Emily's Story (22 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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Emily whispered back into Brandt’s mind, “I felt her terror and the anger coming from some of the wolves.”

Brandt squeezed her hand gently his pulsing waves of soothing energy continuing.

Marcus stood and acknowledged the gathered clans. “I know that our having a cat here in the house is slightly unorthodox but she has nursed the cubs since Alba died. She now belongs to Amy and me and is under our full protection. She has a gentle soul and she’s seen too much tragedy, her own child murdered before her eyes. She would die for Sierra and Roland. Please give her space. She has many adjustments to make, but is becoming accustomed to our clan. She shouldn’t be upset or she might lose her nursing ability and the babies would suffer.” He paused for a moment to let his message sink in, and then continued. “I want to thank each of you for coming to our wedding.” He took Amy’s hand and she rose from her chair and stood beside him. “I know we usually only meet for naming ceremonies but Amy’s friends could not be here due to her recent transformation and I wanted our extended family to make her welcome. We will not let a young naïve wolf ruin our gathering. This is a time for celebration.” He kissed Amy gently on the lips and they took their seats.

Dinner began and chatter soon filled the air. Caleb was talking to a young wolf from Nicolas’ pack and the two seemed to hit it off. Mandy sat to the right of Emily and whispered into her ear, “I have never seen or smelled a cat before. It was different than I expected but not bad, the poor thing.” Only taking a slight breath she continued, “I can’t wait to see the twins. When Patricia’s cub is born, I’m going to help her with Kinsee. A baby werewolf is a handful. They are always into mischief and must be constantly watched.” Mandy took a breath and then a dreamy quality entered her voice, “Nicolas is a god. What I would give to kiss his feet and more.”

Emily momentarily choked on her wine. Mandy and mischief went hand in hand. Her thoughts went to the cubs upstairs. It was hard for her to eat and she had to fight the urge to search them out. Again, she felt Brandt’s sadness and for the first time fully realized its cause. Her arms ached for a child and he could never give her one. Her sadness blended with his.

He squeezed her hand and spoke into her mind again. “When we are finished with dinner, I will take you to see the twins.”

Her fingers tightened on his. She had never known love and she loved him with all her heart. They finished dinner and the younger wolves decided to take a run together. Emily sent Caleb and Mandy off with a warning, “Watch your sister. Your mother and father will never forgive me if she finds trouble.”

They were out the door before she could continue the lecture.

Marcus invited Brandt, Emily, and Nicolas to join him and Amy on the couches arranged in the side room away from the table. Amy gave Marcus a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to take Emily up to the nursery to properly meet Zenya and the babies.”

Brandt barely looked their way when the two women left the room. “I love you,” whispered into her mind. She returned the sentiment but smiled sadly without looking back.






Chapter 24





Squeals sounded as they drew closer to the room. Amy opened the door and two beautiful naked babies rolled on the floor trying to avoid tickles from their nurse. Their bodies round and chubby with light unblemished skin and curly light brown hair were enchanting.

Both turned at the sound of the door and their eyes brightened at the sight of Amy. Then, noticing the stranger, they instantly shifted to their wolf forms and scampered under one of the two cribs. Two inquisitive black noses stuck out and watched Emily enter the room.

Going to her knees, Emily sat beside Zenya and spoke gently to the she-cat. “Hi Zenya, I am also new to this world and in need of friends. I know of no differences between the cats and wolves. I just want friends that will care for me and allow me to care about them.”

Zenya smiled shyly and raised her eyes briefly to Emily’s. Sierra chose that instance to fly out from under the crib and give Emily a small nip before running back to her brother’s side.

“Sierra, you know better than that. Emily is our guest and you will spend time in the time-out room if you do it again. Come out here at once. You too Roland,” said a stern sounding Amy.

Both pups made their way from their hiding place. Roland sniffed his nose against Emily’s finger that rested on the floor. She slowly raised her hand to scratch behind his ear. His sister immediately pushed him away and squeezed in closer.

“You need to watch that one Emily. She’s a bully and every member of this clan spoils her rotten. She’s so bad we had to come up with a suitable punishment and we send her to the timeout room daily. Roland is wiser and learns from his mistakes.” Amy’s voice was chiding but her eyes twinkled.

Emily didn’t want to know what the timeout room was. She was afraid it would be small, cold, and solitary like her own prison had been. Pushing away these thoughts, she gave Sierra the desired ear scratch and used her other hand to rub Roland. He rolled onto his back so his rounded belly was showing and Emily’s hand sank into the baby soft fur scratching gently.

Sierra ran to the corner of the room, pushed a soccer ball out, and sent it in Emily’s direction. Her intention to get attention away from her brother was clear.

“You are a new friend and these two have never known an enemy.” Amy turned and smiled at Zenya with appreciation.

Zenya glanced up. Gold cat eyes filled with trust and love looked back at the vampire.

Emily was amazed.

Zenya turned back to the babies and joined in the impromptu ball game. The pups scampered and fought each other over the right to push the ball back to the two women. Laughter and small growls rang throughout the room and Amy joined in.

Emily pushed the ball away but was surprised when two balls of reddish-brown fur flew her way, pushing her to her back. Joyous giggles tumbled out while the pups began licking her face. She settled her hands on the wolf cubs and snuggled them in close.

Brandt entered the room and his heart froze in his chest. Emily needed a child and he couldn’t give her one or allow another man to do it. He stood and watched as the pups exuberantly cleaned Emily’s cheeks of tears caused by her laughter.

Before Brandt could close the door, she looked up and met his eyes. His pain was palpable and her heart clinched.

He quietly walked away.

Ten minutes later, it was time for the pups to go to bed and Emily had the honor of granting a kiss to each snout before they lay down in their cribs. Zenya had a room with a private door connected to the nursery. She smiled shyly and kissed Emily’s hand before leaving.

After Amy closed the nursery door Emily asked, “How much time do they spend in wolf form and how much in human?”

“They are able to do more in wolf form and they are less defenseless. Their human legs carry them slowly and four is much easier. After their mother died it took them a week to change back to wolf. They were unsettled and preferred to be the infants they are. Have you discussed children with Brandt?”

“We aren’t having children.” Emily’s voice was final.

“I’m not sure how Ivan handled it. He and Alba had a total of eight children though two sets were twins. The cat’s queen killed their first twins. I don’t know how Ivan was able to let Alba mate with other men. I would not allow it with Marcus even if it was our only chance at having children. I feel for you. I have the babies and they fill my life. Vampires cannot have children and I really never wanted any. Sierra and Roland changed that. If I could have a litter I would. Let’s rejoin the men and see what trouble they’ve gotten themselves into.”

Emily tried not to think of Amy’s words but her heart broke over the thought of never having a baby. She wouldn’t ask it of Brandt and she never wanted another man’s hands on her regardless. There would be no babies for them.

The men were getting drunk. Amy and Emily joined them for a few glasses of wine before they went to their separate rooms.

Later, Brandt entered their private bathroom and took a quick shower. He didn’t invite Emily to join him. Saddened, she removed her clothes and crawled into the strange bed alone. Brandt walked out of the bathroom and turned off the bedroom light before getting beneath the sheet. She could smell the soap he used to wash himself and the scent of his wet hair. His strong arms pulled her to his body and he guided her mouth to his. The kiss went from needy to fierce. He didn’t say a word while he eagerly explored her body. The exquisite torture continued. His hands and mouth played her body long into the night eliciting moans of frustration followed by screams of pleasure.

Sated and exhausted her hands came up and she placed them gently on his cheeks. “I can live without a child but I can’t live without you. I don’t want you to feel pain for what cannot be. Patricia’s child will be here soon and I will get all the hugs, kisses, and licks I can take. Be happy with me Brandt. You make me feel like I’m your entire world. Don’t be sad. You rescued me from death and made all my dreams come true. You are my world.” Tears spilled over her lashes and Brandt held her throughout the night.


The following day they took four-wheelers out and toured the southern end of the property. Emily held on to Brandt’s waist feeling the rush of adrenaline while he went crazy on the ATV. She screamed but urged him to go faster. He finally pulled over and quirked a devilish grin her way ruffling her windblown hair. “Would you care to drive my fearless lady?”

“Nope, I just want to hold on.”

“As my lady desires.” He took off again through the trees.

That night, they walked several miles to a large pit. It was similar in size to the ring Brandt’s pack used though recessed approximately ten feet into the ground.

Wolves began issuing challenges and the first two jumped into the pit.

Emily’s hand gripped Brandt’s arm.

“This isn’t to the death. It’s only for fun though it does get a touch bloody.”

“Will you fight?”

“No, the last thing we want is two alphas fighting one another. Our challenges are to the death. It’s ingrained through the magic which courses within our bodies. When we get in the ring, only one wolf survives.”

“Then I won’t be challenged.”

“Not unless someone has a death wish.”

“You’re so sure I could win.”

“I know you would win but have no fear your challenger would die; win or lose.”

A wolf from Marcus’ clan challenged Samson. Fur, flesh, and blood flew as rippled muscle and razor sharp teeth caused painful damage. The match was a draw.

Emily asked about Samson’s challenger.

“That’s Ivan’s youngest son Asia. He’s also beginning to show alpha behavior. It will either make the southwestern clan stronger or tear it apart. It all depends how much the brothers love each other and how good they are at controlling their wolf. Marcus is going to have his hands full. Let’s hope Columbus is half the leader his father was."

“Ivan could control the situation?”

“I have no doubt. Ivan is the only wolf who could possibly take me in a challenge though I don’t count out Nicolas. I think I could take him though.” Brandt knew Nicolas had come up behind them and heard his last words. He knew the thump on his back was coming and let it land. “So the truth bothers you?”

“My young man,” said Nicolas, “if we could fight without it being a death match I would challenge though I would hate leaving this pretty lady without her mate. But then again, she could live with me while you become a distant memory.”

Brandt’s fist shot out and struck Nicolas’ ribcage though it wasn’t a hard blow. “How about we race to decide the outcome so we can both go home when it’s over? Loser buys the beer for the next naming ceremony.”

“You’re on. Around the house and then back here should give me time to leave your ass in my dust.”

Both men began disrobing and the other wolves started heckling the alphas. Brandt gave Emily a kiss before he shifted and then a big slurp after. She couldn’t help but laugh and was happy to see Brandt’s good mood return. She grabbed the ruff of his neck and said loudly, “If you lose, I might need to choose a better alpha.”

He answered with a low growl and then the two were off. It was several miles to the ranch. Emily had no idea how long it would take to complete the race and her excitement grew. Bets began flying and Emily couldn’t help herself, she put $100 on Brandt. She didn’t have the money but knew Brandt would give it to her if he lost. It would serve him right.

The minutes ticked by but the laughter and jokes went on. Finally, they could hear crashing through the trees. Nicolas was in the lead by a head but Brandt put on a last burst of speed and crossed the finish line first. Both wolves were panting and trying to catch their breath.

Emily walked over and put her arms around her mate. “You had me worried there for a moment but you won me some money so I’m happy.”

Brandt changed to his human shape and pulled Emily into his naked sweat-soaked body. The surrounding wolves whistled and shouted. Emily knew she was blushing but she leaned forward and gave Brandt a well-deserved kiss.

“Get a room,” said a disgruntled Nicolas with a slight smile.

Standing, Brandt picked up his mate. He didn’t say a word just began walking back to the house.

A loud voice called out, “Now they’ll keep us up again tonight. I thought Marcus and Amy were bad.”






Chapter 25






The day of the wedding arrived. The house and front yard were prepared for the reception but the wedding itself would take place in the gazebo by the pond. The sun finally went down and twinkling lights appeared throughout the yard.

Emily stopped to admire the work they had done throughout the long day. She hadn’t slept much the night before and a blush covered her cheeks. A pair of strong arms came around her from behind. She sank backward into Brandt and then turned to give him a brief kiss. “I must get upstairs and help Amy dress.”

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