Fragrance of Revenge (14 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 37


I had given some thought to going to Mercedes’ apartment to get some rest. There was nothing said that I couldn’t use it. However, it had been a long night and I thought I was tired enough to sleep anywhere. Boy was I wrong.

An hour into sleep and I had this terrible nightmare. It was similar to my others, but in this one it was Mercedes and I who were being held captive by her sister. It was Melanie’s twin who had us captive. She wanted me to make love to her or she was going to kill Mercedes.

I refused to, but Mercedes was encouraging me to, saying that I didn’t matter to her anymore. She was in love with Ralph. Mercedes was laughing at me and telling me I was a fool to believe she would love me. I had lied to her about doing investigations and now I needed to be punished. She told Melanie’s twin to hurry because she was late for a date with Ralph.

We were all naked and Melanie’s twin was fascinated with my arrow scar. She thought it was convenient how it pointed to my manhood. I was confused how she knew her twin had carved it, but she thought it would be very fitting to make a mirror image of it on the other side. However, she still wanted me to make love to her and was trying her best to convince my body that it was a good idea.

She set the timer on the counter and said I had until the time ran out to get in the mood. The timer was three feet tall and had white gloves for hands. Mercedes kept asking to be released because she didn’t need to be here for our love making and she was late for her date with Ralph.

The timer must be broken because it was ringing before the time was up. Then it rang again, and again.

That’s when I woke up. The phone was ringing. It rang again before I could answer it.


“Scott, I must have woken you. It’s Mercedes. Something awful has happened. Scott?”

“Hi Mercy, Are you okay?”

“No, not really.”




I was awake now and realized I was having a nightmare. It took a second or two for me to get my bearings. “What happened?”

“Scott, I’m okay now. But I was kidnapped earlier tonight.”

Even though I was awake I was still having a problem processing what she was saying, against the nightmare I just had.

“Scott I know I just woke you, but I was kidnapped and luckily rescued.”

“I’m sorry Mercy. I was just having a nightmare and I’m still trying to get my bearings. You said you’re not okay. Tell me what happened.”

“Well, Ralph and one of the Venezuelan police officers went into a cantina and wanted me to stay in the unmarked car. While they were in there, men busted one of the car windows and dragged me to their van.”

“Jesus Mercy, I’m glad you were rescued.”

“Scott, it was awful. Some of what happened is still a blur, I was knocked out. However, before that in the van they cut most of my clothes away. There were three men in the back of the van and they…well, they…never mind you can picture the scenario.”

“You were knocked out?”

“Well, when the van stopped and they dragged me out, I screamed for help. That’s when they knocked me out. The next thing I remember I woke up naked and tied against a pole in a warehouse. There were five men.”

I heard her start to cry. “I’m so sorry Mercedes. I’m glad you were rescued.”

“Scott, we believe these were the men who kidnapped the US citizens and killed one of the women.”

“Did Ralph rescue you?”

She didn’t immediately answer. “No, he didn’t.”

I could tell she was trying to control her emotions. “Thank God you’re okay.”

“I’m not okay. I might not be okay for a long time. I got a taste of what these women might have gone through. I never felt so vulnerable in all my life. I needed to call you to tell you what happened. Scott, I’m so sorry we argued before.”

“Me too. Are you coming home?”

“No. The police force captain who rescued me wants me involved in the investigation, because I can identify all the men. Two were killed when I was rescued, one got away, and the other two are being held at the police station. This might be the break we were looking for to find the other people who went missing in Bermuda.”

“Mercedes, haven’t you been through enough? What if they come after you again?”

“Ralph has been given strict orders not to let me out of his sight.”

I couldn’t respond to that, but I had images of what that might involve.

“Don’t tell me you’re jealous Scott. Would you rather I was still being kept a hostage, or taken away again?”

“No. I want you safe, but I want you home.”

“Now you know what it is like to worry about someone’s safety…like I worry about yours.”

“Have you called your father?”

“No Scott. I called you first. Just a minute—“

I heard some talk but couldn’t make out the gist of it.

“Scott, Max my boss just informed me that I’m being released from the hospital now. He just told Ralph to take me to my hotel room to change and then we need to head to the police station to talk with the police captain.”

“Mercy, I love you. Please be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Thanks Scott. Anything
more to happen
would be more appropriate. I have to go. I love you too.”

Chapter 38


After a restless night’s sleep thinking of Alexis and their time together he realized something—his career is shot. All the training to be a doctor and a psychiatrist are not important any longer. He needs Alexis all the time and not just when he brings her to his house.

He wondered if she felt the same way about him, or was it just the sex. He had enough money put away that he could cease his medical practice and take her away to an exotic island somewhere.
Would she willingly go? How could he finesse her leaving the care facility? How would he deal with Stephen?

The only one who knows about her background is Stephen. Nobody in her family knows she even exists. If Stephen were out of the picture, that would eliminate the major obstacle. The next issue would be the care facility. He could release her to the real world and nobody would suspect anything out of the ordinary.

If Stephen was deceased, the only heirs would be his wife, and his other daughter. If they were both out of the way, Alexis would inherit the family fortune. If Alexis was his wife, they would be rich and could enjoy living anywhere in the world. He has the necessary legal papers to show the probate court she is the next of kin and entitled to the Strong estate.

He wondered if he should share Alexis’ heritage with her and feel her out about spending the rest of her life with him. Even so, how would he ever do away with three people including an FBI agent? Stephen’s wife has had several nervous breakdowns and a bad heart. If Stephen were killed somehow, she might just pass away with a heart attack. How the hell could he ever manage to kill Mercedes? Could he do it? Or, could he get someone else to do it? That would be a witness, who would also have to be disposed of.

My God Alexis…see what you have done to me.
Maybe I should just kidnap you and run away with you.

The thoughts of having Alexis for the rest of his life excited him. He threw the sheets off and felt where she had shaved him. He recalled being at her mercy and remembered at one point he felt she might just remove his manhood. There was something he detected in her eyes that gave him a concern.

He wasn’t alone any longer and the photos had turned into a beautiful redhead intent on making his current problem history.

At this moment he had the will power to kill anyone.

Chapter 39


She was uncomfortable about meeting with her boss and Ralph. However, Max said it was urgent and wanted them both to meet with him in his hotel room.

Ralph hadn’t left her alone for one minute since her rescue and he was acting like a gentleman and not an infatuated school kid.

“Ralph, before we head up to see Max I want to tell you something.”


“You know all to well that we have never gotten off to a good start. I know you want to have a relationship with me, but you know where my heart is. Your staging my apartment crossed a line and you’re very lucky I’m not reporting it.”

“Are we going to go into that again?”

“No, we’re not. Listen to me. This is important. I’m very lucky to have been rescued from those kidnappers. I’m also lucky the captain didn’t just keep me for himself. He looked like he could easily have done that. I don’t trust him, and my gut says he might have been involved somehow in my kidnapping. However, this isn’t about that. I want to thank you for making me feel safe. You have been a gentleman and I respect you for it. You’re a good agent and I can see you have a good side. Thank you Ralph.”

She realized the emotion of her trauma may have been too much for her and saying these nice things to Ralph quickly caused her eyes to water.

“Mercedes, once again I apologize for doing what I did. It was childish, but I wanted to drive a wedge between you and Scott. It wasn’t the right approach to have you like me, but thanks for telling me you do in your own way.”

He took a step closer to her and she couldn’t resist hugging him. The emotional turmoil got the best of her, and he hugged her tighter. When the emotion passed he pushed her away from him so she could look into his eyes. She could tell he wanted to kiss her and she let him. After the short kiss she put her head on his shoulder and felt closer to him.

“Ralph, we need to get to Max’s room. Will you excuse me for one minute? I have to go to the bathroom.”

He nodded, but he followed her to the bathroom. “Ralph, there is nobody here…give me a moment to myself.” She closed the door, but she knew he was right outside.




“Ralph thanks for taking care of Mercedes,” Max said to him after they were both seated on the couch in his hotel room. “Mercedes, I know this was a significant trauma to you. We were very lucky tonight, but those aren’t the right words.”

“Max, I want to thank Ralph for making me feel protected. I needed to feel that right now.” Mercedes looked over to Ralph and pushed on his shoulder.

“Okay, so here’s the deal. Mercedes I have arranged for you to be on the first flight home tomorrow morning. Your role here is complete. It would be wrong to keep you here as you have had a significant trauma, and I don’t feel you are safe any longer.”

She started to object. He continued. “This is not negotiable, the decision has been made. Ralph, her flight leaves at 10 tomorrow morning. I want you to stay with her tonight, and…do I have to remind you to be on your best behavior? There is an embassy unmarked vehicle coming at 8 to take you both to the airport. You are to see that she makes it safely onto that flight. Do either of you have any questions?”

“Sir, I respect your decision, but I can be more help here than at home.”

“Actually Mercedes you will take more attention away from our investigation. We would be focusing more on your safety and not fully on what we need to pursue here.”

She nodded, and realized the decision was cast in stone, and it made sense to her. “Where does the investigation stand, if I might ask?”

“I met with Captain Chavez and he says the two men they have in custody will certainly shed more light on the kidnappings and what is going on related to the slave trade.”

“Sir, if I may.” She thought about her choice of words. “My gut says the captain might actually be more involved than we suspect.”

“That is a very good observation. I have had some research done on the captain and it seems his bank account shows a heavy balance when compared to his earnings. This is where the expression comes in, ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer.’”

“Sir, bear with me on this, when he and his men rescued me, and he saw me tied to that pole…well, my feeling was he didn’t want to release me. Is there any chance he is involved with the slave trade? More importantly, do you think he had anything to do with my kidnapping?”

“That my dear agent is a thought I have already considered. However, we might be able to use what he knows to find the other citizens. Hopefully we’re not too late already.”

“One final note Mercedes. You are to take the next week off and plan on meeting at the bureau the following Monday morning. Ralph and I will meet with you there, unless there is a reason for us to stay longer here.”

He looked over at Ralph. “Do you have anything to add, and are you clear on your assignment until her plane leaves?”

“No I don’t have anything to add, and I’m clear that I need to ensure she remains safe until the plane departs.”

“Right. Mercedes I’m sorry you were kidnapped and put through that ordeal. This investigation is much more dangerous than we considered it to be. Please rest up when you get back home.”

“What about my ticket?”

“Arrangements have been made. Go to the American Airlines ticket counter and show your ID.”




She watched Ralph check out her hotel room. “Everything is okay here. Pack your bag we’re going to my room.”


“You heard me. This room is too much of a target while you’re still here. My room is much safer.”

“Does Max know you’re going to move us to your room?”

“No. But I am responsible for your safety and that makes you just that much more secure.”

She wondered if it was going to be safer there. “I need to call Scott to let him know I’m coming home tomorrow.”

“That’s fine, but put your stuff together and you can call him from my room.”




“Any luck?” Ralph asked.

“No, he still isn’t picking up. He must be out.” She was concerned she couldn’t reach Scott.

“Mercedes, why don’t you give it some time and try to reach him later.”

“I have to admit, I’m exhausted.”

“I’m not surprised. You had quite an ordeal. Why don’t you take a nap? I’ll just read through some of the case notes.”

“It was nice of you to offer your room and to give up your bed for me.”

“Is that what I said?”


“Poor timing huh?”

“I need to take a hot bath and then I think I will take that nap. If I do fall asleep, please don’t let me sleep too long this afternoon.” He nodded, but when she turned to head to the bedroom he stood and started to follow her. “What are you doing?”

“I need to keep an eye on you.”

“Ralph enough please. There isn’t anybody in the bedroom, or the bathroom. I will be okay and I could use the privacy, okay?”

He looked like he was going to make a point, but turned and sat back down.




Her body fit nicely in the combination shower and antique tub. The hot water was very relaxing. This was basically the first real privacy she’s had since she was rescued. Parts of her body were sore.

She lifted her right leg and saw the bruise on her shin, the scrape on her knee and another bruise on her thigh. It must have been when they knocked her out. She lifted the other leg, but there was no pain there and no bruises.

She didn’t want to recall her ordeal, but she noticed both wrists showed signs of where her wrists were bound. Images came flooding back and she remembered her clothes being ripped and cut from her body. She remembered her bra hanging in two pieces when they were pushing her to the warehouse.

The next thing she remembered was the pain on the top of her head and watching the lights go out. When she woke she was tied to a pole with a rope around her neck and another around her waist with her wrists bound from ropes above her head. Fortunately the men’s comments were foreign to her, but she could imagine what they were saying by how they were touching her body.

They took pictures of her and up close pictures of her body. So close, she remembers the heat of the flashes against her body. She looked down at her breasts and saw the red welts across her flesh. She doesn’t remember how they got there, and actually doesn’t remember much else of her captivity. It was only about an hour, but it felt like an eternity.

The wash cloth was hurting her skin now as she tried to get rid of the dirt and the dirty feeling she had. The only person who had ever seen her naked and touched her body was Scott. It wasn’t rough and dirty, but soft and slow and sensuous.

She stood in the tub and rinsed off. She saw her image in the mirror and turned to see her back. There were marks there as well, running from her right shoulder down across her buttocks. Those must have been from the pole she was tied to, or was it from something else? Up until now there was just some tightness on her back, but standing in the air caused them to burn.

She dried her hair and dried her body and wrapped the towel around her. The memory of wrapping the small towel around her at the cabin with Scott that first night came back and she was surprised it brought a smile to her face. When she was beside the bed she removed the towel and climbed between the sheets. It hurt now to lie on her back and she rolled onto her stomach.

Ralph had been quiet in the other area and she was concerned whether he was still there or worse knocked out. She listened intently but couldn’t hear anything. There was some thumping outside the bedroom door and she feared the men had come for her. She froze for several minutes trying to comprehend what she was hearing.

“Ralph? Ralph, are you okay?
Ralph, are you there?


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