Emily's Story (5 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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“If the pack avoids getting between me and my mate they are safe. Once the mating is complete and our blood settles, the clan will heal and I plan on being around to see to it. You need have no further fear I will attack my father.”

She knew this was the only apology she would receive so she got to the reason for her visit. “Before I returned home, I went to the murdered woman’s house. The werewolf scent is only a thin trail around the inside of the house and then leads outside unless you go to the basement. Evidence suggests she lived there since her birth but she’s the only one with complete answers. There was a toilet, small sink, a hard bar of soap, and a single towel. Clothes of various sizes filled a large plastic bin. It held several pairs of white undergarments and plain brown smocks. Cheri glanced at the woman in Brandt’s arms and her heart melted slightly. “There was a power washer outside the cell with the hose inside. It was one of the ways the woman controlled her. The other was tranquilizers. She’s wild Brandt. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

He didn’t acknowledge any of her statements with more than a low growl but said, “This woman is mine. I don’t understand why or how it happened. Maybe the Goddess my dad always speaks of is out there and has a plan. I can smell my father’s mate bond on you. It feels comfortable to me.”

Cheri held back tears. She loved Brandt though she loved his father more. She had seen blood and death over many lifetimes, and dealt death to hundreds. She always thought her heart would go to the strongest but she’d been wrong. She was more powerful than anyone around and she needed a tender touch to counteract her violent nature. An incredibly gentle man loved her. Looking back at the woman on the bed she spoke, “You are going to need help with her. I’ll come when you call. I know it seems hard but I think she might be safer in one of the cages in the basement.”

A deep growl came from Brandt and fire sparked in his eyes.

“Hear me out, damn it. She’s a danger to herself and my clan. You will need to sleep sometime. Your father will help too, but he may be unable to control her and I don’t want him dead. When you first recognized her blood, you knew what was happening and I’m sure even then it was hard to process. She knows none of our ways. She will not understand what is going on in her body and someone could die. I need to be sure everyone is safe.”

Brandt’s heart rate dropped slowly. The need to protect his mate from Cheri eased. “Move my father into the house and I’ll have the wolves ready his cabin. We can bar the windows and secure the doors. She needs to see outside. She’s been imprisoned down in a basement, how much sunlight has she seen in her life?”

A minute went by while Cheri silently communicated her needs to Thomas. “It’s done. Your father will organize the pack and have the cabin ready in a few hours. They will weld the bars quickly. Do you want a cage inside?”

“God no, the bars on the windows will be enough. I’ll make sure the pack knows to stay away after the work is complete. Thank you.”

“Thank me after you have her under control.”

A slight chuckle escaped him, “Hell, she’s alpha, I may never have control again.”





Chapter 7






Running the warm washcloth over her body, Brandt memorized every curve. He replaced the cloth with his callused fingers and learned the feel of her skin. His nose followed his hands. Her essence soaked into his pores and continued to make his heart thrum. She was malnourished and each rib protruded under her tissue-like silky skin. Her hair was a mess and saturating it with conditioner would be the only way to get the snarls out but it could wait. Even dirty the strands were such a light color; almost white like her fur. It would be a shame to cut it. She continued to sleep through his ministrations.

An hour later, the tensing of her body told him she was awake and then unsurprisingly her unclothed body shifted to wolf. Low growls came from her throat. He waited patiently just watching her. Without warning, lethal sharp teeth tried to eat him. Her snapping jaws were a hair’s breadth from his face and it took all his strength to hold her down. He stayed in human form and spoke soothingly, “You’re safe here. No harm will come to you. Relax and control your breathing.”

It was obvious his words had little effect and she continued to fight. With both arms straining, he managed to keep her on the bed. He racked his brain for some way to calm her. A far off memory of his father holding him when he was a young child filtered through his mind. The humming melody of Somewhere Over The Rainbow vibrated from his vocal cords and filled the large room with the melody. He knew the wolves in the house could hear him but he didn’t have a chance to feel uncomfortable because her heart rate slowed and her limbs relaxed. Finally, loosening his grip, he rolled to the side and gazed into her terror stricken blue eyes.

Human skin replaced white fur, her breathing became more erratic. Her eyes flashed around the room and he knew she was looking for a way to escape. Calculating the distance to the door, she looked at him and back at the closet. He knew laughter was not a good idea but his lip quirked slightly. He could interpret every expression on her face while she deliberated her options.

Then, horrified eyes looked downward. Seeing her nude body she closed her eyes tightly. He expected her to revert to wolf form but she didn’t. Tears fell leaving damp trails down her cheeks but other than loud breathing she made not a sound. After the quick moment of reprieve, she kicked out and then her fingers scored his face. Having no choice, he rolled over and pressed her into the mattress. His hands clasped hers and brought them above her head.

She growled using her human vocal cords. His heavier body strained to keep her down. “Please give me cover.” Her voice was horse and unused.

Communication was a good sign and Brandt felt relief that she could speak. Her nakedness should be the least of her problems under the circumstances but he was game for whatever helped calm her. “I’ll put the blanket over you if you’ll stop fighting. I’m not going to hurt you but I don’t need your claws damaging my pretty face more than they already have.”

Slowly, the tension eased from her body. Releasing his grip, he rolled to the side. Her eyes were open again and he calmly reached for the blanket and pulled it over her. Her knees immediately came up to her chest and she turned her face into the bed. The trembling of her body shown from under the covers and he wasn’t sure what to do next. Remaining quiet seemed like his best course of action.

Several minutes later, his father sent him a message that his cabin was ready. This caused another dilemma. He didn’t move and his voice came out barely a whisper, “We must change locations. I have a place with windows so you can see outside.” She didn’t move and he looked around the room at the heavy rolling shutters that electronically closed during daylight hours and darkened his room. He spent very little time here except to sleep so it never bothered him. If his mate was going to be happy, she needed sunlight and a taste of freedom.

Trying again, he released a small amount of his alpha energy trying to coax her into feeling safe. “I need to carry you but you can stay inside the blanket with your eyes closed if that will help.” His whispered words neither calmed nor seemed to startle her.

With no verbal response or movement from under the shroud except for her shaking, he sent a mental message back to his father to check on food for the cabin.

“Everything is in place.”

“I’m moving her.” he responded, “Clear everyone from the trail and tell them to stay away from the cabin until I say otherwise.”

A moment later his reply came, “It’s done. Cheri is sleeping. Do you think you should wait for Cheri’s help when the sun goes down?”

“No, I want my mate to see the sun and trees. It’s important.”

There was no further communication. Moving to his knees he looked at the lump beneath the blanket. “I will carry you. You’re safe. There are clothes at the cabin and you will be able to shower and dress. He moved to scoop her into his arms feeling her body tense. He began humming the same melody from before and she allowed him to pick her up. With her head buried in the blanket, he carried her straight downstairs and out the front door. The cabin was more than a mile away. He walked the thick wooded path with swift strides. Her body tensed immediately before she changed shape and her wolf form struggled out of the blanket twisting from his arms and leaping to the ground. He prepared for this earlier by changing into sweatpants and a t-shirt. He quickly shed his clothes while watching her run. She wasn't fast and her strides were awkward, but she was beautiful and she was his. Dark fur covered his body and four legs swiftly gave chase.

Emily ran. This was the second time she intentionally called her demon and it cooperated by charging through the trees just wanting to get away. Suddenly her body froze. A young child was in front of her. She was tiny, beautiful, and miraculous. Lowering her demon’s body to the ground so she wouldn’t cause fright, Emily looked at the child with reverence. Two green eyes sparkled and met Emily’s.

A sing-song voice came from the tiny human, “Oh, do you want to play?” The dress lifted over her head and human nakedness swiftly changed to a small brown monster.

Heart stopping panic seized Brandt when his mate’s screams shattered the quiet afternoon. Kinsee, one of the few cubs in the pack was standing in her small wolf form, her large eyes stricken with terror. Immediately he shifted to human, ready to tackle his mate.

Suddenly, she backed up and made to scramble away. He caught her in an iron grip. She changed into her human form and fought savagely to get away.

“Demon, demon!” She screamed, her hands pummeling Brandt.

A terrified and crying Kinsee ran off.

He tried to stop the thrashing of arms and legs and using his greater strength, pulled her back hard against his chest. It didn’t stop her struggles so he did the only thing he knew to subdue an out of control she-wolf. His teeth took hold of her neck where her smooth skin joined her shoulder. He didn’t draw blood but his mouth was firm enough to make her freeze. He groaned. His growing erection was becoming uncomfortable and impossible to hold back. Having her body this close with naked flesh to naked flesh was unbearable.

Emily sensed his distraction. Twisting, she broke his grip and brought her knee between his legs allowing her to get away.

“Oomph,” the air left his lungs. His arms released her going to his damaged manhood.

Cheri appeared in front of his panicked mate. Her fangs flashed and the screams of demon began again. Brandt, breathing hard, walked gingerly forward. Cheri lunged and caught the girl in an unbreakable grip. Her fangs sank into the soft neck and quickly gave much needed oblivion. The vampire laughed while shading her eyes with one hand, blocking the sun to look at Brandt.

“If you need help with healing your injury, come to the house after the sun goes down.”

Cheri flashed away and he reached out for his mate, barely catching the deadweight of her body before she hit the ground. He picked her up and began walking to the cabin once more. His gait was tentative but he no longer had to worry about his body’s sexual response. He gave a soft chuckle but then the smile disappeared. What had gone on in her prison for all those years? She thought a child a demon. He understood her reaction to the vampire, but Kinsee had turned into a werewolf. It should have brought about fascination, not terror.

Seeing the cabin ahead, he grimaced at the bars on the windows. Sadness and rage twisted inside him but he knew they had to keep her contained. He also needed her name if she had one. Calling her mate worked for him but he doubted she would like the sound of it if she knew what it meant. He entered the small structure and went to his father’s bedroom. His dad’s and Cheri’s scents permeated the room. Before today, it would have destroyed him but now he only noticed in passing. Thankfully, the sheets were clean and smelled of fabric softener so he pulled the top one back and laid her on the bed. He was hungry and knew she must be starving. His eyes again took in the sight of her defined ribs. It was easy to detect in her scent that she hadn't had enough meat in her diet. Werewolves could survive with little meat, but it made them weak. The twinge between his legs reminded him that he should be happy she was not at full strength. But, it angered him that she was deprived of the food her body craved and needed most.

Using the time while she slept, he cooked. It wasn’t something he normally did but he was capable of cooking up a steak when required. He grilled two large steaks and baked some potatoes. While they heated, his thoughts drifted to hunting and hoped she could be by his side the next time he let his wild run free. She needed to feel the thrill of the hot blood of a kill and understand what she was. They had a long way to go but he had no doubt they would make it.

The sun was going down when he heard her roll over in the bed. He left the kitchen and walked to the bedroom. Damn it, he needed a name. Looking into the room he saw her startling blue eyes were open.

Emily’s mind slowly made its way back from unconsciousness and she found herself in another strange room. She took long deep breaths while her eyes took in her surroundings. A noise made her look toward the door. He was standing there, large, his shoulders nearly reaching the width of the door and he was so different from her, so…something. She didn’t understand why she was grateful to see him again when she knew she had to get away. His penetrating eyes met hers and his deep voice sent an unexpected ripple through her body.

“We’re at your new home. I’m cooking dinner and it’s almost ready. There are clothes on the dresser. They’re only sweats but with your change happening so often, it’s for the best.” He backed away and returned to the kitchen.

She looked around the room again and gingerly got to her feet. She saw the clothes he spoke of and quickly put them on. Glancing around, she could see a shadowed opening opposite the door with a cloth covering. Walking to the possible escape route, she pushed away the cloth but met resistance beneath. She could see the other side.
Her hand came up to her chest and her breaths became agitated and the room swam around in front of her eyes. A cage was once again her world and her demon needed to kill again.

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