Fragrance of Revenge (26 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 81


“Mike, I wanted to give you an update on where we are in locating the people who took Scott,” Paul Brosque said.

“Paul, thanks for calling. Any progress?”

“None yet. We have an APB out for Sullivan’s Pontiac, but have not had any reports of any sightings. I think that’s strange and I feel they may have ditched the car, or parked it completely out of sight.”

“You’re probably right on that score. One other thought is that they made it out of state by now.”

“That’s a possibility, but I’m betting they got off the road pretty quickly. Mike do you have any idea why they abducted Scott?”

“I have one thought on that. If Alexis knew about her twin and what she did and attempted to do…well, she might just pick up where her sister left off.”

“We have a problem then. When we searched Doctor Adler’s house we found an extensive collection of material including news clippings on Melanie Strong’s two rampages, one in Boston and the other in Bermuda.”

“Paul, I was afraid of something like this. What else can you tell me?”

“Well the straight razor used to kill Adler was not found at his house and looks like they took it with them when they left. You already reported Scott had a revolver with him. We also found a file box of material on Alexis Strong which the doctor kept hidden. He kept a very detailed account of her progress, but it was obvious he was using her as a sex toy. The pictures he took were not meant to be seen by anyone.”

“I think Scott might just have walked into a very unfortunate situation.”

“Mike…we also located Ms. Strong’s diary. Although the doctor thought he was doing things while she was hypnotized, it was obvious by her notes that she was just playing along with him. That may have been the reason she mutilated him before she killed him.”

“Do you anticipate they might go to either Scott’s apartment or Sullivan’s?”

“I hardly think they would go to either location, or to Stephen Strong’s house or office building. However, we have all four under surveillance.”

“Thanks Paul. I’m waiting here at the Brattle office for Paddy. When he arrives, we’re going to get involved in some manner. If something breaks, try us here. We’ll also be monitoring the primary channel for any developments.”

“Mike, what’s the story on Mercedes?”

“The last word I had was she was headed back on an earlier flight from Venezuela.”

“Scott’s abduction by Melanie’s twin sister is going to devastate her.”

“I think you’re right about Scott’s abduction, but I don’t think she knows anything about her sister’s twin yet. We’re going to pick Mercedes up at the airport and let her know what has happened.”

“I’ll try my best to keep you informed of how things are progressing. If you don’t hear from me, call me. If you can’t reach me at the precinct, have dispatch reach me on the radio.”

“Thanks again Paul.”

Chapter 82


She needed to stop worrying about Scott for a minute and take some positive action to ensure her own safety. The thoughts of being in Captain Chavez’s hands again, or even worse, in the hands of the men who abducted her the first time, made her stomach turn. She knew the next time she was abducted it would be her last time.

She took a piece of paper and a pen from her leather satchel and wrote a note.

‘My name is Mercedes Strong. I am an FBI agent.

Before boarding the plane, I was given a note.

My fellow agent Ralph Reynolds has been abducted in Venezuela. I was warned, I will be abducted myself when we land.

I have been given instructions to contact nobody.

Please call FBI headquarters in Boston to alert them.

Do not say anything to me because they could be watching me on this plane.

This is not a joke. My life could be in serious jeopardy.’


She folded the paper and put it in her purse. She tried to assess the surrounding passengers to see if any might be watching her. There was only one man who was back three rows on the other side of the aircraft who looked like he was staring at her.
Maybe I’m not as attractive as I thought I was.

She got up and headed up to the wait station. A stewardess was preparing some coffee. She tapped her on the shoulder and opened her purse and handed her the note. She put her finger to her lips with her back blocking the gesture. She closed her purse, took a bag of peanuts and headed back to her seat.

Her heart was beating rapidly as she took her seat. The man she spotted earlier was smiling at her, but she ignored him. Her mind was going a mile a minute. Scott and Ralph were abducted. It was hard to believe but she could smell Captain Chavez just like he was sitting beside her. She turned and the man was still looking in her direction, but got up and walked to the same stewardess.

He came down the aisle a minute later and sat in the seat beside her. She tried to ignore him, but he tapped her on the arm. She looked at him and he handed her back her note.

There was a commotion up front and she saw two other stewardesses running to the coffee area.

“You were warned once. You will not be warned again. You caused one death already, don’t cause any more. Ralph didn’t send his best wishes, but unless you want his best parts sent to you…stay in your seat.”

She watched him get up and thought he was leaving. He opened an overhead bin and then another. He came back and sat down and put the small blanket over both their laps.

“Your attention please. Is there a doctor onboard? Please, if there is a doctor on board we have a medical emergency. Passengers, if at all possible please remain in your seats for the balance of the flight.”

They both watched a man near the front of the aircraft come back to where the stewardesses were. One of them closed the curtain.

She felt the man’s hand sliding up her thigh.

“Captain Chavez told me he would be joining you very shortly, and told me you were well worth my life. You forced my hand a few minutes ago, but he told me I could amuse myself with you until he arrived in Boston.”

She felt his hand between her legs.

“I’m glad it’s a long flight,” he said with a smile. “Aren’t you glad we have hours to enjoy…the flight?”

I could kill him with one quick elbow. But would killing him be risking Ralph’s life if he didn’t check in?

“Ms. Strong, do you remember Jose? I’m his brother and the captain’s cousin. My name is Hector. Please forgive my inability to shake your hand as it’s rather busy at the moment. Will you please unbutton your slacks, or do I have to create a scene and do it myself?”

She wished someone was sitting in the third seat, but no such luck.
She was glad she was going to give her notice, but wondered if she would actually have the luxury any longer.
She felt his hand slip inside her panties and grip her flesh. She was very dry and he was hurting her.

He pulled her hand under the blanket to him and she wondered when he had exposed himself. She felt his fingers lessen the pressure on her sex, and realized what the contract was.

“Ms. Strong this is nothing compared to what you are in store for. You will make my cousin a very rich man indeed. You are not only beautiful but you have other nice assets including your fingers. Use them please.”

She saw them covering the stewardess’ body. “Why did you have to kill that young girl?”

“You are so wrong. You were given specific instructions and you didn’t follow them…your actions got her killed. Don’t make another mistake.”

She felt a second finger enter her. She squeezed his penis hard and she quickly regretted it.

“My dear lady, we have hours to enjoy the flight. Let’s take our time to enjoy it. I have some toys in my pocket that will cause you considerable pain. I would much rather please you than hurt you, and I expect the same in return.”

She wasn’t stupid and knew what Hector wanted.
She wondered if Ralph was still alive. Without her with him, what did they have to lose in killing him? Maybe her being with Hector would give him a few more hours. This time I’m sorry Ralph. Her thoughts went to Scott and she wondered what her crazy sister had done to him, was doing now, or would eventually do.

“You’re crying. I’m sorry if I hurt you too much.”

“We regret to inform you that we will be making an emergency landing in Miami. Once we land, no one will be allowed to leave the aircraft. Officials will investigate the death of one of our staff. We expect to resume our scheduled flight to Boston once officials have completed their investigation. We appreciate your patience and there will be complimentary drinks and cocktails.”

They both listened to the message replay a second time.

She wondered if Hector failed to check in at the scheduled arrival time in Boston…would Chavez assume something went wrong and kill Ralph.

At the present time he was paying only a slight attention to her body and was obviously ready to pop his cork.

“Excuse me. We’re very sorry for the unexpected stop. Would you two care for something to drink…maybe a cocktail?” She looked down at Hector whose eyes were closed. “Is he okay?”

She responded by nodding towards the tented and moving blanket.

“Oh my,” the stewardess responded.

“We’ll pass on cocktails right now. I need—”

She immediately felt the pain inside her body.


“Just some napkins please.”

“I can see why.” She threw a pile onto the blanket and unlocked the cart and moved to the next row.

She felt his erection diminish.

“That was almost an unfortunate mistake. Now you need to get me back to where I was.”

“Why Hector, are you going back to your assigned seat?”

“Unless you want your head under the blanket, put your other hand under there too.”

She felt his fingers resume their in and out movement and she added her other hand to his balls and squeezed.

His fingers hurt her and she released some of the pressure. She heard the rolling cart going up the aisle and she exchanged glances with the stewardess. The stewardess must have seen her with both her hands under the blanket.

I’m really not a tramp, but I wonder what I will be like in a few years after Chavez is done with me. There was only one person’s prize possession she wanted, and she hoped her crazy sister wasn’t going to cut if off.

Chapter 83


They headed slowly down the street.

“She looked at the page from the white pages. This isn’t the right street. What are you doing Chris?”

“I’ll tell you in a minute Alexis. I need to pay attention.”

“Let’s see your wound Scott.”

The car turned suddenly to the left and she was thrown away from Scott.

She watched as Chris pulled the car into the very long driveway and parked it on the far side of the two car detached garage. “What are you doing?”

“Nobody is home here.”

“How do you know that?”

“There are at least three days of newspapers on the front lawn. This is Newton. Nobody neglects their yards. If I’m right, his house is that one behind the garage on that side.”

It was still early afternoon. It was a hazy and humid day.

“Let’s go.”

“Wait. I want to see if Scott has stopped bleeding.”

“You and I both know that is not what you want to do. Come on. Let’s go before someone spots us in the car.”

“Saved by the hair on your chinny chin chin, or your balls. That won’t be the case for long though.”

The garages were all detached garages in this neighborhood and backed up to the ones on the next street over. Their car was pretty much blocked from view by the high hedges and the garage. You could see only the rear fenders and bumper.

“I’m impressed Chris. I know you couldn’t have planned this, but you did a great job of hiding the car,” Alexis said, pushing Scott ahead of her. They headed for the high hedges behind their target house. Once inside the hedge line, the two of them studied the property.

“Alexis, there are lights on in the kitchen and in some rooms upstairs. There is also a bulkhead that leads to the basement. I’m going to see if there’s a lock on it, or if I can get into the basement. Why don’t you entertain yourself with Scott, which I’m sure you’re dying to do, and if it’s unlocked I’ll wave for you to come over.”

“Isn’t that nice that you gave me permission to entertain myself with Scott, and to also come.”

“That isn’t exactly what I said and you know it.”

She watched as Chris kept himself low to the manicured grass and moved quickly towards the cellar bulkhead. “I can’t wait to get both of you naked again.” She reached between his legs and pictured what she had seen only an hour ago. “I’ve only seen three naked men, with the exception of the doctor’s nudist magazine. I would certainly put you up against the best of them. However, I’m going to enjoy putting you up against me again.”

“Are you really going to kill Chris?”

“That cost you the last time you mentioned that. Why do you care?”

“He seems to really like you. Haven’t you killed enough?”

“Scott, I wish I had hours to explain why I’m so upset. I missed the best part of my life, thanks to the deceased doctor. I had a family and an entirely different life, but I was taken from it. Maybe Melanie wouldn’t have been as screwed up if I was with her. There’s more, but Chris is waving to us. Until later.” She touched him between his legs and then spun him around and pushed him towards the grass area.

Chris was emphatically waving them over and alternately pushing his hand towards the ground to get low. Once they were at the bulkhead, they entered the basement slowly and quietly. Chris pulled the outside bulkhead doors down blocking some of the light. He closed the inside doors to the steps leading up to the outside.

There was enough light in the basement to see. “Tie him to one of those columns over there.”

Alexis watched him as he tied Scott to the metal column. Once Scott was gagged and tied to the column she could feel the tightening in her groin. She liked the thoughts of him tied to the column and wondered how soon she would be back to entertain herself. She quickly put her hand behind Chris’ head and kissed him hard and probed his mouth with her tongue.

“I can tell you’re excited,” Chris whispered.

“Yeah, but you’re the one with a screwdriver in your pants. Why don’t you drop them, so Scott can watch?”

“All in good time Alexis. We need to do what we came here to do.”

She continued rubbing her hand across Chris’ bulge. “You want me to do that as much as I do.”

“Yes, but let’s do what we came to do first.” He returned her caress and she emitted a low rattle.

She listened to his plan.

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