Naked Lies (36 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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"When you went
to check the food and left us alone in the lounge, he told me."

"Of course he

"I've known
everything from day one. From the day Den brought that magazine
round, he's told me everything."

"But... Why
would he tell you? I don't believe it! The whole idea was to...
There's no way he'd have said anything, Jane."

"He told me
that you were going to make out that you were going to look at a
computer, and that I was to suck you off through the hole in the
fence. He told me that you fucked my arse when I was tied up and
blindfolded beneath the apple tree. He told me that you were going
to fuck my arse when I was tied over the back of the armchair, that
you were going to watch him shove a cucumber up my arse."

"Why? Why did
he tell you? I don't understand."

"Do you know
what your plan did?"

"Yes, of
course. It changed you from a..."

"I'd been
screwing Den since the day he moved in next door. All your plan did
was allow us to have sex without having to worry about you catching

"What? You
were having an affair all along?"

"Yes, I was.
Your pathetic plan was the best thing that could have happened. Den
could come here and fuck me, I could go to his place for sex - and
we didn't have to worry about you."

"You're a
bitch! And he's a fucking bastard!"

"And what are
you? You're the biggest bastard of all! We laughed at you behind
your back. We allowed you to watch us fucking on the odd occasion,
even allowed you to join in, just to keep you happy. God, did we
laugh at you! I'll tell you this - I was going to end the affair.
It was a stupid mistake, succumbing to Den's charms, and I didn't
want our marriage to end. The day Den came round with the magazine
I was going to tell him that it was over, that I loved you and
wanted only you. But because of your evil plan, I carried on
screwing Den."

"I've never
known such an evil bitch as you! My God, I'm at work, and you're
fucking our next door neighbour behind my back? You dirty

"Yes, I am a
dirty whore - and you're the one who made me what I am!"

"Since Den
moved in, you were fucking him, sucking spunk from his cock?"

"I was doing
far more than that while you were at work! He'd fucked my arse, my
cunt, my mouth..."

two-timing bitch! Every day when I came in from work and kissed
you, you'd been swallowing that bastard's spunk! When we made love,
he'd been shoving his cock up your dirty cunt!"

"Funny how
things turn out, isn't it?"

"I'm leaving
you, Jane. Never have I known a cow like you! My plan was to bring
us closer together, make our sex lives better and..."

"Bring us
closer together? Other men fucking me, whipping me, a girl licking
my cunt while I was forced to lick her cunt... That's bringing us
closer together?"

"No wonder you
were all for it! You were nothing but a filthy whore in the first
place! I'm going up to pack!"


As he bounded
upstairs and started banging around in the bedroom I gazed out of
the window. I felt dreadful, but I'd done it - successfully
disposed of Mat. If he asked Den about the affair, which I knew he
wouldn't, Den would deny the whole thing. There'd be a massive row
and Mat would probably punch Den in the face. Whatever happened, I
didn't care - I was free at last. They could kill each other as far
as I was concerned!

Ringing Lisa,
I told her to pack her case and come over. She was over the moon,
like an excited child at Christmas. She was a child at heart, I
knew. But she'd be good company, and good in bed. What Carole would
say about my live-in lesbian lover, I had no idea! Poor Carole, I'd
taken her husband, his penis - his spunk. Still, all's fair in lust
and sex.

I grinned as
Mat lugged a suitcase downstairs and stomped through the hall. I
watched him through the lounge window as he dumped the case in the
boot of his car before going up to the bedroom for more of his
things. It was a sad sight, but he deserved all that came to him.
Lugging another case downstairs, he burst into the lounge and
opened the bureau.

"I've been
stuffing thousands into our joint account for our future," he
growled, slipping our cheque book into his pocket. "But you needn't
think I'm giving you a bloody penny! You can starve for all I care!
And you'll have to move out because I'm selling the house!"

forgetting that my aunt left me this house, it's in my name," I


"Oh, I forgot
to tell you. I took all the money out of our account."

"What? You
fucking bitch!"

"Yes, I do
believe I am. By the way, Lisa's moving in with me."

"You're a
fucking lesbian!"

"Yes, thanks
to you, I am. I fuck, and I'm a lesbian."

"You'll be
sorry, you'll see! It won't be long and you'll be begging me to
come back. You'll soon get fed up with the next door bastard."

"Oh, no. No,
I'm not interested in Den any more. I have Lisa and my college
friends. I don't want Den - or you."

"I can't
believe it, Jane. Having an affair with that bastard, ruining our
marriage, our future... I really can't believe it!"

"I must admit
that I had some difficulty believing that you'd set me up, that you
got your kicks by watching three men fuck my mouth, my cunt and my

"Listen to
you, the way you're talking. You're nothing more than a common

"That's me!
Den and I used to fuck in the garden, in our bed, in the lounge,
over the kitchen table... I'll tell you what I liked most of all, I
liked him fucking my arsehole - his beautiful cock spunking up my
tight arse."


"When you used
to fuck me... I should say, attempt to fuck me - I used to pretend
that you were Den. It was the only way I could come. When you used
to lick my cunt and tell me how wet I was, it was Den's spunk that
you were lapping up, not my cunt juice."

"You disgust

"From the day
he moved in next door, the minute you went to work he'd come round
and we'd enjoy sixty-nine on the lawn. He'd spunk in my mouth and
I'd squirt my cunt milk into his. Then we'd fuck like there was no

"You dirty,
filthy bitch!"

"Your plan
gave us the opportunity to have all the sex we wanted."

Jane. And good riddance!"

"Goodbye, Mat.
And, thanks for all you've done."

As the front
door slammed shut, I breathed a sigh of relief. Watching Mat climb
into his car and drive off, I wondered about the furniture, the
rest of his belongings. Would he come back to collect his things?
Would he want half the furniture? I didn't know, or care. I'd won,
if there was a winner.

When Lisa
turned up with her case, the first thing I ordered her to do was
strip off. "You'll be naked at all times," I smiled, holding her

"OK," she
smiled sweetly, unbuttoning her blouse.

"Take your
case up to our bedroom and then join me in the garden."

Wandering out
onto the patio, I slipped my skirt and blouse off. My cunt oozing
with Den's sperm, I decided to have Lisa cleanse me, suck and lick
me clean. She'd become my sex slave, attend me, my feminine needs
and desires. I wouldn't share her with the college men, not with
anyone. She was mine, all mine.

"Hi!" Den
grinned as he walked around the side of the house. "God, you look
horny! How did it go with Mat?"

"Mat's gone,"
I replied, jutting my naked breasts forward.


"For good,
thank God. Lisa's moved in with me, she'll be down in a

"Christ, I
didn't think..."

"No, neither
did Mat. I'm entertaining my college friends this evening. Or, I
should say, they'll be entertaining me."

"God, you've
moved fast."

"What are you
doing this evening, Den?"

nothing. I'd love to..."

"Ah, Lisa,
there you are," I smiled as she stepped out of the back door,
exhibiting her fresh, naked body. "You look lovely."


"God, you look
beautiful!" Den gasped, eyeing her pert breasts, her hairless pussy
swelling beneath the slight curve of her stomach. "I can hardly
believe my luck! Two naked beauties living next door to me!"

"It's a funny
thing, luck," I said softly.

"Yes, it is.
So, what time..."

"What did you
say you were doing this evening, Den?"


"Well, I hope
there's something good on television. Poor old you, having to spend
the evening alone."

"But I

"Come on,
Lisa, let's go inside."

Leaving Den
standing open-mouthed in the garden, I closed and locked the back
door. Two losers, I reflected leading Lisa into the lounge. Sitting
on the sofa with my thighs wide apart as the phone rang, I
instructed her to lick me, to tongue-fuck my yearning cunt.

"Hallo," I
purred, pressing the receiver to my ear as her eager tongue entered

"It's me," Mat
hissed. "I'm just ringing to say that..."

"Ah, ah! Yes!"
I sighed. "Sorry, Mat - Lisa's tonguing my cunt. What was it you

"My God,
you're a filthy bitch! You've changed beyond all..."

"Thanks to
you, Mat, I have changed. Now, if you don't mind, I want to enjoy
Lisa's intimate attention. Goodbye."

Moaning my
unrestrained pleasure, I lowered my gaze to my splayed thighs, to
my glistening butterfly wings, spread to a vibrant shade of red.
Lisa's predatory female tongue snaking the length and breadth of my
open pupa, I knew there could be no turning back. Ensnared, laid
bare, violated, the old Jane was gone forever. Quivering, preparing
to soar as my sensitive soft core palpitated, I had metamorphosed
into a creature unknown to me. And from my noisy summit I heard a
distant whisper.

I am not what I once was, nor ever again will




another cracking erotic story by
best-selling author Ray Gordon, also exclusively published as an
eBook by us and available to download from many online bookstores



Maid to


Bending over and grasping her ankles, Hayley yelped as
Belinda's hand landed squarely across the cotton-covered flesh of
her young buttocks with a loud slap. She rocked forward a little
under the impact, stunned by the unjust assault. She couldn't
believe what was happening as a second slap resounded around the
room. With the stinging sensation permeating the tensed cheeks of
her bottom she tried to stand upright, but Belinda pressed on her
back with her free hand and held her down. This was a very bad
dream, she thought. A very, very bad dream


When shy
Hayley lands herself the job of housemaid at Hadleigh Manor, she is
over the moon. Her employer, Michael Phillips, a successful music
producer, warms to her immediately, although his interest in her
doesn't go unnoticed by his wife, Belinda.


ambition is to eventually gain a position with a famous celebrity,
and Michael has contacts. But his cold wife has other plans for
Hayley, and she has to endure painful and humiliating ordeals and
spankings if she's to obtain a good reference.


Time passes
and promises of a position with a celebrity friend seem empty, so
Hayley decides to give up her job and leave. But then she is
stunned to discover the shocking truth about her employers... in
the foreboding basement of the manor house.




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