know.” He swiped at his nose as he got to his knees. “You deserve better. And I didn’t want to… If I wanted to be with you again… Ah, Christmas.” Tanty had to make sure she understood. “You were working out…for me?”
“Pathetic, huh?” He climbed to his feet. It wasn’t easy for him. Didn’t seem like his legs were steady. He had to use the wall for support. “I know you don’t need me.” She watched him stumble away toward the dining table. He grabbed a protein drink and opened it. She glanced at the pile of empties. Oh, no, he hadn’t…? Was that
he’d been eating?
After a few sips, he scowled at the can in his hand. “Worthless. I only lost two pounds.” The catch in his voice at the end of his sentence poked her heart.
Oh, holy night. Tanty stared at the floor, aghast. He’d done this for her?
She rose to her feet and crossed the room to him. He put down the can and stared at the floor. She watched him for a quiet moment, and he waited.
Then she punched his arm. Hard.
Shocked, he stumbled against the chair at his side and fell into the seat.
She glared down at him, hands on her hips. “How
you!” All he could give her was wide eyes and a gaping mouth.
So she punched his arm again. Hey, it was better than punching his jaw or his gut. She didn’t think he could take that.
“Who told you you needed to torture yourself to be with me? Did I
you do to this?” He rubbed his arm and cringed. “No.”
“No. I didn’t. Did I
I wanted something like that? Did I even
that I wanted you to be anything other than what you were?”
“No.” She raised her fist again but stopped when he winced. She took a slow, audible breath and released it. “You. Look. Like. Shit. Do you realize that?” He dropped his gaze.
She snatched up the half-empty can at his elbow. “Is this all you’ve eaten since you’ve been holed up here?”
“Yes? Gah!” She stormed away, circling the room to vent before she came back to stand at his knees. “Are you
to make yourself sick?”
“They’re healthy—”
“They’re healthy when you’ve got a normal diet. They’re healthy for a while. But not to the exclusion of all else!” She stabbed a finger toward the treadmill. “How much time are you spending on that?” The mutinous tightening of his lips told her what she needed to know.
“You’ve been doing too much. You’re overdoing it. It doesn’t even
that way! Are you an idiot?”
“I read up—”
“You read wrong. Deck the flocking halls and sleigh bells ring!” Rather than hit him again, she took another fuming circle around the room. “If you were going to do this, why didn’t you ask for my help?”
“I couldn’t.”
“Why not? Physical work is my
; it’s what I
. I live for this. I could have helped you.
Or, snow, if you don’t want me, Wod could have—”
“I couldn’t ask you, because I was doing it for you!” he spat. “If you knew, it wouldn’t have the same effect.”
“Well, you’re right there. I think this is imbecilic, but I think the drive to lose weight—if that’s really what
want to do—is admirable. I would have been
to help you.” His gaze dropped again, a pout pushing his lip out from his face. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”
She wiggled her fingers in his face. “Surprise.”
Miffed, he jerked away from her and managed to get to his feet. She eyed him for any change. Unfortunately for Bok, an elf’s metabolism differed greatly from the humans he’d likely read about. He clearly didn’t realize it would take him exponentially more exercise to lose weight. If he even could. It was entirely possible the magic that was Bok had decided on his shape, and nothing he could do could change it. She’d seen it happen. She hadn’t realized it wasn’t common knowledge among the rest of the village.
“All right.” His back was to her, his hands balled into fists at his waist. “I was stupid.”
“You made your point. Get out.”
Perversely, this show of spine put a grin on her face. Luckily, he couldn’t see it. “What?”
“Get out. You don’t need to yell at me.”
“Yes, I do.”
“No.” He turned, and she was glad she’d schooled the grin from her face, because he looked pissed now. “You think I’m stupid. I ruined my chances. At least leave me with some dignity.”
She drew herself up and cocked her head to the side. “Who said you ruined your chances?” He scowled. “Don’t tease me.”
“Who’s teasing? Look, I
here because I was worried about you. No, okay, I really came because I was pissed that you were avoiding me.”
“Holy night, what
it with men? I
you, you chubby idiot.” He shook his head, but she cut off his denial by stalking up to him and poking him in the chest.
“Don’t you dare tell me that I didn’t. You don’t know how I feel. You’ve proved that with this silly exercise stunt.” She poked him again, sending him back a step. “I couldn’t give a silver bell if you’re overweight. I knew that, and I accepted it. The only reason you made it into my bed was because I wanted you there.
there, nitwit.” He caught her hand to keep her from poking him again. This time, she couldn’t smother her grin. The sight of it baffled him, draining his anger. “What?” She sighed and pinched at the bridge of her nose with her free hand. “Must I spell it all out?”
“I think so, yes.”
She raised her gaze to meet his. “I want
“Why?” The words spilled seemingly of their own accord.
“I’m not so sure right now.” She smiled to take some of the sting out. “I like you. I like talking to you. I like that you like toys as much as I do. Do you even realize you’re the first guy I’ve let sleep over in ages?” When he gaped, she went on. “I don’t like to spend the night with anyone. To be honest, I didn’t much like sex beyond the first orgasm.” She cocked her head to the side, grinning. “But you made it fun.”
“The toys.”
“Yes. You and the toys. They’re one and the same, aren’t they?” He frowned, and she thought back on what she’d said. “Okay, maybe not.” She twisted her wrist from his loose grasp and stepped into him, placing her hands on his shoulders. “But we just started. Give me a chance to get used to you before we try it without the toys, huh?” She winked.
That got a smile out of him. Then a grudging laugh. “You’re weird.”
“I’m glad you noticed.”
His laugh filled out. Her heart thrilled when he leaned toward her until their foreheads touched.
“I don’t know how to do this.”
She slid her arms around his neck. “Neither do I. Let’s work on it together, huh?”
She tilted her head into a kiss and found his lips warm and inviting. She kissed him as long as she could but finally had to pull back. “Okay, Bok, I think I might love you, but you have
to take a shower.”
Chapter Ten
“What is it?”
Bok tucked the small box closer to his body, nearly hiding it in the crook of his arm.
“Never mind.”
Lon pouted. “You won’t even tell me?”
“No.” Lon had seen Bok avoid all the other people in the barn. Too many of them now knew him now as the Toy Man, which made any boxes he carried of interest. Especially boxes he carried when he came to wait for Tanty to finish reindeer practice. He tried to ignore those people, but there were still a few who were keeping an eye on him.
“Why not?”
Bok searched the skies, looking for the team. They weren’t in sight, so they must be over the forest. “It’s Tanty’s toy. She can tell you about it if she wants.” Lon giggled softly. “So I’ll find out soon enough.”
Bok smiled and shrugged. “Something like that.”
Lon stroked Bok’s shoulder. “I think it’s sweet that you look out for her like that.” Bok shifted, trying to stop the flush from taking over his face. He was still getting used to this relationship stuff. It had been nearly two months he’d been seeing Tanty on a regular basis now. Two months of lots of physical exertion—mostly sex but also an exercise regimen she’d put him on—during which he hadn’t lost even a single pound. But Tanty didn’t seem to mind and proved that to him time and time again.
The reindeer team appeared in the sky, racing at top speed. They weren’t in formation this time, more of a jumble as they sped through midair toward the meadow. Tanty had explained that Rom was switching up their workouts lately. There were only two more weeks before the start of the season, so he was letting them have some fun before the daily grind began. As they got closer, it was easier to make out details of individual reindeer. They were almost to the ground, though, before Bok could make out which one was his Vixen. He was still amazed he even
distinguish her from the others. They were all roughly the same build, all with antlers, all vaguely the same shades of brown. But he could tell it was Tanty in the middle of the pack, not one of the leaders but not losing either. Not that she would mind losing. Tanty was competitive only so much in that competition brought people together to have fun.
The team hit the ground, and it wasn’t surprising to see Rom and Wod toward the front.
But they weren’t the winners. The reindeer to hit the ground first was one Bok didn’t immediately recognize, but he thought it might be Cupid. Boisterous and just a little smaller than all the rest, Tik’s reindeer form was apparently made for speed. Bok had seen them race in pairs before, and Tik never lost. Shortly after he was on the ground and had slowed to a stop, the reindeer shifted to prove Bok had pegged him right. He came out of his transformation laughing, and the sound filled the meadow. The others shifted and gathered around to congratulate him.
All but one, that was. Tanty shifted, started toward her fellows, then glanced up to see Bok waiting. Immediately she changed course and rushed up the hill.
“That must be something good in the box,” Lon murmured.
Bok nodded, even though he didn’t know if Lon was looking his way or not. His full attention was on the naked female trotting over the snow, her orange hair a flaring, fiery cape billowing behind her. She aimed straight for Bok, and her graceful agility allowed her to wind one arm around his neck and press her lithe body against him as she stopped, all without threatening to throw off his balance.