Fragrance of Revenge (19 page)

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Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Thrillers

BOOK: Fragrance of Revenge
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Chapter 53


Fortunately for Scott, Maggie was not working at the Harvard Pub today. He has enough problems without going down that path. He was going to meet Scott later to make the money drop. After two beers, Scott was going back to his apartment, and he went back to the office to call Paddy at home.


“Paddy, its Mike. I need to let you know what has happened and get your thoughts of what our next action should be.”

“I’m going to put you on hold and take this in my office. Hi Mike, I’m back. What’s up?”

“I just met with Scott for a couple of beers. He’s all upset. Mercedes, as you know, is in Venezuela. She and another agent were kidnapped today. In fact, she was kidnapped and rescued earlier.”

“Oh my God. It looks like she might have been a target.”

“Somehow she got separated from her partner and was kidnapped the first time from that team’s unmarked vehicle. The police fortunately had a building staked out and saw the kidnappers bring her into the building.”

“I know where this discussion is going,” Paddy said.

“You most likely do. She was going to be sent home as she experienced quite the trauma, but while she and the other agent were together in his hotel room, they were kidnapped. All this happened just a little while ago.”

“Do you want me to call Robert Damelio to see if he knows anything?”

“Yes, and something else.”

“What is it?”

“Scott is still doing that investigation and is actually doing the money drop tonight.”

“He shared that with you?”

“Yes, I think he’s really shook about Mercedes’ kidnapping.”

“Mike you have to do something. Scott is getting in way over his head.”

“I already took care of that. I’m going with him tonight for the drop, and to see if we can catch this guy before he leaves the area.”

“I better call Robert right now. Where can I reach you?”

“I’m in our Harvard Square office, and I will stay here.”

“Call you as soon as I have something to report.”





“Mike its Paddy. I spoke with Robert and brought him up to speed. Here’s the status of things there. He has a resource that used to be on the police force there. Between the two of them they believe they have located where his brother was taken, and he is still alive. He also believes he knows where the sister of the murdered woman is being kept. However, he is still trying to find out where the other woman is.”

“What is his plan?”

“Well, he thinks his brother is not in any immediate danger. His plan was to continue to investigate to see if they could locate the other missing woman. However, our timing was excellent.”

“Why’s that?”

“He saw some activity during their stakeout and wondered if that had something to do with the other woman. Now he thinks that activity had to do with the two FBI agents being taken to that building.”

“Is he going to get the police involved?”

“Well, here’s where it gets dicey. They have enough evidence to show that the police captain, Chavez, is involved with the slave-trade operation. He might even be the ring leader. Regardless, the former policeman with him doesn’t trust the captain.”

“So, where does that leave us?”

“He wants to contact a high-ranking friend in the military for his advice.”

“Paddy, time is of the essence.”

“I know, but think of how far we are compared to where we would have been. I’m going to tell Robert to have his associate contact that person and tell him we can get our government agencies involved if need be.”

“Paddy, would you please ask Robert if he feels comfortable trying to rescue Mercedes and the other agent?”

“I already have. He says there’s too much at stake to risk it.”

“Paddy, you know what that means for Mercedes don’t you?”

“She’s a smart lady. I think she will be okay until she can be rescued.”

“She’s also too beautiful a lady…if you know what I mean.”

Chapter 54


“Would you like to see the doctor?” Alexis asked.

“No, not really. Why?”

“I thought you might be getting tired of being tied up, and would enjoy someone else’s situation.”

“Sounds to me like, you would enjoy my watching.”

“It had crossed my mind. You could even watch him pee in a bottle.”

“You’ve got to be kidding.”

“No. He needed to go, and that was the best method I could think of. In fact, I just remembered he wanted to go hours ago. Are you sure you don’t want to watch?”

“I’m sure.”

“Maybe I should keep you tied up until you’re in the same predicament. I even took pictures of him while he was going. However, they’re in my room. It would be nice to have some of you and some when you are going to the bathroom. Do you need to go?” She tickled his stomach.

“Alexis, let me go. We need to talk about where we’re going from here.”

“Good. Then I’ll wait for when you need to go.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“I’m going to go get the camera.”

“Alexis please untie me.”

“I will give you a choice…I can untie you and you can do what I tell you to do to the doctor. Or, I can untie him and bring him up here and let him see who is in his bed, and let him do what I tell him to do to you. I think he will be pissed, no pun intended, and it won’t take much effort on my part to have him punish you.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Do I detect a dare? Chris, think about the situation carefully. I would much rather be with you than the doctor. Besides, if I were to untie him…I don’t think he would let me restrain him again. You on the other hand, I think enjoyed things. As a matter of fact, I think I detect junior raising his head.”

“Alexis please stop. We need to make some plans as to what we are going to do.”

“In another minute or so, you will change your mind.”

“I promise after I pick up the money you can do whatever you want with me, but I have to get the money.”

“Will you allow me to tie you up?”

“If that is what you need. Alexis, the doctor has a lot of money, and your father is rich. Our priority needs to be on those two people and not on each other.”

“Wouldn’t you rather be with a younger man for the rest of your life? I can help you to get what you deserve. The doctor should pay for how he has treated you all these years. Your father is even worse. He should have checked on you, or your condition, at least once in all these years. You have been screwed by them.”

“Are you any different?”

“Yes, I came because you asked me to.”

“I think you came because I made you come. In fact, I would like to see you do that once more and then I will let you go. I promise.” She started running her fingers along him to get him excited. “Would you like to see his surprise if I brought you downstairs naked, and showed him what your body is capable of doing?”

“No. Owe, that hurts.”

“Yes, but you love it and we both know it.”




Chris had drifted off to sleep. She got up without disturbing him and headed downstairs. She wasn’t going to try to sneak up on the doctor. She found him asleep as well.

“Good evening Doctor Adler,” she said as she sat on his bed.

“Alexis you have been gone a very long time. Where have you been and what have you been doing?”

“I would have thought you would remember your training. But no, you are right back where you were when you first came here. I better get the belt.”

“I’m sorry master. I missed you and wondered why you left me so long.”

“Nice try, but that doesn’t sound very genuine to me.” She slipped off the bed and stood right beside where his head was. She watched his eyes scanning her body. After his eyes had made the rounds a few times she started touching her body. She closed her eyes and thought of what it would be like to have Scott doing these things to her.

She didn’t know how long she had been playing with her body, but when she opened her eyes it was long enough to get the doctor very excited. It wasn’t the doctor who was tied up, it was Scott. She had him right where she wanted and she had control of his body. She climbed on the bed and across the doctor with her buttocks near his chin.

She confirmed once again that she had control of both men. She liked her new found power, and knew that both men enjoyed it maybe a little too much.

Then she realized the doctor had tricked her. Chris was right. The doctor would be the first to pay for how he has treated her.

She thought of her sister Melanie and the other women keeping body parts as trophies. It was as plain as the nose on her face, what parts she was going to keep. She wrapped the fingers of one hand around him and with her index finger ran it from one side to the other. Practice makes perfect.

He said something but she didn’t hear what he said.

She ran her tongue over her teeth and thought that would be a better method.
Would she have enough control over Chris to have him take Polaroids of that moment? Which would make a better picture, his face or elsewhere, or even both? Chris, I now have some input to the plan. A picture of the doctor’s surprised expression would have to do.




She left the doctor resting and headed back to the upstairs bedroom. When she entered the bedroom, Chris was awake and his eyes followed her from the doorway over to the bed.

She started to untie Chris, but wasn’t saying anything to him. Chris wasn’t saying anything, and might have feared if he did she might not finish untying him.

When he was all untied she watched him rub his wrists. “Sore?”

“Yeah, some.”

“I wasn’t talking about your wrists.”

“Yeah there too.”

“Good. How does it feel to be free again?”

“I like it. Would you like to be tied up now?”

“No thanks. Maybe some other time. Would you like that?”

“Yes, I really think I would.”

“Me thinks you might like it too much. We’ll see. What do you want to talk about?”

“You were gone longer than I thought you would be. Did the doctor get to go?”

“Not exactly.”

“What does that mean?”

“Would you like to find out?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Too bad, you would have really enjoyed it. I know I would have.”

“Alexis, let’s talk about what happens next.”

She reached for him.

“No, let’s focus on what we need to plan.”

“I’ve given that some thought already. What do you suggest?”

 “I’ve had some time to think. We need to take all the doctor’s money, somehow. Then we need to have you get all of your parents’ fortune. You really are next in line to inherit the estate, but if your sister was out of the picture it would make it neater.”

“Are you planning on killing the doctor, and my family?”

“Yes, but I haven’t figured out how to eliminate the members of your family yet.”

“Then you figured out how to kill the doctor?”


“I have my own plan there, but you have to promise me you will take some pictures.”

“You mean you’re going to kill him yourself?”

“The thought had crossed my mind.”

“You couldn’t do it.”

“Remember, if I do it, you have to consent to take pictures.”

“No problem.”

She looked at him and smiled.
Would she kill Chris the same way and keep their remnants as her trophies?
She studied Chris’ body.
She wondered what Scott looked like. She was definitely determined to discover the answer, and Mercedes was going to be her bait.

Chapter 55


He had time to think now that Alexis left him again. She was up to something, but he didn’t know what it was. She was spending much more time elsewhere, and although she was visiting and giving him pleasure, he had the feeling she was capable of really hurting him. He has to get free.

He pulled on the ropes and they cut into his wrists. If he pulled real hard would the rope pull free from the headboard? He pulled, but there was no sign the rope would pull free. He spotted the straight razor on the nightstand only a few feet from his right hand. He rolled his body and reached but he was still a foot away from it. The pressure on his bladder reminded him he really needed to go.

It was all he could do when Alexis was playing with his body, not to present her with a different kind of a present. Without any question, if he had let his bladder go, she would have punished him for it.
What is she doing? Why is she leaving him like this? If she ever let him tie her up again, she was going to really regret what she has done to him.

He reached for the razor again, but it was still too far away. He realized the end table was a few inches away from the bed. His fingers were just inches away from it. He pushed his arm as far as he could and extended his fingers. No luck. His other hand was close to the wall on the other side. He stretched his hand and his fingers touched the wall. He pushed with all his strength and the bed moved slightly.

He reached for the nightstand, but his fingers couldn’t reach it. He repeated the process and the bed moved just an inch at best. He could feel his heart beating a mile a minute.
Was the noise he heard Alexis returning? He remembered her finger simulating cutting his precious parts. If she were to catch him trying to reach the razor, would she indeed remove them?

She was turning into her crazy sister right in front of his eyes, and there was no room to speculate as to her capacities…it was too risky. If she read those articles on what her twin did, it might give her thoughts about keeping body parts. She would be lost if I wasn’t her resource. He remembered the look in Chris’ eyes when he was signing her out…has she secured him as her other resource? Shit!

Chapter 56


She said a silent prayer for her own safety and for Ralph’s.
Without any question she knew she was more valuable alive than dead. That is her bargaining chip, but she wondered if she could make it last.

“Mercedes, I’m sorry.” Ralph broke the silence.

“We’re both alive. There wasn’t anything you could have done given the situation. Right now we just have to focus on staying alive and hoping somehow the police or Max will find a way to find us and rescue us.”

“Mercy, I’m worried more about you.”

“I know how to take care of myself. I did it once, I can do it again.” She thought of Scott and how she wanted to be with him now. By now, he must know they have both been kidnapped.
Maybe he doesn’t know. Why would Max have called him? He doesn’t even know how to reach Scott. Maybe Max called my father. If he did, surely my dad would have called Scott.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door being unlocked.




The door opened and two men came into the room. One of them pointed at the chairs. “Sit.” They went over to the chairs and sat down.

“You FBI pigs.” The same man hit Ralph across the side of his head with his pistol. Ralph was knocked out and fell off the chair, landing in a heap on the floor. The two men looked at her. “Take off your clothes.”

“In your dreams,” she yelled.

Both men looked at each other and smiled. “We have ways.” One man came over and knelt down and looked into her eyes. “You will. Take him.” They both went over to Ralph and dragged him out of the room. She started to get up, but one of them pointed his gun at her. She watched the two men drag his unconscious body out of the room. The sound the lock made echoed in her head.

A half hour later she heard some yelling and then Ralph’s screams. They were beating him up from the sounds of it. She looked at her watch and it was almost 11 pm. They had been doing this for only minutes, but it seemed like hours. Ralph was barely screaming now and sounded like he didn’t have the strength any longer.

The key turned in the lock and the door slowly opened. She wasn’t surprised when she saw who was standing there.

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