Fragrance of Revenge (17 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 47


I could feel the room spinning. Maybe I drank too much too quickly. If Stephen was talking I couldn’t hear him any longer. Mercedes was kidnapped twice. I felt so helpless at the moment. There wasn’t anything I could do to rescue her. I tried to play back our last conversation but I couldn’t recall it. I tried to consider that this was a dream, but I could feel the glass in my hand.

Stephen took the glass from me. “Scott…Scott close your eyes.”

I closed them but I could still feel the room spinning. I got this strange taste in my mouth and went running for his office bathroom. I was sorry that I hadn’t eaten anything, and glad I hadn’t. I felt my insides coming out and couldn’t control my reflex. I kicked the door closed to the bathroom. Hugging the toilet didn’t seem to stop the feeling. I tried taking deep breaths, and realized I needed to flush.

When I finally came out there wasn’t any sign of our drink glasses. I took a seat in the sitting area and waited to make sure I had truly passed the danger point.

“Do you feel better now?”

“To be honest, I’m not really sure.”

“This was a shock to me, and I can tell this was for you too. I should have been more delicate relating the news.”

“You did fine. I just can’t believe this happened, and happened twice in the same day. Did Gordon give any indication of whether they knew where they took them?”

“He did say they were working closely with the local police there, but there were some issues. He didn’t elaborate. There’s nothing we can do. Look Scott, you can understand I really need to be home in case the people make a call for money.”

“I understand. Do you really want me to make this drop tonight?”

“Yes I do, or you could just
the son of a bitch. I really can’t deal with this situation any longer. I’ve lost one daughter already; I don’t need to lose another.”

I wondered why he wasn’t thinking about his other daughter. I thought about Melanie and noticed I was rubbing my scar through my clothes.

Chapter 48


There was something powerful having the doctor tied to the bed with his fate resting in her hands. Right now something else was in her hand, and the other hand could easily remove it from his body. She ran the back of the straight razor down his chest, across his stomach and then in a circle around what she was holding. She felt him flinch.

“Close your eyes.” He resisted. “You are in a very precarious position and need to trust me. Getting me upset is not in your best interest. Now, do as I say. Remember, I am your master.” She watched him close his eyes, but he wasn’t smiling at all. She ran the back of the blade under his testicles. He flinched. “Careful doc, one false move by either of us, and you might need to use the ladies room in the future.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Did I hear you correctly?” She squeezed him and she felt his body’s reaction.

“My lady, please don’t hurt me.”

“That’s much better, but I thought you liked it when I hurt you. You do don’t you?”

“Yes…but you could cause some real damage with that razor.”

“Are you saying I’m not careful?”

“No. I know you are trying to make me excited.”

“Is that right?” She looked at how clean shaven he was. “There’s no hair here to cut any longer. Open your eyes for a moment.” When she saw his eyes open, she reached down and felt for one of her hairs and cut it. She took the razor and sliced it to make two. “I wasn’t expecting it to be that sharp.” She jumped off him quickly and he gasped.

She went over to the drawer where she found the razor. There was a leather strap in the drawer. “You must have been a Boy Scout. Always prepared. Were you?”

“Yes, I was.”

“Open your mouth and keep your eyes open.” He hesitated, but then responded.

“Once again I am not going to ask twice. Don’t think about things, just do them. Understand?”

He nodded. She put the end of the leather strap in his mouth. “Bite this and hold it tightly.” She pulled on the strap from the other end and his head rose slightly. “Hold still.” She took the razor and started to sharpen it on the strap. His eyes were bulging seeing the razor flash back and forth in front of his nose. “Good boy.” The razor sounded like a firecracker as she worked it back and forth.

“You can let go now.” She took the strap out of his mouth and studied the razor, moving off him to stand by the bed. She held the leather strap in one hand and the razor in the other. She looked at him and noticed he was getting more excited. “Did you like the taste of the leather?”

“It did have an interesting taste.”

“Interesting taste huh?” She brought it to her mouth. “It does have a flavor. She held it and licked it. She noticed his body’s reaction but didn’t say anything. The end was quite wet now. She ran the leather strap down across his mouth and down his body.

She teased his body with it for a few minutes. “Close your eyes.” He closed them immediately. She dangled the strap letting it touch his skin in different places. It was a game and she was playing him like a fish. When he was getting comfortable with the game and liking what she was doing, especially when she touched him in his special places, she snapped the strap and hit him across the chest.

“Owe. That hurt.”

“Silence.” She struck him two times on his upper body. His eyes were still closed but he was grimacing. She couldn’t resist any longer and resumed dangling the strap against him.

For the next several minutes she alternated between hitting him with the strap and kissing away the pain she caused. She kissed the last place and she knew he no longer was in control.




It was about fifteen minutes of pain and pleasure. She didn’t know what she liked more, pulling the strap to cause him almost intolerable pain, or kissing his pain away. He eventually got what he wanted and she received his confession about what he did with her pictures.

“Master, I still have to go to the bathroom.”

“Not yet. You haven’t earned that yet. I have some questions to ask you. And this time, you better not lie once or I will take the razor and make you regret you’re a man.”

He quickly nodded.

“I want to know about my family.”

He didn’t say anything or nod.

“I can ask you questions, but in your condition there could be a risk in that. Or better, you can tell me what I should know.”

“I will tell you, master. Will you reward me?”

“We’ll see.” She moved up to sit on his hips instead of his thighs. He took a deep breath. “Show time, doc.”

She listened to him for a very long time and he related everything she knew from the file upstairs and some new things. Of course with every tidbit of information she moved against him. He couldn’t get the story about her and her family out fast enough.

“Is that it?”

“Yes, master that is everything I know.”

“What is going to happen to me next?”

He didn’t respond not knowing how to.

“You must have some thoughts about where I stand. Share them.”

“Master, I have fallen in love with you.” She inserted him and she almost had an orgasm with the feeling.

“You are no longer the ugly little girl who came to the facility. You are extremely beautiful and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

She studied him and when he opened his eyes she didn’t penalize him, but she started moving her body against him. His eyes closed. She thought of Chris, and if it wasn’t for him she might just consent to being with the doctor for the rest of her life. She was quickly lost in the feelings, but her fantasy right now was the picture of Scott Tucker. That’s who she wanted and who she was going to have. Chris was coming soon, but the two of them were coming now.

Chapter 49


This kidnapping was very different from her last one. There were no men molesting her in the back of a van. They were not tied up nor covered with hoods and she was not stripped. She tried to remember exactly what happened, but she was asleep when they were confronted.

Ralph had said he heard something in the sitting area and told her to stay put. There was a confrontation in that area and Ralph yelled to her to get dressed. By the time she realized what was happening three men were already in the bedroom area. They pointed their guns at her and she thought they were going to shoot her right there. They yanked the sheet away from her and were surprised she was naked. They yelled, “Clothes.”

There was no way to hide her body from them as they encircled her. There were some words spoken in Spanish, but this was not like the other abduction. She started to move to her suitcase to get clean clothes and one man pointed his gun at her head. Unfortunately, she never put out clean clothes to wear and had to explain by waving her hands in front of her that she needed some clothes.

He smiled, said something to one of the other men and studied her body, then felt her hair and then laughed. He held the gun continually near her head still focused on her body as she found her underwear and put them on, and then she put on black slacks and a white sweater.

She started to head to the bathroom and the man stepped in front of her. She motioned toward her feet and he shook his head. He waved his gun toward the bedroom door and she knew he was telling her to leave.

When she came out of the bedroom, Ralph was lying in a heap on the floor. One of the men put his gun behind him into his pants and sat Ralph up. A second man came over and did the same thing. They lifted him up. Once Ralph had his bearings they were quickly ushered to the housekeeping staff elevator. As they descended, Ralph was checking out the men in the elevator. One of the men let go of him, pulled his gun and put it to Ralph’s head.

When the elevator doors opened they were in the hotel’s housekeeping main work area. She noticed women working in the area, but they stopped what they were doing to watch what was happening. One of the men waved his gun at the people and they froze. Once outside they were both pushed into a van and two men got in the van with them.

Ralph was bleeding on the back of his head and when she tried to help him, one of the men pushed her away from him. She pushed him back and looked at his wound. His hair was matted and when she looked at the bleeding it looked like it was stopping, or had already stopped.

Twenty minutes or so later, the van stopped, and then seconds later entered through an automatic door, which immediately closed. Hoods were put over their heads and they were pushed and pulled out of the van. A strong hand grabbed her wrist and she was guided through the building.

They made a couple of turns inside the building and when the hoods were removed they were in a small 8x10 room with just two chairs in the center of the room. Nothing was said to them and the men closed the door and left.

“Mercedes, are these the men who took you earlier?”

“No. These are not the same men, and seemed much more disciplined. They seem like they could be police, or have that background. Let me see your head.”

“I’m sorry Mercedes.”


“I promised I would protect you, but obviously I didn’t follow through.”

“We’re both alive, which is the important part.”

“They could have easily killed me. One of the men had a silencer on his gun. They came prepared to do that if they needed to. I’m glad it didn’t come to that.”

“Ralph, I’m sorry they struck you. Obviously, they want me and you came along unfortunately for the ride. Misery loves company.”

“Mercedes I don’t want anything to happen to you. It doesn’t look good.”

“Thanks for being honest with me, but our priority is to stay alive and see if we can learn anything about the other missing people.” She remembered some of her captivity, and didn’t want to experience it again.

“Are you worried?”

“Yes, I have to admit I am. If this is who I think it is, I’m not sure we will be rescued this time.”

Chapter 50


For once she could no longer get the doctor to respond to her urgings. In fact, he was exhausted and falling asleep. That was fine for her because Chris should be here at any minute. She went to the front door and watched for a car approaching. She wondered if she should get dressed or just greet him this way. Her mind was busy mapping out her plan and she decided this was her best strategy. Finally, she saw headlights enter the driveway.

She wondered if Chris was going to come to the front door or the back. She felt her heart beating. What if this is not Chris.
Who else would visit? Her mind quickly went to the hairdresser. She has seen the hairdresser, and she was very attractive. I should ask the doctor if he taps her. Regardless, if it is her she looks like she could be fun.

She heard the sound of somebody on the front porch and too bad it was only Chris. She unlocked the door and opened it, but stood out of sight. Chris entered the hall apprehensively. Once he was inside the front door, she pushed her hip against it and put her hands around his eyes. He almost collapsed. “Surprise.”

“Thank God it is you.”

“Are you sure?”

He put his hands behind him and she felt his hands roaming over her naked body. “Oh yeah, I’m sure.”

She reciprocated and realized he was showing some signs of excitement. He started to turn around. “No, just stay where you are.” She unzipped his pants and touched him.

“What about the doctor?”

“Would you rather see him?” She grabbed his belt and unbuckled it and slid it out of his pants. Then she unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor. She slid his briefs down next. She heard his rushed breathing. For the next few minutes they stood pressed together touching and caressing.

“Stop,” she said abruptly. He continued touching her. “Stop, I said.” She squeezed him with both hands and his knees started to give out. He stopped and she heard him catch his breath. “Now listen to me. On the third floor I have a surprise for you. There’s only one room on the third floor and it has a king size bed in it.”


“Go up there and take off all of your clothes. Get on the bed and put your ankles in the ropes at the bottom and put one wrist in a rope at the top of the bed. I’ll give you five minutes to do that. When you are done, close your eyes and wait for me.”

“I don’t know about that Alexis.”

She reached, moved her hand and could tell his words were hesitant, but his body was saying something entirely different. “I want you to remember why you’re here. We have hours and days to be together. You are going to love it as much as I will. Now go before I send you away.”

Without saying anything he stepped out of his pants and headed up the stairs. “Chris?”


“You also have a very nice butt.”




When she came in the room, the only light was the afternoon sunlight coming in the windows. She avoided looking at him and went to each window and pulled down the shades. Then she turned the light on.

Chris had done exactly as she had commanded and had his eyes closed. She was sure he peaked, but that was his secret. She came over to the bed and ignored what she really wanted to look at. She slid the slip knot tight to one ankle and then the other. Then she slid the slip knot tight to the one wrist he had put in that rope. She headed to the other side of the bed, but leaned down and blew on him causing him to bounce.

“More bounce to the ounce. You look excited to see me, or better said, you look excited not to see me. You will soon.” She continued to the other side of the bed and slipped his wrist into the remaining loop and cinched it up tight. She could see the beads of sweat already forming on his torso. “Warm up here huh?”

“Yes,” he responded and pulled on the ropes.

“They aren’t too tight are they?”

“Just a little.”

“Good. Well Chris, here we are. Or, better said, there you are.” She studied his body. He was much better built than the doctor. “Did you open your eyes?”


She knew he was telling the truth or he would have reacted to the belt over her shoulder. “Keep your eyes closed, I’m doing a study.”


“I’ll tell you later.” She climbed onto the bed and sat down on his thighs. “Why are you so excited?” She could see moisture forming which was not sweat.

“Anticipation, I guess.”

“What are you anticipating?”

“I felt how excited you were downstairs. You’re up to something.”

“Yes, and so are you.” She leaned down and blew on him. She heard his sigh. She wanted to do more than that, but needed to pace herself. She lifted the belt off her shoulder and dangled it. She touched the tip of the belt to his ears, nose, lips, chin, neck and then watched as his body reacted to touching it to where she knew he would enjoy it the most. “You like?”


“You’re easy.” She could see how he was enjoying the light touching. “Open your mouth.” He did as instructed and she guided the leather tip of the belt into his mouth. “Suck on it.” He obeyed and she couldn’t help smiling. She fed more of the belt into his willing mouth, and finally caused him to gag. “If you want me to do this to you, show me what you want me to do.”

She could see his tongue moving against the leather, and soon he was almost pulling the belt out of her hand. He started humming and then biting. “Is that what you really want?”

She had learned some things with the doctor and put them to good use now. The combination of pain and soothing caresses made him a willing participant.

Many minutes passed and she loved what she was doing. He fluctuated between liking what she was doing and regretting it. However, she was lost in her control and realized it was hard not to punish him severely.

“Alexis, stop…please stop. You’re hurting me.”

She stopped. “Finally. I thought the study was going to go on for ever. I have to admit, I learned some things about myself, but I also learned some things about you. Now, close your eyes you need to be rewarded.”

Two men in the same house at the same time in the same condition, but neither of them was who she really wanted. They were just practice for when she would have who her twin had lusted for. Maybe she is more like her twin than she realized. She thought it was Chris, but it was truly Scott. Wouldn’t he be surprised when Melanie showed up once more? He would do anything she demanded if Mercedes was threatened. Her plan was indeed forming.

She liked this way too much, and knew the study was over…she could indeed keep men and even better be able to kill them. However, only after she sucked out their life.

Her father deserved a much different treatment.

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