Penitence (2010) (19 page)

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Authors: Jennifer - Heavenly 02 Laurens

BOOK: Penitence (2010)
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zipping up the street. Weston sat up. Chase. Thankfully. Are those friends of his? Weston craned his neck. I dont know. Chase pulled his car nose-to-nose with Westons truck and parked. He waved enthusiastically from the front seat. His engine clicked off, he checked his reflection in the rearview mirror and jumped out. Over his shoulder, he waved at the four cars that had followed, parked and whose owners now hoppedwith the same enthusiasm as Chasefrom their cars. I know those guys, Weston murmured. Ive seen them around school. I had too. Chase ambled over, his grin huge. Weston and I got out of the car and met him at the front of Westons truck. Hey, guys! Chase bubbled. I kept my grin in check. Weston nodded. Hey. You guys... came together? Chase pointed from me to Weston, his grin floundering like a popped birthday balloon. Westons shoulder brushed mine. Yeah. You cool with that? Chases eyes rounded behind his glasses. Weston was clearly making his move for me public. I bit my lower lip. Hard as it was watching Chases puppy dog face slowly understand and accept what he saw, a breath of relief snuck over me and mixed with the smallest thrill. Chases friends slowly made their way over, hesitant because none of us were chummy. Chase shifted, disappointment shadowing his eyes as he looked at me. Well. Okay, I guess. He cleared his throat and turned toward his friends, all dressed like they were on their way to a church dance. Guys, this is Weston and... Zoe. A lonely echo sprang off the way he said my name, pinching my heart. The four clean-cut, starched-shirts and dress pants-dressed guys nodded. One even shook Westons hand. Chase, why dont you guys head inside? Well be right behind you, Weston suggested. Chase hemmed a moment, his gaze volleying from me to Weston. Then he jerked his head in the direction of Krissys round house and the group of them crossed the snow-covered lawn toward the front door. Weston stared into my eyes. Was that okay with you? What? But I knew. We both smiled. Come on. He reached up and his finger grazed my chin. My body buzzed. You know what Im talking about, Zoe. Youre a smart girl. Thats one of the things I like about you. It sounded to me like you were telling Chase that we were here together. I was. So, youre okay with that? Yeah, Im okay with that. A loud bass beat came barreling down the street, the sound pulsing from Britts white Mustang. Instinctively, I took a step away from Weston. Shes coming? Westons question tweaked with disbelief. I swallowed a nervous knot in my throat. Behind her, a stream of cars followed. Weston paced, shoving his hands into his hair. This sucks. Leave it to Britt, I mumbled. I knew the carsand their drivers Id seen them hundreds of times at hundreds of different parties over the years. Soon, the street was clogged with horn-honking, bass pounding automobiles squirming like worms in the dirt for a parking place. Bradys black compact tore through the street, onto Krissys front yard. He jumped out of the car and five guys from the football team poured onto the lawn and into the snow. My heart pounded. Black spirits clung to Brady and his buddies, riding their backs like soulless phantoms in a silent celebration of impending trouble. A flood of icy shivers raced through my system, freezing me in place. This changed everything. I had to go in now, warn Chase and Krissy do something to protect my friends from this onslaught. Brady stared defiantly at us, and waited for Britt who parked her Mustang behind his car. She strode in her spiked heels, tight jeans and skintight sheer blouse with black push-up bra bursting through the fabric in invitation. Two evil figures floated in continuous circles around her, like vapors of pollution ready to smother. Britt joined the pack of guys and Bradys eyes narrowed at Weston. He slid an arm about Britt and crushed her into his side. Britt played at fighting him off, writhing with practiced moves Id seen before, moves that looked more like she was teasing Brady into an aroused frenzy than actual hostility. Around the pack buzzed anxious, jittery black spiritslike banshees at a human sacrificetheir mouths gaping in soundless screams, arms caressing, winding, taunting in a continual stimulation. Weston let out a snort of disgust and moved closer to me. I tried to feel comforted. Safe. But that was impossible, standing this close to such a malevolent display. We shouldnt stay, I said. Weston glanced from me, to Brady, back to me. I swallowed. Unlike Westons party, where Id witnessed other guardians outside the house, waiting to help, I saw none tonight. Not even Krissys. I realized then that Matthias words were true: when someone chooses to step in dangerous territory, they give up the protection of heavenly hosts. Im not letting Brady think he can get to me. Its not about him, I said. Westons jaw twitched. And its not about Britt. Shes just trying to make you jealous. His face contorted, as if looking any longer at Britt would make him heave. He averted his gaze, shame closing his eyes for a long moment. I touched his sleeve. You okay? I asked. His eyes opened and he nodded. Britts glare shot like a beam of fire across the yard at me when I touched Weston. She tore free of Brady and stormed over. Weston moved in front of me, his arms braced protectively behind around my body. My chest pressed into the strong planes of his tense back. I appreciated the shielding gesture, but Britt was not going to get to me, either. I eased out of his backwards embrace and stood at his side. He kept his stance rigid, as if ready to pounce. Brady snagged Britt and stopped her. Around them, black spirits spun in a frenzy of flapping arms and gnashing teeth. A jag of fear shot through me. Im here to party, Britt spat. Not watch my loser boyfriend hook up with the biggest slut I know. My mouth dropped. I lunged, but Westons arms linked me tight to his immobile frame. Its not worth it, he whispered into my ear. He was right. Anger furled from my feet, up my legs, through my cells. The black spirits celebrating on Britt and Brady shot black stares my direction, pinning me, as if at any moment, they would leap through the air and latch themselves on me. I broke free of Weston, straightened my clothes. Britt tossed a chunk of blonde hair over her shoulder, glared, then linked her arm in Bradys and the lot of them went inside. I blew out steam. Weston cupped my face and my eyes locked with his. Anger began to subside. You wanna bail? No. I cant leave Krissy and Chase here with that psycho on the loose. Someone needed to make sure things didnt get out of hand. That shouldnt be you, Zoe. I whirled around. Matthias. Nineteen He stood ten feet away, his aura jagged with electric power that snapped and sizzled bolts of energy so powerful, I was sure Weston and I would disintegrate instantly. His body was tense, hands fisted, skin tight across his beautiful face. The blue in his eyes beamed bright. Zoe? Weston asked, seeing my stare into what was, from his point of view, empty air. Um, could you go inside and wait for me? II need a minute. Are you okay? What happened? Westons tone held panic. He moved into my line of vision, blocking Matthias. At that moment, a bone-breaking punch jolted the tight energy in the air. I shook from head to toe. Zoe? Weston put his hands on my shoulders. I tried to focus on him, but the aura from Matthias was so overwhelming, reaching out to me, reaching out for me that my body weakened, insignificant and very mortal. I clasped Westons wrists and held on. Whatever this energy was coming from Matthias, it was stronger than anything else Id felt. What are you doing? Dont go in that house, Zoe. Please. Weston? I whispered. Yes? What? What? Tell me. Can... you... go... inside and wait for me? I dont want to leave you like this. Somethings wrong. No, Im good. I just need a second alone. Promise. His dark eyes searched mine. I nodded and he released me, slowly crossing to the house before going inside. When I faced Matthias again, he was inches from me, his aura submerging. I nearly collapsed. I sucked in air and was filled with calm, soothing light, as if hed pressed his lips to mine and breathed into my soul. My eyes closed and for a moment I was back in Paradise with Matthias in peaceful serenity. My father is in there. He will try to destroy you if you go inside. But my friends, I have to help them. Youre no match for the hosts he has with him. Please do not go inside. Take me with you, Matthias. I want to be with you. Cant you just take me? In that instant, my eyes opened. I was in Krissys front yard. Matthias was still close, and I was sure I really hadnt gone anywhere, just imagined the dream. I cant take you from your life. His gentle eyes soothed my disappointment. He reached out to touch me, but withdrew his hand. I can do this, I said, determined. I cant have you, I cant have the life I want with you, so Im going to live the life in front of me, and right now, that means Weston, and saving my friends here at this party. He took a deep breath, his chest rising beneath his downy white shirt. Matthias, people face evil every day. And youre not my guardian anymore, so I have to face this and not let it get to me. You told me to be brave, remember? He nodded, his face sober. Its dangerous. Yes. I know. But I have Weston. Sparks lit the air around us, startling me. Matthias face, though serene, drew taut in what appeared to be displeasure. I was stunned. Am I safe with Weston? He held my gaze without a blink. Seconds ticked by. Neither of us moved. He cant protect you from evil. Are you angry that Im with him? The slightest twitch in his jaw was the only change in his demeanor. Not angry, Zoe. Then what is this I feel coming from you? It... its not like anything Ive felt from you before. He dipped his head, closed his eyes, then brought his sparkling blue gaze to mine. As a companion, youll be safe with him. But the house is fraught with black spirits. Its not safe for either of you inside. I let out a breath. I understand. But... Krissy. Chase. I have to at least go inside and tell them to come out... or... send everybody home. Something. Chase will listen, he listens to me. Hell believe what I tell him. Matthias blue eyes shifted to over my shoulder, and his kind expression squared enough to alert me. Arms slipped around my waist and locked. Warm breath tickled my neck. Weston. Hey. You coming in? I cleared my throat. Yeah. Matthias aura danced in bright colors, as if his soul had no other way to show his angst-ridden feelings other than the silent, brilliant, unrequited display. My heart tore. Im sorry. He shook his head and turned his face, as if seeing me in Westons arms was excruciatingly painful. Weston kissed my neck, and another bolt of fiery light sprung from Matthias into the black night sky. I turned, gripped the front of Westons hoodie and dragged him toward the door. I couldnt put Matthias through this. Weston chuckled. Okay, okay, Im coming. Its not really that bad in there. Krissys got some decent CDs and somebody bought a ton of booze. I came to a halt on the porch and looked him in the eye, still gripping the front of his hoodie with both hands. Promise me you wont drink tonight. Not at all? Not one drop. Promise. Confusion flashed on his face. He shrugged. Okay. I glanced at Matthias, standing where Id left him, his face tattered. Around him, light sparked and bolted in the colors of an angry rainbow. My heart ripped deeper. Im sorry. Matthias shoved his fists in the front pockets of his slacks. I looked at Weston. And promise me you wont leave me tonight. He grinned. Done. Inside, the house smelled like cinnamon. Krissy had lit dozens of candles, and no other lights burned. A nice if overt touch. Music pounded from somewhere. About two dozen kids roamed, eyes darting in hunt-mode, red plastic cups in their hands. Weston shut the door behind us. The shudder wracking my spine vanished with the pressure from his hand at my back. I glanced up at him and he grinned. Britt cackled from somewhere in the house. Weston let out a sigh. Man. Crank up that music, lets rock this place, Britt shouted. The music boomed even louder. I was certain the windows would crack. Westons hand wrapped around mine and squeezed. I longed for the complete comfort and feeling of protection Matthias presence gave me, but that was impossible with Weston. He was mortal. Though he meant well, and offered me support, I felt very human and fallible. Not everyone in the house had black spirits straddling their bodies. That was a relief. I must have looked like a weirdo as I passed, staring at the creatures salivating for each hosts submission. As Weston and I made our way through the house, joined by our hands, I worked at keeping my focus. Id find Chase and warn him. Then Id make up some excuse for Krissy to kick everybody out so shed be safe. Id start a fire if I had to. Chase and his friends stood in a semi-circle around the kitchen table, laden with candy and cookies. Cookies? Chase was jumpy as a cricket. So were his buddies. Each had stacks of sugar cookies in their hands. Chase had a red cup. Behind them, one solitary figure stood. Albert. I stopped. At my side, Weston halted and peered into my face. Zoe? My throat clutched. Across the room, Alberts eyes fastened onto mine in a stare that stripped me to the bone. My heart banged against my ribs. With the slickness of a shark, Albert slid behind Chase and his friends in a menacing game of eenie-meanie-minie-moe. Hey. Chase lifted his cup and grinned. He pressed the red plastic to his lips, chugged and his face contorted. His buddies watched him in wide-eyed fascination. Weston missed the moment, focused as he was on my marble stupor. I reached out, felt the air until my hand gripped Westons sleeve. Matthias was right. We shouldnt be here. Though Albert was alone, the sheer magnitude of his wickedness was as powerful as the comfort Matthias presented. This evil was thick as a smog bank, blinding, choking, tainted with a rabid viciousness. Standing in its path meant certain destruction. There was nothing of the sinewy evil the black spirits carried, the kind that slips in slowly, readying its subject for complete takeover and submission. Albert took. Period. I didnt dare move an inch. Inside, my voice screamed, move Chase! Run! Everybody get out ofhere! Zoe? Westons voice sounded so far away. Mouth open, I looked at him. Take me away. We have to go now! Chase, I scratched out. Then Chase was next to me, his eyes concerned behind his glasses. The faint scent of beer dressed his breath. Zoe? Is she okay? I dont know. Shes been acting funny since we pulled up. Chases eyes widened. Yes, he gets it. Talk you idiot, tell him! Zoe, look at me. Chase nudged Weston aside and pressed his palms into my shoulders. Do you... see something? Westons concern shifted to wary curiosity. Why couldnt I use my

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