Naked Lies (14 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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"Let it come,
Jane," she breathed, obviously aware of my intense state of
arousal. "Be a good little girl and come in my mouth." A thousand
thoughts rolled through my mind - Mat, my marriage, lesbianism,
adultery, the marital home... But I'd crossed the threshold of no
return, there was no way I could halt my orgasm now. "Come in my
mouth," I heard the husky female voice repeat, as if far away, as I
parted my thighs as wide as I could and clutched her head in my
hands, grinding my open cunt into her gobbling mouth.

"Oh, God!" I
breathed involuntarily as my orgasm erupted within my solid
clitoris. "God, I'm there!" Her saliva and my vaginal juices
streaming down between my buttocks, I pulled on her head, drowning
her, suffocating her as my body shook violently. Her fingers
ramming deep into my cunt, my clitoris pulsating within her hot
mouth, she sustained my amazing climax, hurling me into a state of
semi-consciousness as the electrifying sensations rolled through my
sated body.

My head
tossing from side to side, my eyes rolling, I clung to her head,
swivelling my hips, my gaping sex valley forced into her wet mouth
as she sucked out my climax. Again and again powerful shockwaves of
orgasm exploded from my throbbing clitoris, rippling through my
quivering body, reaching every nerve ending, tightening every
muscle. I thought I'd die as my pleasure peaked and I cried out my

"Don't stop!"
I screamed as the angel of sex expertly fingered my cunt and sucked
on my clitoris as only another woman knows how. "God, don't stop!"
On and on the staggering sensations rocked my quivering body,
taking me to almost paralysing heights of sexual pleasure. My cunt
milk pouring from my bloated vagina, my clitoris aching with
pleasure, I wondered how much more I could endure as a massive
orgasmic peak lurched through my abused body. My breasts heaving,
my face burning as my inflamed cunt gripped her thrusting fingers,
I gasped as another wave of pure sexual ecstasy crashed through

Was I a
lesbian? I again wondered, opening my eyes and gazing at my outer
lips enveloping her pretty mouth as my orgasm finally began to
subside. Was the feminine softness of a girl's mouth pressed
against my sex flesh what I really wanted? Her tongue circling the
base of my clitoris, she slowed her fingering, skilfully bringing
out the last pulses of orgasm. As only another woman knows how, I
reflected as her fingertips massaged my G-spot.

"Did you enjoy
that?" she whispered, looking up at my flushed face as I finally
released her head.

"Yes," I
murmured through my sexual haze. "Yes, yes."

"You have a
nice cunt, Jane. Would you like me to suck out your sex milk?"

"Yes, yes," I
babbled involuntarily, my head lolling to one side, my body
trembling in the aftermath of my lesbian-induced climax.

"You'd like me
to lick your cunt out, wouldn't you?"


As she slipped
her fingers out of my drenched vagina, her tongue entering me,
licking deep inside my hot cunt, my exhausted body shuddered, my
mind swirled with a thousand thoughts. Den and Mat would soon
return. Lisa would whisper to Den, tell him that she'd licked and
fingered me to orgasm, Mat would notice my sex-flushed face, the
damp patch on my bikini as my lust juices drained...

"There, I've
licked you clean," the devil's daughter soothed as male voices
drifted into my dazed mind. "They're back, so you'd better put your
bikini on," she whispered, rising to her feet. My hands trembling,
my body still shaking, I grabbed my bikini bottom. Dragging the
garment up my quivering legs, I lifted my buttocks off the sofa and
veiled my inflamed cunt, concealing the hot evidence of my lesbian

"Oh, there you
are," Mat smiled as he popped his head round the door.

"We've been
having a chat," Lisa imparted, tossing her ebony tresses over her

"Are you going
to join us in the garden?"

"Yes, we'll be
right with you."

Taking my hand
as Mat left the room, Lisa pulled me to my feet and brushed my
damp, blonde hair away from my face. I found myself gazing at her,
an unfamiliar longing welling in my heart. She was very pretty,
extremely attractive, and I wasn't sure what I wanted. I didn't
understand the alien thoughts tormenting my racked mind.

Following her
into the garden, I sat on a sun-chair, wondering at the lewd act,
the lesbian sex, my incredible orgasm. Since Den had cut me loose
from the secure moorings of fidelity, I'd meandered a long way down
the river, drifted far away from the realms of normality. Where
would the flow take me? I wondered. What lay in wait beyond the
estuary, on the cruel sea?

"Did you enjoy
Lisa's company?" Den asked sarcastically, breaking my train of
thought as the girl wandered over to the barbeque to join Mat.

"Yes, very
much," I smiled. "We had a chat about certain things."


"About you,
amongst other things."

"Me? What did
she say about me?"

I felt a plan
hatching - a plan to set Lisa and Den against each other. If I told
him that she'd said this about him, and told her that he'd said
that about her, the trouble would begin to brew. Suddenly I
detected a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel of doom.

"She told me
one or two very interesting things," I finally replied.

"Such as?"

"I'm not
repeating anything said in confidence, you'll have to ask her. Mind
you, I very much doubt that she'll tell you."

"What are you
up to?"

"I'm not up to

As he mooched
over to the barbeque, his dark eyes frowning, Lisa made her way
towards me. Den said something to Mat, and they both laughed as
Lisa sat beside me. But I felt that, before too long, I'd be wiping
the laugh off Den's face.

"Den was just
saying that you..." I began, watching for her reaction.

"Saying that I
what?" she asked.

"I'd better
not repeat it."

"What did he

"Nothing. I'm
going up to change, it's turning chilly."

"What did he
say, Jane?"

"It was said
in confidence so... I'm going to change."

Making my way
upstairs, I felt that I'd started a ball rolling, and nothing would
stop it. If it began to slow down, I'd give it another shove,
sending it spinning on its way again. The bedroom door locked, I
quickly changed into my skirt and blouse, sure that Den and Lisa
would be asking each other what had been said behind their backs.
Now was the time to leave them to stew for a while, I reflected as
I bounded downstairs.

"Mat, Carole
just rang," I called from the back door. "She wants me to go over
and give her a hand with something."


"Yes, it can't
be helped, I'm afraid. I won't be long."


"I won't be

making my escape, I left the house and walked down the leafy
avenue. As I quickened my pace, relieved to be free, my thoughts
whispered to me, told me to turn back. I stopped, watching an old
lady cycle by as I contemplated creeping back into the house. But
what would I gain? I wondered. Den and Lisa wouldn't say anything
worth hearing in front of Mat.

Deciding to go
for a long walk, I headed for the recreation ground. The evening
sun warming me, an overwhelming sense of freedom bathed me, and I
quickened my step. For the first time in days I felt good, alive,
and I determined to escape Den and his accomplice for good. A
holiday might be an idea, I mused. A couple of weeks on a Greek
island would recharge me, give me the strength to carry on. Yes, I
definitely needed a break.

Returning home
a couple of hours later, I slipped my key into the front door lock
and crept into the house, praying that the evil pair had gone.
Another note lay on the mat, and my heart sank as I opened it.
"Filthy whore!" I breathed, screwing the paper up. It wasn't Lisa -
she'd not been on the scene when the other notes had arrived. Den?
I pondered again. No, there'd be no point.

Stealing into
the kitchen, I dropped the note into the bin, wondering what I was
doing with Mat. Did he really need me? Did I really need him? Our
relationship, the so-called marital home, the notes - what was it
all about?

Looking out of
the window, I saw Mat sitting alone on the patio. The terrible duo
had gone, thank God! I stood there gazing at him for several
minutes, wishing that I could turn the clock back. If only Den
hadn't moved in next door, if only I'd denied the magazine
photographs, if only... It was no good looking back, I knew. What
was done was done. Clocks can't be turned back.

"Hi," I
smiled, stepping out of the house.

"Jane, where
have you been?" he asked, almost angrily.

"Sorry, I was
longer than I thought I'd be."

"Den and Lisa
left about ten minutes ago, it's a shame you missed them."

"Never mind,
no doubt we'll be seeing them again."

"We will.
Den's invited us to dinner tomorrow evening."

"Aren't we
overdoing this Den thing?" I sighed despondently.

"What do you

"It's Den
this, Den that... He came here to dinner, the barbeque, and now
we're going to his place for a meal. We'll never have an evening
alone together at this rate."

"Don't you
like him?"

"It's not
that, it's just that we're never alone, Mat."

"There'll be
plenty of evenings..."

As he dashed
into the house to answer the phone, I wandered down the garden. I'd
not go to Den's the following evening, I decided. I'd feign a
stomach ache or something. I couldn't face another evening of sex.
Standing beneath the old apple tree, I pondered on my life. Den
ruled me, and Lisa, but it was still my life. If I didn't want to
go to his place for dinner, I wouldn't. If I didn't want him coming
to our house, then he wouldn't. I wasn't going to be bamboozled by
Den and Lisa - or Mat.

The sun
sinking, dusk bathing the garden, I decided to go to bed. I'd
endured yet another day of humiliation, degradation, blackmail. But
worse were my thoughts, my persistent thoughts of lesbian sex, of
Lisa. As I wandered across the lawn to the house, I pondered on
Carole, what it would be like to suck her clitoris to orgasm. My
inner desires were becoming disquieting. Feeling that my mind would
explode, I knew I had to escape the nightmare.

"Who rang?" I
asked Mat, walking wearily into the kitchen.

"Dave, from
down the road. He's decided to sell his computer and wondered
whether I was interested."

"Are you?"

"I could do
with another computer, I'll go and have a look - if it's OK with

"Yes, of
course. I'm going up to bed, anyway."

"All right,
I'll see you later."

"Don't wake me
up, will you?"

"No, I

As Mat left, I
filled the kettle to make some tea. At least he wouldn't want sex,
I thought thankfully, taking a cup from the cupboard. The last
thing I wanted after a day of crude sex was Mat fucking me! Jumping
as the phone rang, I knew instinctively who it was. Rushing into
the hall, I grabbed the receiver, ready to tell Den to go to

"Is Mat
there?" Den asked.

"He's in the
lounge," I lied.

"Jane, go out
into the garden and stand by the fence between our houses."


"I've drilled
a hole in the fence, I want to come in your mouth."

"Den, I am not
going to..."

"In that case,
I'll post a couple of photographs to Mat's office."

"Haven't you
used and abused me enough today?"

"Be by the
fence in two minutes, or you'll be sorry."


He'd hung up,
obviously knowing that I had no choice other than to suck him off
yet again. Morning, noon and night I was at his beck and call. He
wasn't concerned in the slightest that I'd said that Mat was in the
lounge. There really was no escaping the bloody man!

outside, I rounded the corner of the house, just able to make out
Den's penis sticking through a hole in the high fence in the dark
of the night. Kneeling, I wasted no time, sucking his bulbous plum
into my mouth, desperate to get it over with and climb the stairs
to the safety of my bed.

"Mmm, that's
good!" Den gasped. "Give me a bloody good blow job, bitch!" Moving
my head back and forth, repeatedly taking his swollen knob to the
back of my throat, I wondered how many times I'd be forced to kneel
at the fence and swallow his sperm. How many times did he need to
come each day? Four? Five? Six?

"You like my
knob spunking down your throat, don't you?" he breathed. Ignoring
his crudity, I mouthed and sucked on his glans, praying for him to
come quickly. I was tired, physically and mentally exhausted, and
all I wanted was my bed. "Mouth fuck me, whore!" he cried in his
progressive excitement, his shaft twitching, his knob swelling

His sperm gushing, bathing my tongue, filling my cheeks, I
sucked and drank from his orgasming cock, draining his balls yet
again. I felt dirty, crude, as his jism dribbled from my mouth and
ran down my chin.
. The word haunted me, resounded through the wreckage of my
mind. Did I want Lisa's clitoris in my mouth, or Den's cock?
Confusion reigned as I sucked out the last of his salty sperm and
clambered to my feet.

Ignoring Den
as he asked me if sucking him off had wetted my cunt, I hurried
back into the house. I hated myself for failing yet again, for
succumbing to my blackmailer's crude demands. Locking the back
door, I ran upstairs, the taste of sperm lingering on my tongue.
Never again, I promised myself as I cleaned my teeth, washing away
the reminder of my lewd act.

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