Emily's Story (18 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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She grinned at her mate and received a wicked smirk in return.

Samson and Maggie would be in a suite across the hall and two other males, Jordan and Morris, stayed further down the hall. Their job was to run interference, make sure everything ran smoothly, and alert Brandt to any trouble coming their way. Samson and Maggie were exclusively on close wolf sitting duty.

Emily looked longingly at the large tub.

“No, we’ll have time for that tonight. For now, I want to take you shopping. You will enjoy my surprise more if you have the proper clothes.”

“You promise that we can share the bath tonight?”

His kiss was gentle, “I promise.”

Samson and Maggie met them in the hallway. Jordan and Morris followed a short distance behind. The limo was waiting and Larimer Square was their destination.

Brandt kept a tight hold on Emily’s hand. He knew the crowds would be difficult. He released some of his own scent to help soothe her nerves.

She gave him a grateful smile understanding what he was doing.

“I’m here. My arms are waiting and if you cuddle close to my chest, it will ease some of the strain.”

He stopped on the sidewalk and she gave him a quizzical look. Bringing her into his embrace, he hugged her tight and whispered in her ear, “See, we can do this any time you need.” His gaze burned hotly into hers.

Samson and Maggie understood and gave Emily some space keeping humans from getting too close when possible. They found a small non-crowded boutique where Emily could shop without being overwhelmed.

Maggie asked Brandt to go with Samson and get a beer while the women did their thing. Emily’s anxious eyes turned to Brandt but she gave him a slight smile. “Go on, I can do it but don’t go far.”

Brandt was unsure but knew she needed to try. Placing a brief kiss on her lips, he left with Samson.

Maggie waited until the two men were gone before whispering to Emily, “You need some girly items and the men don’t need to be around. I won’t hug you but I’ll help if you begin to panic.”

Surprised, Emily looked at the other woman. “How?”

“I have some great raunchy jokes about men and they’re good for releasing tension.”

Emily laughed and had to ask, “Okay, tell me one, please.”

“What did the elephant say to the naked man?”

The look Emily gave her was not what Maggie expected. “Do you know what an elephant is?”

“Brandt showed me one on the internet, gray, long nose right?”

“Yes, now let’s start over.”


“What did the elephant say to the naked man?”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s cute but can you pick up peanuts with it?”

It took Emily a moment and then she started laughing.

“See, I can help you relax and I have a million men jokes.”

“You don’t like men?”

“Hmm, there are a few things men are really good for. But, most of the time I only tolerate them. Now let’s shop or your man will come back and we won’t be finished.”

Emily needed everything; lingerie, evening wear, jeans, t-shirts, and shoes. Maggie had a good eye and helped choose colors to accent Emily’s hair and skin tone. After a childhood hating shoes Emily purchased hiking boots, stilettos and everything in between.

Maggie talked Emily into some fun lingerie with the promise that Brandt would enjoy them more than Emily. Maggie pointed out a classy pair of jeans and told her she needed them for her surprise. Emily chose three inch heels and a lace, partially transparent cream shirt to wear over a rose colored corset.

Emily wanted comfort clothes too. She chose sweats and flannel pants along with shorts and sun tops. She had the most fun picking out five pairs of colorful flip-flops. The two women received royal treatment and shopped unhampered by bags since delivery to the hotel was part of the service. The men joined them in the early afternoon and they went to a café and ordered a large lunch.

The women spent the rest of the afternoon getting their hair, nails, and toenails beautified. Still excited by their day but with energy on the wane they arrived back at the hotel at five. Emily wanted to take a short nap but was unable to rest due to the excitement of the day and concern that she might squish her updo. Brandt sat on a large luxurious couch and pulled her over. “Lie here and I will make sure your hair isn’t mussed. Take a nap so you can enjoy a night on the town and not fall asleep for your first real date.”

If I lay on the couch with you and nap, won’t that be what I’m doing?”

“Imp.” He said and gently pulled her down.

A little over an hour later she woke to soft kisses and whispered longing in her ear. “It’s hard having you lay here when I can’t run my fingers through your hair. You had better get up before I break my promise and undo your stylist’s hard work.”

Emily kissed him and then jumped up, instantly communicating to Maggie that she needed help with her makeup. The she-wolf had promised to assist Emily in getting ready. The two of them laughed and kicked Brandt into the suite across the hall to get his own clothes on. The men were to meet them down at the bar in an hour.

The corset pushed Emily’s breasts up. They spilled lusciously over the silk edges. The heels gave her added height and the entire effect was that of classy seductress. Her sapphire necklace was a little much for jeans, so the long curve of her neck was bare. Their sensitive noses did not allow the use of human perfume but any beastkind within a hundred yards would smell the essence of the mated pair.

The women took the elevator down to the ground floor. Maggie wore jeans with a silver studded black sleeveless t-shirt displaying her toned arms and outlining her figure. The top ended two inches from the hip hugging jeans and accented her defined abs. The effect was lethal sensuality.

They crossed the expansive lobby drawing the attention from every man they passed. Emily didn’t take a deep breath until she finally saw her mate.

Brandt’s eyes darkened when her scent invaded his thoughts and then went black when he saw her. She would be beautiful in a burlap bag but tonight she was seduction on a stick and he wanted to lick every inch of her body. Standing, he pulled her into his arms. She leaned away from his mouth and batted her eyes teasingly. “Maggie said not to allow you to mess up my lipstick.”

He nuzzled her jaw and a low growl rumbled from his throat. “This is going to be a very long night.” He reluctantly pulled back but looked at her lush cleavage on display. “Are you ready for your surprise?” The husky words rippled through her body.

“Are you going to tell me what it is?”

“No, I’m just going to take you there and let you enjoy.”

She pursed her cherry red lips in a pretend pout and he was unable to resist a quick peck. She used her finger to wipe the red lipstick from his lower lip.

“Okay you guys, the mating scent is becoming a little much for us single wolves.” Samson said with a laugh.

The limo was waiting and the night began.




Chapter 20


The venue was outdoors at a large park on acres of land. Brandt wanted tonight to be special but knew Emily might have a problem with large close crowds. They removed two blankets from the limo and made their way to a secluded spot on the grass. More people arrived. Jordan and Morris sat on the blanket’s edge and added an additional buffer zone.

Excitement and unease battled within Emily’s mind. More people arrived and her nervousness increased.

Brandt pulled her back between his legs holding her tightly within his arms. Giving a gentle kiss to the top of her head he whispered, “I wanted you to enjoy some music. If this becomes too much we can leave.”

Tipping her face to look at him, she smiled. “I’ll be okay, they just smell funny.”

“It’s the perfumes. They don’t get it.” His nose nuzzled behind her ear. “Umm, you smell wonderful.”

The music began; a mix of country, jazz, and blues. Jordan left for a short time and returned with two clear plastic cups of beer handing one to Emily and one to Brandt. No one else would be drinking but Brandt wanted Emily to experience the concert to the fullest. He laughed when she made a face with her first sip of the malty liquid. “It’s an acquired taste and I’ll drink the rest if you don’t want yours.”

“You challenge me and know I’ll drink it but it’s definitely not my favorite beverage.”

“Cheers.” He tipped his cup to hers.

An hour later the music softened and a lovely melody ran through the night. Finally, she was able to unwind until Brandt stiffened and whispered into her ear, “Cats.”

He began giving rapid orders wordlessly. “Leave the blankets, stay together.” Taking Emily’s hand, he kept her to his left with Maggie on her other side. Samson walked in front of them, Jordan and Morris at the rear.

The wolves were large and people mostly cleared out of their way.

Emily concentrated on containing her panic. She remembered Brandt’s lesson on letting her wolf deal with difficult situations. Breathing deeply she looked around with her wolf senses. In Brandt’s pack history lessons, he covered a lot of the animosity between the wolf and cat clans. The hair on the back of her neck bristled.
Cats; deadly, enemies, protect.
Her wolf helped focus and the humans around them faded from her danger list.

“Good girl.” Brandt realized what she was doing, his own wolf bristling just below his skin.

They escaped the large crowd and walked quickly through thick trees. They could see the parking lot in the distance.

Three large shapes stepped from the shadows.

Brandt mentally gave his instructions, “No blood unless necessary. Let’s see what they want first.” He snapped shut his link to the other wolves and sent another message privately to his mate. “Emily, tap down on the alpha scent and try for a little nervousness, we may need you for a surprise.” He knew the cats outnumbered them. He had faith in his team and Emily; two alphas could do a lot of damage.

“Alpha of the northern clan, we are honored at your presence.” The cat’s voice held derision.”

“We are visiting neutral territory. There is no
in delaying our departure.” Waves of alpha power magnified.

“Mating does not become you. We’ve offered proper greeting. No blood has spilled.” Menace rolled through the air from the cat.

It was a new odor for Emily; off, different, not so nice.

Brandt walked forward using his hand and placing Emily behind him.

Holding back a growl was difficult, she wanted to be by her mate’s side.

Brandt’s next words threatened any peace they might have. “I believe you’re courting death before I even know your name.”

“My name is not important; there are twenty pride cats here. Your death is imminent.” The scent thickened.

Brandt’s growl was low, building. “Is this a challenge?”

For several minutes there was no response. “No, we only wanted to say hello.” The last came on a whisper and the cats melted into the night.

Blazing fire shot from Brandt’s eyes. This time, it was Emily who used her soothing abilities to calm her mate.

“Come on, we’re going back to the hotel.” His fingers grasped hers tightly.

“What was all that about?” Samson’s thoughts carried into Brandt and Emily’s minds.

“We’ll have that discussion later.” Brandt’s voice was tight, his control barely leashed.


Their conference was short. Cats were difficult to understand. Their clans worked differently than the wolves. Brandt also notified Cheri with an update on what happened. She was no happier than him.

Emily spoke little. She continued to send out soothing waves to calm Brandt.

He finally looked directly into her eyes. “You can let up now. I’m in full control.” His mouth tipped up at the corners, letting her know he wasn’t angry. This was what mates were for.

The other wolves left the suite and Brandt and Emily were finally alone. Brandt turned, placing his hands to either side of her jaw, his eyes gazing softly into hers. “This is not what I planned for your first night out.” His thumbs rubbed her cheeks and then his hands moved back, his fingers going to the nape of her neck, rubbing the tense muscles. Moving in closer, his breath traveled over her face, feathery light, and then his lips gently touched hers.

She raised her arms and rested her hands on the backs of his, her fingers holding him still. Drawing back slightly she looked up, her eyes deep blue changing to cerulean passion, her voice husky, “You promised me a bubble bath.”

“Yes I did. Shall we?”

Scentless bubble bath sat next to the large tub. He adjusted the nozzles and began filling the bath. Emily shimmied out of her jeans and shirt. When Brandt turned she was standing in her corset, garters, thigh high stockings, and four inch heels. His breath caught at the erotic sight.

“You like?” Need filled her sexy voice.

With a growl, he began unbuttoning his linen shirt, but his fingers were not working at their best. “Fuck it.” The buttons went flying and the shirt ripped at the seams. His shoes and pants quickly followed.

Emily gave a gentle laugh while watching his clothes fall to the floor. He always called her beautiful, but he was breathtaking. Her eyes followed the light trace of hair trailing down to the juncture of his thighs. Her gaze stayed there for a moment, taking in his large erection, and then traveling back up his powerful muscled chest to his strong shoulders. She hadn’t realized that she moved closer.

His hands covered the swell of her breasts. “I like,” he said in answer to her forgotten question. He dropped to his knees and moved his mouth to the juncture of her thighs. Inhaling her scent and nudging her legs slightly apart, his tongue came out. He slowly licked across the material covering her sex.

Her legs weakened and she inhaled sharply.

“You like?” His eyes sparked.

“Please don’t tease, not now.” Her voice begged.

He stood and lifted her, her legs wrapped around his waist. He bent and shut off the water, but instead of stepping in he carried her to the bed.

“If I don’t taste more of you, I’ll go crazy.” His hard husky voice left no room for argument.

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