Naked Lies (6 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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My cunt had
been eternally violated, my marriage vows shattered. "Cunt," I
breathed, in awe of the powerful expletive. The crude word had
never passed my lips before, not even in anger. But now? "Cunt," I
murmured again, strangely mesmerised by the term.

Leaping to my
feet as the doorbell rang, I dashed out of the room and hid in the
kitchen. Was I hiding from Carole, or from myself? I wondered as
the bell rang out again. I couldn't hide from myself, from reality.
As Carole persisted, I realized with horror that my hand was up my
skirt, toying with my sex lips through my wet panties - playing
with my cunt.

"God!" I
whispered, wondering what on earth I was doing as I pulled my hand
away from my soaked knickers. My clitoris swelling, my vaginal
muscles contracted as images of Den fingering and licking me
buffeted my mind. It seemed that the forbidden carnal experience
had transformed me - I was sexually aware as never before. Was the
digression permanent? I wondered, allowing my hand to slip up my
skirt again, my fingers yanking my wet panties aside to explore my
yearning inner lips. Had the illicit experience roused a sleeping

As Carole had
obviously given up, I pulled my saturated panties off and tossed
them onto the kitchen table. I needed to come again, I knew, as my
clitoris throbbed expectantly. I'd not masturbated since my teens,
but now I craved the relief of orgasm so much that I couldn't
resist the temptation to massage my pleasure bud and satisfy my
urgent desire.

In the lounge,
I sat in Mat's armchair and pulled my short skirt up over my
stomach. I was wet, very wet, I observed, parting my outer lips and
scrutinizing my blushing sex flesh, my vaginal entrance. Hanging my
legs over the arms of the chair, my cunt opening wide, I focused on
my yawning vulva.

Never before
had I examined myself there, my clitoris snugly canopied beneath
the exquisite fusion of soft labia, the wet flesh surrounding my
sex portal. Painfully stretching my outer sex pads, I gazed at the
intricate folds of my inner lips, the glistening flesh forming a
cone around my open hole.

Massaging my
erect rosebud, breathing deeply as the wonderful sensations
permeated my contracting womb, I reclined in the chair. Never in my
life had I needed to come so much. Was it the thought of Den
fingering and licking me to orgasm that had caused my libido to
soar? I didn't know what it was as my flowering bud threatened to
burst beneath my vibrating fingertips.

within me had stirred, roused like a sleeping monster deep within
my subconscious. Whatever had happened to me, I felt alive with
sex, exhilarated, as waves of ecstasy emanated from my clitoris and
rolled through my trembling body. My cunt had been rudely
stimulated, shaken - roused from its customary inertia.

My head
lolling to one side as I masturbated, my glazed gaze caught the
fruit bowl on the nearby coffee table. Grabbing a large banana, my
vagina aching, rhythmically contracting, I ripped the peel from the
fruit and pressed the end against the wet flesh surrounding my open
hole. I'd never slipped anything into my cunt before, not even a
finger. For a rational moment I hesitated, wondering at my wanton

My hand
trembling as my arousal mounted, I was finally driven to plunge the
fruit deep into my tight sex duct, gasping as my hot cunt
tightened. The phallus cooling my inner flesh, I closed my eyes,
revelling in the wonderful sensations. Imagining a solid penis
inside me, I thrust the banana in and out of my drenched pussy as I
massaged my nub with my free hand, the incredible sensations
driving me wild as I arched my back and whimpered in my rising

My lust juices
running down between my buttocks, trickling over my secret anal
portal, I increased my rhythm, pistoning the banana in and out of
my burning cunt as I vigorously massaged my pulsating clitoris. My
climax nearing, I felt my sensitive nipples stiffen and I pictured
Den sucking my areolae into his hot mouth, gently nibbling my erect
breast buds.

unscrupulous neighbour had turned my life upside - held my marriage
to ransom with his obscene blackmailing. At least I'd discovered my
sexuality! I thought gratifyingly as my vagina embraced the
pistoning banana, sending electrifying tingles marauding through my
trembling frame. But at what price?

Again, I
promised myself never to allow Den to ogle my naked body, let alone
finger my cunt, lick my clitoris and take me to orgasm. What I'd
done was vulgar, deceitful and degrading in the extreme. Faith had
been broken, my marriage vows tossed on the wind of lust, my body
defiled. It was a terrible price to pay for relearning the fine art
of masturbation, rediscovering my sexuality.

But the bill
was settled, I'd paid, and could now relax and enjoy the appetizing
spread before me. Whatever happened now, I had my cunt, my
clitoris, to bring me pleasure. Whether in my bed or in the lounge,
I could masturbate, bring out wondrous orgasms. I didn't need
Den... Did I need Mat?

As my orgasm
welled, my breathing heavy, my vagina pulping the pistoning banana,
I cried out in my insurmountable pleasure. My clitoris solid,
transmitting electrifying pulses of sex deep into my contracting
womb, I felt as if I was possessed by carnality itself. A deep
sense of wickedness gripped me, crushing my mind as my climax

My entire body
quivering, my aroused nipples aching as my orgasm rolled on, images
of Den watching me masturbate loomed in my mind. Lurking outside,
spying through the window as I thrust the banana in and out of my
beautiful cunt, his penis erect, I pictured him watching my most
intimate act.

Did I want him
to watch me masturbate? The notion excited me, yet frightened me.
My thoughts were drifting way off course. As my climax began to
subside, the last waves of orgasm rippling through my sated body, I
wondered what I was becoming. Bending over and showing Den my
vaginal lips, my legs over the arms of the chair, a banana stuffed
up my cunt as I frigged...Into what creature was I metamorphosing?
On what foreign course was I set?


I remembered
Jane, the faithful, innocent, loving wife. Where was she? Was she
locked inside my mind, screaming for freedom? Or forever banished?
Slowing my clitoral massaging, my vaginal thrusting, I sighed as
warmth and serenity bathed me. Wherever Jane was, whoever I'd
become, it didn't matter as I lay with my legs spread, my abused
cunt burning. Was it too late to turn back, to rediscover the old
me? As I scooped the pulped phallus from my inflamed vagina, I knew
there was still time to turn back - if I wanted to.

Licking my
slippery pussy juice from the steaming banana, I took a bite,
savouring the hot fruit. Taking another nibble of the delicacy as I
gently massaged my clitoris, my carnal senses tingled with
gratification. Mashed banana and cream! I'd do this again and
again, I promised myself. Thrust a banana in and out of my
beautiful cunt, take myself to an explosion of cream and then
relish the wicked concoction.

Licking my
lips as I swallowed the last of the delicacy, I rose to my feet, my
skirt dropping over my drenched vulval flesh as I swayed on my
sagging legs. Not only had I committed adultery, but for the first
time since meeting Mat, I'd masturbated! I didn't know what I felt
as I wandered light-headedly into the kitchen. I didn't recognize
the emotions welling inside me.

ultra-sensitive nipples aching for attention, I slipped my blouse
off and unclipped my bra. Running my fingertips round my areolae,
my nipples painfully hard, I gasped as the sensations rippled
through me.

Aware of my
vaginal juice trickling down my inner thighs, I wondered again what
had happened to me. Slipping into my blouse, my nipples caressed by
the smooth silk as I moved, I tried to push all thoughts of sex to
the back of my mind. I couldn't spend all my time masturbating,
toying with my breast buds, I had to do something constructive.
Although only early afternoon, I started feeling apprehensive about
spending the evening alone in the house. Why did Mat have to go

I daren't ring
Carole and suggest we go out for a drink. I couldn't face her
questions, bring myself to talk about Den. I'd spend the evening
watching television, I decided - the doors locked, the curtains
drawn, I'd sip wine and relax. I'd also begin a diary, record my
thoughts and feelings, events and experiences - keeping it well
hidden from Mat, of course! No, perhaps I wouldn't keep a record of
my adultery.

Wandering into
the garden, I became less worried about Den as I sat on the soft
grass, the green blades tickling my alert, red sex lips. I'd enjoy
the summer, sunbathe in my bikini, not become a prisoner in my own
home. But instinctively, I knew that he was there as I looked up at
his house out of the corner of my eye. He was there, at an upstairs
window, lurking, gazing at me. Initially, panic gripped me and I
turned on my heels to run into the house and lock the door. But
then, strangely, I didn't mind him watching me.

I knew that he wouldn't show the photographs to Mat - ruin any
chance of fingering and licking me. He wouldn't be fool enough to
destroy his hold over me.
His hold over
Suddenly, it dawned on me that it was
me who had the hold over him. It was my body he wanted. Insanely, I
decided to tease him, to allow my blouse to fall open, to expose my
nipples. Was arousal the whiplash?

Perhaps I was
subconsciously getting my own back for what he'd done. I'd have
nothing to gain by flaunting my breasts, but the thought of
arousing him and then slipping into the house before he could get
at me delighted me. Reclining on the grass, stretching my limbs out
languorously, I had an even more wicked idea.

Allowing my
legs to part, displaying my well-juiced vaginal crack, I watched
him through my eyelashes. My stomach somersaulting, I parted my
thighs further, exposing my naked femininity in all its glory. The
game was more than dangerous now, it was lethal! But I couldn't
help myself as I brought my knees up, allowing them to fall apart
and show off my beautiful cunt. Cunt, vulva, vagina, pussy, love

In my
confusion, I tried to understand why displaying my vaginal crack to
my blackmailer sent a thrill through me. Deliberately driving him
on like that, dangling a platinum carrot before him, was perilous.
But the sense of power was exhilarating! I'd turned the situation
round. For the time being, at least, I was in control. Displaying
my beguiling feminine wares, I was the omnipotent.

As he
disappeared from view, I leaped to my feet and dashed into the
house, locking the door behind me. He'd taken the bait and would
come running, threatening me with his precious magazines and tape.
In the safety of the kitchen I stood motionless, breathing deeply
as I waited for a knock on the back door or the phone to ring.

I waited for
what seemed like hours. Nothing happened. Where was he? What was he
doing? I wished I'd not teased him like that - I couldn't afford to
play spurious games. He was bound to realize that I'd exposed my
sexual epicentre deliberately, and take it as a come-on. I'd been a
complete fool!

An ominous
looking package was lying on the front doormat as I ventured
through the hallway. It was addressed to Mat, and I immediately
sensed trouble. Ripping the brown paper, I was horrified to
discover one of my lacy red suspender belts - stained and freshly
wet with sperm. I didn't allow myself to imagine how Mat would have
reacted had he opened the dirty packet. There'd have been no
positive proof that the garment was mine but, with his suspicious
mind, he'd have put two and two together and come up with me.

I froze as the
doorbell rang. After a minute, a loud knock sounded on the back
door. It was Den, trying to get at me, my body. The adulterous act
I'd committed in his house, my blatant exhibitionism in the
garden... I'd teased him, played with him, roused the monster in
him. And now it was after me!





I spent the
rest of the day hiding in the lounge with the curtains drawn, not
even daring to venture into the kitchen to prepare a meal. Den had
been out there waiting, lurking in the dark like a monster, and it
was only when I climbed the stairs to my bedroom and locked the
door that I felt a little safer.

Sleep had
cruelly evaded me during the night. I had heard movements
downstairs, but had been too afraid to investigate. Was the house
creaking as the rafters cooled from the heat of the day? Or was it
Den? Was he in the house, looking for me, hunting for my naked
body? Finally putting it down to my imagination, I somehow managed
to get to sleep. But I dreamed terrible dreams.

Through the
velvety curtains of my dreams, I saw myself standing naked before
Den in the lounge, my hands tethered behind my back. My feet wide
apart, my secret valley gaping, he was thrusting something in and
out of my vagina. It was long, huge, and it stretched my pussy lips
wide apart, to the hilt. As he violated my vaginal sheath, penises
drifted around me, moving close to my face, threatening to enter my
mouth. Suddenly, the purple phalluses exploded in orgasm, showering
me with sperm, splattering my cheeks, my mouth, until I was
drowning in a sea of sex.

I woke with a
start to a new morning, wondering what the day would bring. Mat
would be home that evening, but the thought worried me. If Den
dropped another package through the letterbox and Mat happened to
open it... I'd played with fire, and was sure to be burned.

I shouldn't
have gone to Den's house, let alone allowed him to finger and lick
me to orgasm. I shouldn't have allowed him to suck my nipples, lick
my sex valley, and I shouldn't have played dangerous games in the
garden. Mistakes had been made, inevitably to be followed by dire

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