Emily's Story (16 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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Her training began.

“You can kill a human with one blow, rip off their head with your hands, and not break a sweat. Not good. To the public eye, we are nothing more than human. And, we need to stay that way. I’ll start you on the heavy bag and show you what I mean. We will spend the last half-hour of every workout going full out. With Brandt by your side another wolf should never challenge you, but a situation may arise where you must fight and you need to know how to use everything you have. Ready?”

Lines of silver tape wrapped around the black heavy bag. It hung from a thick chain. Thomas showed her how to make a proper fist and he began striking the bag to show her what he wanted her to do. He moved over and let Emily stand in front of the bag. “Bend your knees and find your center of balance.”

Her first strike sent the bag ten feet back on the chain track. Thomas laughed and told her he wanted her to feel her own power. “Now you must hold back. It’s almost harder than fighting your own kind full-out.”

Emily was finally able to pull her punches and move the chain mere inches rather than feet. Even with what Thomas considered the light part of the workout, sweat dampened her brow and shirt.

Next was the speed bag, which caused the sweat to run down her face. Her hair was no longer damp, it was wet. Twenty minutes later they went into the ring for some sparring.

“It’s not hard when you’re calm. We will work on control when you’re angered tomorrow. That is another reason we don’t want Brandt here. He will have trouble controlling his reactions if you are feeling stressed. These lessons are important. We need to know humans are safe from you when you go out into their world.” He spoke while blocking her strikes and ringing her teeth a few times. They weren’t hard blows but he wanted her to remember to protect her face and knew the fastest way to impart the lesson was to cause a little discomfort.

Emily’s arm muscles were beginning to shake with the strain but Thomas wouldn’t let up. He barely broke a sweat.

Thirty minutes later, with a nod from Thomas, the other wolves left the gym. Emily looked around and then gazed questionably at him. “I thought you might feel more comfortable with our next lesson if we are alone.” He pulled his shirt over his head and then dropped his pants.

Emily watched until he stood naked. Brandt was a tougher version of his father. They had the same olive skin and dark brown eyes but a different kind of intelligence sparked from Thomas’. Brandt’s were more alive with his animal and the domineering force of being alpha. 

Thomas spoke in her head, “What are you waiting for? It’s time to fight using your wolf.” He shifted and then used his powerful wolf body to send her flying.

Emily’s clothes were off in seconds and she too changed forms. Thomas came at her again and she twisted and nipped him on the shoulder. The fight was on.

He changed to human and clocked her K9 ear and head.

It hurt and she quickly spun away and shifted. She was breathing hard but before she could catch her breath, Thomas came in close and landed another punch to her jaw. He caught her nose too and blood streamed down her face, “Had enough?” His voice taunted in her mind.

She shifted at the same time she launched herself. Thomas was not where she expected him to be when she landed, and she spun feeling his teeth bite into her flank. Her painful howl reverberated throughout the gym

 Two-hundred pounds of angry male alpha sent Thomas flying. He stayed down, which was smart. Emily defused the situation landing on her mate’s back and taking him to the ground. She stood with her front two paws on his side and spoke gently, “If you wanted to play, you only had to ask.”

Thomas laughed and rose to his feet to leave the gym. “I think you need to stay away until the two-hours are up. I have no intention of inflicting lasting damage to your mate, and if she grew up with us, she would have a few scars. You know she needs this.”

The large doors closed behind his father. Outside sunlight shown sparingly through small windows high up, casting shadows on the dark interior.

“You didn’t need to do that,” Her teeth circled her mate’s throat and she growled with a low rumble flexing her jaws slightly.

The body beneath her became human and his strong arms came up to grab chunks of fur and muscle on either side of her body.

Startled, she released her jaw muscles and in a blink she was airborne. Emily rolled, landed, and came up with her sharp teeth displayed.

“I thought you wanted to play?” Brandt’s voice was low. His hand came up and gave her the come hither signal.

Emily shifted, “No, you come here.”

He placed one foot in front of the other and stalked toward her. Her nose was bleeding and she had a large bruise on her cheek. He didn’t care, he knew she wasn’t seriously hurt and she was beautiful in fight mode.

Emily noticed the scent change and shifted back to wolf. “No, you don’t. You need to finish my lesson since you interrupted it.” She sent the message to his mind and danced away on four legs.

His shift was seamless. He turned and sprang in one move. His body hit hers and they came to a stop with her neck between his jaws.

“The only way this battle will end is with you on your back.” He shifted. Her body also melded to human. She was pinned. The kiss was savage. He could taste her blood and sweat. Lust overcame his anger at seeing his father hurt her. Breathing deeply through his nose, he gentled the kiss and his teeth took her lower lip, applying pressure. “I’m sorry. I’ll stay away until your training is complete tomorrow.” He gave her a soft kiss on her bloody nose. “Let’s go home and get you cleaned up.”

Emily was no longer in the mood to argue.





Chapter 18






That night Brandt spoke more about Cheri and the gift vampires give to beastkind. He wanted his queen to take care of the bruise on Emily’s face. “By drinking our blood, vampires grant us immortality. They also speed our healing. Cheri has fed from you twice and monthly is more than adequate, but you are the mate of the alpha and need to appear at your best. It is expected but must be your decision.”

“I barely remember the past two times when I was given no choice. You’re telling me I don’t have a choice again but I can refuse. That doesn’t make sense.”

“It’s part of being my mate and I’m sorry if it’s difficult for you to accept. You can refuse now since it isn’t necessary except to improve your appearance for our trip but you will share blood with Cheri over many lifetimes. If you were raised here, it would begin when you turned twenty-one unless an accident befell you and required her bite.”

“My brother and sister mentioned that I would be sent away until I was twenty-one, if it was discovered I was your mate?”

“They are right. I’m robbing the cradle with you but I can’t help myself. A wolf usually stays at home or goes to another clan until age twenty-one and then they have options. A mated pair can be together then. It’s very difficult when the mate bond is discovered early. The older wolf is in a constant state of need for the mate until he or she is at an age to allow them to bond sexually. Physical bonding without sex happens with supervision if the older wolf is having too much difficulty. But then, both wolves suffer once the younger wolf feels the pull. A wolf’s sexuality begins at around sixteen. It’s frowned upon in the human world and in ours for an old man to have sex with a young teenage girl.”

“You are the old man in this picture, aren’t you?” She smiled at him.

“Yes, I’m archaic compared to you.”

“Are we talking more than five-hundred-years-old?”

“Yes, we are talking more than that.”

“Cheri keeps you young?”

“Yes, she keeps me from using a walker to make my way around.”

“You’re teasing me.”

“Yes, I don’t like talking about your age compared to mine.”

“But what you’re really telling me is that in over five-hundred-years, you found no mate.” She could tell her words bothered him. His scent changed but it was neither anger nor passion, just different.

He swept her into a deep kiss. Suddenly, she felt the vampire’s presence. Brand’s mouth released hers. “She has a need for you my queen.”

“Thomas said he was rough on her today.” Cheri could feel Emily’s apprehension. “I’ve already tasted your blood but I’m sure Brandt has explained how it will help you heal.”

“He did, but I’m not certain what you want me to do?”

“I can drink from your arm until you are more comfortable. Most wolves prefer the neck for closer relationships. When offering to another clan’s vampire, always give your arm.”

Emily took a step toward Cheri and moved the hair from her neck without saying a word.

Cheri moved faster than a blink and her fangs entered Emily’s throat. Her eyes went amber and locked on Brandt while drinking deeply of Emily’s sweet blood. This was part of the bond all her wolves shared. She sensed Emily’s fear but the young woman was mentally and physically strong, making her perfect for Brandt. Cheri’s fangs receded and she pulled away. Emily’s eyes had drifted closed. The enzymes in vampire blood now flowed in the bloodstream of the wolf. Cheri took a step back, waiting to see what Emily’s body needed. The exchange always gave the greatest gift.

Emily walked straight into Brandt’s arms, “Take me to bed.” Her voice oozed sex.

Sheri left with a laugh. Brandt picked up his mate and gave her what she wished.


The following day brought more of the same punishment at the gym, with one difference. It was time to get Emily angry.

Thomas knew this would be tough on her. He didn’t clear out the other wolves because it would be more difficult for her to handle with them looking on. This was a test and needed to be hard. Killing a human was out of the question and she would leave wolf territory and go to the city in two days. He kept his plans for today’s workout from Brandt. His son would go ballistic. Thomas knew Brandt would sense her feelings but hoped he would keep his promise and stay away. This was a test for them both. Emily needed to be able to fight her own battles and not kill a human while doing it.

She concentrated and worked hard to pull her strikes. Thomas taught her to use her legs to trip her opponent and put them down. He checked her speed several times. She listened and understood what he wanted from her. She was a natural.

For their human session in the boxing ring, he had her put on gloves, “If your claws don’t come through the material, you’re doing well. The gloves will help you focus.” He did not glove up. The wolves circled the ring and he began with a few jabs toward her. “Slow your evasion of my punches. You can take a punch from a human and it will feel like a bee’s sting. Use your legs and take your opponent to the floor.”

She tried, Thomas didn’t go down. He pulled his punches so the few that landed were mere tickles. He had no trouble skirting away from hers and she became frustrated.

“Has Brandt told you about his mate bond with Cheri?”

Stunned, Emily put her arms down. Her penalty was a punishing blow to the jaw.

“Get your guard up. He hasn’t fucked her in twenty years but I know he wanted to.”

That was all it took. Her claws exploded through the gloves and she attacked. Her canines enlarged and Thomas didn’t have a chance. His shoulder took the first punishing bite and her nails ripped deep furrows in his side and leg. Emily momentarily saw red and she wanted that red to be his blood. Her clothing ripped and a white wolf burst completely from human skin. Thomas was down but breathing. The angry she-wolf deliberately circled his throat with her jaws.

She spoke to the mind of every wolf present. “Brandt is mine; never forget that. It doesn’t matter who came before, it only matters who tries to take him from me now. That person dies.” Emily released her sharp teeth and gave a long lick to Thomas’ face. “I think you’re finished for today but I still need my beast workout.”

An unclothed Brandt stepped between the ropes surrounding the ring. “My old man will never learn. There is only one wolf in this pack who can give you a run for your money sweetheart.”

“I don’t think sweet is the word you will use in a few minutes.” With that Emily launched herself at her mate and the fight was on.

The wolves stayed to watch. Brandt had no illusions about who they were there to see. She was his mate and his pack wanted to judge if she was truly worthy. A sharp bite to his thigh and damn close to his manhood brought his thoughts back to the fight.

Thomas got out of the way, blood trailing from deep gouges on his shoulder and leg. He was proud of her. She lost control for a few damaging minutes but managed to contain herself and think rationally. With a few werewolf babysitters she would be safe around humans. He wasn’t so sure about his son. “Emily, it’s time to let your wolf out and teach your mate a lesson for dreaming far too long about my woman.”

“Thanks old man. I hope your woman gives you a few hours of suffering before healing your injuries.” Brandt rolled to the side. Her teeth came within an inch of his nose. His wolf replaced the man and spun, catching her with his teeth and sinking them deep in her flank. She growled with pain and scrambled away. She turned human and grabbing his back leg, pulling it hard and propelling herself backward. Everyone heard the pop when the limb dislocated. Brandt turned human and using his greater strength brought her in close, rolled on top, and pinned her to the mat.

Emily stopped fighting and looked at into Brandt’s pain filled eyes. Her breathing was heavy, “You’re my mate, and I don’t care to hear about past females in your life. Do I need to kick your ass a little more to remind you?”

He couldn’t help but laugh and Cheri joined in. “It’s the middle of the night for me but I think the winner gets first choice.”

Emily rolled Brandt beneath her without resistance. She disengaged from him and stood to walk toward Cheri. She met the vampire’s stare straight on. “He is mine and I don’t care what happened before me, but if you change your mind about his father and want him back I will fight.”

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