Fragrance of Revenge

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Fragrance of Revenge


Dick C. Waters


Copyright © 2013 by 
Dick C. Waters

All Rights Reserved

Published  in 2013 by CreateSpace

ISBN: 978-1491209639

Scott Tucker Series: Book 4



This is strictly a work of fiction; names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental or fictionalized.





I thank Terri (Enos) Johnston for her friendship, support and edits on this and my other novels.




“Scott Tucker Series” novels

Listed in the recommended reading sequence:


Branded for Murder

Serial Separation

Scent of Gardenia

Fragrance of Revenge

Foreplay for Murder*

(*The Adult version of Fragrance of Revenge)



Author Page:






“Never throw a boomerang away…

It might come back to kill you.”


Dick C. Waters


Chapter 1


I felt the cold damp air against my naked body. The boat raced and crashed against the heavy sea. My head bounced in concert with the boat’s rise and fall and my butt was almost numb from slamming against the rough deck. My shackles clanked a steady beat in concert with the boat’s nose dive off each wave’s peak.

The boat engines’ whine suddenly ceased. As it slowed, waves rocked the boat and splashed against it. The smell of rope was replaced by the familiar scent of Gardenia. I was still in darkness and couldn’t see anything through the blindfold.

“Well now, look at you.” Her breath was hot against my cold cheek. I felt her tongue as she lapped the tears escaping below the blindfold.

“Scott, do you fear the end?”

“I’ve made my plans…I’m ready.”

There was no immediate response. “No, you’re not ready at all—not from the looks of junior.” Her hand grabbed my naked body. This time there was no reaction to her touch.

“I didn’t wait all day for this.” She moved her fingers, but for once my body was mine, not hers. She continued her usual best to get a response, but nothing was working in her favor. “Did I hurt you too much earlier?”

I tried to forget that torture.

Suddenly she yanked off my blindfold. “Scott, open your eyes…I said
open your eyes

She was kneeling beside me. She smiled and reached behind her and removed her blood soaked bikini top. She slid it down my body, but there was no reaction. “Scott, I have all night…you know I get what I’m after…sooner or later.”

She leaned forward and started kissing and licking my body. My mind was thinking about the safety of my friends and their rescue.

Not getting the result she wanted, she pounded on my thighs. Then she pounded again and again. She screamed something, jumped up and rushed off. I barely had my breath back when she arrived waving a flare gun.

She pointed the gun at Denny, who was also lying naked on the floor, but he didn’t move. “Scott, you will give me what I want or I will shoot him…
I swear

I tried to recall the last time I heard Denny move. I hadn’t heard any movement since she chained me here below deck.

“I’m not sure he’s still alive, but do what you need to do. I’m going to announce to you and God, that I love your sister with all my heart. I’ve made my peace and now use that on me.” She just stared at me.
“Do it,”
I yelled.

Her eyes opened wide. She turned and studied Denny’s lifeless and blood-soaked form. Then she slowly turned her stare back to me. Her eyes looked like she was in a trance. Then the gun followed her eyes down to my groin. I saw her finger slowly squeezing the trigger. This was how my life was going to end.

For some reason, she let up on the trigger and laid the gun down on the wood deck. She got up and came back with a key, and started removing my shackles.

Two minutes later, with the chains still locked on my ankles and wrists, she had pushed me to the stern. The only sound was the waves slapping at the boat. I knew she had planned to shoot me minutes ago, but didn’t want the flare to ignite the boat.

“Melanie, why are you doing all of this?”

She raised the gun to my head, but didn’t answer.

“Melanie, I asked you a question…answer me…why are you doing all of this?”

Even in the limited moonlight I could see her eyes tearing up. “Scott, you have no idea how much I love you. From the moment we were at the warehouse, I realized what love could be like.” Her hand was shaking and her finger was twitching.

I didn’t understand entirely what she was saying, but this was my opportunity. “I know you do in your own way. You could really be a nice person, given the right circumstances.”

“Do you love me?
” She brandished the gun.

“No…but someone could love you. You need to give up this crazy vendetta against everyone. You have no chance of anyone loving you when you’re like this.” I could see the tears running down her cheeks, and her body starting to shake. “Melanie, do you remember your sister and your grandfather on his boat when you were growing up?”

Her expression softened, and she nodded.

“Wasn’t that a great and wonderful time? Can you remember sailing on his boat, just the three of you? Wouldn’t he be ashamed at what you’ve done?” I waited for the words to make any kind of impression. I could hear the distant whine of boat engines. “Why don’t you be a good little girl and put that gun down?” She just stared at me. “Your grandfather is telling you to
put the gun down now.
Be that good little girl he remembered and enjoyed.”

She was soon sobbing uncontrollably and bent over like she was going to be sick. The gun was still only inches from my face, but waving noticeably. She lifted her head and her expression softened. She wiped at the tears. She closed her eyes and bent her head. When she lifted her head again, I could see what looked like a little girl’s innocent smile.

“Grandpa, please forgive me. I didn’t do these things…
she did.”
She looked down at my naked body. “Scott, I’m so sorry this happened to you and the others.”

The tears were cascading down her cheeks. For the first time, I really felt sorry for her.

“This…” Her voice softened. “This has gone too far. I can’t let her do these things any more…please tell Mercedes that…that a part of me loves her and wants her to forgive me. I hope you have a wonderful life together.”

She suddenly swung the barrel toward my face. I flinched and yelled, “
” Even with my eyes closed, the night sky seemed to explode.




“Scott…Scott, wake up. Wake up Scott.”

I opened my eyes and another beautiful redhead with bright blue eyes was staring down at me. It was Mercedes.

“You cried out. You had that nightmare again, didn’t you?”

“Yes. Only this time she was going to shoot me.” I felt the sweat on my face and body. I went to wipe my forehead, but she beat me to it.

“Scott, this is exactly why I need you to give up investigative work. You were almost killed twice. You may not be so lucky the next time.”

Mercedes stood beside the bed with her arms crossed. It was her bedroom, but it had become our bed for the last few weeks. She looked incredibly sexy with her long red hair hanging down only partially covering her breasts. She noticed my eyes moving down her body and she started to smile.

“You look incredible this morning.” I reached for her arm, but she avoided my hand.

“Scott, stop. I’m worried about you. You’ve had nightmares almost every night since we returned from Bermuda. I can’t do this anymore.” She looked down at me and her eyes started to glisten. “I love you Scott, but I can’t go to sleep each night wondering if you’re going to have one of these dreams.” I reached for her again. She avoided it and went to her side of the bed and sat down.

“Do you want me to leave?” She bowed her head and put her hand against her forehead. Her naked back was stretched to its limit and I had to feel her. I slid over to press my naked body against hers. “Mercedes, I’m sorry. What do you want me to do…do you want me to go to my apartment?” I rubbed her shoulder and kissed her other one.

“Scott, please stop.” I stopped, but the warm scent of Gardenia was captivating. In all our days and nights, I had never seen her cry. Now she was truly upset and I had caused it.

“Honey, what do you want? Help me please.”

“Scott, I know you love me. You made that clear to me. I love you too with all my heart.” She lost control again.

“That’s why I can’t let this continue any longer. I almost lost you twice. Do you know how crushing that is?”

I watched her study the ceiling. “Honey, I know it must have been tough on you. I owe you my life. You saved it twice. What do you want me to do?”

She swung around and looked right into my eyes. “What I want is for you to promise me that you will not get involved in any more investigations.” She studied my reaction.

“Scott, that’s not your forte…it’s mine. I can’t spend any more days worried about losing you. I might not be lucky the next time.” Her tears were dripping onto my chest. “You want to know what I want…I want you to give up any investigative work and stick to your business improvement focus. Will you do that for me?”

I didn’t answer her. I couldn’t. She searched for my answer and then turned and buried her head in her pillow.




I spent the last hour on her couch trying to put the pieces of our conversation back together. It was her comment that she might not be lucky the next time that brought her to tears. In the years I’ve known her I had never seen her cry.

I was having a problem dealing with upsetting her. But, I couldn’t ignore how much she loved me. I didn’t mean to hurt her, but obviously my actions had and my returning nightmare brought her feelings for my safety to the surface.

I couldn’t defend myself. Mercedes was right. I was never formally trained to do investigative work, and getting involved in investigations did put me in harms way. Her sister had two chances to take my life and if it wasn’t for Mercedes’ intervention, I wouldn’t be here right now. I owed her my life, and although I haven’t told her, I’m ready to give the rest of my life to her.

I unconsciously felt the scar on my abdomen. I didn’t need to look at it to be reminded of the arrow carved there. Melanie thought it was so funny when she carved it, and I can still hear her words as she threatened doing something even more damaging to other body parts.

It’s still hard to believe that Mercedes’ sister could have been so different. It’s no wonder why Mercedes gets so upset…looking at that scar is a reminder of how lucky I am to still be alive.

I know Mercedes wants me to promise to never do another investigation. I owe that to her, and I’ve made up my mind to tell her why I can’t.

I considered going to my own apartment, but I would rather be here in the morning.

I went back into her bedroom and let my eyes adjust to the darkness. I gently pulled the covers back and smiled when I saw Mercedes’ long red hair cascading over her shoulder and down her back. The limited moon light illuminated her contours. The sight of her naked body, even her back, caused my body to react.

I climbed under the covers and positioned myself lightly against her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her shoulder.

“Scott, please…not tonight.”

I was glad she didn’t send me away. I was glad she was still talking to me. I was glad to smell the wonderful fragrance of Gardenia. The thoughts of losing her were too much for me. I leaned forward and kissed her on the shoulder. I put my head on my own pillow, but kept my arm around her and my lower body pressed lightly against her.

The thoughts of losing my wife two years ago, the pain from my captivity, nearly losing my life twice, along with upsetting Mercedes and bringing her to tears got the best of me.

I took a deep breath, and said a silent prayer and gave thanks for still being alive.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, the sweet fragrance of Gardenia filling my senses, but then realized I still had a problem. Yesterday, I promised her father I would indeed investigate who was involved in blackmailing him. I tried to control my breathing and hoped my heart racing wouldn’t be interpreted as something else.

What could Stephen Strong have done that he doesn’t even want his FBI daughter to investigate much less know? What can I say when she brings up her request for me to give up investigative work?

Scott, you should never hurt the one you love.

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