Naked Lies (5 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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Wandering into
the hall, I looked for my dressing gown. I recalled leaving it over
the banister, but it had gone. Suddenly realizing that Den had
taken it to build up his evidence against me, the severity of my
predicament hit me.

How could I
ever explain why my gown was in Den's house, or my panties, come to
that? Returning to the bedroom, I looked about me, wondering what
else he'd stolen. He'd never steal my fidelity. Opening my dressing
table drawer, I gasped, immediately realizing that he'd been
rummaging through my underwear while I'd been in the garden. All my
suspender belts had gone.

This had gone
too far, I decided as I flung my clothes on. I had to confront Den,
come to some arrangement or other with him. But there was only one
arrangement he'd agree to! Grabbing the receiver as the phone rang,
I decided to talk to him, try and make him see sense.

"Oh, Carole!"
I gasped, relieved to hear her voice.

"Are you OK,
Jane? What's the matter?"


I didn't know
where to begin my incredible story, but I knew that I had to tell
my best friend. What she'd think, I had no idea, but I desperately
needed to confide in her. A problem shared? A secret shared is no
longer a secret.

"I undressed
in front of my neighbour," I blurted out.


"I undressed
in front of him. And I... I lay on my bed, naked."

"Are you
feeling all right?"

"No, I'm not.
Listen, he came here yesterday morning with a dirty magazine. The
girl in the centrefold... He thought it was me and blackmailed me.
He said that he'd show Mat unless I..."

"Is it

"Whether it is
or not doesn't matter, the point is that he thinks it's me."

"I don't
understand, how can he blackmail you if it isn't you?"

"Mat will
believe it's me, you know what he's like."

"If it's not
you, then..."

"He had a tape
recorder in his pocket. I didn't want him causing trouble so I
admitted that it was me and..."

"It's all
right, calm down. Tell me what happened, exactly."

"I stripped
off in the lounge. Later, he came into my bedroom and... and made
me bend over. I was naked and..."

"Jane, the
only thing you can do is tell Mat."

"No, I can't
do that. Mat's so suspicious, possessive, that he'd..."

"Unless you do
something, it'll go on and on, get worse and..."

"I know that!"
I snapped. "I'm sorry, Carole, I didn't mean to yell at you. Mat's
been increasingly suspicious lately. He keeps on about other men,
whether I fancy them or not. And he's got a thing about
pornography, about the girls and..."

"Look, I'll
come round and we'll talk about it."


"Give me half
an hour."

"I'll be

Replacing the
receiver, I drifted downstairs, pleased that I'd told Carole, and
yet wishing I hadn't. Now two people knew about the magazine! The
nightmare was worsening by the minute. Pacing the lounge floor, my
head spinning, I felt that I was becoming neurotic. Again, I wished
I'd put a stop to the ridiculous situation before it had got out of
hand. But it was too late now. Checking my watch, I decided to go
and see Den, try to explain, to reason with him.

My heart was
in my mouth as I rang on his doorbell, imagining him dragging me
inside and... And what? I felt as if I was going crazy as I waited
for him to answer. I was going crazy! My life in ruins, my marriage
on the line... What the hell was going on?

"Ah, I thought
you might pay me a visit," Den smiled, displaying a perfect row of
white teeth as he opened the door. "You'd better step inside."

"That's what
the spider said to the fly," I murmured pensively as I walked into
his hall, into his lair.

"Step into my
parlour!" he chuckled.

"I'm here to
talk, Den, not to..."

"I know why
you're here. Come into the lounge."

Following him
as he closed the front door, I felt my stomach sink. Another grave
mistake, I knew, as I entered the lounge to confront several framed
prints of the lewd magazine photographs adorning the walls.
Noticing one of my suspender belts strewn over the back of an
armchair, I realized that he'd become obsessed with me.

"You need
help," I remarked as he waved at the sofa, indicating for me to sit
down. I was the one who needed help!

"I don't need
any help," he laughed. "I'm more than capable of..."

besotted, obsessed."


photographs, my suspender belt, my panties... Where's my dressing

"It's safe
enough. It smells of your body, Jane - a sexy smell."

"You're a

"Am I?"

"There's no
other word for it."

"I'm glad you
came round because I want to look at your cunt again."

"That's not
what I'm here for!" I returned, my hands trembling. What was I
there for?

"I've decided
to show Mat the photographs and give him a copy of the tape."


things aren't going according to plan. You keep resisting, arguing
with me and..."

"I did as you

"I was only
touching you, stroking your cunt, and you yelled at me. No, I don't
like the way things are working out, so I'll show Mat."

I should have
known that there could never be a limit - that he'd push me
further, make ever more demands of me. He was debased, deviant -
desperate. To even contemplate being able to reason with such a man
was ludicrous. There was no reasoning. In my crass stupidity, I was
now standing in his lounge, defenceless, vulnerable, once again at
his mercy. The spider and the fly.

"I have a
friend coming round, I'd better get back," I said, moving
cautiously towards the door.

"I'd like to
watch Mat fucking you."


"When did he
last push his cock into your tight cunt and spunk up you?"

"I'm going,
Den. There's no point in..."

photographs, tape, your dressing gown, suspender belts, panties...
I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when Mat sees that dirty little

I was lost,
defeated. Den's hold over me was increasing by the day. What to do?
Either I put an end to the horror there and then or... do as he
asked and live the rest of my life lying to Mat. But I couldn't
enjoy a happy marriage and have a secret relationship on the side.
If Mat were to discover the evidence of my debauchery, my marriage
would be over. There again, if I offered my body to Den, what sort
of marriage would I have left? Either way, I was a loser.

"Strip off and
I'll give you the tape," Den leered.

"No, I..."

"Don't you
want the tape?"

"Yes, of
course I do!"

"Then strip

Twice before
I'd allowed Den to see me naked and, this time, for some reason,
the thought wasn't so bad. But he'd touch me, and I didn't want
that. Touching, seeking, violating. It was one thing looking,
another touching - the difference between adultery and... And

I stripped
quickly, almost automatically, tossing my clothes onto the sofa and
standing naked before him. Carole would arrive soon, I thought in
my nudity. I had to get this over with as quickly as possible and
go home.

Gazing at me,
his dark eyes focused on my pussy, scrutinizing me there. Was this
all he wanted? Did he want only to look at me, to admire my naked
body? I was a fool to wonder what he wanted!

"Pull your cunt lips apart," he ordered me crudely. I did as
he asked, my fingers seemingly moving without conscious effort,
stretching my outer, voluptuous sex-pads wide apart, exposing my
once secret inner flesh to his widening eyes. Guilt enveloped me as
I held my humiliating pose, but I had no choice. I was only
displaying my naked body, my inner sex folds, I tried to console
myself. All women were the same the world over - there was nothing
unique about me.
Nakedness is
, the inner voice whispered. But this

"You're wet,"
Den grinned, kneeling before me and examining my sexual centre.
"I'm going to push my finger into your cunt."

"No!" I
protested, releasing my outer lips, veiling the entrance to my

"Do you want
the tape or not?"



It was only his finger, I reflected numbly. First his finger
would enter me, and then his... I glanced at the mantlepiece clock
and thought of Carole. My mind riddled with confusion, I decided to
allow Den to commit the degrading act. Once he'd had his way, I'd
be free to go home with the tape. The tape? The notion was crazy! I
knew he wouldn't hand the tape over in a million years.
Just one finger
, the inner
voice urged me.
Just one finger in the

"All right," I
sighed lamely, closing my eyes as I hung my head. "Just your
finger." He glided into my vagina with ease, massaging my soft
inner flesh, inducing my sex milk to flow. Did I feel arousal?
Bewildered, befuddled, I didn't know what I felt as he trespassed
deeper into my sex duct, my sanctum.

This was one
step further, one step nearer to... His hot breath warming my
vaginal lips, his wet tongue licking my gaping sex valley, I
shuddered. Pulling my outer lips up and apart, he licked the
sensitive tip of my exposed clitoris, sending electrifying
sensations through my quivering pelvis. The lapping sounds of lust
haunting me, I tried to scream, to speak, to tell him to stop, but
the words wouldn't come. Paralysed with guilt, with confusion, with
latent lust, I couldn't move, pull away from my predator as he
sucked my clitoris into his hot mouth.

deeply, I was shocked as my sex nub swelled and pulsated in
response to his sweeping tongue, his caressing tongue. How could I
allow another man to perform such an intimate act, to lick between
my vaginal lips? Mat... Poor Mat! But he'd never know of his wife's
whorish behaviour! He'd never discover the sordid truth.

"God!" I
breathed involuntarily as my clitoris pulsated and my vagina
tightened around his pistoning finger. The birth of my orgasm
stirring within my quivering womb, I knew I was going to come.
Though I desperately tried to hold back, to deny the incredible
sensations permeating my trembling body, my climax suddenly welled,
erupting within my solid clitoris as he repeatedly licked me

My legs
sagging, I clung to his head as he sustained my wonderful apex. My
body trembled with pleasure, my mind swirling with guilt as he
thrust a second finger into my drenched vagina, stretching my
sensitive inner flesh. His saliva and my pussy juice mingling,
running in rivers down my inner thighs as waves of pure sexual
ecstasy rolled though my shuddering body, I had never experienced
an orgasm of such power and duration.

The intense
pulses surging through my reeling body, he thrust a third finger
into my tightening vagina, adding to my adulterous pleasure. Barely
able to stand as he licked and fingered me, I gripped his head
harder, grinding my open vulva into his face, maintaining my
mind-blowing climax. My knees bent, my thighs parted, I thought I
was going to pass out as my clitoris swelled and throbbed and my
vagina bubbled and spewed out its creamy thanksgiving. Mat! What
was I doing to Mat?

At last, the incredible sensations finally began to subside
and I looked down at Den, his dark mop of hair, his lapping tongue,
wondering at my adulterous act.
. The word battered my racked
mind, torturing me as Den told me what a nice cunt I had.
. A crude word,
befitting a crude woman like me.

As Den slipped
his fingers out of my dripping vagina and stood before me, I
averted my eyes. Embarrassed, shamed, I couldn't look him in the
face. Grabbing my skirt and panties, I just wanted to go home, to
put the lewd act behind me and forget it. But pulling my panties up
to conceal my adulterous cunt, I knew I could never forget. Never
in a million years could I forget my adultery.

"You're not
going, are you?" Den asked, his jeans bulging.

"Yes," I
replied, my vaginal juices soaking my panties.

"I haven't
fucked you, yet."

"You're not
going to."

"But I thought
you wanted the tape?"

"I've allowed
you to... Just give me the bloody tape and let me get out of here!"
I snapped, buttoning my blouse.

"No fuck, no
tape," he grinned wickedly.

dreamlike down the hall to the front door, I knew he'd have a hold
on me forever. The hot sun warmed me as I emerged from the relative
coolness of his house and I took a deep breath before walking the
few yards home. The marital home, I mused sadly as I opened the
front door. The broken marital home.

To my horror, another envelope was lying on the mat. Tearing
it open, I cringed. "Now douche your cunt," I read aloud. It wasn't
from Den, I was sure. But who else knew what I'd done? Had someone
been spying through the window? No one knew.
Someone knows

Screwing the
letter up, I tossed it into the kitchen bin. My mind reeling, I
couldn't face Carole and decided to pretend that I was out. After
my illicit orgasm, my wanton adultery, I couldn't face myself, let
alone Carole! But I had to face myself, face up to reality. There
was no point in dwelling on the obscene act I'd allowed Den to
perform on my naked body. I had to move on. But, in my heart of
hearts, I knew that wasn't possible.

My mind
swirling with a thousand thoughts as I wandered into the lounge and
flopped onto the sofa, I became aware of my drenched panties. A
stark reminder of my infidelity, I reflected. But there would be
stark reminders daily. Living next door to my partner in adultery,
I would never be able to forget my sex crime. Would cruel notes
arrive daily?

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