Naked Lies (12 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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"I'm going to
tell Mat," I blurted out as he slipped his penis out of my mouth
and ran his hand up and down his swollen shaft, wanking his cock to
orgasm. His spunk suddenly jetted from his bulbous glans,
splattering my face, running down my chin. "I'm going to tell him

wanking!" the girl cried, taking shot after shot. "Spunk over her

Driving his
penis into my mouth as the last of his sperm dribbled from his
knob, the camera shutter clicking, I sucked and drank for what I
prayed would be the last time. Never again would I allow him to use
me like this, I vowed. I had to put an end to the degradation, no
matter how high my arousal soared. I didn't want a lesbian licking
my cunt, and I didn't want to lick a lesbian's cunt. I wanted

"OK," Den
finally breathed, turning to the girl as he slipped his cock out of
my spermed mouth and zipped his trousers. "Get dressed and wait for
me at my place. I'll finish off here and then pay you."

So the girl
was a prostitute, I mused as she drifted out of the room. Was I
prostituting myself? I wondered. Giving my naked body in return for
Den's silence was as good as prostituting myself, even though I'd
had no choice. But I had a choice now. Even if it meant losing Mat,
I would fall no further into the depths of depravity.

"I might as
well leave you tied up," Den chuckled in his wickedness as he
placed the wet candle on the mantlepiece. "Mat will have quite a
shock when he gets home and sees you like that!"

"Do what you
like, it's over," I murmured, his sperm running down my flushed

"Over? Don't
be silly!"

"I'm telling
you, it's over."

"In that case,
I will leave you tied up. And I'll make sure Mat gets a copy of
every photograph, and a copy of the tape."

"Go to

"Have it your

As he left, I
tried to untie the rope, my fingers just able to reach the knot by
my wrist. I had to free myself and have a shower, wash away the
sperm and cunt milk before Mat returned. Wondering when Den would
show Mat the photographs, I finally managed to loosen the rope and
free my hand. Untying my feet, I hauled my aching body out of the
chair, trying to think what to say to Mat in way of an explanation
for my immoral behaviour. There was nothing I could say, I knew, as
I pushed the chair back into place. There were no words to save my

As I was about
to grab my clothes, Mat appeared in the doorway and frowned at me.
"Jane, what are you up to?" he asked accusingly as I discreetly
kicked the ropes beneath the sofa.

"Mat... Mat,
I..." I stammered, my body trembling as he focused on my
glistening, matted pubic thatch. Raising his eyes, he scrutinized
my guilty face.

"What's that
on your face?" he demanded. "I think you'd better tell me what's
been going on here."

"I've been
exercising," I replied stupidly, wiping the sperm from my cheeks,
my chin. "I was just about to take a shower."

What sort of exercises require you to be naked?"

"As I said, I
was about to take a shower. What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I'm on my way
to see a client. Jane, what have you been doing?"

"I've already
told you, Mat!" I laughed.

"Why is your
face wet?"

"It's cream,
face cream."

"And why are
you so wet down there?" he asked, lowering his eyes to my sopping

"I'm hot,
that's why I was about to take a shower. Why all these questions,
Mat? Anyone would think that you suspected me of committing
adultery the way you're going on."


"Of course
not!" I giggled. "As you can see, I'm alone. Besides, you know I
wouldn't do such a thing."

"Do I? Look,
we'll talk about this later. I don't believe you've been

"Well, I'm
sorry, but I can't prove it!" I returned with a hint of anger.

"The other day
I came home and found you naked in here, this morning you were
naked in the garden, and now... I'll be back later, and I want some
answers, Jane."

As he flounced
from the room, the front door slamming shut, I flopped onto the
sofa. Answers? I had no answers, other than the truth. At least he
hadn't seen the weals across my buttocks. And thank God he hadn't
arrived ten minutes earlier! I had to think, write my script and
rehearse my lines - my lies. The taste of girl juice lingered,
reminding me, teasing me.





The evening
came all too quickly. I wasn't prepared, had not rehearsed my lines
- I had no lines. When Mat began firing questions at me, all I
could do was repeat myself, ramble inanely about exercising - but
he wouldn't let go. Again and again he demanded to know why I'd
been naked in the lounge, why my face was wet, why I looked as if
I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.

I was
beginning to feel exasperated. Why shouldn't I have been
exercising? Why was the notion unbelievable? In the privacy of my
own home, what was so strange about my being naked? Realizing that
he was getting nowhere, Mat finally changed his line of

"Are you
seeing someone else?" he asked forthrightly.

"Of course I'm
not," I smiled innocently as he poured his scotch and deposited
himself in his armchair - the cunt-wet armchair. "Whatever makes
you think that?"

"When I called
in earlier, I noticed that you were red down there. Your pussy was
sore, inflamed."



It was pretty
obvious that exercising wouldn't inflame my pussy lips. Not normal
exercising, anyway! As he repeated his question, I didn't know what
to say, what lies to tell. For some reason I felt like telling him
the truth, telling him that Den had screwed me as I'd licked a girl
to orgasm. Fortunately, I wasn't stupid enough.

masturbated," I finally confessed.


"You've heard
of masturbation, surely?"

"Of course I
have, but..."

"I felt randy
and, as we've not had sex for a while, I masturbated."

"I don't
believe you, Jane."

"Mat, I'd
hardly admit to masturbating if it wasn't true!"

"You've never
done that before."

"How do you


"For all you
know, I might masturbate several times a day."

another thing..." He paused, taking something out of his jacket
pocket. "These arrived at my office this morning. They've been torn
out of a magazine. Read the captions."

Taking the
crumpled pages, I surveyed the naked models displaying their open
cunts. "I've seen your wife posing like this," I murmured, my heart
thumping. "Someone's having a laugh!" I forced a giggle. "No one's
seen me like that, not even you!"

"It's odd that
I find you naked, wet and sore, the day these arrive in the

"Mat, I wasn't
going to tell you but..." A lie came to mind. "Someone sent me a
picture of a naked man with a similar caption about you."

"Where is

"I threw it
away. It was obviously sent by someone trying to cause

"Who on earth
would want to do that?"

"A crank, I
would imagine. It's best to ignore it, forget about it."

Sipping his
scotch, he watched me as I sat in the armchair opposite him. He
couldn't argue now that I'd said I'd masturbated and received a
magazine picture, but I knew he was still suspicious. The idea
suddenly occurring to me that I could turn the situation round, I
donned a frown.

"There was a
phone call earlier," I began, watching for his reaction. "A woman
asked for you."

"Who was

"She wouldn't
say. I heard another woman in the background. She was laughing,
saying something about his wife."


"Your wife,
obviously. I should be asking you whether you're seeing someone

"Don't be
silly!" he laughed, moving uneasily in his chair.

"Why's it
silly? The magazine cutting, the phone call... And you stayed away
the other night."

"I was on
business, you know that."

"Look, let's
change the subject, Mat. We won't get anywhere if we're suspicious
about each other. Agreed?"

"Agreed. Oh,
by the way, Den's coming over."


"He was in his
front garden when I came home. He wants to talk to me about
something - finance, more than likely."

"When will he
be here?"

"He didn't say
a time."

My heart sank,
my head spinning at the sound of his name. I'd successfully
explained away my sore pussy, I'd got over the problem of the
magazine pages, and now this! Den, Den, Den. Den coming round for a
meal, coming round to screw me, coming round to see Mat... I
couldn't escape the bloody man! Did he intend to bring the
photographs and the tape? I wondered. Was he going to show the
evidence of my whoring to Mat? I felt despondent, annoyed, and I
again wondered how on earth I'd got myself into this situation.

As Mat went
out into the garden, I wondered whether to ring Carole and suggest
that I go round for coffee. I needed to talk to someone, to get out
of the house for a while - to get away from Den. I'd have to
contact her at some stage, explain things to her - but not yet. I
had enough on my plate as it was, I decided, making a mental note
to call her later.

What did Den
really want to see Mat about? If he did show him the photographs
he'd never be able to have sex with me again, or blackmail me. No,
he wouldn't reveal the sordid truth, I was sure. There again, he
might... My mind was swirling, my head aching, my whispering
thoughts confusing me. My chest tight with anxiety, I wandered out
into the garden to find Mat. I had to come across as cool and calm,
not riddled with guilt and anxiety.

"It's a lovely
evening," I smiled, walking across the lawn to join him.

"I love the
summer," he remarked. "How about a barbeque?"

"I was going
to prepare a salad."

"No, let's
have a barbeque. As Den's coming round, he might as well eat with

"Can't we have
an evening alone together, Mat?" I sighed.

"I don't
suppose he'll stay for the whole evening. I'll light the barbeque
and then invite him to join us."

As Mat
wandered towards the house, I gazed at the garden hoe, recalling
the anal abuse, the beautiful base sensations. My cunt spasmed, my
clitoris swelling as I ran my fingers over the round end of the
plastic handle. I needed to come, but there was no time. I'd
masturbate later, lock myself in the bathroom and massage my
insatiable clitoris to a wonderful orgasm.

Turning, I
watched Mat fiddling with the barbeque, dreading the thought of Den
joining us. Couldn't he leave me alone for a while? Constantly, he
was infiltrating my life, hanging around, lurking, spying, waiting
for an opportunity to abuse me. My clitoris swelled, my knickers
wetting as I recalled him fucking me. I had to stop thinking about
Den, and sex.

"It's hot, I
think I'll go and put my bikini on," I called, meandering across
the lawn towards Mat.

"OK. Right,
the fire's going, I'll go and give Den a shout."

I didn't know
why I'd decided to wear my bikini. Perhaps, subconsciously, I
wanted to tease Den. Did I want to tease myself? I wondered as I
climbed the stairs. Whatever the reason, I'd wear my skimpy bikini,
show off my curvaceous body. My swollen pussy lips would bulge the
glossy lycra running between my thighs. Would the tight material
outline my sex crack? The thought sent a quiver up my spine.

"He's on his
way," Mat announced as I finally stepped out onto the patio. "He's
bringing a friend along."

"A friend?" I

"Lisa, a
girlfriend. There's more than enough food to go round."


"A foursome,
it's better that way."

"Yes, I
suppose it is," I sighed.

A girlfriend?
If that was the case, he wouldn't be able to touch me the minute
Mat turned his back. A foursome? Two penises, two cunts... A
lascivious quiver ran up my spine as my thoughts whispered, goading

"Hi, Jane!"
Den interrupted my rude reverie as he walked around the side of the
house. "This is Lisa, a friend of mine." I stared in horror at the
dark angel, the lesbian, an obscene tableau of me licking her to
orgasm flashing before me. As she sat next to me, her pretty face
grinning as she eyed my breasts ballooning my bikini, I felt
claustrophobic. I couldn't escape - there was nowhere to run,
nowhere to hide. Remembering Den's massive penis in my vulnerable
mouth, I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me.

Lisa's long
black hair shining in the sunlight, cascading over her shoulders,
her blouse open, partly revealing her pert, rounded breasts, I
recalled her kneeling on the arms of the chair, her shaved vulval
lips pressed against my open mouth. Her sex flesh had been warm,
her juices exotic as I'd pushed my tongue deep into the estuary of
her hot vagina. What was I thinking?

"I'll get the
wine from the fridge," Mat obliged, leaving me alone with my
abusers, my thoughts of lesbian sex.

nothing like a barbeque," Den smiled, sitting the other side of me,
trapping me. "So, how did you enjoy our little sex session?"

"Shut up!" I

"I enjoyed
it!" Lisa giggled. "You have a lovely cunt, Jane."

"For Christ's
sake, both shut up!"

wine!" Mat grinned, stepping out of the back door. "Or would you
prefer a beer, Den?"

"No, wine's

"I'll get the
glasses," I said, making my escape.

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