Emily's Story (27 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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Emily placed her head on his stomach while he began trailing his fingers through her hair. “I’m still angry, but that doesn’t matter for now.” She breathed deeply of his scent. It was more her home than the forest and earth, the scent more comforting. “What will happen tonight?”

Sitting up, Brandt drew her onto the couch so he could hold her. “We will mourn and celebrate the lives of those lost. The pack will sing the song of passing. Tomorrow we will meet again at the ring and speak of vengeance for our fallen.” His arms were strong, reassuring, and loving. “Parts of our combined military forces have followed the cats beyond the Mexico border and into South America. We are not prepared for a full out battle yet but we will be. We also have people checking out the cat clans to the north. We have never had difficulties with them but need to know that they will stay out of the fight. If not, we have a bigger problem on our hands. I need you to keep this last bit of information to yourself. There are leaks coming from somewhere, one or both mine, and Columbus’s pack. We don’t know.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Emily, if something happens to me you will be alpha. You are strong enough to lead our pack even if you don’t realize it yet. Every beastkind who meets you feels your growing power. That is another reason I think the cats tried to kill you. You give us strength.

“I’m only strong with you beside me. I don’t think one of us would survive without the other.”

“I know for my part you’re right but the clan needs to follow us both. Tomorrow night I want you to call the pack. When our meeting is over, I want you to call them to change. It’s important that you be aware of your strength and your wolf needs to know how to use it. Only an alpha can call the wolves to change. You will be a strong leader when I’m not with you.”

Her tone was angry when she answered. “You aren’t leaving me. I don’t care how strong I am or if I could lead. I will not do it without you.”

“We plan on attacking the cats in South America. Not today and not tomorrow but eventually it will happen. Having an alpha here gives us added protection. I don’t plan on dying but we need to fight this war and we’ll be stronger if we’re able to separate when needed.”

“We will see.”

Brandt laughed. It felt good and he squeezed her tightly holding her until the sun set.

He woke Emily from a fitful nap. “Cheri is coming.” Disentangling himself from her arms, he walked to the door.

Emily went to their room to put on clothes. When she came out Cheri voice was irritated, Amber beginning to show in her eyes.

“The northern cats are staying quiet. That in itself worries me. When the true war begins, we will be watching both borders. I am asking the European clans to send us warriors. We need more in numbers and extra muscle. If we must, we will call our entire military force home and the government can be damned.”

“I agree. The next issue is that we still have no word on Nicolas.”

“Do you think there is a chance he is alive?”

“No, not after what they did to Emily.” Brandt took Emily’s hand and brought her closer. “They would be fools to keep him alive.”

“They are fools for starting this war. Nothing but their annihilation will be the outcome. We should have taken then out months ago after they attacked Marcus.”

There was so much fury in the statement that it was hard for Emily to feel anything but assurance.

“I will see you both at the funerals tonight. I am sorry you are part of this Emily. We’ve had many years of peace and the young should not have to suffer this sorrow.”

Emily blinked and Cheri was gone.

Hours later they made their way deeply into the woods, miles beyond the last cabin. Brandt explained about the area during her earlier explorations. She avoided it when she ran and had never been close. Now, there were wolves everywhere. The only werewolves not in attendance were those left behind to guard the perimeters of their territory. Even the children were present.

With ten wolves to mourn, one person from each family spoke on behalf of the fallen.

Emily stood quietly by her mate’s side.

Each fallen pack brother and sister received their final farewell. Maggie’s father told stories of her when she was a child and muffled sobs sounded throughout the clearing.

Emily allowed her tears to fall and reached her hand for Samson applying brief pressure. She could feel his grief. It had a heavier feel and was more devastating than hers.

Cheri finally spoke and talked of the bravery of the ones taken. When she finished her short speech, it was Brandt’s turn.

Alpha power flowed through the air. “No wolf lives without a price. Protecting our brothers, sisters, and children is that price. The time for mourning ends tonight. We will sing the last song for the dead and pull their strength inside us. We are never alone, their souls forever remain intertwined with ours, and their memories will bring joy. Tonight our grieving ends. Tomorrow vengeance begins.”

The wolves quickly disrobed and fur replaced skin. Brandt’s was the first howl to ring out with Emily’s a split second behind. Cheri lit the pyres and the night filled with the cry of the pack.

The heart wrenching melody pierced the tree tops and echoed through the surrounding hills. The cry of wolves on guard for miles around rang with theirs. Pain resonated into the night.

When Brandt and Emily finally made their way back to the cabin they were both exhausted, but Emily needed Brandt’s touch.

Their love making was gentle at times and fierce at others. They finally slept when the sunrise began peeking through the windows.







Chapter 30






Brandt remained on the phone most of the following day. Emily, Thomas, and Samson worked with the information Brandt relayed to them. They were fed numbers and locations. The cats were splitting up. It was obvious they planned carefully and tracking them became almost impossible. Their spies found no information on the vampires leading them and they could be anywhere including across the ocean. There were rumors that the cats disposed of Nicolas’ body before crossing into Mexico. Several teams continued searching.

In the late afternoon, Cheri woke and let them know she would be down shortly. When the last rays of sun left the horizon she joined them and immediately caught up on the latest news.

“You know Nicolas would not want anyone in additional danger to bring his body home.” Cheri directed her words to Brandt.

“It doesn’t matter, he’s not around to give orders, and he deserves to rest with his pack. The soldiers searching know this could be a setup and they are to clear out immediately if something doesn’t smell right. They volunteered. Some are the only survivors from the eastern clan. They are only alive because they were away in the military. If they have nothing to do I’m afraid they will seek vengeance on their own and not wait for us. They are young and have no alpha. Controlling them is difficult at best. We are trying to locate Ivan to see if he will help with the immediate problems and lead their pack. If not we’ll send his son Asia.”

The discussion continued for several hours. Finally Brandt took Emily’s hand and pulled her up. “It’s time. We’ll go outside.”

Samson and Dominique knew the pack was meeting but didn’t know what else to expect.

The moon was high and the night clear. Bright stars were visible throughout the night sky and twinkled between the trees. The earth’s magic was everywhere, waiting.

Cheri and Thomas were aware of the situation. The vampire took Dominique’s hand and she asked Thomas to take her other.

They walked a mile to the arena. Their surroundings seemed unnaturally quiet.

Brandt released Emily’s hand whispering in her ear, “It’s there inside you. Find it. Gather it and feel your power. When it peaks, let it go.”

Emily removed her clothing and took a deep breath. She felt the energy and pushed it up from within. It wasn’t painful but different. Unsure, she let it grow.

“You have it now my love. Focus, allow it to build. Your wolf will control it. You need to feel your wild side, the part of you that runs. Hold it until the feeling consumes your entire body.”

The power grew. Her insides clenched and vibrated. She could almost see the physical aspect of the energy. Electrical tingles spiked through her nerve endings. Her skin felt hot and she wanted to change to wolf but she held back and gathered more energy. At last it was time, her wolf knew. She severed her hold.

Dominique screamed as her knees gave out.

Cheri could feel Emily’s power explode as Thomas released her hand and dropped under the weight of the call.

“Oh shit!” Samson tried to resist but finally hit his knees with a loud groan.

Brandt remained standing and placed a hand on Emily arm. She pulled the power back slightly and took a breath.

Dominique, Thomas, and Samson struggled to stand.

Wolves appeared through the trees. Their eyes locked with hers until she acknowledged them and they quickly looked down.

Samson directed his question quietly to Brandt, “How did you know she could do this?”

Brandt didn’t look at his friend. “Why did you think she couldn’t?”

“She may be an alpha but she’s young and the ability to call the pack is usually transferred to an alpha after they win a challenge to the death.”

“She did win a challenge to the death. She killed her mother the only alpha she ever knew. She’s lived her entire life controlling her power and staying sane. She could be the strongest beastkind we’ve ever seen. When I bit her that first night and tasted her blood it was pure energy. I’ve never been around anything like it.” He then turned, drilling his eyes into those of his friend, “And she’s mine.”

Emily took her mate’s hand. She overheard his statement. “No, you’re mine.” Her eyes held a raging ocean. A hurricane swelled in their depths.

Brandt pulled her in front of him and placed his hands on her upper arms. He continued to feel the electrical charge release from her body. His hands absorbed some of it and then, finally, he combined his power with hers.

The wolves dropped to their knees, pressed down, unable to rise.

Her hot whisper released on a power filled breath, “Can you do this in bed?”

He didn’t answer but let a wicked grin escape.

Brandt and Emily’s wolves knew what to do, and the power gradually dispersed allowing the wolves to rise.

Brandt spoke, giving the updated information he could share with the pack. There was no grumbling, no challenges, and no fear, only combined unity radiated. He gave them orders to double the guards. Revolving rotations and also switching watch locations would start tonight. Their territory needed protection but the wolves also required rest. Being ready at a moment’s notice could be the difference between life and death. Samson would handle the schedules. When the wolves weren’t on shift they were to be resting or working out in the gym. If you weren’t a fighter you would be providing meals for wolves on duty. Everyone had a job to do.

Brandt continued, “We have information about the traitor who threatened our lives and killed many of our friends and family members.”

Furious anger flowed out from the pack.

Brandt looked at Emily. It was her turn to speak.

This was hard but they had discussed her words. She didn’t hesitate. “The she-cat Zenya who lived with Marcus and Amy betrayed their trust and helped plan the attack. We have ordered her immediate capture.” Slow deep breaths allowed her to continue, “If it’s not possible I want her head removed from her body, and delivered to me. Betrayal is met with death. We don’t know who else is responsible but we will discover the truth. They will meet the same fate.”

Emily let her words sink in and then inhaled deeply. She drew on the power of all the clan wolves. Feeling their combined energy, she drew it into her body. Pain lanced her nerve endings. This was more than her and Brandt’s combined power, it was everything the pack held. The energy was thick, it scorched her insides, but she continued to take more.

Finally… release. A hot and punishing wind swirled, slamming through the trees, and encircling the wolves in lava.

When done naturally, shifting from human to beast was painless. When pulled forth by an alpha, agony ruled. The stronger more dominant wolves resisted. The lesser wolves dropped, skin exploding to fur. But eventually none could deny Emily’s call and they each surrendered to their beast.

Cheri was gone, Thomas left behind. This was the time for the pack’s magic.

Brandt immersed himself in the energy coming from her body. Her power had a different feel. It wasn’t like that of other alphas. She survived where others would not. She earned the right to stand by his side and lead the pack.

When the air was thick with her power, his hand sought hers. He was withstanding the change like she had done the last time he had demanded this from his wolves. The energy now flowed between them and it was time to join the pack.

They shifted.

Emily threw her head back and began the cry of the wolves. The clearing filled and echoed as every wolf gave voice to their beast. It wasn’t the haunting cry to mourn death; it was the cry of war.


Hours later Brandt and Emily returned to the cabin. Once inside, he held her tight and let her cry.

She cried for Maggie, her mother, and Zenya.

He hoped no one delivered Zenya’s head. After her tears, he made love to her. Their power was still high and they needed to merge as one body. Their release soothed the energy and finally, they slept.





Chapter 31






Three months later…


The days, weeks, and months brought wartime changes to the clan. The pack remained on constant guard. There were small skirmishes over the border but revenge was not yet within reach and the delay was difficult for the wolves. Columbus had similar problems.

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