Read Reindeer Games 2 - Toys for Good Girls Online
Authors: Mykles Jet
Then it was over.
Releasing her lip, she took a breath. Head low between her shoulders, she adjusted on her rubbery knees, trying to keep her balance as Yor kept pushing his cock into her. The aftermath of her orgasm drained slowly, leaving behind a warm pleasure that wouldn’t last.
“Good?” Yor murmured, reaching around to massage one of her breasts.
She didn’t tell him to stop, although it was what she was thinking. “Yes.” She’d be good.
Wasn’t his fault she was done. He just didn’t get that once she’d come, she wanted it over. None of her lovers did. She couldn’t fault them for it. The men she fucked prided themselves on their sexual prowess and endurance. Most women loved a man with stamina. It would just confuse—
or, worse, insult—him if she asked him to just get
with it.
So she knelt there and made the sounds, gave him the encouragement he needed. Some of the pleasure did ramp up when he got to some serious thrusting, so it was easy to fake a second orgasm. But the tingling wasn’t nearly the pleasure she’d had from the first, and the comedown from the second was a worse disappointment. Now he was serious, but he still had stamina, was still holding back. She tried to egg him on by rolling with him, but he was chasing another orgasm for her. His fingers told her that, the fingers that slid down her belly toward her clit. That she just couldn’t allow. She grabbed his hand to stop him and threw back her head, twisting so she could see his face. “Just fuck me.”
He growled, braced his hands on the bed, and did just that. Relief cleared her head when she recognized his final thrusts, the loss of rhythm, the primal grunts. He spilled inside her, and all she could think was:
With a happy sigh, he collapsed at her side. As he rolled onto his back, she carefully sat back on her heels, aware of the warm spill of cum wetting her. Her thighs ached in the terrific way that sex did to her, but the thrill of that first, perfect orgasm was gone. Fleeting.
Resigned, she sat up. Not Yor’s fault. She reminded herself that every time she slept with someone. Male or female, her lovers wanted to make it last, and Tanty just wanted that first crest. She would much prefer a bunch of quick shorties through the night than one extended session. But she’d learned long ago that she was in the minority of women with such a preference.
“Where are you going?”
She glanced at him after swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. His mattress was about a foot higher than hers, so she actually had to hop down to the carpet. “Home.” Yor frowned, rolling to his side. “So soon?”
She shrugged, then smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “Thank you.” His frustrated sigh filled the room as she stood. “I really don’t understand you.” She chuckled as she picked up her dress from the chair it was draped over. If she told him she’d nearly called off their after-practice fuck when Bok had arrived with her new toy, Yor would understand less. It was bad enough that she’d had to talk him out of trying out the machine with her. He was her friend, and she liked him a lot, so she didn’t want to hurt him by letting him know she didn’t want him around for that. Nor did she want to explain herself.
“Don’t try. It’s futile.”
like sex, don’t you? I’m not imagining it?” They weren’t in a relationship—both of them knew they could never be more than friends—but they were frequent fuck partners. She’d had him more than anyone else. He probably wouldn’t appreciate knowing that a big reason was because he didn’t last as long as others she’d had. Rom and Wod, for example, could fuck for
“Of course I do.”
“Then why do you always leave right after?”
She indulged in a brief mental debate about a shower but after deciding not, she pulled her dress on over her head. If she stayed, he’d try to coax her back into bed, and she had a toy at home she was dying to try out. “Why should I stay?”
“Ever heard of cuddling?”
She pulled her loose hair out of the collar of the dress and dropped it down her back.
“When have you ever known me to cuddle?”
Laughing, she sat to pull on her knee-high stockings. “It’s not my thing. If you want cuddling, call Matta. Or Jon.” Or any number of other elves who’d jump into a reindeer’s bed.
Yor was fantastically gorgeous. He didn’t have any problem finding partners. The thing between them was just easy, and he was a tad on the lazy side.
He was lying on his side, elbow bent, head propped on his hand. His violet eyes were narrowed. He was genuinely confused, poor thing. “I’m pretty sure you like me some.” There was no hurt in his voice, just speculation. “Is it just me?”
“Not just you.” She shrugged, pulling her pointed shoes onto her feet. “I’ve just never been a cuddler. I feel smothered. I prefer to sleep alone. Nothing to take offense over.” He laughed. “I guess in some ways you’re a dream fuck, then.” She stood, grinning. “That I am.” She twirled her panties around one index finger. “Dream over.”
Chapter Three
A mere twenty minutes later, Tanty was naked and kneeling on the carpet in her bedroom.
She stared at the parts spread out before her and growled. She was not, in any way, technically minded. The microwave, the telephone, and her vibrators were the only things she had any hope of working successfully. But her new sex machine had to be
. Others might think just the few parts available wouldn’t be a problem, but she was hopeless at following even the simplest directions. It just wasn’t going to happen. She’d managed to get all the parts out and was very excited by the three different sizes of dildos that came with the little triangular wedge that was just big enough to settle comfortably between her legs. But there were cords and batteries, and the mount she was pretty sure held the dildos looked daunting. She knew reading the manual would just be a waste of time.
Desperate, she reached for the phone. The magical handset lit up, and she stared at the little keyboard that waited for her to enter a name. “Who to call?” She tapped the top of the phone on her chin, thinking. Yor would come, but after this afternoon, having him there was a bad idea.
Even if he did put it together, he’d take over and probably fuck her rather than let her enjoy. Nile was a possibility. He wasn’t a reindeer and was, frankly, glad to spend any time with her he could, but she didn’t want to lead him into thinking they shared more than they did. Maybe she should call one of the girls. It could be fun to put the toy together, then play with each other. But although it’d been a long time since she’d messed around with a girl, she just wasn’t in the mood. Besides, she
didn’t want to share the toy the first time. It was hers. Acquired
her on
request with
allowance. When Bok had shown it to her, she’d…
Her thoughts came to a sudden halt.
Of course.
Bok was the perfect choice. She typed his name into the mini keypad, then hit the Speaker button as she waited for the village magic to find him.
“Hi.” How cute. He sounded so hesitant, just like he acted when he was around her.
“Are you busy right now?”
“Good. Could you come by and help me?”
His gulp came through loud and clear. “Help you?”
She sighed dramatically. “Yeah. I’m hopeless at putting my new toy together.”
“Y-you want
to come help you put it together?” Smiling, she curled into a ball against the front of the couch that sat on the wall opposite her bed and dropped her voice an octave or so. “Yeah. Do you mind?”
She stifled a giggle, willing to keep him off-balance, but she didn’t want him to think she was laughing
him. “Good. You can find my place?”
“Uh, yeah.”
Silly question, she knew. It was childishly easy to find any of the reindeers’ houses since they all lined the avenue up the hill to the workshop. The path to her place was marked with a sign that matched the Vixen medallion she wore around her neck. “Good. How soon can you be here?”
“Uh, ten minutes?”
“Okay, but…” She put a pout into her voice. “
want to try my toy.” This time he cleared his throat, and she wondered if his cock was hard yet. She refrained from asking.
She hung up and set the handset on the small table at the side of the couch. For a moment, she stared thoughtfully at the snow roses that graced a vase on the table, but her attention wasn’t really on the glossy blue-white petals. He’d want to fuck her. It wasn’t that she was full of herself thinking that. She knew. They all knew. One of the very reasons to become a reindeer was that you became one of the elite. Your sex life automatically became the best, with practically every elf in the village at your beck and call. Tanty was honest enough to admit it was a huge reason she’d always wanted to be a reindeer, one of the main reasons she’d trained from a young age to qualify, and it was certainly her favorite perk now that she was part of the team.
She liked sex, even if she didn’t like it prolonged for ages. It would be strange if Bok didn’t want to fuck her.
She stared at the parts of the sex machine. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. The whole reason she’d called him was because he’d appreciate the importance of the toy. Maybe he’d be okay watching? Or maybe she could loan him one of her other toys, and they could watch each other.
Now that sounded kind of fun. She almost called him back to ask him what his favorite was. But he was probably already on his way, and she didn’t want to delay him.
So she shrugged. Okay, maybe she’d fuck him. Or they’d work it out. It’d be worth it. He wasn’t her type, but he was cute enough, even if he was a bit on the portly side. He had lovely lime green hair and dark green eyes. Plus he had a wicked smile sometimes. She liked that.
Decided, she stood and headed for the bathroom to freshen up.
* * * *
The door was ajar when Bok walked up Tanty’s porch. Even so, he stopped, staring at the dark slit that would lead into her domain. Into a
domain. Okay, he’d been in Wod’s house. Rom’s once. Tik’s for a party. But this would be the first
reindeer whose house he’d visited. And they were alone. And he was here to assemble a sex toy.
And he was going to pass out.
Bracing himself, he took a deep breath and shut his eyes. “You can do this,” he muttered, hands in tight fists at his sides. “Just. Be. Calm.” Then the door swung wide open to reveal Tanty in a tiny little purple robe with a hem that barely brushed the tops of her thighs. The robe gaped in a deep V in the front that revealed the inner curves of both breasts and a sweet swath of flat belly. “Hi!” He was toast.
Casually, she reached up to tuck abundant tangerine hair behind her ear as she toyed with her sash with the other hand. Gorgeous, dark blue almost-purple eyes blinked happily at him.
“You are a saint for doing this.”
Bok had never felt less saintly in his life. “Uh, yeah.” Giggling, she reached out to grab his arm and pull him inside. Instantly, he was surrounded by a warm, fruity smell, citrus with something sweeter, like strawberries. The air was moist, as though…
“I just took a shower.”
Of course. She’d just been naked and wet. But then…? He looked at her dry hair.
“I had it up,” she said, reading his confusion as she led him through the front room toward the open door at the back.
Her home was decorated in a cacophony of orange and green, like she was trying to mimic an orchard or a pumpkin patch. Most of the big furniture was covered in dark green upholstery with leaves embedded in the pattern, but the pillows and accents were all in orange. It took him precious moments to realize the walls were not white but light blue, like a summer sky. Hand still around his arm, she led him past a huge couch set in front of a television with accompanying entertainment gear. Santa’s Village didn’t have cable or satellite access to live television from the humans’ realm, but plenty of people had developed a fondness for DVDs. She drew him into a bedroom decorated in much lighter, warmer shades of the same colors that dominated the outer room. The carpet was cream to match the walls, the bedding and upholstery ranging from pale peach to vibrant orange, and the noncovered furniture was all light pine. Sunlight warmed the sheers that guarded her privacy.
The box he’d given her earlier lay in front of a plush couch. It had been torn open and its contents spilled over a plush carpet. At first glance, he could figure out how it went together and was confused why she’d needed help.
“There it is,” she said, dropping his arm so she could cross hers under her breasts. The perky little handfuls pushed at the lapels of the robe, which threatened to nudge aside to reveal her nipples. Then her eyes were on him, and for the first time he realized he was about an inch taller than her. “Can you fix it?”
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” Realizing he sounded moronic with all the
s, he dropped to his knees and took a look at the parts. The main part of the saddle was a triangular wedge that was padded, then covered with a soft black water-resistant covering. In the center was the socket where the dildos fit. A coiled cord waited to get plugged into the back. Simple. He picked up one of the unwrapped dildos lying on the protective plastic beside the wedge.
“Wait.” She snatched the thick four-inch dildo with the nubbins along its shaft from his hand and replaced it with a six-incher that had a clit-massaging appendage in front. “Use this one.”
Blankly, he nodded, trying desperately to swallow in a throat gone completely dry. He couldn’t stop picturing her with that dildo, lowering her sweet, wet opening on it so she could surround and strangle it. Of course, the semierection he’d sported since he’d heard her voice on the other end of the phone sprouted to full arousal at the thought. But he ignored it by concentrating instead on inserting the batteries into the dildo.