Emily's Story (21 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

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“I’ve also heard they have a cat living with them and nursing the babies.”

Thomas joined in at this point, “That should be interesting. Most of the cats scattered after losing their queen. I’m aware of the group you recently ran into but Cheri told me there was no sign of a vampire. They must find one or longevity will no longer be theirs though that would make life much easier for us.”

“I’ll drink to that.” Cheri tipped her wine glass to her lips and took a sip. She then turned to Emily. “Are you ready to meet another clan?”

“I think so. I feel sadness over the loss of Ivan’s mate.” Emily looked to Brandt.

Brandt took her hand and kissed each of her fingers. “No more sadness at the table. How about a game of pool?”

“I don’t know how to play.”

“Oh, but it will be so much fun to teach you.”

They carried their drinks into the large game room. Thomas grabbed another bottle of wine and they settled in to show Emily how to play.

She soon discovered why Brandt suggested it. His body bent over hers and he ground his hips into her soft bottom while adjusting her arms and hands to hold the pool cue. She could smell his mating scent and enjoyed wiggling her bottom against him.

“Stop that you two. We are going to start and finish this game if it kills us.” Cheri insisted.

Brandt took a step away from Emily and put his hands up. “I know I’m strong enough to hold out.”

“Humph,” was Emily’s short rebuke. She played the game horribly but took every opportunity to rub against Brandt’s body when she walked past him. If his hands reached for her, she skipped away and gave him a stern look. They made it through three games before calling it a night.

“Can Brandt bring me here to practice so I can learn to play better?”

Cheri eyed Brandt, “Yes, but I’ll be surprised if you get any practice in.” They all laughed and the evening broke up.

Later, while lying in Brandt’s arms Emily could feel his distress. “What’s wrong?”

He kissed her hair, “I love you, and I won’t let you go.”

She turned to him, “I’m not going anywhere, and in Kinsee’s words, you’re being silly.”

He brought her body closer and they made love one last time before falling asleep.






Chapter 23






Emily’s apprehension with flying wasn’t what it was the first trip and she was able to look out the window and enjoy the mountain scenery on the way to the wedding. Mandy chattered non-stop in the seat beside her with Caleb sitting by Mandy. Sampson and Maggie were also part of their entourage along with four pieces of muscled eye candy, which was the idiom Mandy passed on to Emily when seeing the men for the first time. Mandy’s parents requested Emily keep a close eye on her sister due to her penchant for trouble. They were hoping she didn’t find her mate for several years but after she was twenty-one, destiny could take its course.

Mandy and Caleb asked about her trip to Denver and they spent the journey talking about music and shopping.

Mandy educated Emily on pop artists and their music, “I love Adele, and I listen to her songs over and over.”

Their brother’s annoyed voice broke into the discussion, “Yes scamp, I can attest to that. I’m embarrassed that I know all the words and if I never hear another of her songs I’ll be a happy man.” Caleb ducked his head avoiding his sister’s fist.

They obviously practiced this ritual often and Emily couldn’t help but feel sad because she missed so many years of what the two of them shared.

Brandt, noticing her melancholy, leaned forward and kissed the back of her neck. Just his gentle touch changed her mood again and her and her siblings went back to speaking about every subject under the sun.

Comforting his mate was instinctual and Brandt didn’t miss a beat as he continued his quiet conversation with Samson.

His second in command was fascinated with Emily’s progress. “I had little hope this would work the night you found her.”

“It was her blood, my wolf knew before I did.”

“I can’t believe how much she’s learned these past weeks and how much control she’s gained.”

 “Her mind is a sponge and she questions everything. She spends time at Cheri’s watching television and she’s captivated with human politics. My dad is thrilled and they’ve begun arguing about everything from financial breakdown to current government elections. A more boring topic I can’t imagine but she eats up the knowledge. Her alpha is gaining power but I know she’s been incredibly strong her entire life. She shouldn’t have survived her mother and all the years of isolation with her sanity intact.”

“Who would have thought Malcolm could beget an alpha female? He would have killed her once he knew.”

“I agree, but that problem was eliminated many years ago. I only hope there are no more Emily’s out there. I doubt they could retain their sanity and not go feral. The control it took in not killing her mother for nineteen years is more impressive than the deed itself.”

“Does it bother her?”

“The woman was crazy and began speaking of Emily’s death. I’m wondering if that’s what brought her alpha to the forefront. Even though the woman deserved to die Emily mourns her. She hasn’t touched her art supplies and I’m okay if she never uses them but I’d love to know what she would choose to draw.”

Mandy giggled each time Brandt leaned forward and kissed Emily’s neck or touched her hair. Caleb rolled his eyes, the entire mating thing being a complete mystery. He would leave soon for the military. He was a young male werewolf and his sometimes chaotic control and the urge to fight were intensifying.

The plane touched down and then they enjoyed the mountain scenery on a thirty minute drive to the ranch house in the northern Arizona hills. The surrounding mountains were a different green and the pine trees weren’t as dense but the beauty was undeniable.

Columbus, the current alpha, and a few of his wolves met them upon their arrival at the main house. The sun was beginning to set and Marcus and Amy would awaken soon.

Brandt hugged Columbus in a tight embrace. “Have you heard from your father?”

“Yes, a few weeks ago. He’s not coming for the wedding and he wasn’t very forthcoming with information on his whereabouts or how he’s spending his time, but he’s alive.”

Brandt released him and drew Emily to his side. “This is Columbus, Alpha of the Southwest Clan and son to my good friend Ivan. This is my mate Emily.”

Before she could say hello his arms circled her and the world spun. Her feet left the ground and her head whirled for a moment after the big oaf finally released her.

Smirking, Columbus laughed at the ferocity in Brandt’s eyes. “I heard the stories of your last visit and how you played with fire by tormenting Marcus. Payback is a beautiful bitch,” he said moving his eyes to Emily. Slowly while leering intensely his gaze traveled suggestively over her body.

“Oomph.” A solid fist to his stomach cured his laughter. The punch didn’t come from Brandt, but from the female alpha he manhandled.

Emily’s scent fanned through the air while her gaze never wavered from her less than gentlemanly target, “I believe the proper protocol is to maintain eye contact with another alpha.”

When Columbus could finally breathe again, a devilish grin appeared on his face. “I believe you are correct in etiquette and I apologize, Emily, alpha and mate to the alpha of the Northwestern Clan.” He made a short formal bow his eyes never leaving hers.

Brandt wasn’t worried about Emily’s sudden vehemence. Columbus deserved it and wouldn’t hold a grudge. Fighting back laughter he introduced Mandy and Caleb. Columbus kissed them both on the cheek and welcomed them to his home.

They strolled into the house and made their way to the bedrooms assigned to them. Brandt pulled Emily into his arms once the door shut and Columbus’ footsteps in the hallway faded. “Please feel free to punch any male that gets out of hand. If you don’t, I will though I won’t be quite so gentle.” His mouth nibbled on hers.

Emily pulled away with a grin. “It wasn’t gentle. I felt a crack and I’m surprised he was able to walk without showing pain.”

“He would never show pain in front of another alpha. He’ll visit Marcus and heal quickly but I’m proud of you. I was a naughty boy when I was here last and Columbus was just pushing my buttons.”

“He can push your buttons all he wants but his eyes had better remain above my chest.”

Brandt laughed and resumed their kiss but raised his head a few seconds later. “Marcus and Amy should be downstairs. Let’s go.”

He took her hand and guided her down two flights of stairs to the large gathering room. His gaze landed on Amy. She was more beautiful than he remembered. He had not seen her since she became vampire and now a menacing power surrounded her.

Not wanting his bones broke by his mate, he gave Amy a brief hug and then shook Marcus’ hand. He then gave Emily a reassuring smile and made introductions.

Marcus brought her hand to his lips for a kiss and then inhaled deeply; his eyes momentarily turning amber from the scent of Emily’s power. He slowly released her and met Brandt’s satisfied gaze, “Congratulations on finding your mate. She will strengthen Cheri’s clan and add joy to your life.”

Amy hugged Emily tightly. “Forgive Marcus; he believes formalities must be observed. I’m trying to get him over his boring habits.” She winked at Emily and then gave a slight shriek when Marcus jerked her off balance pulling her in close for a heart stopping kiss.

Columbus stood by silently though he did roll his eyes at the display of affection his pack put up with continually.

A new voice challenged from the front door. “Aren’t you past the kissy-kissy stage yet Marcus? It’s been months and the rest of us shouldn’t have to put up with your constant exhibition of sexual play.”

Nicolas, the Eastern pack alpha, was standing in the entry hall.

Emily stared unable to take her eyes off the new wolf. Where Brandt and Columbus held their alpha power tightly in check unless needed, sizzling energy leached from Nicolas’ pores consuming the room. He stood over six feet tall, lean, but muscular. Dimples appeared with his grin though his gray eyes took in the room with deadly intensity. Marcus told her of his friend but failed to mention he was drop dead gorgeous.

Brandt, knowing the effect Nicolas had on women, pulled Emily close keeping her out of the other alpha’s arms. This was his gentle way of reminding her who she belonged to and taking her focus off the conceited scoundrel.

“A little possessive I see.” Nicolas said with his devilish knowing grin.

Brandt loosened his hold slightly, “No, my mate will get over your pretty boy looks soon enough. She cracked a few of Columbus’ ribs earlier and she has my blessing to break your nose.”

Nicolas’ sensual laugh filled the room. He knew not to push the newly mated pair too far but he would enjoy giving a nudge here and there at his friend’s expense. His eyes went from Brandt to the she-wolf. “Warning heeded.” Nicolas reached for Emily’s hand and gently squeezed her fingers. “It’s a pleasure to meet the woman who tamed Brandt. I’m sure Columbus was pleased too.”

Columbus came forward and gave Nicolas a brotherly hug. “I was lucky; Amy took pity on me and was willing to help heal my injuries.” His eyes met Emily’s. “For shame though, that was our secret. I didn’t think you realized what you had done.”

“Thomas taught me how to stop inappropriate wolf behavior. You made a good practice session.”

The entire room filled with laughter and conversation flowed allowing the pack alphas to solidify their friendships. Finally, Marcus announced that dinner was ready. More pack wolves entered through the front door. They all made their way toward the double doors of the dining room.

Emily didn’t immediately understand why everyone stopped but then the beastkind odor hit her nostrils. It was familiar and a woman standing in the back of the room was slowly making her way to the opposite door.

“Cat,” growled one of the wolves.

The female let out a terrified whimper.

A man suddenly pushed Emily forward trying to get past her. With no hesitation her hands grabbed material and muscle. Using little effort she tossed the offending wolf against the wall and sprang forward placing herself between werewolves and the frightened cat.

Amy was suddenly beside Emily and reached her hand back to reassure the cowering woman. “Thank you Emily for your help. Zenya is part of this household and nurse to the babies. If anyone has a problem with that I ask you to leave immediately. A car will return you to the airport. If anyone hurts what is mine, I,” she looked at the protective she-wolf beside her, “or Emily will kill you.”

Nicolas picked his unhappy wolf up from the floor. “Go to the car, you are returning to our home and don’t let me see you for a while or we will finish this--- discussion alone.”

Head down, but with angry strides, the man walked out.

Nicolas softened his voice, “I am sorry my dear. We are all surprised at the beauty before us and one of my wolves lost his head. I think one of Brandt’s wolves had the dubious honor at our last gathering.” His steady alpha power turned into a soothing stream. “Are you joining us for dinner?”

For maybe the first time in his life his effect on women missed its mark.

The she-cat gave him a quick discourteous glare and then lowered her eyes back to the floor. “Nn-no, I was helping to set the table. I must get back to the children.” She rushed swiftly from the room.”

“Well Marcus, you never cease to amaze me,” said Brandt. He placed his arm around Emily’s troubled shoulders and kissed her gently sending a calming message to her mind. “It’s okay. We would not allow her to be hurt.”

The anxiety in Emily’s eyes slowly faded. He pulled out two chairs keeping their fingers laced while they sat down.

Everyone else was finding their own seat at the oversized clan table. The additional pack wolves made their way to the kitchen. They had been here before and knew there was a great meal waiting and an opportunity to catch up with their allied friends.

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