Naked Lies (10 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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Massaging my
clitoris faster, I swung my hips vigorously back and forth, abusing
my naked body, fucking my beautiful cunt in my sexual frenzy.
Gasping, I leaned back, my burning sexual centre projected, taking
the handle deep into my gripping pussy as my climax approached.
"God, yes!" I cried as my clitoris swelled and erupted in orgasm.
"Oh, oh, God!"

Unconscious of
my surroundings, I fucked myself faster, massaging my clitoris with
a vengeance, crying out as my climax repeatedly peaked. My naked
body shuddering, my lust juices coursing down the green handle, I
rocked my hips faster, ramming my cervix. In my sexual delirium, I
lost control, the handle slipping out of my cunt and sliding down
between my buttocks.

"Ah!" I cried,
propelling my hips forward before I'd realized what had happened,
the cunny-wet handle suddenly driving deep into my bottom-hole.
"Ah, no!" Slowly moving back, the shaft slipping out of my private
duct, the sensations drove me wild. Never had I woken the sleeping
nerve endings there, derived pleasure from my bottom.

"Jesus," I
whispered as I tentatively moved forward, the shaft penetrating my
bottom again, opening me, sending electrifying sensations deep into
my quivering pelvis. Massaging my clitoris again, the shaft
embedded deep within my secret hole, I took myself to another
shuddering orgasm.

Whimpering as
my anal sphincter muscles gripped the invading shaft, I swayed back
and forth, fucking my tight bottom-hole. Never had I known that
such beautiful sensations existed, realized the pleasure derivable
from my secret sheath and I contemplated using two shafts, fucking
both my holes simultaneously. My whole body trembling, vibrant with
sex, I thought I'd die as my incredible climax rode on. My heart
racing, my breathing heavy, I almost crumpled to the ground as my
rectal duct tightened again, crushing the thrusting shaft.

Hearing Mat
calling me, I stood still, only my fingers moving between my
yawning cunt lips, gently massaging the last waves of my climax
from my appreciative nub. "Jane, where are you?" he called as I
moved back, the handle slowly gliding out of my inflamed
bottom-hole, leaving me quivering uncontrollably. Birds fluttered
about the old apple tree. Had they watched me?

towards the house, I scooped my sticky vaginal cream out of my sex
crack and sucked my fingers. Wiping my inner thighs, I smiled
innocently as Mat appeared in the doorway and asked me what I was
doing in the garden without my clothes on. My pussy juice tasted
nice, a comforting taste. I wanted to lick my cunt.

"What are you
doing out here naked?" he asked again.

"Watching the
birds," I replied nonchalantly, sitting on a patio chair and
crossing my legs, concealing not only my swollen pussy lips, my
gaping cunt, but my weal-lined buttocks. "And sunbathing."

"You've never
done that before," he remarked, his brown eyes frowning as
suspicion obviously got the better of him.

"Yes, I have.
I often sunbathe naked while you're at work."

"You've never
told me."

"You've never
asked. The kettle's boiled, if you'd like to make the coffee."


"What time did
Den go last night?"

"Around one
o'clock. We finished off the wine, smoked cigars and had a pretty
good night. It's a shame you weren't feeling well. Are you OK

"Yes, I'm
fine," I smiled.

"Good. I'll go
and make the coffee. Unfortunately, I have an early start

As Mat chinked the cups and rattled the teaspoon, I parted my
thighs and gazed down at my swollen, irrigated labia. The garden
hoe would become an intimate friend, I mused, recalling the
incredible sensations deep within my bloated bottom. I'd slip down
the garden every day and... Remembering Den's words as he'd fucked
my mouth, I shuddered.
Do this for me every
day, and your sordid little secret will be safe

Again, I
imagined that I could still taste his sperm on my tongue. I
pictured his solid penis driving in and out of my mouth, my lips
rolling along his glistening shaft, his sperm bathing my tongue,
jetting to the back of my throat. A bolt of fear hit me as Mat
sauntered into the garden with the coffee. There was no escaping
Den and his insatiable penis, no safe haven - not even my

"Den's window
overlooks the garden," Mat said with a hint of petulance as he
placed my coffee on the table. "You shouldn't be out here without
anything on."

"I'm sure he's
seen a naked woman before," I quipped.

"Don't you

"He won't be
looking out of his window at this time of the morning, Mat."

"But you said
that you often sunbathe naked while I'm at work."

"I'm sure Den
has better things to do than stare out of the window at me."


"What's the
matter, are you jealous?"

"No, of course
I'm not. It's just that... Oh well, it's up to you. I'd better go
and get ready."

It was odd
that he'd not insisted that I dress, conceal my naked femininity.
With his suspicious mind, his possessiveness, I'd have thought that
he'd have ordered me into the house rather than leave me naked on
the patio. And he'd not made a great fuss about my sunbathing naked
while he was at work. Perhaps he'd changed? No, I'd changed!

Recalling the
photograph Den had of me, I decided that it would be worth sneaking
into his house in an attempt to retrieve the evidence. No matter
how well hidden, given time, I was sure that I'd find it - and the
tape. He'd said something to Mat over the meal about seeing a
client in London in the morning. My cue to break into his

the idea as the sun rose higher in the sky, I tweaked my nipples,
the beautiful sensations permeating my pert breasts. Never had my
milk teats been so sensitive, so responsive, and I cupped the
fullness of my breasts in my hands and gently sucked each brown
protrusion in turn. My clitoris swelled, my cunt ached, and I knew
that I needed to come again.

sucking on each milk teat, my areolae darkening, I gently bit my
succulent nipples. Picturing Den's stiff penis, sperm jetting from
his bulbous glans, I realized that I'd not had sex with Mat for
some time. What would it be like now, sucking Mat to orgasm? How
would he compare as he came? How would his sperm taste after Den's?
A cock was a cock.

seven-thirty, I'll see you this evening," Mat smiled as he stepped
onto the patio, making me jump. "You'd better cover yourself up
before Den..."

"I'll put my
bikini on after I've had my coffee," I smiled.

"Right, I'll
see you later."

It was time to
retreat into the house before Den started roaming, hunting me like
an animal, I decided. Wandering into the kitchen and locking the
back door, I went into the lounge and looked out of the window.
Den's aging BMW was still in his drive. I had time to dress and
have breakfast before I retrieved the photographs and tape from his
house. If my mission was successful, he'd no longer have anything
on me. And he could go to hell!

After a
refreshing shower and scrambled eggs on toast, I looked out of the
lounge window again. Den's car had gone! My hands trembling, I
slipped out of the front door and crept up his path. At last I had
an opportunity to end the nightmare! Although the chances of
breaking in were pretty remote, at least I had to try.

around the back of his house, I noticed that the dining room window
was partially open. Looking around the garden, I knew I was alone,
but I still felt afraid. If Den caught me in his house... But he'd
gone, and Mat had gone, so I had no need to worry. Climbing through
the window, my breathing heavy, my heart racing, I stood in the
dining room, wondering where to begin the search.

through the hall, I slipped into the lounge. The photographs still
adorned the walls, my dressing gown over the back of an armchair.
So far so good, I thought positively, wondering where the other
photos were. About to open a bureau, I froze as I heard a key in
the front door lock. My heart pounding wildly, I looked frantically
about me as the door opened and closed.

Diving behind
the sofa, I held my breath as Den breezed in. What the hell had he
come back for? I wondered anxiously as he moved about the room. He
must have forgotten something. Hopefully, he'd get whatever it was
and leave. My body shaking, my palms wet with fear, I knew I
wouldn't be able to play dead indefinitely.

As he sat down
and punched the buttons on the telephone, I realized with horror
that he might spend half an hour chatting, or longer. "Hi, it's
Den," he chirped as I tried to make myself more comfortable. "Not
bad, bearing up under the strain. Listen, the photographs are
ready. Yes, a dozen showing her naked, and it's pretty obvious by
the expression on her face that she's enjoying a massive orgasm!
No, I was careful to duck every time I pressed the camera remote.
You can see everything, believe me! No, they're not here, they're
with my photographer friend. Yes, I'll be taking some more today.
Don't you worry about that, I've got so much on her now that she'll
have no bloody choice. OK, I'll see you later. Bye."

Wondering who
he'd been talking to as he left the room, I breathed a sigh of
relief as I heard the front door slam shut. There was no point in
stripping the walls now that he had another dozen shots of me.
Besides, he'd know I'd been into his house, and I didn't want

through the hall, I made my escape through the dining room window,
wondering when he planned to take more photographs of me. He was
right - he had so much on me now that I wouldn't have any choice.
I'd be forced to pose for him, even though it would consolidate his
evidence of my debauchery.

The phone was
ringing as I stepped into the hall and closed the door, but I
didn't answer it. My mind reeling, I was in no mood to chat to
anyone. Relaxing on the sofa in the lounge, I wondered what to do
now that my plan had failed. This was my life, I reflected. How on
earth had someone gained complete control over me? I felt a slave
in every sense of the word. I daren't leave the house for fear of
Den following me. My body as good as belonged to him.

Carole had
been right - the only way out of the mess would have been to tell
Mat everything. But it was too late for that now. I found myself
contemplating divorce. It was a terrible thought, but it would
certainly solve my horrendous problems. I finally decided to ignore
Den and accept the consequences, whatever they were. I couldn't
live two lives, the respectable married woman and the covert sex
slave. It wasn't possible.

The phone rang
several times during my hour or so of contemplation, but I ignored
it. What Carole must have thought of me, I had no idea. I should
have contacted her and explained... But what? I'd told her that I'd
bent over and showed my neighbour my cunt. There was nothing to

"Ah, there you
are!" Den grinned as he breezed into the lounge clutching his

"How... how
did you get in?" I stammered, my heart racing as I leaped to my

"The front
door was open."


"How do you
think I got in, then? I didn't walk through the wall!"

"Get out of

"That's not
very nice, Jane. I've come here to masturbate you, to bring you

"I'm not going
to be blackmailed any more'. I've had enough, Den."

"I have
another photograph for you to look at. The lighting's not too good
but you can see quite clearly."

triumphantly, he pulled the picture from his jacket pocket and
passed it to me. I gazed in horror at my obscene image, chomping on
Den's meaty penis at the dining room table. More incriminating
evidence! More food for blackmail! How on earth had he managed it?
Where had the camera been? By the angle of the shot, it must have
been on the windowsill, the lens peeping through the gap in the

"Pretty good,
isn't it?" he leered.


"You can keep
it, I have plenty more. As you can see, I have my camera so..."

"No! No,
you're not taking any more of me!" I broke in, a bolt of fear
hitting me as I imagined Mat gazing at the obscene banquet.

"I thought you
might say that so I've made contingency plans."

"If you show
Mat, you'll be in as much trouble as me."

"I'll say that
you kept begging me for sex, that you came to my house and stripped
off, that you insisted that I allow you to suck me off while Mat
went to get the cigars. That's it, I had to take photographs,
threaten to show him the evidence so you'd stop pestering me."

"He'll never
believe you!"

"I'll tell him
that you pushed your panties and suspender belts through my letter
box, that you threatened to tell him that we were having an

ridiculous, he'll never believe..."

"I'll tell him
that you have dozens of men coming here for sex. Anyway, the
contingency plans... I've posted a couple of photos to Mat's


"They should
get there tomorrow morning."


"Don't worry, they're not of you. I cut them out of a magazine
and wrote discreet captions like
I've seen
your wife posing like this

"Why on

"It's just a
taste of what could happen, Jane. You know what Mat's like, he'll
become highly suspicious and question you about it. Of course,
you'll talk your way out of it, put it down to some idiot trying to
cause trouble, but if he then received the real thing... So, let's
start by having you strip naked."

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