Naked Lies (11 page)

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Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #naked, #ray gordon, #hardcore porn

BOOK: Naked Lies
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On and on Den
would come at me, like the breakers rolling towards the shore, one
after another, never ending - perpetual. Sex ruled my life, Den
ruled my life - possessed me. I might as well have been possessed
by the devil himself for all the difference it would have made!
Perhaps he was the devil?

Again ordering
me to strip as he placed his camera on the coffee table, he moved
an armchair into the centre of the room. How was I to pose for him?
Sprawled naked over the chair? Reclined with my legs wide apart, my
cunt crudely exhibited?

Unbuttoning my
blouse, I became resigned to the fact that I was Den's sex slave. A
mixture of fear and arousal gripped me as I slipped my blouse over
my shoulders and tossed it onto the sofa. Having no choice other
than to surrender, to yield to his crude demands, to my horror, the
thought tightened my cunt, my juices flowing from my sex

"Hurry up!" he
chuckled as I released my bra, revealing my firm breasts, my erect
nipples. Looking down at my milk teats, I recalled taking them into
my mouth, the beautiful sensations as I'd sucked the sensitive
brown protrusions. I wanted to suck them again. Did I want Den to
bite my breast buds?

before my blackmailer had almost become a way of life, I reflected.
It was expected of me, and I automatically complied. Stepping out
of my shoes, I dropped my skirt and tugged my wet panties down,
again wondering whether Den was going to suckle my breast buds.
There was a longing within my nipples that cried out for
satisfaction. What did my heart long for?

As I stood
there naked, I wondered where it would all end, if it would ever
end. Nothing lasts, I reflected. The end would come, but how and
when? Would Mat eventually discover my wanton ways? Would we move
house? Inevitably, the end had to come one day, and in one way or

Instructing me
to sit in the chair, Den moved towards the door. It was as if I was
anaesthetized, hypnotized, as I obediently sat down. I was a robot,
a sex machine. I remained motionless as he left the room and
returned with two lengths of rope. I didn't even try to stop him
when he pulled me forward, positioning my buttocks over the edge of
the cushion with my thighs wide apart.

Tying one end
of the rope to my right foot, he ran it round the back of the chair
and secured my left foot. My knees bent, my feet pulled either side
of the chair, my naked body was vulnerable to his every whim, and I
knew that the time had come for him to fuck me. The final act of
degradation, the ultimate act of adultery.

Placing my
hands by the side of the chair, he ran the rope behind the chair
and secured my wrists. My femininity crudely stripped, my naked
body tethered, defenceless, I wondered what he was going to do
first. Would he start by fucking me? Or would he lick me to orgasm?
My thighs wide apart, my cunt gaping, he grinned as he grabbed his

"You can come
in now!" he chortled unexpectedly. My heart leaped into my mouth as
I faced the door to see a naked girl drift into the room, silent,
almost angelic. "There she is," Den grinned, pointing at me. "Tied
up and ready for you. OK, let's have some really good lesbian

Her long black
hair cascading over her firm breasts, the dark angel licked her
lips provocatively as she stood before me, scrutinizing my naked
body. Lowering my eyes, I focused on her fleshy vaginal lips,
shaved, devoid of pubic hair. Her inner labia peeping out from her
sex crack, I wondered whether I'd be forced to lick her there, lick
her clitoris to orgasm as Den captured my debauched act on film.
Who was she? I wondered as she gazed hungrily at my gaping cunt. A
friend? A prostitute? It did matter who she was. An unknown girl, a
passing angel of sex.

My eyes wide
with apprehension, my heart racing as she knelt on the floor
between my thighs, I could say nothing. My mind numbed as the words
of protest stuck in my throat. As I felt her warm breath on my
inner thighs, her long tresses tickling my sensitive sex crack, I
struggled to free myself, pulling hopelessly on the ropes. Den
clicked the camera as she moved up and licked my lower stomach,
cleansed and wet my smooth skin. I screamed inside as she kissed
and sucked on each vaginal lip - for what, I don't know.

"She has a
beautiful cunt," the girl breathed crudely, licking the full length
of my gaping sex valley. Her pink tongue was wet, hot, and I
shuddered as I gazed in disbelief at her pretty face, lesbian
passion reflected in her dark eyes. A girl licking my cunt? I
couldn't believe what was happening to me, and I wondered what else
Den had in store for me.

"God, she
tastes good," the girl sighed, parting my outer lips with her
slender fingers and exposing my swollen clitoris to her sweeping
tongue. I focused on my taut vaginal flesh, her tongue licking me,
tasting me. What did lesbians do to each other? Would she finger

Closing my
eyes as Den clicked the camera, I felt the girl's tongue move down
my open crack and sweep in circles around my vaginal entrance.
Suddenly, her pink snake entered my sex hole, exploring inside me,
licking my wet inner flesh. I'd known that Den would use me for his
own sexual gratification, but to force me to endure lesbian sex?
I'd misjudged him, underestimated his decadence beyond all

As the
lesbian's fingers penetrated my vagina, massaging me, stretching me
wide open, I shuddered. I felt humiliated, degraded in the extreme
as she sucked my stiffening clitoris into her hot mouth. The most
private part of my body blatantly on show, abused by a naked girl
as the camera shutter clicked, I knew that I'd sunk to the bottom
of the murky pool of depravity. In my naivety, I was sure that I
could sink no further. Surely there could be nothing more insane
than having a lesbian finger and lick me?

My clitoris
responding to her feminine tonguing and sucking, I tried to
convince myself that a tongue was a tongue, a finger a finger, male
or female. But her perfume wafted up my nostrils, the smell of her
hair, her female scent. There was no getting away from the fact
that my clitoris was responding to the sexual stimulation of
another woman.

My sex juices
flowing in torrents, she slipped her wet fingers out of my
tightening vaginal sheath and stood up, her dark eyes locked to
mine. As she knelt on the arms of the chair, her shaved vaginal
lips gaping, only inches from my face, my mouth, I focused on the
globules of opaque liquid clinging to her distended inner petals. I
couldn't perform the lesbian act, I knew, as she moved forward, the
heady scent of her cunt filling my nostrils.

"Lick her,"
Den instructed me as he knelt on the floor beside the chair,
focusing the camera on my flushed face. "Lick her cunt, bitch!" He
was angry, male, cruel and hard - she was soft, smooth in her
femininity. Pressing her yawning sex crack against my mouth, her
warm cream wetting me, she gasped as I tentatively pushed my tongue
out and tasted her there. Her juices trickled down my chin, bathing
me, dribbling.

Pulling her
fleshy lips apart, she exposed her erect clitoris, her pearl, to my
sweeping tongue, her naked body quivering as I repeatedly lapped at
her sex button. Savouring the taste of another woman's vaginal
juices, I closed my eyes, my frightening appetite for lesbian sex
spiralling as I discovered another side to me.

"Tongue my
cunt!" the girl breathed, swivelling her hips and aligning her open
sex hole with my mouth. I felt my own juices of arousal seeping
from my vagina, running down between my buttocks and wetting my
anal entrance as I slipped my tongue deep into her hot pussy. Her
cream tasted beautiful, feminine, sexy - her inner flesh hot,
smooth and soft. I drank from her sex duct, lapping up her flowing
juices, savouring her sticky honeydew as she stretched her pussy
lips wide apart, opening her love hole to my thirsty mouth. In my
arousal and confusion, I began to wonder whether or not I'd be able
to enjoy a penis after my lesbian experience. Was I now

I wasn't aware
of Den kneeling between my parted thighs until he rudely rammed his
penis deep into my tight cunt. Gasping through a mouthful of wet
vaginal flesh as he withdrew and thrust into me again, my tethered
body jolting, I wondered at my emotions. My naked body tied with
rope, a lesbian about to come in my mouth, a man's cock about to
spunk inside my cunt... I was awash with sex.

I felt alive
with arousal but, at the same time, riddled with guilt. My body
trembling as my own orgasm neared, my pulsating clitoris massaged
by Den's pistoning cock, the girl's sex nodule throbbing beneath my
snaking tongue - never had I known such pleasure. Far removed from
making love with Mat, I was wallowing in the most crude three-way
coupling I could imagine.

My husband at
work while I lapped at a girl's vaginal folds, my face drenched
with her juices of lust, my cunt bloated by a huge penis, I
pondered on my marriage. I'd thought I'd found eternal love with
Mat, but now? I'd desecrated my marriage vows, destroyed the
sanctity of my partnership, cast my soul into the eternal fires of

"God, you've
got a tight cunt!" Den cried as his penis swelled and throbbed
inside me, breaking my reverie.

"And she has
the most wonderful mouth!" the lesbian gasped. "Oh, I'm... I'm

Her clitoris
swelling and pulsating, her cunt milk flowing in torrents, she
shuddered as she cried out in her coming. My own mind-blowing
climax erupted with Den's. His cock ramming deep into my hot
vaginal sheath, his sperm jetting, bathing my cervix, I experienced
an orgasm of an intensity and duration that I hadn't known was

On and on the
waves of pure sexual ecstasy rolled through my sated body, shaking
me to the core, gripping my very being. I could feel Den's sperm,
filling me, oozing from my inflamed vagina and coursing down
between my buttocks as I sucked on the girl's pulsating nub,
sustaining her incredible orgasm. We were locked in lust, our
genitals throbbing in orgasm, our bodies trembling as we gave and
received pleasure.

My climax
finally waning as Den stilled his thrusting cock, I gently licked
the girl's clitoris, bringing out the last ripples of her orgasm as
she gasped her appreciation. As she swivelled her hips, aligning
her open love hole with my thirsty mouth, I sucked out her juices,
drinking the heady wine from her exhausted body. Never had I known
the immense pleasure to be elicited from another girl's cunt, and I
sucked and drank until I'd drained her burning sex sheath.

enough," she finally whimpered as she clambered off the chair and
Den slipped his deflated penis out of my drenched vagina.

"You'd better
clean her up," Den chuckled as she knelt between my parted thighs.
"Lick my spunk out of her cunt and then I'll fuck her mouth."

As the girl licked and sucked, her mouth pressed hard against
my open vaginal entrance, swallowing the cocktail of sperm and my
copious pussy juice, Den grabbed the camera and took several more
shots of the young lesbian.
And then I'll
fuck her mouth
. The crude words resounding
through my tormented mind, I watched the nameless girl drinking
from my hot cunt, wondering when my abusers would allow me my

My blonde
pubic hairs matted with sperm and sex milk, my vagina inflamed, my
clitoris throbbing, I gasped as I sensed the beginning of another
orgasm welling in my contracting womb. To my horror, the very
thought of a girl's tongue delving deep into my cunt sent my
arousal soaring, and I almost begged her to lick my insatiable sex

enough," Den finally instructed the young beauty. But it wasn't
enough - I wanted more. Casting his eyes around the room as if
looking for something, he moved to the mantlepiece. "This is
ideal," he grinned, brandishing the camera and passing her a long
candle. "Stick it up her cunt and I'll take some real

As she slipped the waxen shaft deep into my drenched vagina, I
thought of the garden hoe, the incredible sensations as it had
slipped into my private sanctuary, my bottom-hole. If Mat knew what
I'd been up to, the abuse, the crude lesbian sex, he'd disown me,
send me packing. But I knew that I couldn't turn back now. Even if
Den were to leave me alone, stop his blackmail threats, my sexual
appetite was now voracious. I could never be the same loving,
demure plain Jane again - I'd masturbate, fuck myself with bananas
and the hoe handle, suck and bite on my nipples... What had I
become? Who had I become? In the distance, the inner voice
I am not what I once

"Right, now
you take a few shots of me fucking her mouth," Den instructed,
kneeling on the arms of the chair as the girl moved aside. His
solid penis protruding from his trousers, he yanked his foreskin
back and pressed his purple plum against my lips. "Suck me off,
whore!" he ordered me as his accomplice focused the camera on my
face, his huge organ.

I took him
into my mouth, savouring the taste of his sperm and my vaginal
fluid as he pushed his knob to the back of my throat. Withdrawing,
he drove into me again, my lips rolling along his wet shaft as he
crudely fucked my mouth. "I'll spunk over her face!" he gasped.
"Make sure you get her beautiful pearls in frame!"

Quickening his
rhythm, sliding his knob in and out of my mouth, I imagined the
photographs of his sperm jetting, splattering my mouth, my face.
With all the evidence he now had of my debauchery he'd be able to
force me to do anything. Whether he demanded sex in the middle of
the night or the middle of the day, I'd have to go running to him
with my knickers down. If his lesbian friend wanted me licking
between her legs, sucking her clitoris to orgasm, I'd have no

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