Fragrance of Revenge (15 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 40


He had enough of his ‘alone’ time. He needed Alexis with him for the rest of the day and night, even if she was having cramps.

It was hard for him not to exceed the speed limit, but he knew he was rushing. The thoughts of her being back at his house for any amount of time, doing some of the things they had done, caused him to become excited. That just put a smile on his face and added a few more miles per hour to his speed.

He turned into the manor parking lot and spotted Chris’ car still parked there. He was still on duty until noon today.
What is he going to use for an excuse to get her out? He shouldn’t need one since he was the director, but thought he should have a reason he was picking her up. Legal issues are what he could say…or better, some legal matters which would be best to be handled in private. He remembered what she handled and he was more than ready.

What if she doesn’t want to leave the facility? She isn’t going to have a choice.

He unlocked the front door and noticed Chris was not at the reception desk. That didn’t surprise him though as he had rounds and other things to do. He wanted to rush into Alexis’ room and hopefully catch her still in bed.
Slow down doc, don’t blow it.

He went to his office and unlocked his door and sat to compose himself. His khaki shorts still had a noticeable bulge.

“Good morning doctor, I wasn’t expecting you,” Chris said poking his head in the office door.

“Oh, good morning Chris. Something has come up paperwork wise and I need to review the matter with Ms. Strong. I’m hoping she is feeling better and can spend a few hours going over the legal matters with me. If she is, I will be signing her out.”

“I will check on her for you.”

“Thank you Chris. If she is feeling okay, please ask her to get ready to leave with me. I will be right here.”

He was careful not to display his pants problem and wondered if Chris had seen anything.
I wonder if Chris is gay.
He never talks about his private life and I know he is not married. He recalled Chris’ strange behavior at the desk when he was signing out Alexis. He seemed miles away.

If he wasn’t gay, would Alexis’ beauty have an effect on him, and should he worry about the two of them? It would be better if Chris was gay.

Chapter 41


He knocked on her door, but there wasn’t any answer. He knocked a little louder, and there was still no answer. He opened the door and went into her room. The light was off in the bathroom, and he turned it on. He went over to the bed and she was nude. He looked at her face and her eyes were open.

“It took you long enough to come back.” She reached and grabbed him and patted the bed for him to sit.

“I would love to spend some time with you, but the doctor just came in to cover some legal matters with you. I think he wants to take you out again.”

She unzipped his pants. “I want to be with you Chris.”

“Please Alexis, I can lose my job. You need to get dressed to go with him.”

“Speaking of losing your job, have you forgotten our conversation?”

“No I haven’t. I would love to spend all my time with you, but this is not the right time for us.” He pushed her hand away and zipped back up.

She ran her hands down her body. “How can you pass up all of this?”

“We will have our time, but this is not the right time for it. Please, he’s waiting in his office. I will tell him you’re getting dressed.”

“Then…are you going to tell him I was undressed when you found me? Are you going to tell him you had your zipper down and were going to take advantage of me?”

“That is not funny. We’ll get together when you get back tomorrow.”


“I promise.” He started to leave and she grabbed him again.

“Are you sore?”

“Yes, a little.”

“Gee, only a little. You better rest up then.”

He pushed her hand away and rushed to her door checking to make sure his zipper was up, but noticed his excitement showing.

“I saw that excitement too Chris.”

He quickly left and stepped into the doctor’s office. “She will be ready in just a few minutes.”

“Thanks Chris. Oh, what took you so long?”

“I had to wake her.”

“Interesting. I have a question to ask you. Have you noticed anything strange in regards to her behavior lately?”

He hesitated, wondering what the doctor was asking, and wondered if he had noticed his excitement. “In what regards?”

 “Well, how do I say this? She has turned into such a beautiful woman and it is hard not to acknowledge that. I was just wondering if her behavior showed any signs that she was starting to recognize her metamorphosis and to display it in any manner.”

“I would think you would be in a much better position to determine that, since you spend so many hours with her.”

“Oh, I have made my professional observations and I’m getting close to releasing her from the care facility.”

Alexis stuck her head around Chris’ shoulder. “Interesting discussion. Is that right? If I heard that comment correctly, why haven’t you told me about it?”

“Hello Alexis. If you are ready we can leave. We can discuss that progress when we are alone.”

The three of them walked to the reception desk and the doctor filled out the sign out register. Chris saw Alexis lick her lips and mouth ‘tomorrow.’

Chapter 42


Doctor Adler was resting uncomfortably tied to the bed. They both enjoyed their love making, but she enjoyed it more than he did. She got carried away, but even now the thoughts caused the same reaction between her legs. She would take care of that urge later, and maybe the doctor would like to watch.

Right now she had to follow up on something Chris had let slip. She wanted to know more about the details of why she was at the care facility.
Was there a world out there she was missing?

There were parts of the doctor’s house she had never been in. She was curious about what the doctor might have been hiding from her. She thought of how she could get the truth out of him, but she couldn’t wait, and wanted to see if she could get some information on her own without creating a bloody scene. That put a smile on her face.

She went to his bedroom. It was on the third floor. In fact it took the entire third floor. When she reached his bedroom, the air had turned much warmer than the basement. She wiped at the beads of sweat between her breasts. She gingerly entered his bedroom.

Her feet felt the rough floor boards first. She turned on the light switch and the large bedroom had a four-poster king size bed. How appropriate doctor, and why am I not surprised?
And, why have you not brought me up here? Is it because it is too hot up here, or is it because you knew it would be much too hot with our love making?

She walked over to the bed and put her butt on the edge. She opened the top night stand drawer and pulled out two men’s magazines.
Why doctor, I’m going to have to show you these and ask why you have them. I wonder if you will tell me the truth.

She opened the magazine and looked at the pictures of the naked women. They were beautiful and their bodies were displayed to show their best assets. She couldn’t help comparing her body to those in the magazine. She was getting excited just like the blonde in the picture. She knew she was a true blonde because of her neatly trimmed body hair.

Part of the article caught her attention, ‘yes, when I don’t have a partner with me…well, I have other ways to satisfy my desires.’
I’m sure you do. Don’t we all? She wondered what it would be like to be with another woman.
She closed her eyes and pictured another woman’s breast in her hand. She flipped thru the rest of the magazine and then picked up the other.

It was a nudist magazine. The pictures were not staged like the others and just showed people going about their routines without any clothes. She looked at the men and wondered why they were not excited. The doctor and Chris were almost always erect, even after all of the various activities.

She wondered if the nudists made love in front of the other nudists, or did they hide that activity? What did the men do when they couldn’t hide their excitement? Maybe they never got erect.
She felt another smile just thinking about that. She wondered if the moisture she felt was excitement or her period.
Maybe I should rush down and have the doctor benefit from my current condition. Later.

She saw the backs of some photos in the drawer and picked them up. She smiled at the thoughts of the doctor using the magazines and more importantly her pictures to masturbate.
That doesn’t surprise me at all, my good doctor. I wonder what you fantasize about…is it what we do, or what you wish we did? I’ll have to make you tell me about that, and honesty will count heavily.

As she flipped through the pictures, she realized that she had grown from this young girl without any hair and other assets, to this striking young lady. Even though the pictures were black and white they were still interesting, especially the positions the doctor had her in. She turned her head and tried to remember how she got in that position. She put that picture aside and would ask the doctor about it.

Since the magazines and photos were causing such a distraction, she thought it best to put them away so she could search the rest of the room.

She stretched out on the bed and studied the room. The ceiling was coifed with a chandelier over the bed. The bed covering was an antique coverlet much like a table cloth. That is why you didn’t want us up here. We would mess that up. That created another smile.

The dresser was a long cherry double drawer unit with a mirror the full length. She could see her naked body and raised a leg to resemble one of the poses in the magazine. She pulled her hair across one breast. Wow, that would create an interesting development, wouldn’t it doctor? There was another tall dresser on the other wall. She thought it was strange that there was nothing on top of either piece of furniture.

She sat on the side of the bed and spotted the closet door. She walked over and once again the rough wood against her feet made her think of lying against its rugged surface. She opened the closet door and looked at the contents. Suits at one end, sports coats next, dress pants next to casual pants, white dress shirts with plastic covering them, casual shirts and finally ties.

She took a black tie and went over to the dresser mirror and tied a knot as best she could. The contrast of the black tie between her snow white breasts reminded her of one of the staged pictures in the magazine. She was getting that feeling again, and remembered the poor doctor tied in the basement. She spotted the reflection in the mirror of two boxes on the top shelf of the closet.

She went over and reached for the first box. It was heavy and she put it on the bed and opened it up. There were family photos, documents and personal things of Doctor Adler’s. It was an interesting assortment, but not really what she wanted to waste her time on.

She spotted what looked like the doctor’s high school photo, and thought he looked like someone who wouldn’t have turned a girl’s eye.
You look so much better without any clothes on. She remembered shaving his hair off and the look in his eyes as he wondered if she was going to do some serious damage. Not yet, doc…not yet.

She put the picture back and covered the box and returned it. She took down the other box, which was more like a legal file box, and placed it on the bed.

She uncovered the box and was shocked at its contents.




It took her over an hour to consume the contents. The first picture which greeted her was her image on the front of a newspaper. Well, she learned it wasn’t her picture but it was her twin sister’s. It showed her original photo and how she looked after the plastic surgery.

This box represented all of the mystery of her life. She had a twin sister who killed herself with a flare gun. She had twice tried to kill a Scott Tucker.

One of those attempts was at a warehouse on the Boston waterfront, and the other was in Bermuda. She and three other women had held young hockey players prisoner, torturing them, killing them, then throwing their dismembered bodies into the ocean, having kept some of their parts as trophies. Scott was rescued by a Mercedes Strong who was part of a task force looking for the killers. Melanie, her twin, jumped in the freezing ocean waters and was thought to have not survived.

Years later after plastic surgery and killing her surgeon, she went to Bermuda picking up where she left off. She had built a dungeon of sorts and was holding men for months against their will for sexual purposes. As a young adult, she had been in a mental institution, but was released, having supposedly been cured of her condition.

Scott was once again rescued by authorities including the same Mercedes Strong. She studied the picture of Scott and could see what her twin saw in him.

More importantly she learned that Stephen Strong was her father and had committed her to the care facility because of her deformity. She read the original letter from Stephen explaining what he wanted done and how he wanted her residency to be kept a secret even from his wife.

She learned her father was a very rich real estate developer who also had a prestigious real estate firm. She saw the picture of her mother and saw the resemblance. Her own mother knew nothing about her and her father gave her up.

He also paid money each year for her care and a separate amount to the doctor to maintain her personal care and to keep things a secret. Her father was a very attractive man, but the two pictures she kept going back to were the one of Scott Tucker and the one of her sister Mercedes Strong. She was very attractive even in the newspaper shots.

However, the one of Scott and the knowledge of what her sister put him through caused her body to react.
This was the other life she was deprived of. This was the man her sister lusted for, and to be more exact, both of her sisters lusted for. She couldn’t explain exactly why she was so drawn to his picture, but now there were three of us that lust for you Mr. Tucker.

She didn’t want to put the material back, but realized she needed to.
The thoughts of what her twin was able to do with multiple simultaneous prisoners, including one woman, brought her recent memories back of what she felt when she put the doctor and Chris through their paces. She was now certain she had those genes, but uncertain as to what she was going to do with that knowledge.

  Now I’m going to go spend some pointed time with the good doctor to see if he is going to be honest with me. However, it will be much more fun if he is not.

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