Fragrance of Revenge (30 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 93


She had a tough time convincing Paddy and Mike not to call the New Hampshire State Police. Their points made sense, but the biggest trump card she played is that she knew the area, the camp and she was still an FBI agent. Since they might have taken Scott across state lines it was now a federal offense.

Her parents bought the camp when she was in the third grade. They used it in the summer months. Her mom would go up for the entire summer, and her dad would come up on Friday afternoons, and leave early Monday morning. It was hard not to think about all of the good times she had. The special times were when he took three weeks vacation in July.
It was hard to believe they were both gone.
Saving Scott is what she had to do, even if it meant putting her life in danger.

It was a long drive to Ossipee New Hampshire. She took the opportunity to sleep during the drive. It was easy to do, since she hadn’t slept for a long time and the motion of the car was like a cradle. Mike was driving well over the speed limit, but at a safe pace. She could hear the engine’s roar and the extra sway when he pulled out to pass.

Periodically she was not asleep, and could hear their conversation.

“Paddy, are we doing the right thing?” Mike whispered.

“I think we might be just a few hours behind them, but I agree with Mercedes in this instance. I think we have a better chance of freeing Scott from her sister. Sullivan is who scares me the most. He has gotten himself way in over his head. Blackmailing was one thing, but now he is directly involved in a homicide. He can’t go back and undo it, and he might just become a cornered rat.”

“What is the plan when we get there?”

“Based on the information Mercedes shared about the location of the cabin, on one side is the lake and the other is the long driveway which leads down from the road above. She said you can’t see the cabin from the road, which gives us a way to approach the cabin without being seen. When we get there I’m going to let her tell us her thoughts on how to proceed.”

“She’s had quite the last few days…being abducted once is bad enough, but twice and then a third attempt. I can’t blame her for slamming the guy’s nose into his brain. Then on top of that to find both of your parents dead and the love of your life kidnapped. She is one amazing person. I would love to have her working with us. What are your thoughts Mike?”

“I’m all for it. It is strange that this is the third time she is attempting to save Scott’s life from one of her sisters. If she does save him this time, she is probably going to kill him herself for getting involved in this whole thing.”

“It’s not ‘if’ Paddy, it is ‘when’ I save him. You better believe on one hand I’m going to thank God we rescued him, and on the other hand…well, it won’t be pretty.” She leaned over the seat and announced she was now awake.

“I hope you got some sleep. Mike and I both have weapons, but I know you don’t have one. Here, take this backup piece.”

“Thanks Paddy.” She examined it briefly and put it in her waistband behind her back. We’re going to find the cottages busy this time of the year. If they make a run for it, we need to be very careful that the vacationers are safe. Should they indeed run, there aren’t many roads that they can escape on. When we get there is there any way we can then alert the state police to what is going on?”

“We have the radio and we should be able to reach them…good idea. I think we should wait until we assess the situation though.”

“Right. Mike, this is the turnoff you need. Take a right here, it leads to the lake and to Maine.”

“Maybe we should alert the Maine State Police,” Mike said.

“Let’s let New Hampshire handle that call. How far now Mercy?”

“About five minutes. We’re looking for Leavitt Road I think, but it has been years since I’ve been up here. I’ll know the turnoff when I see it. The camp is on the Leavitt Bay area of the lake complex.”   

Mike was still exceeding the speed limit. “There it is…that’s it right there.” Mike braked the car and the car went into a skid, but he managed to turn the wheel and correct it. The car bounced when it hit the dirt road. “Mike we have only a short distance to go. When we go by Broadbay Road we need to find a place to turn off this road. We shouldn’t go much further in the car.”

The night was giving way to the light of morning, but Mike turned off the headlights to be safe.

“That’s Broadbay Road on the left, the next place you see to park take it.”

A short distance later there was a home being constructed on the left and he pulled in off the road up to the newly poured cement foundation.

“This is it. The camp is about ten down on the right. It is a cape-style-two story house, red in color, with a detached garage. Once again you can’t see the house from the road, or couldn’t, back the last time I was here,” Mercedes announced cocking her newly acquired piece.




Paddy whispered as they studied the property. “I don’t see the car. What if the camp is occupied by someone else?”

“You know my dad’s real estate firm could have rented it for the summer. Good point Paddy,” Mercedes said softly. “There’s no windows on the garage, so we can’t check for their vehicle. If they took the large key ring from my parents’ house, the keys to everything my parents own are on that key chain,” Mercedes added.

“There aren’t any windows on this side of the house…strange,” Mike mentioned.

“Not really if you know my dad. This is the west facing side, and he purposely didn’t want any windows as there is no A/C in the camp,” Mercedes offered.

“What do you suggest Mercedes?” Paddy asked.

“Here’s the layout of the camp. The left side of the camp is the original camp. When you come in you come onto the porch. The porch goes the length of the lake side of the camp on the old section. There’s a door which leads to the kitchen and bath, and the living room is where the large chimney is.

“The entrance to the newer two-story addition is through the living room. There is a bedroom to the right of that entrance, and another sitting area to the left. The stairs to the second level are on the far side of that sitting area. Upstairs there are two bedrooms facing the lake off a common hall along this side of the camp.”

“Any thoughts?” Paddy asked.

“Well, if they are here, Scott could be either in the bedroom in the new addition, or in one of the two upstairs. If they want to keep an eye on Scott while they get some privacy of their own, my money would be on the upstairs bedrooms.”

“Can we see any of those rooms from the ground?”

“Not unless you are way out on the lake, or on that island out there.” She thought for a minute. “There is a window in the downstairs bedroom, which is on the right hand side of that addition. We could check that out first and it would confirm they are upstairs.”

“You’re forgetting one important point…we don’t know if they actually came here,” Paddy said, but he wasn’t smiling.

“Mike it is getting light out. I suggest you climb up on the garage roof to see if you see anything in that lower bedroom.”

He started to move toward the camp.

She grabbed his arm. “Mike, one other thing…my dad had two shotguns and a rifle in the downstairs gun case. I have no idea if they are still there, or locked up some other place.”

“Thanks, I think.”




A long fifteen minutes later Mike came back to where they were hiding. “Okay, there isn’t anybody in that room. There’s a light shining from the far room, which might be that living room area you mentioned. What now?”

“Here’s what I think we can do next, but it won’t be very pretty, and I can do it. The old camp portion has a crawl space under it. I could crawl under it to see if I hear any voices above it,” she said as she started to move away.

“You’re not going anywhere pretty lady. You have had enough tight situations the last few days, and there is no way you are crawling under that house. But, it is a great idea. Just give me a few minutes,” Mike said and was already bent over headed to the back of the garage.

“Mercedes, you’re shaking,” Paddy said putting both his hands on one of hers.

“I can’t let Scott get killed. He’s my future. My family is gone, well except for this nut-case sister, and all I can think of is the blood that you mentioned was on the bed at my parents.”

“Mercy, if he is in that house, I promise we will get him out alive.”

“I surely hope so. There are only two reasons he’s there. Either they need him as a hostage, or I don’t like the other reason at all. I saw what her twin did to him, and she confessed she loved Scott. This twin doesn’t have any of that history. I’m a profiler, and I don’t like what my gut is telling me.”

Chapter 94


He saw Alexis’ eyes when she told him to go in the first bedroom and get on the bed naked. However, she took Scott down the hall into the other bedroom and he worried what she might be doing.

When they backed the car into the one car garage, Alexis spotted the box of ropes and took several of them with her. Her comment was something along the lines of being safe and being prepared.

Now in the bedroom and naked on the bed he couldn’t hear what was going on in the other bedroom. Although it was early July, it was still very early morning and the camp was cold. He resisted the urge to cover himself with one of the Army or Navy blankets piled on the only chair in the room.

His mind was reeling from what they, or more specifically Alexis, had done. Three people were dead and he expected her to kill Scott. It wouldn’t surprise him to have her ask him to kill Scott. He could hurt him, but he knew he couldn’t kill him. He saw what she did to the doctor, and there was no doubt in his mind whether she could indeed kill again.

It had been at least thirty minutes and it was getting even harder to ignore the blankets so close by. He heard a door close and looked over to the bedroom door and saw Alexis standing there with ropes in one hand, a razor in the other and a huge smile on her face.

He had also seen her naked many times recently, but observing her leaning against the door frame twilling the ropes made his heart beat faster immediately.

“Chris I’m sorry it took me longer than I expected. Scott needed more coaxing than previously, but he eventually gave me what I wanted. When I left him he was quite uncomfortable, but happy to still be alive. He also confessed some things about his love of Mercedes that I found interesting.”

He watched her stop swinging the ropes and head to the side of the bed. “You look like you’re cold. Would you like me to warm you up?”

“Yes, I would.”

“That’s not a very respectful answer. Try it again.”

“Yes master, I would like to be warmed up.”

“That is slightly better, but it will do.” She immediately climbed onto his body and licked his ear, and then nibbled it.

Feeling her hot body against his was extremely enjoyable and he could feel his reacting to hers.

“I can feel you getting excited.” She wiggled her body against his and he continued to grow. She jumped off him and went over and opened one of the brown Army blankets. She came back over and continued to stare at his excitement. “You’re much too distracting, so I’m going to cover you while I tie you up.” She didn’t immediately move to do that but watched his body twitch even more.

She finally spread the blanket from his neck down to his lower legs. She picked up a rope and tied it around the hole in the headboard, and did the same with another rope. “Put your hands up over your head.” She wrapped one rope around his wrist twice and then tied a knot. She climbed onto the blanket covering his body and did the same with the other rope.

When she had both of his wrists tied above his head she lowered herself so he could suckle her. He could tell she enjoyed his attention her nipples were larger than he had seen previously. “You like this don’t you?”

“I like it as much as you do Chris.” She got off him and went to the bottom of the bed and pulled him down. She tied a rope around the left footboard and then spread his legs and tied the other end to his ankle. She did the same for the other leg, but she pulled the rope as tight as she could.

“That’s too tight Alexis.”

“What did you say?”

“Would you please loosen that last rope?”


He saw something he didn’t want to see. She picked up the straight razor off the blanket and opened it. If it wasn’t for her expression, he thought she might be going to cut the rope. However, he was trying to assess whether she was playing a game with him. She came over to the side of the bed and slowly pulled the blanket off him. The room felt even colder than just minutes earlier.

When she climbed on the bed and sat on his thighs it was like a frying pan was placed on them.

“Here’s the same old Chris…standing at attention and waiting for me to give you a big reward.”

 He watched her studying his body from his hair down to the junction of his thighs.

“What do you want me to do Chris?”

He took a big intake of air, but didn’t dare say anything.

“I’m sure Scott has recovered by now, I can go back to him. If that is what you want then so be it. Now is your chance Chris…tell me what you want.”

“I want you to put down that razor and take me in your mouth.”

She smiled at him. “Details, details.” She put the razor down on his stomach, grabbed him and he felt her hot mouth on him.

She had learned her lessons well. He could see her eyes looking up at him with the open razor in his line of sight.

He recoiled when he felt her teeth. “Let’s see now, put the razor down and take you in my mouth.” She was still holding his erection and admiring it. He felt her switch hands and saw her lift the razor off him.

She gave him a strange smile and he saw the blade move swiftly and then felt incredible pain. He remembered what happened to the doctor and realized what the pain was. The blood was running down between his legs.

Then he felt her reach for him again and more incredible pain as she took what was left. He felt the room spinning and then she leaned down and transferred something to his mouth.

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