Emily's Story (15 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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Brandt looked over his shoulder and let the other wolf know he was putting off the wrong odor to his mate. He stopped at the entryway to the large room, his eyes piercing into those of the young wolf.

“Do you have something you wish to say Caleb?” Brandt’s voice was tight and he let a touch of alpha temper release from his pores.

Caleb immediately looked down.

Brandt finally let up on his scent because he was afraid the other wolf was going to drop to his knees. He also sensed exasperating sparks from his mate.

Caleb’s voice was shaky, “I shouldn’t have disobeyed my alpha, but we could not stay away.” He glanced up briefly but quickly lowered his eyes. “If Emily lived among us and you claimed her for mate, she would have been sent to another clan until she was twenty-one. I had to be sure she was okay.” His nervousness increased and his words ran together.

Inhaling a deep calming breath, Brandt placed a kiss to the inside of Emily’s hand then nipped the soft pad of her thumb. She needed to trust him. Turning back to the other wolf he reined in his irritation, “Emily is mine. I will kill anyone who tries to take her from me, but I understand your need and later I will let the three of you visit alone.” He looked to Emily to see if she agreed. Her smile was all he needed.

“Let us eat. If my she-wolf is not fed, she becomes grouchy.”

The tension dispelled and everyone took a seat. They shared more wine and enjoyed the food and conversation. Thomas and Brandt discussed finances and Thomas said he would need to retrieve some records from his cabin.

“You and Emily are welcome back here at the main house but if you wish you may have the cabin.”

“I’ve decided to have a home built, but we will probably stay at the cabin until it’s finished. Thank you.”

“You’re building a home?” said Emily.

“Yes, if you don’t mind. I need roaming room and I would love to build a house for you. I want us to design it together and make something we both want.”

Emily’s burning smile caused the mate scent to roll off Brandt and fill the room. Her face reddened.

“You are embarrassing her in front of her brother and sister. Somehow you need to find a way to control yourself while in polite company.” Cheri said but then the unmistakable scent came from her own mate and she folded her napkin and placed it on the table. We either eat dessert or end our party sooner rather than later.”

“Brandt promised me time with my family and I’m not leaving without speaking with them.” Emily’s gaze traveled to her mate.

He swallowed his threatening growl and his lips quirked. Having Emily out of sight even for a short time was going to be hard. However, he knew that her wishes came first in this instance and he would survive.

“I’ll have dessert served to the three of you in the den and Thomas, Brandt, and I will discuss a few things needing our attention.”

Emily stood but Brandt pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss before releasing her to go with her siblings.

Thomas began speaking but opaque alpha eyes followed his mate from the room. He tried to pay attention to the conversation but knew he wouldn’t feel calm until Emily was where he could see her.

Caleb entered the den first holding the door for the women and then shutting it behind them. Mandy dropped to her knees in front of Emily and buried her head against Emily’s legs.

Emily gazed at Caleb helplessly but Caleb was fighting tears. The longing in his eyes saying he wanted to be on his knees with his sister.

In a choked voice he explained, “Family is everything to wolves. The two of us were united when we were young and have been with each other ever since. Now we have you and it’s hard to keep from rubbing our bodies with yours and sharing our combined scents.” He looked down at his sister with adoring sibling love. “Mandy and I slept in the same room until we were young teens and she still sneaks in and lies at the bottom of my bed when she’s upset. Forgive us for pushing our way into your evening but we could no longer wait.”

Tears formed in Emily’s eyes and slowly they made their way down her cheeks. She sank to her knees beside Mandy and placed her arms around her sister’s shoulders.

Caleb was suddenly there, kneeling on the floor, his larger arms around both women.

Mandy sobbed while Emily held tight, and Caleb gave comfort.

Lifting a tear stained face and looking at Emily, Mandy spoke pleadingly, “Can we change?”

“Please Emily. Our wolves need to scent you.” Her brother’s longing was evident.

“Yes.” With all the years of her life spent hiding what she was, she would never stand between anyone and their beast. Brandt taught her to love and find glory in her wolf.

Caleb shed his clothes and Mandy followed. They shifted before the falling material settled. Both wolves were all over her, licking her face and arms, and sniffing her body. Emily couldn’t help but laugh.

At a sudden sound from across the room, she looked up to see Brandt standing in the doorway. Her look was unsure and worried about his reaction.

“I forget how young the three of you are. Do you want to change? We can skip dessert and run.”

The look on her face gave him her answer. He walked over and helped her slip off her shoes. He knelt down, lifted her gown, and brought it over her head. Wasting no time, she removed her bra and panties. Brandt shed his outerwear his shift following hers. He turned and headed for the front door, which Dom opened for them.

“Will Thomas join us?” Emily spoke into his mind.

“No, they have other pursuits. This is for you and your siblings. I’m sorry, but I’m not yet able to let you run alone. I need to be near you.”

Brandt stopped and his snout rose into the air. He let go with a loud howl. Caleb’s followed and then Mandy’s. It was more than Emily could stand and hers rang through the night. In the distance fellow pack members answered their call.

“Who can keep up?” Came Brandt’s challenge.

They ran into the night.






Chapter 17






When they tired of running, Brandt and Emily left her siblings at their own home and then continued to the cabin. On the porch, they changed back to human and went inside. He noticed that Dom had neatly folded the discarded clothing they removed before their run and left them on the new coffee table she had brought over after Emily’s display of temper. On top of the clothing rested the necklace.

Picking it up, his desire ignited. “You promised me this, you naked and the bed,” his husky voice intoned.

He followed her to the bedroom.

She turned away, allowing him to secure the clasp. Her need permeating the air, she crawled onto the bed. Before she could turn over he pulled her legs toward him. She landed gently on her stomach. Peering over her shoulder, she watched him. With infinite slowness he trailed soft moist kisses from the arch of her foot slowly up the length of her body. His other hand massaged her calves and then the backs of her thighs. His lips traveled higher. Finally, his warm breath blew out lifting loose hair from her partially covered face so he could bring his lips to hers. Lifting his body, he shifted her to the side and then rolled, bringing her body over his.

She pushed up slightly. The heat of her eyes burning into his.

“This is a perfect memory to cherish,” he said with a deep throaty groan.

Her breasts hung down, the sapphire necklace swaying between them.

Passion ignited.

She lifted the lower half of her body and brought the warmth of her sex to meet and then surround his. Setting the pace, she slowly lifted herself up and then back down.

His hands moved to her hips but she fought the gentle coaxing of his grip to make her move faster. He accommodated her need and relaxed his hands though need burned through his blood. His face showed tightly leashed desire. His eyes drilled into hers.

Her body found its own rhythm and the musky spice of her mating scent filled the room.

When her inner muscles began pulsing in release, he rolled them over. Trapping her beneath him, his passion unleashed, and his erection thrust hard.

Her fingernails raked down his back. He shouted her name and their cries filled the night.


One day flowed into the next. The weeks passed in happiness and contentment. Emily spent hours learning to read. Brandt downloaded several programs on his father’s computer to help her progress more easily. When alpha business took Brandt’s time, she went to the main house and watched television. She absorbed large pieces of the world she never knew existed.

Food was another thing she couldn’t get enough of. Her reading improved and she began cooking and experimenting with simple recipes but her favorite remained barely seared steak.

Every day, she explored the green forests surrounding the cabin. Brandt had art supplies delivered but she had yet to use them. She didn’t know what was holding her back but her mate seemed to understand the things she couldn’t put into words.

Late one night, while running through the forest, Brandt tackled her and after shifting to human they made love beneath the stars. When their breathing slowed, his fingers threaded through her hair. His other hand made slow circles over her sweat dampened skin. He didn’t still his touch when he said, “Friends of mine are getting married, and they invited us to the wedding. They live quite a distance from here and we will fly to attend the ceremony.”

“They know of me?”

“No, but they soon will. They invited me through Cheri, which is the proper protocol. Our queen won’t attend but it is expected of me.”

“We will fly?”

“Yes, the clan has a private plane. I will take several of the pack’s wolves too. The proper number is ten. We’re mates and count as a single entity so nine other pack members will go with us. Before we leave I will take you shopping to buy you clothes. Humans have a thing called a birth certificate that you need too. We have the means to get one and to establish a past for you but it must be handled in the city. Will you come with me?”

“We can fly in the air in a metal bird?”

He could tell she hadn’t heard anything else he said. “Yes, and you will love it.”

“Can Mandy and Caleb go with us?”

He smiled, “Gregor, their father won’t be happy about them going to the city during your first trip but he shouldn’t have a problem with the wedding. I will make up the rest of our party with strong pack members.” Twirling his finger through her hair, he continued speaking, “When we attended the naming ceremony of the Central Clan, one of my younger wolves got out of line. The fault was mine and wouldn’t have happened if my head was out of my ass. We need to make up for my last visit.”

He kissed her gently, soft nips falling to the side of her mouth until he bit down gently on her lower lip. He inhaled deeply, loving the smell of her wolf, her human skin, and sex. Just on the edge he could smell slight apprehension.

“You’ll like Marcus and Amy. Marcus recently turned her to vampire and she is Marcus’ mate. The mate bond of Vampires is different than ours but just as powerful. Wolves don’t have weddings, we have always been part animal. Vampires were once human and remember that time. I think you will enjoy our visit.”

She smiled gently into his eyes, her scent calming. “I will enjoy anything with you. Right now though, I’m hungry.”

His rich laughter filled the night. “My mate, you are always hungry. A midnight snack is waiting in the kitchen but I get my snack when we return to our room.” He laughed more when she changed form and raced for the cabin on four fast legs.


The following morning, Brandt informed her she would begin training in self-defense with his father.

“Your wolf-self will learn the more it runs free, but your human side must learn control too. We are stronger than humans and if confrontations occur, we must remember to contain our strength and protect our secrets. Pack/human interaction training usually starts at an early age and you must learn too. I know you will catch on fast and my father is the best person to prepare you. He is not the most dominant wolf but he’s a killer in a fight. I also don’t want another male scent on you. It will drive me crazy. You have already absorbed my father’s scent by living in this cabin. I think I can control myself after he touches you. I have other concerns I must take care of and I’ll stay busy while you train.”

“When will I start?”

“I was thinking we would take a warm-up run and then I’ll leave you at the gym. We’ll run as wolves but clothing will be waiting for you when we arrive.”

They left the cabin and Brandt took her through a rougher course than usual. Other werewolves and pack mates in human form were interspersed throughout the area and going about their normal day, but none did more than glance up when the two streaked past. They were cautiously accepting Emily. Brandt took her to a small canyon and scaled an incline of rocks. On four legs, Emily was becoming more stable and tackled the loose rocks and steep incline with little difficulty.

After the canyon, Brandt led her to a large metal barn. It smelled of sweat, blood, and wolf. The double doors were open and they went directly inside. There were other wolves within but Brandt ignored them and led her to the showers and some shelves that held clothing. They shifted and both dressed in sweats.

“I’ll leave you with Thomas and come back in two hours. Will you be okay?”

She saw the concern on his face. She knew it would be a long two hours without him but she would survive. “Yes, but don’t forget me.”

He pulled her close and kissed her passionately then breathed deeply of her scent. “It would be no different than forgetting to breathe.” He took her hand and led her to his father. He said nothing just walked away.

“He’ll be okay. He’s alpha and life should be hard.” Thomas smiled at her. “Come on and I’ll introduce you before I kick your ass.”

She appreciated his teasing knowing he would never seriously hurt her. One by one the wolves welcomed her. They did not meet her eyes for more than a heartbeat but she detected no animosity, only the same curiosity she felt.

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