Fragrance of Revenge (28 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 87


She knew Chris had one thing on his mind at the present time and it wasn’t her…he was intent on finding anything of monetary value. He told her he was sure Stephen kept cash on hand. He couldn’t have gotten ten thousand dollars out of the bank, as it was Sunday. It would keep him busy. She, on the other hand, was trying to understand why her father sent her away. She knew she was an ugly child, but there had to be more to it.

It was somewhat strange to be walking around her parents’ house without any clothes, but who was going to see her, or them? She avoided looking at her father’s body in the foyer and went to the living room.

The room was tastefully decorated in reds, whites and some light blue. The two main couches were a light blue and the other smaller one was a cream color. The red curtains were drawn and hung down almost to the floor. There were nautical paintings on the wall along with some photographs of sailboats. There was a grand piano in the corner with many framed pictures.

She made her way over to the pictures and saw an older man with two girls. One of the girls looked like her when she was that age. It was Melanie her twin sister. The other she imagined was Mercedes, who was only a few years younger. They all looked like they were enjoying being together.

There were many other family shots but Mercedes’ Harvard graduation picture caught her attention. She could see her features were similar to hers. She was extremely attractive, with long red hair pulled down over one shoulder accenting the swell of her breasts beneath the gown.
She wondered what it would have been like to grow up with her sisters. Would she have attended Harvard too? Would her sister have been so screwed up?
She wanted to know more about Melanie.

Chris was moving pictures in the room now looking for a safe. “Find anything Chris?”

“I found one safe upstairs but I don’t have the combination. Are you finding anything interesting?”

“Just some interesting family pictures. Is there an office upstairs?”

“Yeah, all the way down the hall, the last door on the left.”

She went over to Chris and grabbed both of his ears and forced a kiss on his lips. She purposely invaded his mouth with her tongue. She felt his body coming to life. “I was wondering who the person was in here with me…I didn’t recognize his lifeless protrusion.” Her hand was busy coaxing a proper salute. “There’s my Chris. Would you rather I went up and played with Scott instead?”

She felt his hands grab the cheeks of her ass and pull her body tightly against him. Her head was against his chest and she turned and bit his neck.

“Owe. That hurts.”

“You love the attention and you know it.”

“Don’t you feel badly that your parents are dead?”

“Not really…I didn’t know them, and they obviously didn’t know me. My father didn’t care enough about me to tell my mother I existed. He never ever asked about how I was doing.”

“What about the doctor?”

“What about him?”

“Aren’t you upset that you killed him?”

“He deserved what he received more than anybody else. I wish I had more time to have him feel the pain of what I did to him before I slit his throat. He treated me like a piece of meat.” She pushed him away and rushed out of the room.




It took her quite a while to find what she was looking for, but she found it. In her father’s desk she found false bottoms in both the left and right hand bottom drawers. In the drawer on the left she found Melanie’s diary. In the other drawer she found something more upsetting.

In that drawer were pictures and reports from Doctor Adler to her father. As she read through the reports it was obvious her father was very much interested in her progress. The doctor was the one who was delaying her release back into her family’s life. Her father even requested meeting with her to explain what had happened.

Doctor Adler replied that she wasn’t quite ready for the shock and he was gradually introducing more and more of the outside world to her.

He was not doing anything of the sort…in fact he was treating her more like a sex slave. She thought of what she did to his body and wished she still had those parts…so she could cut them into tiny pieces.

Now she was truly sorry her father wasn’t here. In his own way he loved her and wanted to bring her back into the family. However, he was worried what it would do to her mother since she was in a fragile state. There’s no going back and undoing what had happened. I’m sorry dad…I really didn’t know how you felt.

She read every piece of correspondence and how the doctor purposely twisted the facts to maintain her presence. If it wasn’t for Chris she might not have learned about all of this. She put the material back in the bottom of the drawer and put the wood cover over it, and then the other material on top of it.
Why the hell am I doing that?

For the first time she felt the leather of the chair. She was sticking to the leather and lifted herself and heard the noise her skin made. She sat back down and picked up Melanie’s diary.




She looked to where the writing stopped and there were not that many blank pages left. She started at the beginning of the diary which dealt with her childhood. There was a pattern to the entries. Many dealt with going with her grandfather on his boat. Mercedes and she were close, but it was obvious, based on the comments, that Melanie tried her best to garner more of her grandfather’s praise.

She was not reading every page, but glancing at the content. She could feel eyes on her and looked up to see Chris standing in the doorway. “I brought you something.” He was holding a gray Harvard T-shirt. She smiled at him and he brought the shirt over. “You look like you could use a cover. What are you doing?”

She put the diary down and put both arms up and he put the shirt over her arms. She stood and pulled it down and it was long enough to cover most of her bottom. She did a pirouette and he smiled. “I like it,” he acknowledged.

“Why Chris, don’t tell me you are getting embarrassed by my naked body.”

“No not at all. I just found it in your father’s closet and thought you would like to wear it.”

“You just want the thrill of taking it off. Do you think it’s too short?” She pulled it up a little and made him smile.

“I think you look very sexy in it. From where I’m standing it looks just the right length.”

“Judging from your body’s reaction I would say you’re correct. I wonder if Scott will react the same way.” She could tell he didn’t like her comment. “Don’t worry…I won’t ignore you or your body.” Her fingers touched him.

“So, what did you find?” He looked down at the book.

“You just want to change my focus.”

“No, you know I’m more than ready whenever you are. I haven’t found anything else anywhere, and need to get this safe open.”

“I found some material my dad had hidden regarding my progress. He wanted me to come home, but was concerned about whether my mother could handle the shock. We now know his concern was justified. I wish I had known how he felt. This is my twin sister’s diary. It could get very interesting, but I’m reading about when she was a teenager right now.”

“Are you hungry Alexis? I am.”

“Not really. I’m going to read her journal. If you want to sit on the desk I can do two things at once. How about you sit there and I’ll read what she wrote. You might just get more excited.”

“I can see you like the feel of the material against your body, your nipples are swelled.”

She lifted her T-shirt and watched his eyes focus, the corner of his mouth gave a hint of a smile, and she saw his erection twitch. She pulled him down and pulled his head to her chest. “Oh that feels so good. I’ll give you a day to stop.”

The phone’s ring made them both jump.

He stood and she swiveled back and they both stared at the phone. They looked at each other trying to decide whether they should answer it. Her thought was if someone knew her father was home, along with her mother, and no one answered, it might alert whoever was calling there was a problem.

She lost count of the number of rings, but it stopped. “Chris, not answering the phone could be a big problem, especially if someone knew both of them were supposed to be home.”

“Alexis, it’s a Monday after a holiday weekend. Your father should be at work…I would think. I think I better keep looking for that combination.”

“Yeah, it looks like the ringing took all your excitement away. I could change that, but I agree, keep looking for the combination. I want to finish reading her journal. Oh, how is our guest doing? Do you want me to check?”

“No. I think I should be the one who checks on him…that is if you want to make progress on your reading.”

“You really are jealous of him, aren’t you?”

He didn’t immediately answer. “I didn’t like the fact the doctor had you for extended periods, and thought it was going to be different when he wasn’t around any longer. Now you seem to really enjoy Scott…or more appropriately, Scott’s body.”

He is jealous.
“I’ll try not to ignore you when I’m entertaining myself. Besides, you were going to punish him for his escape attempt. I would like very much to watch that, but if you want to hurt him…just leave enough for both of us to enjoy punishing him together.”

“Maybe I will do that. If I do, I will try not to focus on the parts you seem to enjoy so much.”

She watched his naked ass as he left the room and she reached for the diary to finish reading what her twin wrote.

Once again I have two attractive men to entertain myself. There will be only one soon. I haven’t made up my mind yet who the winner is going to be. Our next session should help me make a really tough decision, but it will be even tougher for one of them. She remembered the doctor’s shocked expression when he realized what she was going to do with the razor.

She couldn’t hold back her smile.

Chapter 88


“Paddy, I don’t like this at all,” Mike announced.


“I just called the airline and Mercedes’ plane is being diverted to Miami. They wouldn’t say why. However, what really surprises me is that there is no answer at Stephen’s house.”

“Didn’t you just talk with him this morning?”

“Yes, and he hung up on me when he heard a click on the phone. I think his wife heard what he was talking about.”

“I think we need to have the precinct do a drive-by to see if they see anything out of the norm, and see if his car is in the driveway.”

“Okay, you do that and I’m going to check with Paul to see if there is anything new on spotting Sullivan’s car.”

He tried but Paul was not available and they indicated they would have him return the call shortly.

“Hi Mike, this is Paul. I was busy trying to track down a report of two men and a woman checking into a hotel in Burlington. As best we can tell by the condition of the room it was probably them. That means they are staying in the area. What’s up?”

“Thanks Paul. This might tie in with that report. I personally talked with Stephen Strong this morning and he was going to be at his home all day. I just tried his home and there is no answer. At this point I’m a little worried. Do you think you could have a unit swing by to see if they spot anything strange at his home?”

“We do have a surveillance unit there. Let me touch base with them to see whether there is anything strange. Do you want to try him again on another line to see if you can reach him? In the meantime, I will get in touch with the unit. I’ll stay on the line. Give me a few minutes though.”

“I’ll try Stephen again.”

“Paddy, Paul thinks the three people put up in a Burlington hotel last night, but they are not there now. He is going to have a unit swing by Stephen’s house to see if they spot anything strange. He wants me to try Stephen again.”

He watched Paddy put two coffee cups on his desk. He quickly dialed Stephen’s number again. “Thanks for the coffee.”

They let the phone ring about ten times. “No answer.” He hung it up and picked up Paul’s line. “Paddy, I think this is an indication something is going on at Stephen’s house. I just hope we’re not too late. They have already killed one person, and they know we know who they are…they have nothing to lose killing Scott.”

“Mike, yeah it’s me. The unit is making a swing by the house now and will make a second swing a minute later and will contact me directly with what he observes. Any word on Mercedes?”

“As a matter of fact her plane is being diverted to Miami and we are trying to find out why. At least she is headed home.”

“Hold Mike.”

He could hear Paul talking in the background. “Okay, here’s the story. There is no car in the driveway, but without checking the garage Stephen’s car could be in there. There are lights on in what looks like the kitchen area and lights on upstairs.”

“That doesn’t sound right when the phone isn’t being answered. I suggest the unit check for a car in the garage and anything out of order around the house. I don’t need to tell you, that if Scott and the abductors are in the house and spot someone checking the property…well it could get messy.”

“I understand. I’ll have them park out of sight and check on foot. Anything else? How about checking the neighborhood while he is at it?”

“Sounds good. How can we reach you?”

“I’ll just stay by this phone until I get the results.”

“We’ll be here as well.”

“Paddy, Paul is going to have the unit check out the property on foot. You know all that material at Doctor Adler’s house would give them Stephen’s address.”

“You’re right Mike. If Alexis has any of her twin sister’s genes, she might want to revenge what has happened to her for all these years. We saw what she did to the doctor.”

“I just hope she doesn’t want to hurt Scott to get back at her other sister, Mercedes. I think if Scott makes it out of this alive, he will surely keep his distance on any future investigations.”

Chapter 89


There was a familiar smell to the creep beside her. It must run in the Chavez family. There was no way she was going to go back into Captain Chavez’s captivity and she would take her chances when they landed in Miami. She really didn’t have any choice.

She also couldn’t wait to use the ladies room when they landed to get rid of this dirty feeling she had from his hands. This whole strange blanket thing brought back some memories of going to the drive-in with one of her earlier boyfriends. It was a way not to get pregnant and to get the rush connected with a climax, whether it was his or hers.

If this wasn’t so serious she could crack up over what he had made her do, and not just once. She wished she had more napkins, but made do with what she had.

She had her plan and wondered if she could actually pull it off, no pun intended.

Hector was almost falling asleep and wasn’t playing with her body like earlier. She heard the announcement that they were starting their descent into Miami’s International Airport and they would be landing in twelve minutes. It was just about the right amount of time she needed.

She only had one hand under the blanket, but she knew it was going to be enough. A couple of quick squeezes and some fingernails brought Hector back to life. She could tell by what was happening under the blanket.

He turned and looked at her, smiled and said, “You really are everything my cousin said. You will make him a very rich man indeed.” Unfortunately it brought his fingers back to life as well. “I am really going to enjoy being in your company when I can put that where it belongs, and some other places where it will wipe that smile off your face.” She squeezed with all her strength. “Owe, take it easy.”

The stewardess was coming down checking each passenger’s seat backs and tray tables. When she got to their seats she asked, “Would you like me to take that blanket? I’ll take it after we land and make sure it gets washed.” She shook her head and continued down the aisle. A minute later she made the trip back to the front, but not before she checked what they were doing.

“This is the pilot speaking. We will be on the ground in three minutes. Crew prepare for landing. Passengers, please remain in your seats. Authorities will board the aircraft to conduct an investigation. We will resume our flight to Boston when the plane is released.”

She clenched her legs together to prevent his further access to her body, and his body was lifting out of his seat and ready to pop. The plane touched down and swayed slightly and she heard the brakes being applied. He let go and she pulled her hand away and brought her elbow into his nose as he was leaning forward due to the braking.

Hector went out like a light and from the sound she knew she had driven part of his nose into his head. His head slumped forward and she realized the blow had probably killed him. The same stewardess had never taken her eyes off them and saw her strike him.

She saw the stewardess unbuckle and head quickly up the aisle while the plane was still taxiing. “What is going on here?”

“This note will explain what is happening. As soon as the authorities board the plane, I need to talk with them. Hector here is the one who killed your associate and he was planning on abducting me when we arrived in Boston.”

She started to lift the blanket to cover his face. “I suggest you don’t do that. I would get a different blanket.”

“Thank you Agent Strong. Then you were being forced to do what you were doing?”

“Look at this loser…what do you think?” She noticed the flashing blue lights as they came to a stop. The plane was not at the terminal. Instead, they were parked on the tarmac.




She explained everything to the investigators, displaying her credentials, then told them what had happened to the stewardess. She showed them the note she received in the terminal before she left Venezuela. She was taken off the plane by two of the investigators and minutes later they were in a security office.

“Look, I need to call my director in Venezuela to tell him what happened here and update him. He probably knows Ralph was abducted by now, but we have only a short time to find him or they will most likely kill him. I’m sure Hector was going to call when I was in custody in Boston.”

It took several minutes to reach Max Gordon, but she was relieved he was on the phone. She started to convey everything and Max told her to hold up a minute. “Look Mercedes, I’m glad you’re safe, but so is Ralph. Long story short, when he was taken, one of our contacts saw where he was taken. He is now safe and back in the hospital. He is okay, but they worked him over pretty well.”

“Max, I know this is not the time or place for this…but I am going to be submitting my resignation when I get back to Boston.”

“I’m not at all surprised, but would you like to take a few days to reconsider that? You’ve had a very difficult couple of days.”

“Thanks Max. However, I’ve had some time to consider what I want to do with my future, and I want a family.”

“Okay Agent Strong, we will meet in my office when we return. Do you want me to tell Agent Reynolds anything?”

“Please tell him I am very happy he is safe, and tell him he is a great agent and I enjoyed working with him.”

“Will do. I understand they are holding the plane waiting on whether you are going to join them or not. I take it you want to get back on the plane?”

“Yes, I’ve got some unfinished business in Boston I need to address right away. Goodbye Director Gordon.”

“Goodbye Mercedes…I guess I have to get used to calling you by that name now.”

“Yes, you do Max.”

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