Fragrance of Revenge (25 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 77


He had thought it would be different with the doctor out of the way, but he had new competition. Scott had similar features to his, and it concerned him as to how Alexis was going to focus her interest. Having a younger and more handsome man wasn’t what he originally bargained for.

He heard Scott yell out and it was soon followed by Alexis asking him to join them. He would much rather have Alexis to himself even if it was in the bathroom. That brought back images of Alexis showering and her focus on his body.

“Chris, don’t be bashful. Come join us, you might just like how excited I am.”

He reached for the bathroom doorknob and noticed his fully dressed reflection in the mirror. He knew Scott was naked and tied up, and wondered if Alexis had her clothes off. He remembered the third electrical cord and wondered if Alexis had plugged it in and shocked Scott with it.

If she had, he was sure he knew where she would have placed the live end of the cord. There was a big risk not having Scott gagged. If someone heard him yell they might call hotel management or the police.

He came around the corner and it was an erotic sight seeing both of them on the bed. Alexis was sitting with her butt almost on Scott’s face and her mouth was occupied and her hand was busy. Other than being tied up and at her mercy, Scott could have been a lucky man.

Alexis looked up but didn’t stop what she was doing. He saw her mouth curl into a smile. Scott had his head turned toward the wall, and it was obvious he was trying to avoid her anatomy which was only inches away. Her other hand held the cord with the live ends separated. “Chris, take off your clothes and join us.”

He was reluctant to give in to her but he definitely wanted her attention as his body started to react to the scene.

Her mouth left Scott, but her hand still had him captured. “Chris if you don’t take off your clothes I’m going to shock him again.”

She might have wanted him to take off his clothes, but she really wanted to torture Scott again. She let go of Scott and brought the cord to his groin. She had both hands on the opposite ends of the cord.

Scott yelled, “No.”

However, it was too late. She touched both ends to the sides of his penis and his body shook under her. “Scott I can only imagine how that must have hurt. I’m going to do it again.” She held the cord ends next to his erect penis but didn’t touch him. “Unless you want to be shocked again, you have right in front of you a way to avoid it. Do it, or I will.” She slid her body up further and then started to move the cord.

He watched Scott do what she wanted, but knew he had no choice.

“Good boy. Oh yes. Now Chris, take off your clothes or I will shock him again.”

He wondered why he was hesitant as he wanted Alexis and could tell she must be extremely horny at this point. He started to take his clothes off and she smiled at him. She was purposely using Scott’s body to her advantage.

The more he watched what she was doing the more he could feel his erection growing. He realized Scott wasn’t going to tell anyone about this party and he wanted Alexis’ mouth. She moved her long hair away from her face and turned to watch him strip. 

When he removed his briefs she motioned with her free hand to come to the side of the bed. He stepped to the side of the bed and her hand grabbed him. He could tell she was in fantasy land and he was quickly losing caring about whether Scott was there or not.

It wasn’t the scene he would have wanted, but Alexis had a way of changing his focus. She did what she wanted to both of them. After they had all recovered he went over to the other bed and she left Scott and came over to him and made most of his fantasies come true.

 “That was exciting for me, and somehow I know it was for you too. Room 369, we will always remember what happened in this room,” Alexis said smiling. “Are you going to kill Scott, or do I have to? Regardless, I think I’ve earned a souvenir to show my sister when I finally meet her. She can have what’s left of him, but I will have gotten his best part.”

Chapter 78


I was ashamed of what Alexis was able to get my body to do. She definitely reminded me of her sister, and not because her body was identical. It was how she loved to torture her mates, and get them to do what she wanted.

I heard her ask Chris just now if he was going to kill me, or did she have to do it. She also said loud enough for me to hear that she was going to take my best part to show Mercedes. I couldn’t reach my scar and she didn’t say this time that she was going to cut a duplicate on the other side. What she did say was bad enough.

Unfortunately, the thoughts of Mercedes being tortured possibly at this very moment made me want to give myself up if it meant she wouldn’t be harmed or maimed. I could hear them making love again in the next bed and wondered just how much time I had left. They had said they were going to go to Stephen’s house. That doesn’t sound good at all.

I pulled on my right wrist and the electric cord was tight without any give at all. I pulled on my left wrist and there was some play in the knot. I looked over to make sure neither one of them was looking at what I was doing. They were much too engrossed.

I turned my left wrist back and forth and felt the knot slipping up my hand. I couldn’t tell whether the knot was loosening, or just not tied tightly. I felt the electric cord lying on top of my thigh and wondered where the live ends were. I pulled on my wrist trying not to move my body in any manner. The knot was sliding up my hand even more. Maybe they will leave me here when they go to Stephen’s.

I looked down and could see the ends of the live electric cord only a fraction of an inch away from my body. It was much too close for comfort.

“I’ll give you a big reward if you whip him. Chris, will you do that for me? Will you do it using the live cord?”

I wish I hadn’t heard her say that. I recalled what I saw when I looked in the window, and my end, or worse, could be right around the corner.

They were still engaged and not focused on me at the moment. I didn’t hear Chris’ answer, but hearing what they were doing now, if the answer was no, it was going to be yes for sure when they were done.

I couldn’t believe I got myself into another life threatening situation. I remembered the naked dream I had when I woke up in Mercedes’ bed. That was the last time we were together. The visions of my last captivity came to mind. Melanie had me for an extended period of time and I had learned it was useless to delay the inevitable…she got what she wanted and why not avoid the pain associated with resisting.

She almost killed me twice and now her sister was going to pick up where she left off. The fact she knows about Mercedes is not good for either of us. Now she’s going to her father’s house and without any doubt she’s planning on killing him, if not both of her parents. What if Mercedes happens to go there while they are there? Oh shit. All three of them might die. My only hope is to be there and maybe I can save her, and her parents.

I heard the bathroom door close and then the water sound of the spray. I looked up and saw Alexis smiling and headed towards my bed.

“Well now Mr. Tucker, you look all tuckered out. Did I overdue it before? Chris is good, but there is something about seeing you defenseless that excites me.” She came over to the foot of the bed and just stood there.

I didn’t need her anywhere near my bed or my body. I saw her eyes move to the cord and wish I could have done something to distract her. She moved and sat on the bed next to my hip. Her hand moved and she picked up the cord.

“After our shower Chris said he would do as I asked him to do. He is going to whip you with this live electric cord. That will give you two things to cause you pain, the cord itself and the ends of the cord if they touch you at the same time. I know I could keep him from doing that if you give me what I need.”

I watched her dangle the cord over my body and closer and closer to my arrow scar.

“There’s only so far you can push your body into the bed. At some point you’re going to have to let up. I should join Chris. He’s probably playing with himself by now.”

“Do you?”

I didn’t answer and cried out from the electricity entering my body. It stopped but I was breathing fast and could feel my heart beating a mile a minute.

“That looked like it really hurt.” She put the cord against her body and jumped from the shock. “Shit. That does hurt like a bastard.”

“I asked you a question…do you?”


“That’s my Scott. Honest Indian. I’m going to share this with you. I’m going to kill Chris at some point and if you are still alive and a man…you and I can really have some fun.” She put the cord down on my body, but it wasn’t close enough yet to shock me. “I have to tend to Chris’ needs, but I think he’s jealous of you. So, he might really want to hurt you, or even kill you. You have only me to save you…think of that.”

She put her fingers to her mouth and then touched me between my legs. “I want you to miss me and to think about how you’re going to stay alive.”

Chapter 79


It was 9 o’clock back in Boston. She had just checked in at the airport and picked up her boarding pass. She would be home in less than ten hours and it couldn’t be fast enough. She was concerned about Scott since she just tried his apartment and hers and there was still no answer. She knew this wasn’t like him, and she feared the worst.

She knew the process to make a collect call and this time she was calling her dad. He accepted the charges.

“Hi Dad, it’s me.”

“Mercedes I can’t tell you how great it is to hear your voice. Are you at the airport?”

“Yes, I’m about to board the plane. Have you heard from Scott?”

“Honey something bad has happened, but the authorities are involved.”

“What? What has happened?”

“Scott has been abducted.”

“When did this happen and where was he…and what the hell was he doing?”

“There are many things we need to talk about and this is not how I want to tell you about them.”

“Jesus, Dad, my concern right now is Scott. You can tell me the other things later, but I want to know what has happened to him. This is like déjà vu and I’m not there this time to help.” She was attracting attention. “I need to get on the plane, but tell me what you know about his abduction.”

“Mike Miller called me this morning very early. Scott and he were doing an investigation and they both witnessed someone being attacked and then killed. Mike said he went to help the person, but the attackers escaped and in the process took Scott.”

“I’m going to kill him.”

“Mercy I’m so sorry. You might want to kill me first.”

“Oh Dad, don’t tell me he was involved in something for you. I think I knew this earlier when you wouldn’t elaborate why you knew how to reach Scott. Dad, I’m really worried about him. This is his third abduction and it might be his last. You said ‘attackers.’ Who the hell were they and why did they take Scott?”

“This is too involved to go into on the phone.”

Jesus, Dad, that g
ives me something to consider on the plane. This is the man I want to marry and you’re not telling me what I need to know.

“Okay, you’re right. Just give me a second to gather my thoughts.”

“Dad the final boarding call has just been announced. Why can’t you just tell me? It can’t be that bad?”

“It is Mercy…it really is. You have another sister. Worse, Melanie had a twin sister. She was one of the abductors and Mike said she is the one who killed their original captive.”

“Oh my God,
no! This can’t be happening again
.” She beat the receiver against the payphone. This was just too much to hear especially after her rescue. She heard the dial tone and her name.

‘Would passenger Mercedes Strong please report to gate twelve for final boarding? Once again, would passenger Mercedes Strong please report to gate twelve immediately? The plane is about to depart from the gate.’

“Ms. Strong?”


“This is for you.”

She opened the white paper and read the note.


‘Proceed immediately onto the plane.

Do not talk to anyone. We have eyes everywhere.

I have your associate, Ralph Reynolds.

Enjoy your flight.

I am looking forward to
you soon in Boston.

You will be greeted when you arrive.

Captain Chavez’


It was a bad day and it just got worse. As she entered the gate she turned to see the man who gave her the note smiling at her.

She had just a few hours to plan what she was going to do to make it a ‘heads-up’ kind of day.

Chapter 80


I heard them in the shower and this was my chance. I knew I couldn’t break the power cord, but I might be able to slip it off my wrist.

This time there was nobody watching me and from the sounds in the bathroom it might be a few more minutes until they might check on me. I wrapped my fingers together into the tightest ball I could and pulled. The loop of the cord slipped up my hand just a little as it did before. I twisted my hand and pulled as hard as I could. The loop slipped a fraction of an inch more. I looked over to see how much progress I had made and it had just about an inch to go and it would be over my knuckles.

I twisted and pulled again with all my might and the loop was almost there. I did it again and this time I tried to move my body. The pain was excruciating.

I bit my tongue as the electricity coursed through my body. I shot my hips up almost as a reaction to the shock but it was enough to move the cord away from my skin. I looked down and the cord was still dangerously close to shocking my body again. I lifted my right knee slightly and the cord slid towards the wall. I lifted my left knee and saw the cord hang even closer to my body.

I heard them laughing in the bathroom and wondered just how much time I had left. I realized I was either going to be shocked again, or the cord was going to slide to the wall some more. I jerked my right knee and the cord slid some more. With only a small amount of freedom to move it was like watching a snail move. The thoughts of being whipped with a live cord gave me some additional strength.

I moved everything I could and did a slight bounce on the bed. I lifted both knees quickly and the cord slid off me down beside the bed. I pulled my left wrist again and withstood the pain of the cord. Repetitive twists and one final pull and I had freed my left wrist.

I rolled my upper body to my right side and started to work on the knot Chris had tied. I realized I no longer heard the water running. I frantically pulled on the knot and tried to work it loose, but it was not in the right place to get leverage on it. I don’t know why I didn’t realize it before but with my left wrist out of the loop my right arm could pull the cord from under the bed.

In two seconds, I was sitting up in bed with the length of the cord laying on me while I tried to undo one of the knots holding my ankles. I heard the bathroom door open and saw a blur out of the corner of my eye. It was Chris running naked at me and he was reaching for the revolver.

“Alexis he’s trying to get loose.”

I heard the loud crack and felt the pain on the side of my head and everything went dark.




I don’t know how long I was knocked out. My head hurt in two places and every beat of my heart made it sound like the ocean waves were washing over my head. I kept my eyes closed and heard the television. My mouth was very dry and I wanted to lick my lips, but didn’t dare. I didn’t feel cool like before, and I realized I had clothes on. There was a strong scent of Gardenia and I knew Alexis was close at hand.

‘…police are looking for the two suspects seen to be driving a 1963 gold Pontiac Tempest. They were last seen in the Chestnut Hill area of Boston. They are described as a male, Chris Sullivan, about six feet tall with blonde hair. The woman, Alexis Strong, is about five nine with long red hair. There is no description about what they were wearing. Police caution the public not to approach these individuals and to call your local police department should you spot them or their vehicle. They are armed and considered dangerous. Once again, these suspects are wanted in the death and mutilation of a Doctor Samuel Adler who was found murdered in his basement early this morning. We resume our regular broadcast.’

“Well we’re famous now. I wonder why they didn’t mention Scott’s name.” I could feel her eyes on me. “I think our guest is awake and might have a serious headache.”

If I wasn’t awake the slap to my groin would have woken me.

“It’s nice to see those bright blue eyes of yours. Sorry you’re dressed Scott, but we need to be on the move. It was fun dressing you, but Chris wasn’t happy about what I did before I dressed you.” She looked down and I could see the blood stain on the left side of my pants. “It would have been more fun if you were awake and watching me. In case you’re wondering I duplicated the arrow design. Mercedes might enjoy the stereo road signs, but she’s not going to have that luxury.”

I wasn’t tied up and they looked ready to leave the room.

“The good news is you avoided the punishment we had planned for you, but the bad news is you will still have the joy of it later. Better said, we will. Chris is very upset with your attempted escape and if he doesn’t kill you, I might enjoy watching Mercedes squirm as I cut you piece by wonderful piece. I’ll even let Chris have my sister. I owe him some reward for his help.”

“Chris she plans to kill you too,” I yelled.

The straight razor appeared right between my eyes from some place. It was a good thing she stopped its movement before it sliced my nose off. “That’s right Scott, that’s your blood on the razor.” Her face distorted. “Lick the blood off.” She didn’t like my hesitation. “Do it, or I will slice your tongue instead…or, maybe you would like an amateur circumcision?”

“Alexis we have to get out of here.”

“Scott, I’m not going to ask you again.”

I licked the razor and wondered if she was going to cut my tongue anyway. I tasted my own blood and there was a metallic taste to it. At least I was alive. She turned the razor over and I knew what she wanted and obliged.

“Something you should know. Scott doesn’t lie. Behave yourself Chris, but be very careful.”

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