Naked Lies (30 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

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"Carole, it's
Jane," I said as she answered the phone.

"Hi, how are

"Fine, how
about going out for a drink this evening?"

"Yes, I'd like

"Shall we meet
outside that pub in the high street?"


"That's the
one. About eight?"

"I'll be
there. Actually, John's at a meeting this evening and I was
wondering what to do."

"Great, I'll
see you at eight."

The plan was
coming together nicely, I reflected as I replaced the receiver. But
I might have a job losing Mat. I'd have to head off in the
direction of the Smugglers' Inn and then slip down a side street
and make for The Ship. I'd do it, I knew!

Den didn't
bother me again and I reckoned that he was trying to discover which
of the young men had arranged to meet me. He'd be furious,
contacting them and demanding to know who was going behind his back
for sex with his slave. They'd all deny it, of course, leaving him
pondering on which one was lying.

As the afternoon dragged on, my clitoris swollen in desire, my
vaginal milk streaming down my inner thighs, I contemplated
masturbating. But with the time nearing five, my clitoris would
have to wait. Mat would soon be home, lurking, watching me, and I
decided to dress in a micro skirt and loose blouse.
Dress like a tart
. My
thoughts whispered to me. Applying my make-up, crimping my long
blonde hair, I looked great.

"Why dress up
like that?" Mat asked as he wandered into the lounge and dumped his
briefcase on the floor.

"I told you,
I'm going out with Carole," I smiled sweetly.

"You've never
bothered to do yourself up like that when you've gone out with her
in the past."

"I might meet
a handsome young man!" I giggled.

"What do you

"I was joking,

"Are you
leaving now?"

"No, not yet.
How come you're home early?"

"I had to call
in on a client. Have you seen anything of Den today?"

"Yes, we sat
in the garden. I really like him, he's such a nice man."


"He knows how
to treat a woman."

"What do you
mean by that?"

something about him that... Oh, I don't know."

"What is there
about him? Do you fancy him?"

"You and your
suspicious mind, Mat! He's our neighbour, our friend, that's all.
Can't I have a coffee with our neighbour without you thinking that
I'm having an affair with him?"

"I wasn't
thinking that at all."

"I like having
Den next door, I feel secure knowing that he's there. Anyway, no
doubt you'll be seeing him this evening - as usual."

"I've no
reason to see him. I'll probably do a bit in the garden, seeing as
you don't seem to bother any more'."

"I've been
using the hoe."

"I know... I
mean, it doesn't look like it."

As he answered
the phone to one of his clients, I slipped out of the room,
grabbing my bag and quietly closing the front door behind me.
Praying that he wasn't looking out of the window, I made my escape
and ran down the street. Turning as I reached the corner, I
grinned. There was no sign of him.

After a long
walk, I arrived at the pub early and sat at a corner table, sipping
wine. Mat would have searched the house and garden, and no doubt be
making his way to the Smugglers' Inn to check up on me. Den would
probably join the search and...

"Hi!" a young
man greeted me as he approached the table.

"Oh!" I
gasped, immediately recognizing him as one of the college men.

"What are you
doing here?"

"Er... Meeting
a friend," I stammered as he sat down.

"I'm Ian."

"Ian, yes.
Er... Jane."

"Yes, I know.
So, did you have a good time last night?"

"I... Look, my
friend will be here in a minute. I don't want her to think..."

"I'll go when
she arrives. I've never known a woman like you. I've read about
these things, orgies and gang bangs, but I never thought

"I don't want
to talk about it," I interrupted him, recalling his thick rod in my
mouth, his sperm bathing my tongue.

"Any chance of
seeing you some time?"

"No, I... I
don't know. It's difficult."

"Here, let me
get you another drink," he smiled, taking my empty glass.

medium white wine."

As he headed
off to the bar, I thought of the irony of the situation. I'd told
Den that I was going to meet one of the men, and I'd met one!
Perhaps it was meant to be, I reflected. Should I arrange to meet
him? Obviously, it was my body he wanted, my cunt. It might be an
idea to get to know him, keep him in reserve as a young stud.

white," he smiled, placing my glass on the table as he sat down.
"So, tell me about yourself, how you and Den... Well, you

"Don't you
know the situation?"

"No, I

"What did Den
say when he invited you round?"

"Just that he
knew a horny... That he knew a woman who enjoyed group sex."

"Was there
someone else there, hiding, watching?"

"If there was,
I didn't see him. Why would someone hide?"

"It doesn't
matter. Do you know where I live?"

"I know
nothing about you, other than your name."

"Has Den
arranged another evening?"

"He's going to
let us know - he reckoned within a few days."

"Give me your
address and phone number and I'll be in touch."

Taking a pen
and paper from my bag, I imagined meeting Ian at his place and
excluding Mat and Den from the orgy. Word was bound to get back to
Den, and I'd win another round. I'd got Lisa on my side. Having the
young men too, I'd be in a good position - for what, I didn't

"You'd better
go," I said, checking my watch as I stuffed Ian's credentials into
my bag. "I'll ring you. But don't tell Den anything about

"If that's the
way you want it."

"It is. I
don't want him knowing that we've met, OK?"

"OK. It's a
shame you're not free this evening," he smiled as he stood up,
gazing at my shapely thighs. He didn't know that my cunt was
knickerless, naked, hot and ready for sex.

"It is," I
reciprocated, licking my succulent red lips provocatively as I eyed
his bulging jeans. "It's a great shame."

As he walked
over to the bar I felt my clitoris swell, my intoxicating lust
juices flowing between my hairless love lips. It was a shame that I
wasn't free that evening, but there'd be plenty of other times for
crude sex, I reflected. My heart fluttering, my stomach
somersaulting, I pictured the men standing over my naked body,
wanking their beautiful cocks, showering me with their sperm.
Things were definitely looking up!

"Hi, Jane,"
Carole smiled as she approached with her drink and sat down. "How
are you?"

"I'm fine,
couldn't be better."

"So, what have
you been up to? Anything interesting?"

"No, not
really. How about you?"

"No, just the
same old thing day in, day out. I need something to spice my life
up. Got any ideas?"

Carole was
very attractive, and I certainly had ideas that could spice up her
life no end. Again, I pondered on her cunt, licking her clitoris to
orgasm - as only another woman knows how. Dare I suggest it? I
wondered, admiring her lush nipples, clearly outlined by her tight
lycra top. I could bring her the best orgasms she'd ever had. Would
she like ten men wanking over her, sperming her naked body?

"I have one or
two ideas," I said mysteriously, sipping my wine.


"Actually, I

"I was saying
to Mat just before I left that..."


"Yes, he


"He said
something about you leaving while he was on the phone. He didn't
get a chance to ask you when you'd be home."

"And he asked
where we were meeting."

"Yes, how do
you know that?"

"Just a guess,
you know how suspicious Mat is. I'll tell you what, let's finish
our drinks and go to that new wine bar down the road."

"OK, good

That little
trick would sort Mat out, I mused as we left the pub. When I got
home and he said that he'd been to The Ship and I hadn't been
there, I'd guiltily stammer some explanation or other, leaving him
believing that I really had met one of the college men for a
session of rampant sex.

arriving home at eleven-thirty, I found Mat pacing the lounge
floor, anguish reflected in his accusing expression as I flopped
onto the sofa. I was a little drunk and couldn't help giggling as
he asked me whether I'd enjoyed going to the Smugglers' Inn with

"We had a
great time!" I chuckled. "We met in The Ship and... and I think I
drank too much."

"You met in
The Ship?"

"Yes, we were
going to the Smugglers' but changed our minds."

"So you were
in The Ship all evening."

"No, we went
to a wine bar. So, what have you been up to?"

"Which wine

"I don't know,
that new one in the high street."

"Did you meet
anyone else?"

"Meet anyone

"Did you bump
into anyone you know?"

"No, why do
you ask?"


"What have you
been doing?"

"Paperwork, a
bit of gardening..."

"I thought I
saw you in the high street, but it couldn't have been you."

"No, no - I've
not left the house. Do you want some coffee?"

"No, I think
I'll go up to bed. I've had an exhausting evening, I can tell


Right, I'm going up."

"I'll be with
you shortly."

Beneath my
quilt, I pondered on the day's events. More suspicion, trickery and
lies. But I'd met Ian, and would ring him and arrange to meet.
Perhaps I could meet him in the woods by the recreation ground? Sex
beneath the trees, the birds twittering, fluttering above me as I
writhed in orgasm. I'd come home dripping with sperm, my face
sex-flushed, my cunt inflamed. Mat would run around in circles,
question me, discuss the matter with Den, and drive himself

After Mat had
gone to work the following morning, I went downstairs and found
another note lying on the door mat. It concerned me screwing a
young stud the night before, and I immediately knew that it was
either from Mat or Den. Why bother with notes? Was it to rile me,
worry me? What was the point?

I came up with
an idea - I'd send notes to Mat telling him of my debauchery, my
secret lovers, my clandestine sex romps. The notes would also
threaten to tell me of his involvement in the plan, that he'd been
the perpetrator. Lisa didn't know of Mat's involvement, so he'd
know that it wasn't her. The students knew nothing about Mat. He'd
be beside himself wondering who the hell knew his secret.

Writing the
first note, I slipped it into an envelope and tossed it on the
doormat before ringing Ian and arranging to meet him in the
recreation ground that evening. He suggested that he bring his
friends, and I readily agreed, my cunt wetting as I recalled their
beautiful penises, the spunk jetting from their bulbous knobs. I
was going to ring Lisa and ask her to join us in the woods for a
night of sex, but changed my mind. I'd keep her for myself, I
decided. Her curvaceous body, her tight cunt fresh, smooth,
hairless - I'd keep her for myself.

I didn't
realize the depths to which I'd fallen until I answered the front
door to John. Wearing my ridiculously short microskirt and no
panties, I invited him into the lounge. Seemingly not noticing my
long legs, my shapely thighs, he began to question me about Carole,
our outing the previous evening. His blue eyes frowning, I could
see that something was wrong, that he suspected something. But

"We went to
that new wine bar in the high street," I imparted as he seated
himself uneasily on the sofa and brushed his blond hair away from
his forehead. "Didn't she tell you?"

"Yes, she did.
Jane, the reason I'm here is because Mat rang me. He seemed to
think that you'd not gone out with Carole last night."

"That sounds
like Mat!" I giggled, parting my thighs as I reclined in the
armchair opposite him, my naked pussy slit blatantly bared. "His
suspicious mind will be the death of him!"

"You did meet
Carole, then?" he asked, not seeming to notice my feminine

"Yes, in The
Ship - and then we went on to the wine bar."

"She's been
rather fidgety lately and, in view of Mat's phone call, I just
wondered whether she'd gone to meet someone else."

"No, no not
Carole. Between you and me, she did say that she needs something to
spice her life up."

"Yes, she's
said the same thing to me. I suppose, with me working all the time,
she gets fed up being in the house alone."

"I know the
feeling!" I laughed, parting my thighs further.

"Well, I just
thought I'd check with you," he smiled, looking down and focusing
on my sex crack. "Er... I'd better be going."

"You don't
have to rush off, do you?" I demurred, a suggestive grin furling my
lips, my eyes wide - bedroom eyes.

"Well, I...
There's no rush."


As we talked
about his promotion, Mat's work, the weather, and every other
mundane subject under the sun, I continued to exhibit my beautiful
cunt. Averting his gaze every now and then, he was drawn back to my
ripe lips, my gaping sex slit, like a magnet. All men were the
same, I reflected, observing the bulge in his trousers. Given half
the chance, a glimpse of a fanny, and they were eager for sex.
Adultery didn't seem to bother men. It no longer bothered me!

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