Emily's Story (26 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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Emily looked at her mate, the man who gave her life, the man who loved her more than life. He was beautiful, powerful, unforgiving, and incredibly stupid. Her throat released a low growl, her body rumbled with the need to strangle him for making such a senseless bargain. But, she loved him more at that moment than anything she previously felt.

The muscles of his back and arms remained tense, frozen in place like chiseled granite. He did not look up. Her body unfolded and she moved to his side.

On her knees, she placed her arms around the broad shoulders that held her, loved her, and cherished her. Inhaling deeply she gathered his scent; blood, sweat, sorrow, wolf and man. Her arms tightened. She took everything her alpha had and poured the power into her mate with her words. “I love you.”

His body moved, his arms coming around her, his head sinking into her soft breasts. “I cannot take a chance that the gods will punish me by taking you. I promised them a child. Our child.”

Moments passed.

Her voice loving though concise, “But I didn’t. You have fulfilled your promise. I made no bargain and another man will never touch me. You are my mate.”

He locked his eyes to hers, his tense facial muscles relaxed. “Emily, you need a child. Everything inside you craves a baby. I’ve seen you with Kinsee and the twins. They fill a place in your heart that Carolynn took from you. You will be an incredible mother and I will be a father who will love our child and thank the gods every day for sparing you and giving us a baby. I can give this to you. I never thought I could but I was wrong. Your life and your happiness are more important to me than anything else in this world. We have time. You can wait but we will have a baby.”

Stupid, stupid, man. Tears slowly fell down Emily’s cheeks again. She knew it would never happen. His eyes held hope and made promises she couldn’t accept. Her body shifted and blood streaked white fur replaced the woman. Using her rough tongue, she began cleaning the blood from her mate’s skin. She could not face him but she needed to be close. She let her wolf take over.

Brandt understood. He lay still while she cleaned his wounds and her scent healed his memories. At last he placed his arms around her neck, his tanned naked skin dark against her white fur. He rose and picking her up, lay down on the bed using his fingers to soothe and stroke the silk of her fur. Eventually they both fell into an exhausted sleep.

A soft knock at the door woke him. His arms continued to hold his mate’s wolf form. Brandt watched the door open a crack and Samson stuck his head slightly inside. He then stood back out of sight not closing the door, just waiting.

Carefully Brandt released her and got up gathering his pants from the floor. The injury on his thigh was painful and the pants made it worse. He left the room quietly closing the door behind him. He followed Sam to Dmitri’s suite then sat down while looking closely at the vampire. It was obvious he should still be sleeping.

His churlish words let Brandt know his displeasure. “You and your mate had a disagreement?”

“Hmmm, if you mean the fact she tried to kill me, I guess we did. I’m assuming for some reason Samson thought it necessary to wake you.” His irritated gaze sliced to the wolf in question and then returned to Dmitri. “It was a private domestic situation between me and my she-wolf.”

Dmitri let his angst go with a laugh. “He woke me because he thought you might have need of medical attention that only a vampire can provide. The bite on your shoulder is fairly deep and you were favoring your left leg when you walked in. I am at your service.”

Brandt gave a slight grimace. “I think these wounds need to heal on their own. Neither is life threatening, and my mate might be more forgiving if I show a bit of pain.”

This time Dmitri’s laughter resonated through the room. “Then I will leave for my bed while you and Sam clear the air. I don’t think my bears would tolerate a wolf in our clan and I’m tired of Samson’s moping. Do something about it.” With that the vampire walked out.

Samson didn’t look at Brandt while he spoke. “I should have gone for Emily and died in place of Maggie. My body should be awaiting a funeral pyre. But, in the split second that a decision was required, I didn’t hesitate. I protected my alpha. I don’t know if I could ever do differently.”

Brandt held on to his temper and let his wolf soothe him before he spoke. “She is your alpha too. If you had gone for her and I died, she would have killed you, make no mistake. If she died because of your choice I would kill you. Maggie did her job and so did you. Both of us need to move on.” This time he let his calming essence reach Samson.

Samson continued to look down.

“Emily is not happy with me and I need you to make nice. She needs a friend and I’m afraid her anger is not yet over. Home is calling and our wild needs to run, we’re leaving.” Brandt got up and rested his hand on Samson’s shoulder for a moment. He gave one last clench of his hand and left.

When he walked into the suite, Mandy and Caleb glared daggers at him while they ran their hands through Emily’s fur. She hadn’t changed to her human form. Before the doctor arrived, he had informed them of the reason she was coming and gave them no opportunity to talk him out of it. He could smell their anger but ignored it. His only concern was for his mate. He tried linking with her mind but she shut him out.

“We are leaving for home within the hour, be ready.” Brandt went to his room and began gathering his and Emily’s clothing. The plane was on standby. He had given instructions at the last moment because he knew they had more than one traitor within the clans and was not taking any chances. Emily remained in the other room with her siblings. Her sadness was like a thick haze filling the entire suite. Brandt spoke with the bears so they could relay his last instructions to Dmitri. He wanted Dmitri safe and with no way of knowing the number of vampires they were dealing with he worried. If the shit hit the fan his friend along with his bear clan had a home with the northern pack.

When he was notified the vehicle waited, Brandt went to collect his unhappy group.

Samson stood outside the door to the suite. His eyes remained downcast. “She’s not communicating with anyone.”

“I’m sending Mandy and Caleb out here.” Brandt turned and entered his suite.

The young wolves weren’t happy but they trudged out of the room casting worried looks at Emily.

The door closed quietly behind them leaving Brandt alone with his mate. He sighed having no idea what else he could do or say he just knew they needed to be home. “We’re leaving. I know I hurt you but we have more immediate problems right now.” Maybe if he pissed her off she would respond.

Emily walked past him and nudged the door with her nose unable to get it open.

“Fine.” He snapped grabbing their bags and turning the knob with his human hands.

Two bears walked with them through the lobby and out to the waiting vehicle. People stared at the large white dog with no leash or collar. Emily ignored them and kept her head up while walking through the luxurious foyer between her brother and sister.

The bears went back into the hotel when the SUV pulled away. The ride to the airport and the flight home were silent except for necessary instructions to the chauffeur and pilot. Security was high when they stepped off the plane. Emily remained silent. When their vehicle pulled up in front of the main house and the SUV’s door opened she jumped from the vehicle and ran.

Thomas came out front to greet them and gave Brandt an inquiring look. Mandy and Caleb walked away without a farewell. Brandt continued past his father without saying a word and entered the chateau. He went straight to the liquor and filled a large glass to the brim with Scotch.

Thomas arched an eyebrow. “Is there something I need to know?”

“Emily is not happy with me and is refusing to communicate or change form. I brought Doctor Stevens to our hotel to speak with her and I don’t wish to discuss it.” His tone was final. “Funerals?”

“All is prepared and tonight will work if that is your wish.”

“It will do.”






Chapter 29






Emily ran. She ran away from her mate and tried to outrun her confusion. The trees flew past. Her paws sank into the familiar black earth and pine needles while she ran. Time passed. Subconsciously she veered her direction finding herself at Patricia’s house; winded and lonely.

Wolfred walked outside with Kinsee by his side.

Emily’s wolf smiled.

The child’s cry of joy and then the feel of the little girl's small arms wrapping around her neck, finally opened a warm place in Emily’s heart.

“Patricia is taking a nap. The cats killed her brother Leeland and she’s taking it hard. She’s chosen to remain in wolf form so the baby arrives earlier, but she’s struggling.” Exhaustion plagued his eyes. Before he continued Kinsee began speaking.

“Can I play with Emily? Please, I want to run.”

Telepathically Emily spoke, “She can come with me and we won’t go far, but I’ll keep her occupied for an hour or two.” She needed something to take her mind off the problems weighing her down and Kinsee offered a needed diversion.

“Give me your dress and off with you. Don’t cause any trouble.” His voice was lovingly gruff.

The dress flew over her head with a tiny splitting sound.

“Thank you my alpha,” he said with an exasperating smile and shake of his head. “I need some sleep and I’ll take advantage of your offer. Kinsee has done nothing but ask when you were coming home.”

“Let’s go Kinsee, I bet I can find the first rabbit.”

The two were off. They romped for an hour and Emily managed to keep Kinsee from killing more than one rabbit though they chased several. The two finally lay down on a bed of pine needles to rest. Kinsee was asleep in a manner of minutes. Emily groomed the child’s soft fur and breathed in the unique aroma of fledgling wolf. It was fresh and light without the stronger odor of adult beastkind.

Emily quickly turned her head when she heard paws slowly moving through the trees in their direction. It was Patricia.

She went down beside Emily and Kinsee speaking quietly with her mind. “Wolfred is sleeping, thank you for giving us a short time of peace.”

Emily sank further into the soft earth. “Brandt wants me to have a child.”

“Ahhh. I’m surprised.”

“Shocked is more of what I feel. He had a doctor come and speak with me.”

“That would be Doctor Stevens?”

“Yes. She explained what she was there for but Brandt hadn’t said a word.”

“For an alpha to allow another man to touch his mate so soon is--- umm, unusual. He’s so possessive of you. I’m not sure what to say.”

“When I was shot he made a deal with his god.” Anger laced her words, “I don’t mean to be rude, but no other man will ever touch me.”

“Kinsee is lying with you now because a man other than Wolfred touched me. It is probably the hardest thing we must live with being beastkind. I believe it’s the price we pay for existing hundreds of years. I know that doesn’t help or make it easier. Brandt will not force you.”

“That he would allow a man to touch me is causing too much anger and resentment inside my head and heart. I would kill any woman he took to his bed.” Emily finally laughed slightly, “Well, maybe only remove her nipple and then kill him.”

Patricia’s voice held a smile. “I think maybe the greater love is that he would allow another man to touch you. Babies are the most precious thing we have. Right now I carry a child for our pack’s future. It will be the fourth cub born in the last ten years.” Her voice softened and she continued, “Tonight is the funeral for our dead. Even if you don’t want to speak with Brandt right now, the pack needs you. We all felt Brandt’s anguish while you suffered. Even from such a great distance his pain was unbearable. We are facing a war and instability will cause problems that we cannot afford. With our scenting abilities, we notice when troubling problems are worrying our alpha… sorry, alphas. Anger is okay. We’re all angry right now. We need strong leaders and no doubts about our future. Every wolf will die to avenge our fallen and the loss of Nicolas’ pack, but we need you.”

“I know and I will be okay but if you don’t mind I’ll lie here with Kinsee a little longer while I gain control of my emotions. I’m so very sorry about your brother.”

“He was my only brother. He died protecting Kinsee and me. If he hadn’t been here it might have been Wolfred that we lost but more likely, all three of us. Losing my brother is incredibly hard but I don’t think I could go on without Wolfred and Kinsee. I would make the same deal Brandt made.” She took a deep breath. “We must do our grieving tonight and then put melancholy behind us.”

“Thank you for being so wise. I needed to speak with another woman and Maggie is gone too.”

“She was special but we have you now. Yours and Brandt’s strength will carry us. He needed you long before you came into his life. We are so happy you found us.”

“He found me but thank you.”

“I will head home and begin cooking dinner. Enjoy your time.”

After another hour, Emily used her nose to nudge the sleeping child. Kinsee was up and ready to run after her nap. They took a roundabout jaunt and slowly made their way back to her parent’s home. Patricia greeted them and Emily realized it was impossible to see even a small bulge while the mother to be was in wolf form.

“Thank you Emily, would you like to stay for dinner?”

“No, I need to get back to my mate and prepare for this evening. I’ll see you tonight.” Emily kissed the top of Kinsee’s head with a swift lick and then turned and disappeared into the trees.

The cabin door was open and she figured Brandt left it that way for her. Sorrowful music came from inside. Entering she saw Brandt lying on the couch with his arm over his eyes. He didn’t move. She walked further into the room shifting to human. She knelt by the couch raising her fingers to his chest, her palm going flat over his heart. The arm not covering his eyes took hold of her fingers and brought them to his lips. “I love you Emily. I don’t have the words to bring you comfort.”

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