Fragrance of Revenge (21 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 61


The gold Pontiac nearly ran Mike down, but he dove out of the way. It all happened so fast I couldn’t believe what Mike was trying to do.
Did he actually think the driver was going to stop?
I ran over and helped Mike up.

“Mike, my God that was close. I thought he was going to run right over you. Are you okay?”

He brushed off his pants. “I’m okay, but my pride is a little tarnished. I had no idea he would actually try to run me down. He’s more desperate than I thought. I got a good look at him, despite the headlights. You must have gotten a good look at him too. Would you recognize him again?”

“Mike, I recognized the car. That’s the same ’63 Pontiac that was at the care facility. He must be one of the staff. I doubt he’s headed back there.”

“You’re right there.”

“Mike, I know where he lives. It was one of the addresses you gave me. Do you want to check that out?”

“What do we have to lose?”





Twenty minutes later we had made two passes of that address with no signs of the gold Pontiac.

“Well Scott, do you have any other ideas? Pretend I’m not here. What would you do next?”

“I say we wait here another few minutes to give him time to get here. He might have taken extra time to lose us if he thought he was being followed.”

“Okay.” Mike pulled into a parking space and turned off the car and the lights. “And if he doesn’t show up, then what?”

I thought of Mercedes’ kidnapping and wondered if I would ever see her again.
“We can catch the next plane and head to Venezuela.”

“Worried about Mercedes?”

“Mike I know what it’s like to be held a prisoner. Being held as a sex slave for Melanie’s pleasure is not a pleasant memory. Mercedes is a much more valuable commodity than I was, and I’m really concerned that I may never see her again, or worse.”

“I understand, I really do. However, there’s no way we can be any help down there. We need to hope our connection, or the FBI, will be able to find her before too much time goes by.”

“Mike, I was worried she was going to get too close to Ralph, the other agent, but now I wish he was even closer. Does that make any sense?”

“My money is on Mercedes.”

“Mike, would there be any chance that she could come to work for our office and support our investigations?”

“That, Scott, is a very interesting scenario. I’ll have to talk to Paddy about that.”

“That’s assuming she survives.”

“Scott she will.”

Surviving is one thing, but being able to love again might be more difficult.
I realized I was fingering my arrow scar.
What kind of emotional and/or physical scars was Mercedes going to have after this? Somehow, I had to make this a heads’ up kind of day. It could only improve, right?

“Mike, you had a second address for the manager of the care facility. Maybe we should check that address…these guys could be both involved in the extortion.”

“Much as I hate to say it…have you thought of doing investigations in the future?”

“Not any more Mike.”

“Progress was made. I have the address in my notebook. Scott, will you open the glove box and read me the address under Adler.”

Chapter 62


“Agent Strong you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Please sit on the bed.” She didn’t move. “Do I have to remind you of how vulnerable your agent friend is? Good girl.”

He had seen her naked before and she didn’t like his devouring gaze, and she liked it even less now. He still had his boxers on, but it was obvious he was enjoying himself. “I take it captain that you are the leader of the slave trade here in Venezuela?”

“My dear Mercedes, you give me much too much credit. I am only connected with the business here in Maracaibo. I would not be physically able to sample the wares in all of Venezuela. However, I do enjoy the benefits connected with teaching these young ladies how to respect their care takers. You saw for yourself how Ms. Helen learned how to duplicate the punishment she received.”

“Why did you kill her sister?”

“I’m not a killer, I’m a lover.”

“Okay, then why did you have her killed?”

“She was not learning her lessons well at all. She was creating too much, how do you say, chaos within the girls. Although she was tortured, she still was resisting our instructions. More was to be gained by setting an example for the others. It worked, but it was a waste of a fine body. However, yours is many degrees more exciting than hers. The contrast of your red hair and your fair skin is intoxicating.”

It was obvious that his boxers were the only thing separating them. She knew she had to keep him talking.

“Close your eyes Agent Strong.” She did not. “Please close your eyes Agent Strong, I would hate to mar your pretty body.” Her eyes closed but she jumped when his fingers reached out to touch her where her thighs met. “Your country is foolish to let you come to a country like ours. You my lovely lady are worth a king’s ransom.”

“How many other American women do you have captive?”

“Would you like to trade answers for services?”

She didn’t answer him.

“I thought not. However, we have almost twenty women from your country and another fifty or so, from other European countries. They have all signed contracts.” His hands left her body and she heard him remove his boxers.

“What do you mean contracts?”

“I see what you are doing. You are trying to keep me talking to prevent me from getting you excited. However, the longer I take the more excited I will be.” His hands returned to her body. “Okay. The women were all ‘rescued from their captors.’ The fee for their rescue varies, but a value is put on it. A contract is established between them and our organization…a business contract, which they sign willingly, and they earn money for services to pay off their rescue amount.”

“So, Paula Scott wouldn’t sign the contract. Is that correct?”

“You have beauty and brains, what a lovely combination. However, I can’t fuck your brain. You are going to sign a contract too. In fact, your contract will set a new record. You will be an old lady before you earn enough to pay it in full. I am making an exception for you, and the contract will be between you and me. You will be working at my ranch.”

“Where is Mr. Damelio?”

“He is working on my ranch. He is a skilled accountant and he keeps the books for the ladies.”

“Now for all this information you owe me something in return. I’m sure you don’t want me to go to your agent friend and remind you of how much pain he was enduring.”

She looked down her body and saw Ralph in the other area, but he looked like he had passed out possibly from blood loss. She knew what the captain wanted and it was only a matter of time until she couldn’t delay him any longer. “You don’t need to punish him any more, he’s suffered enough.”

“You sound like you have more than a working relationship with him. Has he seen your lovely body? Has he made love to you?”

“That is none of your business.”

“Then he has. Yes it does have something to do with my business. If you are pure, then your rescue amount should be worth more. If you are, let’s say experienced, your rescue amount would not be worth that much. You certainly look very preserved to me.”

She smelled what she smelled before, a combination of sweat and semen. It was turning her stomach. Other than looking over to Ralph she had kept her eyes closed.

“You have a scent of Gardenia. It is very intoxicating. I think we have talked long enough.”

She felt his hands on her breasts.

There was a crash against the door to the room.

“Captain…I’m very sorry to disturb you, but there are military vehicles at the entrance. We need to leave.” He started to run out of the room.

“Wait. We need to take the women with us,” Captain Chavez said.

“There’s no time. We need to escape through the tunnel. They are ready to break the door in.” He ran out and left the captain, who was fumbling with his clothes.

“You are a very lucky lady. Two days in a row you have been rescued. I could kill you right now, but mark my words, I will find a way to get you again…and next time I won’t waste time talking.” He was semi-dressed and heading out the door. “You need to make sure you are never alone again.”

She heard the loud banging and hurried to get dressed. She heard loud yelling, but she was trying her best to get Ralph untied from his restraints.

Three men ran into the room with rifles drawn, saw her and pointed their guns down to the floor. One of the men spoke. “You must be Agent Strong judging from your red hair, and this must be Agent Reynolds. Is that correct?”

“Yes.” But she was shocked he knew their names. “How did you find us?”

“You and I have friends in this country. Do you know where his clothes are?”

“No.” She went over to the bed and took the grey blanket and covered him. “This will have to do for now. He needs to go to the hospital.”

“Do you?”

“I’ll go with him, but I don’t need medical attention. Do you know where Agent Max Gordon is?”

“Who is he?”

She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up…who was her friend that got the military involved?

Chapter 63


He pulled his Pontiac into the doctor’s driveway. The concern over whether there was money in the bag was put to rest. There were hundred dollar bills in five neat stacks. He wouldn’t have expected anything less from Stephen, but none the less he was glad the money was there.

He walked up the driveway to the front door and realized he had no way to enter. He contemplated ringing the doorbell, but the door opened suddenly.

“Welcome home Chris,” Alexis said as she moved away from the door. “Don’t you just love to come home to a naked woman?”

He looked at her body and smiled without answering.

“I see you brought a present. Did you happen to bring anything to eat?” she said as she closed the door.

He remembered their last sex session. “Not exactly.”

She ran up the stairs without saying anything more.

He wondered what she had been doing while he was picking up the money. When he got to the third floor bedroom she was on the bed and had resumed her tied position. “It is even nicer to come home to someone who is ready for sex.”

“You know that because?”

“I bet you’re wet.”

“You know that how?”

He went over to the bed and looked at her body. He thought he had it already burned into his brain, but it was obvious this was better than any memory. She had the ropes at her ankles pulled tight around them, and one wrist was also tied tightly. He went around to the far side of the bed. He put the bag down between her thighs and saw her smile. He took his shirt off and undid his belt. “Close your eyes, I want to surprise you.”

Her eyes went to the bulge in his pants. “Somehow I’m not surprised by how excited you look.” Then she closed her eyes and smiled.

He quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled the rope around it and tightened it. “Now are you surprised?”

She pulled on all the ropes and yelled, “Untie me now.”

“You’re the one who is not in control any longer. I asked you if you were surprised.”

“Not only am I surprised, but I’m pissed. Now untie me.”

He slipped his remaining clothes off. Then he climbed onto the bed sitting on her thighs.

“Well at least you look more than happy to see me tied up.”

“Yes, you can say I have been thinking about finally getting you in this position. How does it feel to really be a prisoner?”

She bounced her body on the bed pulling on the ropes.

“It’s very hot up here. I can see you’re starting to sweat.” He ran the back of his middle finger down between her breasts and confirmed she was indeed sweating. His fingers continued down past her navel and rested against her. He could see her rushed breathing.

Neither of them moved at all for well over a minute. He saw her nipples confessing her excitement. He loved her beauty and wondered if he would ever risk letting her go. He felt the heat against his fingers, but had not moved them. Her eyes were tightly closed. He lightly blew on her body. Her body lifted up off the mattress putting pressure on his fingers.

He wanted her to want him as much as he wanted her. He was learning how to play her body like it was a puppet. He took his time and did the things he had only dreamed about, and returned some of her favors. Despite her objections, he could tell she was enjoying his attention.

He could smell Gardenia mixed with the scent of her excitement. “What do you want Alexis?”

She didn’t answer, but he knew the answer. She was breathing heavily and if her eyes were open she could plainly see how much he wanted her.

“You’re not going to tell me, are you?” She didn’t answer him and he just watched her breathing and movement without touching her at all. Minutes passed and he felt he couldn’t resist her any longer. He could plainly see that every pore of her body was hot for him and he loved that he could control her.

He saw a bundle of money and picked it up. It wasn’t a belt but it provided a comforting breeze until he let it hit her body, and then another part. Minutes passed and he noticed she was leaning up off the mattress to accept the blows.

“What do you want Alexis? Alexis talk to me and tell me what you want. I know you love this, but I also know what you want next.
Tell me

Still no answer, but her breathing was rushed and she wasn’t trying to hide it any longer. Her body was rising and falling and rocking from side to side. Her arms and legs were pulling against the restraints.

He threw the money on the floor followed by the bag of money. He got off her thighs and stood beside the bed. “Pleasant dreams Alexis. I have to go count the money now.”

She quickly shook her head back and forth. Against his better judgment he untied her right wrist. Then he watched for a minute and then it turned to two. Her body was covered in sweat, but everything about it showed how super excited she was.

“Alexis, I changed my mind. What do you want?”

She took a deep breath and moved her hands to show him what she wanted him to do. He could tell it wasn’t about him any longer and she had a mission at hand.

“Alexis stop.
However, she didn’t and her movement increased. He grabbed her hand and quickly tied it to the rope.

“You bastard,” she finally yelled. She closed her eyes and he saw her rubbing her thighs together.

“Alexis, it’s okay. Tell me what you want.” She didn’t answer, but she looked like she was in pain. He reached out and touched her where he knew she wanted any fingers.

“You bastard.”

“I can stop if you would like me to.”

“You bastard.” She was raising herself to him. “No, I don’t want you to stop…please don’t stop.” She mumbled something else, but he couldn’t understand what she said.

“Alexis, are you sure?”

He climbed onto her and her body answered his question.

He wondered if he could ever trust her to tie him up again. He considered whether it was more fulfilling teasing her, or finally giving in to what his body needed. He thought about all the things he had done.
Now it was he who couldn’t control his body any longer.

“Chris, that was incredible. Now untie me, it’s my turn.”

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