Emily's Story (20 page)

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Authors: D'Elen McClain

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance

BOOK: Emily's Story
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Emily eyed Maggie’s shimmery silver tank top and black leather skirt that hugged her ass, ending two inches above decent. Her arms and legs were muscled and defined. Her dark hair flowed around her face and down her back to end at the top of her hips.

 “If he thinks you’re one of the guys he has a problem.”

“That’s not the point. I’m third in command and got here by fighting my way up. I was planning to give challenge soon and now, I don’t know if I can.”

Emily’s expression changed from cheerful to panicked, “You would kill him.”

“No, only the alpha challenge is to the death. A non-alpha challenge is last wolf standing.”

“Okay, so what’s the problem?”

“He will break my heart. I’ve seen him do it to countless women. Oh, he’s nice enough while he’s with them but he doesn’t stay around for long. I would rather not go there.”

I should probably say I’m sorry, but seeing how quickly his jealousy came on, I think his attraction to you has been building for a while.”

“Well aren’t you suddenly the expert on men.” She said with a snarky hiss but then slowly she grinned. “So maybe I should use that gorgeous body for sex and get him out of my system. If I did and then dumped him first it might work. I can kick his ass in challenge using my anger to help me through.”

Emily wasn’t sure what to think. They walked out of the Ladies’ room and Maggie pulled her onto the dance floor. Brandt danced with her a few times at the cabin but it was to slow soothing music. This was strong, sexy, and wild all at once. Emily watched Maggie’s body pulsate with the beat. She began swaying with a little less exuberance. No one seemed to be paying attention to her and she gradually let herself go. There were more women on the dance floor than men but she felt a quick tug on her hand and was whirled around to face a man she didn’t know. Immediately, strong fingers grasped her hips and Brandt pulled her back against his body. The young man’s eyes got huge. His hand released hers and he quickly backed away.

Using a firm grip, Brandt moved her hips provocatively against his growing erection and pressed into her bottom, all to the sexy rhythm of the music. “It won’t be his nipple he loses.” His words were possessive but whispered softly in her ear.

Emily tried to turn in his arms but he kept a secure hold and swayed a little more. She wiggled and moved until his low groan caused her to smile and melt further into him.

“Vixen.” He said. The music changed and a slower song began. The lights dimmed and he turned her around bringing her close again. With a soft sigh, she rested her head on his shoulder.

The music continued and Emily leisurely opened her eyes, seeing Maggie and Sam dancing a short distance away. Maggie did not look happy but moved her body to the music. Sam slipped his hands lower than the she-wolf’s waist and Maggie took them in hers and moved them back up. Emily caught the grin on Sam’s face when the couple turned. She then closed her eyes and again drifted with the music.

Back at the table, they enjoyed their drinks and people watched for a while. A short time later Emily felt Brandt’s thigh tighten against her hand.

“We’re going to have some company but I don’t think we need to be overly concerned, they’re wolves.”

Emily looked around and saw four men heading to the table. She felt a presence behind her and by scent realized it was Jordan. She kept her eyes on the advancing men and taking Brandt at his word, tried to tap down on her edginess.

Brandt removed Emily’s hand from his thigh, and pulled her up next to him then dropped her hand while Maggie and Samson stood and spread out slightly. He might not perceive a threat but he was ready.

The largest of the men stopped and the other three followed suit. He was easily three inches taller than Brandt but managed to keep his eyes cast down, “My alpha, you seem to be a long way from home.”

“This entire territory is my home or you wouldn’t be calling me alpha.” The words held lethal promise.

“We’ve been hearing the main clan has had a few…issues.”

“I would be happy to settle any…issues quickly.” There was no doubt that Brandt meant the words to be a threat.

An arm came from behind the taller man and rested a hand on his shoulder. Of the four this man was the smallest at around six feet tall. He spoke softly, “Max we don’t want trouble.”

Max exhaled slowly. “No---we don’t but I felt it important to see which way the wind blows.”

Brandt took Emily’s hand in his. Without taking his eyes from the wolf in front of him, he drew her fingers to his lips and kissed them. “My mate, I would like to introduce you to Max and his brothers. They run some of our city business and have never given me reason to doubt their loyalty.” His voice remained hard.

Emily’s eyes went to Max’s when he spoke. “And we never will my alpha, we are happy to see you mated.”

“I’m not just mated. Emily is an alpha in her own right, and our clan will be much stronger with her by my side. That is the truth that needs to be passed along, not rumors.”

“Yes alpha, may I greet your mate?”

Brandt stepped slightly away from Emily but relayed the protocol into her mind. “Give him your hand and react swiftly if anything feels uncomfortable to you. He wants to scent you but etiquette says it’s only with your permission.”

Max stepped forward and Emily put her hand out. He gently drew her fingers to his nose, breathing in deeply. His eyes closed and his nose traveled up her arm.

Emily pushed a small amount of alpha power from deep inside. It was not soothing or angry, just raw. At the same time she placed her hand on his shoulder and stopped him from going further. Using an extra burst of energy which caused a quick electrical charge to end his travels, she let the energy fill her eyes.

His opened wide. After he briefly met her gaze, his eyes lowered. With unadulterated worship in his voice he said, “Alpha, I am yours to command. I ask pardon for interrupting your evening?”

She had a slight smile on her lips when she answered, “I’m glad Brandt didn’t need to kill you. I’m sure your brothers would be sad.” Her voice was soft but her tone was deadly serious.

The brothers in question burst into laughter. One gave Max a robust slap on the back and pulled him away. “My man, our sadness over your death would last a few days and then we would forget you.” Everyone laughed relieving the last bits of tension. The four said their goodbyes and departed.

Brandt leaned in close and whispered huskily, “You are learning my love.”

Her grin was wicked. She was learning and her wolf loved nothing more than to show off.

Dmitri approached with a devilish grin of his own. “We haven’t had a good brawl in here for a while. I’m surprised that went so well. Word is your pack is having difficulty.”

“No longer true and just so you’re aware,” Brandt’s eyes turned black. “There would not have been a brawl, only death.”

“Then I’m glad you calmed the situation. A bar fight is easier to explain to the authorities than dead bodies. May I request a dance with your mate?”

Brandt grinned, “Ask her yourself, and if she says yes, keep your hands where I can see them.”

“You’ve always driven a hard bargain.” The vampire’s gaze then landed on the she-wolf in question. He gave a slight bow. “Emily may I have this dance?”

Emily hesitated and looked to Brandt. The vampire made her nervous. Brandt’s words in her mind enabled her to walk forward. “It’s an honor for him to dance with you. He is my friend and you are safe.”

Dmitri drew her onto the dance floor and after taking her firmly into his arms, began sweeping her across the floor. Emily had no idea what the dance was but the vampire made it effortless.

He finally whispered into her ear, “You are lovely my dear and Brandt needs you. He can be a thug sometimes but your power is growing and you will soothe his anger and balance his alpha with yours.”

Emily squeezed his hand slightly. “You said your beastkind are bears? I’ve never seen a bear. Are they big?”

Dmitri laughed loudly. “Yes they are and someday I will let you see them in their beast forms. I think right now your mate has put up with my arms around you long enough.”

Dmitri stopped suddenly and dipped her back. When he brought her up, his lips landed swiftly on her cheek and then turned her toward Brandt.

When Dmitri’s lips move to his mate, Brandt stood.

Dmitri couldn’t prevent his smile. “It was only on the cheek but worth the price of fire in your eyes.” He thumped Brandt on the shoulder and guided Emily into her mate’s embrace.

Feeling Emily back in his arms helped Brandt gain control. His heartbeat slowed and he quirked his lip at his friend. “You bastard, I owe you.”

Everyone laughed and a short time later, they said farewell. During the ride to the hotel, Emily fell asleep against Brandt’s shoulder. A soft kiss woke her and in their room he helped remove her clothes. They settled into sleep with their arms wrapped around each other.






Chapter 22






They left Denver the next morning to spend two days at home before leaving for Marcus and Amy’s wedding. Brandt began preparations for building their new cabin and asked Emily to review the floor plans with him. Their home would sit on a piece of land half a mile behind the main house. After looking over the drawings for hours and making a few adjustments, they choose the layout they wanted and Brandt began making phone calls. Their new residence would be ready within six months.

They cleaned out the closet in Thomas’ office so Emily’s new clothes would fit. She would miss the small cramped cabin when they moved. This is where she truly grew up, fell in love, and learned about her wolf. It would always be special.

The afternoon of their return, Patricia stopped by with Kinsee and a plate of cookies. Refusing to hold back, Kinsee ran up to Emily and threw her arms around her neck. Holding her close, Emily inhaled the precious young were-child scent.

When they released each other, Kinsee began talking, “I helped bake the cookies, and my mom said you would love them. My mom told me you went away for a few days but you would come back. I stepped on a nail by my house and got an owie on my foot. My dad said I would be okay but I should be wearing shoes. You don’t have any shoes on so I shouldn’t need to wear shoes either. It didn’t hurt that bad and shoes don’t feel good on my feet. I killed a mouse this morning and ate it. It had crunchy little bones and I didn’t like it much. Do you think the crunchy bones will get caught in my tummy?”

Patricia looked at Emily with a grin. “She’s only just started. She’s been saving all her stories and questions for your return.”

Emily began commenting on Kinsee’s summation of events since they last saw one another. The three of them sat on the porch and enjoyed the cookies with added milk that Emily brought outside. “These cookies are wonderful Kinsee.”

“My mom said I had to be careful what I put in them and she showed me the right cup to use so they would be perfect. Do you think I’ll know everything my mom knows when I grow up?”

“I think you’ll be just as smart.”

“My mom’s having another baby, can you smell it?”

“Ahh.” Emily looked at Patricia who was blushing slightly.

“Kinsee’s father and I decided she needed a brother or sister.”

“Is that why you smell different than before?”

“Yes and there is no keeping this secret from the pack. I guess you’ve never smelled it until now. My scent changed almost from the moment of conception.”

“But I thought…” Emily stopped not wanting to ask about the human seed needed to create a child and her face reddened.

Brandt stepped out on the porch but she couldn’t mistake the hurt she saw on his face though his voice was firm. “You thought right Emily and some wolves decide to have children despite knowing what it takes.”

His hand feathered possessively through her hair.

Patricia took Kinsee’s hand. “We need to go. I’ve been tired lately and soon I’ll switch to wolf form so the baby comes faster. We will visit again after you return from your new journey.”

Kinsee pulled her hand from her mother’s and ran at Emily. “When you get back, will you take me to chase rabbits?”

“Yes sweetie, I promise.”

Kinsee ran off trailing her mother and Emily smiled while listening to the fading chatter of the little girl.

Strong arms scooped her off her feet and carried her into the cabin, straight to the bed. Brandt made quick work of their clothes and followed Emily down on the soft mattress. Placing both her hands in one of his, he stretched them above her head using a steel grip to hold them in place. He kissed her with incredible need, running his tongue on the inside of her lips before sinking further into the kiss.

When at last he pulled away, his eyes were dark. “I would give you a child if I could but I will never let another man touch you. I’m sorry but I can’t. Patricia's husband, Wolfred, has more strength than I do. I would kill the man that laid hands on you.”

Again taking her mouth, his hand traveled her body until she squirmed and he released her so her hands were able to travel their own path.

When their breathing settled, Emily’s soft voice reached his ear, “I love you, and no one else will ever touch me.”

He held her close. Her breathing slowed and then took on the steady rhythm of sleep. His troubled eyes remained open.


The following day consisted of preparing for their trip. They packed the bridal couple’s gift that Emily and Maggie purchased while in the city. That night they ate dinner with Thomas and Cheri. Brandt and Cheri discussed Marcus’ clan. Ivan’s disappearance was affecting everyone. Emily knew the cats and their vampire queen murdered Ivan’s wife. Her own newly mated heart mourned for the devastated wolf.

“Can Columbus hold the clan without his father?” asked Cheri.

“I believe so. I didn’t see him much when I was there but Ivan told me he was coming into his alpha and it was best to keep him away or in his young stupidity he might challenge. There’s another son showing signs of alpha tendencies too. I can only hope his bond with his brother will keep him from doing something foolish.”

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