Emily's Story (14 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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Chapter 16






They didn’t leave the cabin for five days except to let their wolves run and then only at night. A small refrigerator, complete with prepared meals appeared on their doorstep. Brandt placed it in the bedroom and refused to let Emily out of his site except for short bathroom excursions. No one bothered them and no one challenged. Gifts quietly appeared on the porch.

They talked. Emily asked unending questions about the pack, life outside the pack, and vampires. He introduced her to the Internet and explained television though there wasn’t one at the cabin. Emily absorbed everything in her amazing new world, her brain a sponge.

She craved touch and closeness and her hand or body was always rubbing his in some way. Wolves needed a pack and she never had one. Her wolf was making up for lost time.

On the afternoon of the third day, a group of men arrived and dismantled the bars on the windows. When they left, Brandt took her to the loft and out onto the balcony. It didn’t matter that the wood deck was rough; she tempted him playfully and didn’t stop her teasing until they made love. They both had a few splinters but neither cared.

Two days later, Cheri mentally interrupted their love play and asked them to attend dinner at the main house. “I need to see if your she-wolf is alive and well. Your father also wants to meet her. Tonight. Dinner. Seven. And she was gone.

“She doesn’t say much, does she?” Emily asked.

“She’s female. Once you know her, she’ll become like all the rest and never shut up.”

He got a pinch for his answer, which he rubbed before pulling her back into his arms. Later, he taught her to play backgammon and they almost made it through an entire game before she was on his lap and another game took over.

Later, she pouted prettily, “You ruined my only dress.”

“Hmm, nude would work for me but I have a surprise. A dress arrived earlier while you were taking a shower. I put it in my dad’s office closet. It also has shoes if you want to wear them.”

She ran into the office and opened the closet door. There was a long gown hanging in clear plastic. It was yellow silk. She knelt on the floor, running her fingers over the uncovered fabric at the bottom. “It feels wonderful and it’s my favorite color.” She had tears in her eyes, her voice choked.

He walked over and took an oblong black box off the desk. “This goes with the dress.” He said.

It held a necklace with delicate links, each surrounded by diamonds. At the base was a large sapphire complimented with the same diamond design. She couldn’t take her eyes from the sparkling jewelry.

“If you get naked, I’ll fasten it around your neck.” Carnal darkness shown in his eyes but his lips curved with a playful quirk.

Without taking her eyes from the glittering stones, her shirt, sweatpants and underwear dropped to the floor. He turned her around and lifted the jewels to her throat; sweeping her hair aside he attached the clasp. Turning her gently, he stepped back. His eyes blazed, taking in the curve of her neck and the color of her skin. A blush washed over her breasts and then upward.

Shy, adoring eyes followed his. Her heartbeat accelerated. His scent changed, desire swathed the room.

His voice was gruff, “When we get home, I want you just like this but lying on the bed. You’re gorgeous.” He leaned in, giving the tip of her nose a soft kiss, controlling his desire, he anticipated the hours until they returned. A smoky velvet promise belied his next words, “I’ll help you dress.”

Removing one item after another from the bag he inspected them and then placed each piece into her hands. The pushup bra made him laugh. “I don’t think you need to be pushed up but I’m sure Dom knows what she’s doing. She’s the one that choose the dress. I just told her the color.”

When the gown draped silkily over her body his eyes darkened even more. Taking her hand he tugged gently leading her to their bedroom and the large mirror. His hands came up from behind and covered her breasts, cupping and splaying over uncovered skin just above where the material barely covered her nipples.

He breathed a hungry whisper into her ear. “Maybe the first time, the dress can stay on.”

She laughed quietly her own desire burning softly but also feeling nervous. Multiple questions ran through her mind and she voiced them aloud. “What is your father like? What are you wearing? Oh, I need to try on the shoes. I never wanted to wear any but I think the dress needs shoes.” She scooped up the hem and quickly ran back into the office and opened the box. The shoes were skin tone and beautiful. “Oh.” She sighed and took them from the box.

They looked like four inch torture devices to him.

“Will I be able to walk?” She slipped them on with a smile.

“Probably not, so I’ll carry you to Cheri’s door.” Another bag in the closet held his clothes. He quickly pulled the pants on and zipped them up.

“Do men wear panties?”

He turned her way laughing. “Yes, we wear panties but we give them the more masculine name of briefs or boxers. I prefer briefs but I also like to dress so I can disrobe quickly. It’s an alpha thing but having you, it’s now a get out of my clothes quickly for sex thing.”

She smiled considering his words.

He finished getting dressed and finally put on his black loafers.

“My shoes will be more fun than yours.”

He reached down and swung her into his arms. “You wouldn’t catch me in a pair of high heels but at least I can walk through dirt and pine needles without breaking my neck. Are you ready?” He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Her heartbeat accelerated, her scent giving off a small whiff of distress but she gazed at him. “Yes.”

“You’ll like my father. I can’t believe he’s managed to stay away from his office this past week. Cheri must be keeping him busy. He’s a workaholic and a genius when it comes to numbers. He’s going to love you. If he doesn’t, I’ll just kill him.”

Her shock was instant and then she realized he was joking.

He smiled but he knew it wasn’t a joke; he would do anything to keep her safe and happy. He carried her out the door and to the house that was once his home.

The main house was three stories of windows, balconies, and grandeur. Cheri called it a chalet but to Brandt it was just a big log cabin. He didn’t see himself moving back in and decided he would have a home built for Emily. Not huge like this one, but definitely bigger than the one they were now sharing. He wanted a place they could play hide-n-seek and have more than five rooms to lose themselves in.

Brandt carried Emily up the front steps and one of her shoes slipped off. He bent over and picked it up while holding her, causing her to laugh. He took off her other shoe and hung them by the straps from his finger.

Emily brought her hands to his face. “You’re giving off the sex smell again. Can we go home?”

“No, and you better be ready because I’ll be giving off the “sex smell,” all night until we’re back in our bed making love.”

“I’d rather go home now and do it.”

“Imp; not going to happen.”

Dominique opened the door seeing Brandt lower Emily to the porch. He knelt, lifted first one foot and then the other, putting her heels on while running his fingers up the back of each leg. Cheri looked over Dom’s shoulder and laughed at the sight.

“Only you could turn shoes into sex.” Cheri’s humor was infectious and Brandt laughed too.

“I won’t be laughing later when these shoes are over my shoulders.” He stood and looked up into Emily’s red face. She was mortified so he leaned forward and kissed her tenderly.

“If kisses get you out of the trouble caused by your big mouth, I’ll rethink her for your mate.”

“You can think or rethink; it won’t change anything,” he said with a growling edge to his voice.

Cheri laughed, “Pulling your chain is going to give me some entertainment this evening.”

They entered the massive foyer and went into a larger room. Emily was captivated with everything around her. The room, decorated in
had incredible artwork on the walls and wolf sculptures displayed on each surface. The beauty held her spellbound.

Finally, she drew in a steady breath and walked to the far wall raising her hand to touch a painting. “The demons are beautiful and this one looks like Kinsee.” The picture was that of a wolf cub lying in tall grass while her mother groomed her.

Stunned silence descended.

Thomas entered the room overhearing the comment. He passed Brandt, walked behind Emily and said quietly, “Our littlest demons are our most beautiful and precious possessions.”

Emily turned instantly at the new voice.

Thomas slowly took her hand so she wasn’t startled, drew her fingers to his lips, and kissed the back of her knuckles. “I’m Thomas, father to the young man keeping you separated from your family.” He cast a sideways, discretionary look at his barely contained son who did not want another man touching his mate. He ignored the low growl. “Welcome to the pack Emily, we are honored to have you. The Goddess has given us a surprisingly wonderful gift.”

Emily inhaled his scent and scrunched her nose. “I smelled you at the cabin and your odor is similar to Brandt’s but not the same.”

“My scent has been found wanting by a beautiful woman.” He smiled and looked at his son who was clenching his hands.

Brandt moved to Emily’s side pulling her firmly against his chest. The sensitive ears in the room heard the low rumble, from deep in his throat. He rested his chin on her head and gathered her within his arms. “My old man is teasing me but playing with fire.” He glared into his father’s eyes.

Thomas’ lowered.

Brandt didn’t care that his father was with Cheri but he did care that his father was a wolf and male wolves needed to stay away from his mate.

Emily’s hands went to Brandt’s powerful biceps and squeezed gently. She felt the tension in Brandt’s hold and wanted him to know she was his.

His muscles tightened fractionally and then he released her. His hand stroked down to her backside and gently cupped one cheek through the yellow silk. He whispered in her ear, “You’re mine,” before releasing her entirely.

Thomas walked to a sideboard and took out glasses without acknowledging his son’s implied threat. “I propose a toast.” He splashed dark liquid into each glass and passed them around. “Brandt, may your mate calm you and bring you endless love. Emily, may you find peace and happiness in his arms.”

They brought their snifters to their lips.

Brandt could not take his eyes from Emily and grinned when she took a drink without taking time to scent. Her mouth and nose scrunched sharply at the taste of the strong liquor.

Seeing Brandt’s grin, she brought the glass back to her lips and downed the rest. Her eyes blazed but she didn’t choke. Though struggling, she managed to keep the repulsed expression from returning to her face.

Thomas and Cheri looked on and then they all began laughing.

Cheri said, “We’ll try some wine and start you slow. Brandy isn’t my favorite but Thomas loves the stuff. Brandt, stop challenging your mate and everyone else in the room. She will most definitely give you a run for your money.”

Brandt turned to Emily and drew her closer, his lips descending on hers. After a quick taste he raised his mouth, “Umm, the brandy tastes better this way.”

Thomas pulled Cheri close looking into her eyes his showing content and happiness for his son.

The mood was broken when Dominique announced dinner. The four separated but the couples remained hand in hand walking through the house toward the dining room.

Before they entered, heavy pounding came from the front door. No wolves had telepathically announced their presence and it took a moment for Brandt to determine who was knocking. “Emily, I have kept your brother and sister from you. I wanted to give you time. They have decided they are not waiting. I will gladly make them leave, but if you are ready they are eager to meet you.”

It was impossible for him to decipher the look on her face and all she said was, “Yes.”

“Yes you want them removed or yes you want to meet them.”

Emily did not look at her mate but walked straight to the door like invisible rope pulled her. Her hand reached the handle and pulled the door open. Mandy and Caleb were standing outside. Emily stared.

Mandy took Emily’s hand first and brought it to her nose. She inhaled the scent, closing her eyes letting the essence wash over her. Her eyes opened and filled with tears. She released Emily so Caleb could take her hand.

His eyes shown bright, “We couldn’t stay away.” He ignored the growl coming from Brandt but Emily didn’t.

Reaching her other hand to his, she brought him to her side. “I am Emily. This is my mate.”

“Two extra places have been set for dinner so everyone come in,” said Cheri from behind them.

Emily, Mandy, and Caleb continued to stare at one another and another low rumble escaped Brandt’s throat. Emily’s hand gently touched the side of his face. Going onto her tiptoes, she placed a fleeting kiss on his lips. “Stop that, you are scaring them and I would like my family to join me for dinner.”

Brandt’s gaze turned to hers. “Disobedience in the pack is not acceptable.” His disgruntled look was only a spark from full anger.

“Please.” Her eyes begged but also flashed with just a touch of power.

His eyes blazed quickly but then softened.

Standing back, he let the two wolves enter. Both their scents held fear. He needed to remember how young they were.

Brandt took Emily’s hand and walked beside her to the dining room.

Reaching back Emily took Mandy’s hand drawing her along.

Mandy was beautiful; her medium brown hair thick, falling in gentle waves down her back. She had a beguiling smile and green eyes. Caleb, at least six inches taller than the women shared his sister’s green eyes but where her body was small and compact his was large and muscular.

Brandt’s many lessons on pack dynamics reminded Emily about the younger male wolves and the trouble they had controlling their aggression. It was obvious Caleb was suffering the consequences of his age and his scent was turning from fear to anger.

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