Fragrance of Revenge (10 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 22


He felt her heart beating against his chest. Although he was in some pain and had feared what she was originally going to do to him, especially with the straight razor, he had a feeling of exhilaration. He could smell her hair with her head on his chest, and there was a strong scent of Gardenia.

She had more than fulfilled his fantasies. He was amazed by how she took control and what she did without his instructions. He wanted to go to sleep and didn’t care that he was still tied, gagged and blindfolded. His biggest concern was that she failed to react to his attempt to break her trance.

There was no way she could have been faking being hypnotized all those times. It would have been impossible for her to willingly do all those crazy things he made her do. Or, was it?




It was easy for him to fall asleep. Being tied up reminded him of being in his crib as a child. His parents had buckled him into his crib each night. He had tried to rationalize why they did this, and he thought they might have feared his hurting himself somehow.

It felt like they had slept for hours. Alexis was still lying on top of him when he woke. He tried to take stock of the parts of his body where her body was against his. It was harder to do than he expected. He could feel her warmth, but he wanted to feel where her breasts were against his chest.

“Are you awake now Doctor?”

He responded with a nod of his head.

“Would you like me to remove the gag and the blindfold?”

He nodded again. He felt her push the blindfold up over his head and opened his eyes. She was looking right into his eyes. She didn’t look like the same person he remembered seeing before all of this. She seemed to have a new sense of superiority.

She lifted his head and undid the gag. He watched her searching his eyes. He loved her, and now loved her even more. She kissed him with a passion he had never felt before.

“Are you happy now?” she said lifting herself slightly off his body.

“Yes…very. Are you?

“That was incredible. But look at you…you have welts all over you.”

He realized he was still tied up. “Are you going to untie me?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Yes and no.”

“I don’t understand.”

“I have to use the john.”

She smiled. In that case—no.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean,
you can’t go to the john.”

“Alexis, I have to go. I’m going to explode.”

“I already did.” She reached between her legs and showed him the blood.

“Did you get your period?”

“Yes, but that is a good thing. I’m not pregnant.”

He realized she never responded to his words which would terminate her trance. “Heights climbed.” He looked for a reaction, but she just smiled.

“Say it again Doctor.”

“Heights climbed…heights climbed.”

“I’ll say. I never had that many orgasms.”

He could tell she was looking for a reaction. She’s been faking being hypnotized all those many times. She did all of those things he thought she never would without being in that stage.

“That’s right my good Doctor. I faked all of those many times you thought you put me under. You did some
very dirty
things to me.” She reached down and grabbed him. “You were a very bad boy weren’t you?”

His excitement started building. “Yes I was.”

“Bad boys need to be punished…isn’t that correct?”

“Yes, but I have to go to the bathroom.”

“We’ll take care of that.” She slid off of him and stood beside the bed. “I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t leave and don’t pee either.”




She was gone for what seemed like an hour. He was ready to explode and tried to ignore the pressure on his bladder.
She said she was going to punish me, but is this what she meant?
He was afraid he couldn’t hold it any longer.

“Tada.” She jumped into the room.

He noticed she was holding a milk bottle, and knew what she was planning on doing with it.

“I’m glad you managed to hold it. I was starved and made myself something to eat. I also took care of my bleeding problem.”

He wasn’t in any condition for more sex. However, she started teasing him and for the first time he wanted her to stop. Finally the milk bottle was where it needed to be, but there was no way he would be able to go in this manner.

“Please, I need to go.”

Despite his embarrassment he managed to take care of his problem. It helped that she moved away from him and the bed. She was over at the dresser and when he looked at  her he was shocked by what she had in her hand.

“Please don’t do anything with that.” He watched her put the camera up to her eye. The camera made a click and the picture slid out. “Alexis, please.”

“Please what doctor?” She bent down and took a close up. “These aren’t the only pictures I took while you were sleeping. I’m taking them with me, so I can think of you when you’re not with me.”

“Alexis please. You can’t. If anyone sees them I will lose my job.”


She looked at the last picture and showed it to him. “Don’t you agree you look very sexy all tied up with a milk bottle between your legs?” She watched as the other picture developed, turning it to orient it. “This one is a classic, no matter which way you turn it.” She showed it to him and he immediately pulled against his restraints.

She removed him from the bottle and held it up to study the contents. “Wow, I guess you needed to go. Feel better now?”

“Yes. I feel better now.” He watched her walk over to the dresser and put the bottle on it. He was glad she took it away.

“Now, my good Doctor, bad boys need to be punished.” She came over to the bed and untied one ankle and then the other. “Right?”

This was his chance to take control.

“Now, put your legs over one another.”

He hesitated and she took his breath away with a directed slap. He did as she instructed. She tied the ropes around his ankles. Then untied the rope holding his right wrist and tied it to the left bedpost, and then tied his left rope to the right one.

“Now roll over.”

He hesitated and she got his attention. He rolled away and was now on his stomach.

She didn’t say a word and just stood beside the bed. Finally she broke the silence. “Do you want to be punished, or should I just go upstairs and leave you?” She ran the whip across his shoulder and down his back over his butt.

She struck him across the shoulders. “It’s your choice. But you can make me pay later if you want. What will it be?”

He moved his hips slightly.

“I guess I got my answer. You’re such a bad boy and such a sick man.”


Chapter 23


Chris was working his Saturday evening shift at the Lighthouse Manor. Alexis’ room across from his desk more than occupied his attention.

She wasn’t due back until Sunday night with Dr. Adler. He couldn’t resist the temptation of being in her room again. The other patients wouldn’t think anything out of the ordinary and he could always offer a reason to be in there.

He opened the door to her room. The image of her taking her shower the other night came flooding back. He turned on the light in the bathroom and stood at the entry. She was an incredible sight and the fact she knew he was watching her that night excited him now.

More importantly, the comment she whispered to him about doing whatever she told him to do, increased his excitement. ‘…if I wanted to keep my job.’
That wouldn’t be a problem. I wonder how far she would take that.
Well, now that he knew what the doctor was doing with her, could he use that to trump her threat? Thinking about that, could he even get Doctor Adler to allow him time with her?

He left the light on in the bathroom and went to her bedroom area. He felt the bedspread and pictured her on it the way she was at the doctor’s. The next thing he checked out was her dresser drawers. He learned she was very organized.

Her jewelry, some cosmetics and personal items were in the top left drawer. Bras were in the second drawer, and panties and socks in the bottom drawer. There was nothing surprising about any of those. Then he spotted something black at the bottom of the pile. He pulled the item out and it was a pair of black panties. They were a thin transparent nylon, cut like a bikini bottom. He quickly opened the second drawer and found the matching bra. The doctor must have bought those for her.

Why didn’t she pack those for the doctor’s house? As a matter of fact, where did she get jewelry? He must have bought those for her too. This was getting more interesting by the minute.

He continued looking in her dresser. T-shirts were in the top right drawer, shorts in the second drawer. Sweaters were in the bottom drawer. He started to close the drawer and decided to see if there was anything on the bottom. He felt a solid item…a book.

He pulled it out and started looking at the contents. It was her diary. The first entry was when she was twelve.

‘Doctor Adler took me to his house today for the first time. He said he was going to hypnotize me to help me with my therapy. He explained to me about the command that would put me under, and the command to bring me out of it – Climb the Heights and Heights Climbed.

He spent several minutes making me very calm and then gave me the command to put me under…but it didn’t work. I was afraid to tell him I wasn’t under, and then as time passed, I couldn’t.

He had me take off all my clothes and then took pictures of me in various positions. Then he took off his clothes and had me do things to his body. They shocked me at first, but I have to admit I liked the feelings along with touching him. I have to admit I liked the feelings way too much and shouldn’t have. I don’t think I can ever tell him that I wasn’t hypnotized especially since I played along with him.

I hope that this is something that continues between us. My fear is that he finds me ugly. I still have a thin coating of hair covering my body, but it doesn’t seem to bother him. And, it seems to be decreasing lately. He says that it will completely go away someday soon. I think he finds me attractive, well, he constantly tells me that I will be very beautiful someday.’

He flipped the book to another page.

‘Two months ago I turned thirteen. My body continues to have big changes. The ugly body hair completely went away about four weeks ago. My face has no signs of the ugly hair, but I still have a problem looking in the mirror. I still picture the way I looked with the hair on my face and body.

Doctor Adler told me that I continue to get more and more beautiful. He really likes me a lot. As I mentioned in an earlier entry two months ago, I started to bleed between my legs and panicked. When I went running to the doctor’s office he took me back to my room and explained what it was. He said I was becoming a young lady.

When I was with him last night he commented on how my breasts were developing, and said that was another sign of how I continued to become a young lady. There’s also a patch of red hair between my legs, which is almost blonde. He thinks he put me under and took more pictures of me without any clothes on. I can tell by his reaction he really likes how my body is developing. He’s spending even more time touching me.

I find this hard to write, but I have to. When he believes I’m under he changes into a different person. At first it scared me, but now I would like to spend all of my time being the object of his experiments.

He left me alone for an hour and asked me to read a soft-covered book titled ‘Candy.’ I read parts of it and when he came back in I wanted him to play with my body. He refused and said I had to do what I wanted to my own body. I was uncomfortable, but since I was ‘under’ I had to do it. I did that before in my bedroom, but no one was watching me. I liked him watching and getting excited.

He showed me what he called the magic spot and within several minutes I couldn’t hold back any longer and screamed. He laughed and laughed. Then he asked me to kiss him down there. Since then he really likes that and I have found some new tricks that I can tell he really likes.

He says it doesn’t really hurt, but I can tell by the way he flinches, that it does. I have found a new secret weapon. If I tease him he isn’t the good doctor any longer.’

Chris wanted to skip to the later pages, but heard something outside in the hall. He quickly put the diary back where he found it, closed the drawer and headed for the hall door.




The door almost hit him in the face as he reached for it. She jumped back not expecting him to be in her room. She closed the door behind her.

“What a surprise to find you in my room. It’s not time yet. What were you doing in here?”

He noticed the bathroom light was still on. “I couldn’t resist it any longer…I had to come in your room.”

“That gives me an idea for later. However, Doctor Adler didn’t see you and I think he’s headed upstairs to see if you’re there. You better leave.”

He started out, but she jumped in his way. “Do you remember what I said yesterday?”

“Yes, how could I forget?”

“Good. Then I expect you back here later tonight. I had to come back early because I got my friend, but you can
later. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Yes. Did you have a good time at the doctor’s?”

“That surprises me…you know what we were doing when you looked in the window.” She put her arms out to the side. “Maybe I can help you later.”

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