Penitence (2010) (20 page)

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Authors: Jennifer - Heavenly 02 Laurens

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voice? Cat got your tongue, Zoe? Alberts voice drove through me like paralyzing venom. Somehow, hed moved and now stood directly behind Weston and Chase, his lips curled under his piercing gaze. He wore dark colors I couldnt identify, not in the candlelight, but the tie around his neck was made of white rope. I gaped at the tie, disgusted at the irony. Albert threw his head back in a laugh. Stylish, dont you think? He patted it. I wore it just for you. Look closely, Zoe. Tell me what you see. My stomach heaved. The rope threads writhed. White souls, stretched taut, were wound together without identifying form of male or femaleonly faces, hands and legs, linked impossibly in unforgiving twisted hopelessness. Powerful, dont you think? Albert hissed. Blackness threatened to engulf me. I was sure my pounding heart would break through my ribs and skin. I turned and threw myself into Weston. His arms came around me. His hand stroked my hair. Albert laughed, the sound slithering into my head. You think this boy can keep you from me? He sounded so near, I shook, threw my hands over my ears and burrowed deeper against Westons chest. I felt Chase touch my back, heard the concern in his voice when he said my name. Thats it, Westons deep voice buzzed against my face from his chest. Were leaving. No. I jerked back. I faced Chase. Albert hovered over him, his blue eyesthe same crystal blue of Matthias but jagged with evil intent rather than goodnessstayed glued to me. Chase, I need to talk to you. Alone. Are you sure? Weston held onto me, even as I gently pulled free of his embrace. I nodded. Dont go anywhere, I told him. His face was anxious but he didnt move. I dragged Chase away. Albert, in his perfectly tailored suit and disgusting noose tie remained behind. In fact, he inched closer to Weston, eyeing him like a wolf eyes a dog. Oh no. Zoe, what is it? Chase asked over the music. The house had filled with more teenagers who mingled and danced and drank. Black spirits floated in the air like macabre hot air balloons, following. Watching. Searching. This place is infested with black spirits, I said, gripping the sleeves of his shirt. You have to get out of here, now. Matthias father is here and hes... I swallowed a lump. Words werent sufficient to describe how fatal Albert was. Hes targeted you. Chases eyes popped. Me? Take your friends and go. Please. Where is he? Chases head swerved around. I grabbed his chin and held it firm. Dont look for him, you idiot. I blinked and Albert was there... next to Chase. Smiling. You see? Albert said. Some want us. They actually invite us inside. No! I yanked Chase, pulling him in my direction in hopes that physically moving him would keep him away from the impending invasion. Chase stumbled with the move, and bumped into Britt, who had I hadnt noticed. Albert swirled to Britt and smiled at her, then slid his smile to me. Ah. Much easier. He dissolved into Britt. I gasped. Britt leaned close. I told you Id come here. Your little friend Krissy? Shes meat. Britts breath reeked. She produced a sweaty red cup, tilted her head back and chugged. Albert. Inside of her. Just like that. Hand gripping Chases sleeve, I stepped backward, the pounding music, the screams and laughs from the kids mixing with the moment too much for me. I was so far out of my element I couldnt believe Id actually been naive enough to think my puny efforts would make a difference. Britt didnt come after Chase and me, but sneered from her spot in the hall like a rejected whore. Then Brady appeared next to her. He followed her angry gaze to me, and sent me a snicker before he started whispering in Britts ear. Behind them both, Albert lifted into the air, and began a slow circle around the two of their heads, his bright eyes beamed at the two of them. Again, my stomach heaved. Chase, get out of here now. But I can handle this, Zoe. Whoever this Albert guy is, I can handle him. I glared at him, shocked. But then he hadnt felt the menacing like I had. Matthias was right. I couldnt save anyone. My efforts were pathetic with a force this strong. Like an ant trying to move a boulder, it couldnt be done. Look, Im leaving, I said. Im not messing around with this. Why cant I see them like you? Chase groaned, his head craning as the two of us wove through bodies back to the kitchen. Krissy bumped into me. She had braided her long hair and combed it out, and now looked like a flower child, dressed in low riding jeans and a baby doll shirt, baring her slim waist. She gleamed. Her arms wound around me in a hug. Zoe! she squealed. I wondered where you were. This is fantastic. Dont you think? What happened to quiet Krissy in her bland denim jumper? Krissy eased back. Britt was so nice. She brought me over this outfit. Isnt it cool? Britt? Krissy nodded, her hair swinging to the pounding music as she uncoordinatedly rotated her hips. I would never have thought Brittany Walker would be so generous. She came by earlier and helped me get ready. Krissy leaned. We smoked too. She said itd loosen me up and get me ready for the party. It did. Boy, it did. Looove it. My eyes bulged. Oh maan. Next to me, Chase blinked at the new and changed Krissy. Are you guys having fun? Need more beer? Britt and Brady brought that by earlier too. Wasnt that coool of them? Nifty. I let out a snort and shot a glance over my shoulder at Britt, but she wasnt in the hall any longer. When I faced Krissy again, Alberts image was layered in hers. I blinked hard. Me again, he quipped. Wonderful party. Lots of opportunities. He shimmied, as if trying to fit himself into every curve of Krissys body. Krissy, obliviously inebriated, closed her eyes, as if listening to the music. Chase, you want to dance? Krissy asked. I clutched Chases sleeves and shook my head at him. He glanced from me, to Krissy, then back to me. But she looks hot tonight, he whispered in my ear. Chase, you need to leave. Krissys eyes shot wide and latched on mine with an alertness that stopped my breath. The boy wants me. Get over it, Zoe. But who spoke, Albert or Krissy? With that, Krissy hooked her arm in Chases and took him to the living room, closer to the music where the thumping beat demanded surrender. Hey you, Westons warm breath tickled my ear. I whirled around and wrapped my arms around him. Westons expression grew grave. He hugged me, seeming to sense my desperation. I was torn. Stay, and try to convince my friends they were in danger? Or go and save myself? But were they really in danger? Sure, they were dancing and some were getting drunk, but black spirits didnt hang around everybody. Partying was partying, right? Everybody had choices. Black spirits couldnt make anybody do anything. So I was safe to stay, right? A chill whooshed around me and I jerked. I couldnt feel Weston through the icy bank of air which pressed at me from every angle. Alberts face. Smiling. His hypnotic eyes. He was trying to cross the threshold into my being. My excuses for the partyingmy rationalizationhad created a crack, and now he was trying to squeeze the opening apart. I felt Weston then, his warm, human embrace suddenly returning. Lets get out of here, I yelled over the music. His right arm stayed around my waist as he navigated the two of us through the thickening crowd to the front door. My friends could stay if they wanted. I was done, even if guilt had a deep hold on my conscience. How could I leave Krissy and Chase and all of Chases friends to Alberts whims? Of course, if Albert was after Matthias because of me, there was the possibility that once I was gone, Albert would also leave. Weston pushed open the front door and we stepped onto the porch.My cell phone vibrated in my pocket. On the off chance the text was from Chase, I retrieved it from my pocket. Britt. chase is a hottie hes leaving, loser fraid ur wrong, hes dancing with me I looked up into Westons peering gaze. Hed read the text, too, and now rolled his eyes, letting the front door shut behind him with a thud. A gang of his teammates strode up to the porch, six-packs tucked under their arms. Dude, youre leaving? one asked. Weston jerked out a nod. Partys a dud, man. Skip it. The half-dozen guys stood in disbelief. One groaned. Seriously? Again, Weston nodded, and firmly blocked the door. I bit my lip. Seeing popularity hierarchy at work in its finest formWeston telling his team pals to splitgave me a pat of satisfaction after Britts text. I knew Britt well enough. She wouldnt spend five more minutes at Krissys without a big enough audience. Oh, man, another whined. Weston shrugged and his hand was at my back. He escorted me down the steps. Passing the bunch, I waited for more queries, but none came. Whispers danced in the air. Weston only stood more erect and brought me more tightly to his side. Youre really okay with leaving? I asked. Yeah, definitely. I felt his gaze and peered up at him. As long as Im with you, thats all I want. Without a break in our stride, he kissed me. I glanced around for Matthias and didnt see him. Of course not. Once I made the choice to go inside the party, I was left to live with the consequences of that choice. So was everybody else. Twenty Weston and I crossed snow to his truck and he pulled keys out of his front pocket, pressed the remote and the doors unlocked. I climbed in with a sigh of relief, glad to be leaving the party. I gazed at the house. Westons team pals had turned around and now loitered near the truck. Weston opened his door and got in, then started the engine. Weston rolled down the window to talk to the guys. Trust me, he shouted. The party sucked. Each shot glances at the house, as if still undecided, then the pack of them ambled back to the cars they came in. Weston drove in silence. My head pounded with images of the party, but overriding those was Alberts sinister presence. Just thinking about him chilled my blood. His eyes ... the same piercing blue of Matthias but with an ominous edge that could only be described as terrifying. You okay? I nodded. I needed a change of subject. But it was hard to think about my failure at the party. Do you think I did the right thing, leaving? Westons hand captured mine on the seat between us. You want to tell me what you saw back there that freaked you out? I gulped. Saw? Chase asked you if you saw something. What was that about? Uh... I averted my gaze, but he squeezed my hand, tugged, and brought my attention back to his concerned face. Zoe. He blew out a breath. You can trust me. Matthias said hed be a safe companion... I could trust Weston, right? Why was it hard to believe? Especially when I trusted Chase, who was now dancing with the devil himself. What? Weston pressed. He pulled the car over on a side street and parked. You can tell Chase and you cant tell me? Whats up with that? Chase and I know things about each other. Thats all. His dark eyes flashed with frustration. Around the steering wheel, his hands tightened until his knuckles went white. I suppose Britt knows, too. No. Britt doesnt know about this stuff. How didwhy did youhow did Chase get to be the lucky one? Theres nothing premeditated going on here, Weston. I told this stuff to Chase before I knew you. He seemed to consider my words, understand and then accept them. His gaze shifted to the front window. Will I ever be where Chase is? His eyes fastened on mine. The one you tell your secrets to? I bit my lower lip. He closed his eyes and lowered his head. You really cant forgive me for what happened, can you? Thats not it It has to be. I dont blame you. What I did was inexcusable. I just cant believe... He turned his gaze to the front window, pain on his face. I cant believe the one person I want the most is never really going to be mine. I understood him. Completely. Still, what I carried in my heart about Matthias and seeing guardians and black spirits was deeply personal. The stuff traitors and blackmailers and blood friends and soul mates were made of. Ill tell you this much, I said. His gaze jerked to mine, his eyes eager. There is nothing... romantic going on between Chase and me. We both have something in common. Thats all. You are clairvoyant, arent you? The both of you are. No, thats not it, I promise. But its something... along those lines. His gaze intensified on my face, searching deeper. Why cant you tell me? He moved closer, one arm extended behind me on the back of the seat, the other reached out for my hand and he grasped it. Something... happens to you when youre in certain situations. Something comes over you. What is it? Please dont ask me about this. A long thick moment pulled between us. Disappointment shadowed his eyes, and he looked at our joined hands. His thumb scrolled across the top of my fingers. He let out a sigh, turned and put both hands on the wheel. The car didnt move. In my chest, my heart skipped, wondering if he was fed up with me. Would he tell me to screw off and never talk to me again? Part of me was disappointed at that idea. The other part figured if he wasnt able to accept my answer, then tough. He shifted the engine into drive and the truck rumbled out onto the road, merging with traffic. I let out a breath of relieffor now. Maybe hed drop me off at home and then tell me to shove my lack of trust. I liked Weston, no getting around that. He was gorgeous, and I sensed depth beyond the it-boy smile and wave he granted everyone he passed. But could he take me on my terms? He turned onto my street, just as the far off wail of sirens pierced the night air. He parked in front of the house and his truck idled like a lion. Would he do his customary gesture and get out, open my door and walk me to the door? Heated seconds ticked by. Apparently not. I reached for the handle, but his body snapped over mine, his hand wrapping around my wrist, his maleness pressing me into the firm seat. His thudding heart rapped against my chest. His face, torn in confusion, inched closer and his lips covered mine. His tattered emotions seemed to beg my mouth not for the satisfaction of lust, but for words of trust. His hands slid into place on my cheeks before he broke the connection, resting his cheek against mine, our ragged breaths in unison. Please trust me. Need poured like warm water through my limbs, responding to him with a tight embrace meant to comfort. Im sorry. I dont mean to make this hard for you. I dont care if its hard. His grip deepened. As long as I know someday youll trust me. He asked the impossible. Of course I could trust him. I just could never betray Matthias trust, or Gods trust for that matter. What if I lost my gift? Nothing was worth that risk. Weston eased back, but cupped my face. I love you, Zoe. Love? I tried to quell the shock surging through my system, but Weston was smarter than thathis brown eyes sharpened as he read my face. His hands remained fixed on my cheeks, his determined expression didnt shift. Im sticking my neck out here, but I

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