Emily's Story (24 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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Instantly, Emily’s voice became angry, “She wouldn’t do that. She loves those babies and she loves Amy. I saw it with my own eyes. Is she okay?”

“Amy and Marcus feel the same way you do. I’m not convinced and there’s a lot of disagreement right now about what to do. Zenya’s safe at the moment.”

“No, she is safe period. We will not let anything happen to her.” Emily moved her upper body away from Brandt so she could look straight at him.

He gave a long sigh, “Nothing will happen to her.” He pulled her back and held her close for another hour.

Emily’s bladder finally protested and Brandt helped her to the bathroom and then ran a bath. He gently washed the blood remaining on her face and body. After the bath, he dried her off and against protests carried her back to bed.

Her sister and brother came in with food. Emily was ravenous and felt like she was on the brink of starvation, just as she had the first time Brandt made steak for her. He assured her that after her blood loss from the gunshot and Dmitri’s feeding it was normal to feel so hungry.

After she took the last bite, Mandy curled up on the bed and began sobbing. Caleb pulled a chair close and placed his head on his sister’s back taking Emily’s hand. “We thought you were dead. We just found you and thought you were gone.” Caleb’s devastation broke Emily’s heart more thoroughly than Mandy’s tears.

“Shhhh.” Emily held them both and shared her own silent tears.

Brandt sat on the opposite side of the bed allowing them to grieve.

Finally the tears slowed and they lay quietly. Weeks before Brandt explained that wolves needed touch and now she understood.

The door opened and Dmitri stuck his head in. “Brandt, I need to have a word with you.”

Brandt looked at Dmitri and reluctantly stood. Placing a soft kiss to the inside of her palm, he followed the vampire from the room.

The three siblings fell asleep.

When Emily opened her eyes the following morning she was alone with Mandy. Her sister was touching her with one hand and hogging the sheet. Emily quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. After brushing her teeth and putting on a bathrobe, the only item of clothing she could find, she left the room and walked into the living room area of the suite. No one was there so she made her way out the door and down the hallway following the voices her sensitive ears picked up. She walked into another suite and Brandt rose from the couch walking quickly toward her. Without giving her a chance to protest, he picked her up and carried her to the couch then sat down with her in his lap. She shyly looked at the others but no one seemed to think it strange so she laid still and listened. Brandt gave her a gentle squeeze and kissed her forehead.

“Everyone will be on their guard now and attacks will be more difficult.” Dmitri’s voice was strong and direct.

“We had no idea the cats were organized or that they found vampires willing to take them.” The anger in Samson’s voice was palpable. His wild gaze shot around the room and looked everywhere but at Amy.

Brandt spoke up, “The vampires are the biggest threat. Even with three we are in for a bloody war. And, we have no way of knowing if they only have three. Incorrect assumptions will get us killed. We know they had help from prides across the southern border but confirming their numbers will be almost impossible. ”

“My bears will have more information in the next few days. I know it’s not in our nature to sit still but we need to know what we’re facing. Have you heard back from your wolves?” Dmitri looked at Brandt.

“They checked in but don’t have new information. Marcus spoke to his military connections and we can have half our men back from their service overseas if it becomes necessary. The government wasn’t happy but the last thing they want is for the public to get wind that there is a beastkind war going on. Keeping our existence quiet is their biggest concern.” Brandt’s hand held Emily’s head to his chest and he softly kissed her hair.

A sleepy eyed Mandy entered the room and the meeting broke up. Brandt kept Emily in his arms and began walking back to their suite.

“I can walk.”

“I realize that but I’ve been away from you for the past few hours and I need to hold you. Be quiet.”

Mandy giggled; a sound they both appreciated.

When they entered their own rooms, Brand turned to Mandy. “Go find your brother and tell him that food is on its way and if he wants any he had better hurry or Emily will eat it all.”

“That wasn’t nice.”

“If you don’t want to share I won’t give them any.”

“That’s going a little too far, don’t you think?” She couldn’t help her grin.

“Okay, I’ll let your sister eat but I doubt Caleb has gone very long without food.”

Caleb was shoving a piece of pizza into his mouth when he walked in behind Mandy. Brandt only raised his eyebrows as he sat on the couch with Emily.

“What are we having for lunch?” said Caleb after he swallowed his last bite.

Emily laughed full out this time.

Mandy sat on the couch with Brandt and Emily. She took Emily’s hand in hers and held tight. Emily knew they were the same age but Mandy had a sheltered upbringing and had felt safe her entire life. This was the first time she was truly scared and she needed comfort.

They ate spaghetti and Brandt’s fork lightly stabbed Caleb’s hand when he reached for the last of the bread.

“Ouch, what did I do?”

“My mate is eating the last piece of bread and it’s not up for discussion.”

Emily took the bread and split it in half. She disregarded the sour look on Brandt’s face and offered a piece to her brother. He didn’t look at Brandt, just shook his head no, and then smiled and grabbed Mandy’s hand. “The bears are playing poker. I need you for a distraction so I can win some of my money back.

“Only because they’re good looking and I need some eye candy right now,” was Mandy’s reply. The two bickered on their way out of the suite causing both Brandt and Emily to smile.

Brandt stood up, ignoring Emily’s protest and carried her to their bedroom locking the door behind them. He lowered her legs slowly to the floor and then untied the sash on her bathrobe opening the sides and slipping the material past her shoulders. It slid to the floor at her feet.

Her hands went to the bottom of his shirt and began pulling upward.

He stopped her and stepped back slightly removing his clothing himself. His hands moved up to her cheeks and lightly placed his lips on hers, kissing her with incredible tenderness.

Emily needed her mate but gentleness was not what she wanted.






Chapter 27






His broad shoulders tightened as Brandt picked her up and gently lay her on the bed. Ignoring her hot gaze, he ran his fingers through her silky straight hair and fanned it out across the sheets. He then stroked down the soft curves of her beautiful face and neck before gliding over her breasts. Dark eyes followed the path of his hands and reveled in the sight and feel of her body. His feather light touch traveled down the softest thighs on earth, past her calves, and lower to her feet where his teeth nipped the sensitive pad of her toe before giving a soft lick.

Dreamy sighs escaped her lips while she fought against her body’s need to move.

The touch of his lips slowed, revisiting every inch of her skin to relearn the taste and scent of her. Gentle bites and moist lips followed his hands, setting off tiny arcs of energy. His exploration slowly continued.

“Brandt, please.” Urgent almost begging; her voice quavered with need.

He glanced up, eyes now completely black with passion met blue. He released a groan from deep in his throat. “I am kissing and worshiping every inch of your body. Lie back and let me love you.”

Emily had never heard such desperation in her mate’s tone. Biting her bottom lip did little to keep her anxious sigh from escaping. Closing her eyes she tried to withstand his sensual torture. His mouth moved ever so slowly up and across her sensitive breasts. Finally, her searching fingers were able to grasp his erection and apply pulsing pressure along the thick pliant length.

Again his grip was uncompromising when he pulled her hand away giving a low growl of displeasure.

This time, her growl showed annoyance and matched his. She needed him buried deep inside her. She growled again.

It was her wolf that noticed the change in his scent. What she thought was gentleness and then desperation was Brandt holding tight to his beast. His restraint was at an end and she felt his raw energy charge through the room.

Ice cold rage, barely held in check, edged his words through tightly clenched teeth. His eyes drilled into hers, “I’ve seen the video. I watched you die. Even knowing you live, your death has imprinted on my mind. This, right now, is for my wolf. He needs to soak your essence into his soul and know you live. I will give you what you want when his needs are met.” He breathed in deeply exhaling more aggression. “You will let my wolf do this.” Pure male alpha power detonated with his words.

Emily knew she would die. Every nerve ending begged for release but she didn’t fight, her wolf acknowledged her mate’s need. By the time Brandt’s lips reached her brow, her moans were loud and desperate. She inhaled sharply, trying to steady herself. Lifting her arms, she clenched her fingers painfully into his biceps. Past the point of need, alpha she-wolf was taking over.

Without warning, as if she had no hold on him at all, Brandt flipped her to her stomach, his weight pressing into her back.

She instantly began to struggle.

“No, I am not finished.” The small amount of control he maintained was ready to snap.

She squeezed her eyes tightly closed feeling the sensual torment scorch through her body.

Brandt struggled with his beast. Breathing in her scent was not helping, and his wolf strained within the man. Finally the path of his mouth, teeth nipping and lips kissing, ended at her calves.

He straightened. Grabbing her legs, he thrust her thighs apart. One hand pressed into her lower back to hold her still. With his other, two fingers touched her moist entrance and then without warning plunged into her heat.

She exploded upward but he applied pressure to her middle back pushing her body into the soft bedding.

His fingers moved. Slowly.

In and out, the sweet torture continued and her hands grabbed fistfuls of cotton sheet. Her need centered on his fingers, her desire unbearable. With no warning, sharp burning fangs entered her neck at the juncture of her shoulder. She screamed and her body bucked uncontrollably. Strong hands lifted and flipped her over.

At last, past the point where she had any control, he thrust forward burying himself deep. Her fingernails dug into his back not caring about the damage. Her body throbbed, desire exploding, every nerve, every inch of her body, needing release as the heat traveled, centering between her thighs. Blood covered lips found hers and her shattering release screamed past his mouth.

His fingers painfully grabbed her hair at the base of her neck and pulled her head sharply back, his eyes savage. Words, agony to get past his elongated fangs, growled from deep in his throat. “You will never leave me.”

She would never leave. Her world centered on him. He was the water that quenched her thirst, the air that filled her lungs.

Unrestrained, his body moved fast and her inner muscles tightened around his erection in wave after wave of pleasure. She screamed again as her sex continued to pulsate.

His mouth came down hard on hers and finally his hot release exploded into her body. His growl ignited from deep in his throat. His seed found home.

Their harsh gasps slowed, becoming even. He gathered her hair into his hand and pulled her head back gently for another soul-shattering kiss.

When he finally released her she looked into his eyes and watched them return to their natural deeper shade of brown. “You never lost me, I could think of nothing but you.”

He tightened his hold inhaling her scent while letting his strained muscles ease.

She knew something more was wrong. She continued to smell his uncertainty. The damage caused by the cats had faded and the bullets had not killed her. Her thoughts were troubled but exhaustion took over and she drifted off to sleep.


Another day of waiting but Emily felt stronger, almost back to normal. She longed for home. They were all bored so her sister and brother taught her to play poker with a couple of grumpy werebears.

Caleb made introductions, “This is Honey, and he enjoys taking my money by the handful. Korep,” He nodded at the other bear, “Gives me a chance every so often but I think they both have a sixth sense when it comes to cards.” There was no animosity in Caleb’s voice and it was obvious they had all become friends.

Emily’s curiosity over the bears was difficult to hide and she took sideways glances while they played. Honey was huge and if she had to guess he was at least six foot six. Nothing about him was sweet and it was hard not to laugh when thinking about his name. His shirt appeared painted on his torso, every inch of corded muscle clearly defined. His hands were the size of sledge hammers but they held cards like delicate crystal. Brown hair kept out of his way in a ponytail fell several inches down his back. The most surprising thing about him was his lips. Belying his strength, they looked soft almost plush and had an unwavering pout.

Emily looked back and forth between her sister and this goliath. Mandy almost drooled while tension sizzled. They needed to get her home, quickly.

The other bear was slightly smaller, though alone no one would dare call him small. His brown eyes were direct, almost cold but he grinned more often than Honey. He also cast glances between his friend and Mandy. Their reaction to one another seemed to bother him the same way it did Emily. Not good.

The cards helped pass the time and also kept her mind off Brandt. Her body continued to tingle from his lovemaking the day before though the intensity of it worried her. She tried to imagine what she would feel if it was him in the video. Her wolf helped to shield the pain but if she watched Brandt beaten and shot, she didn’t think she would be thinking of a slight pain adjustment.

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