Divinely Living (Surviving Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Divinely Living (Surviving Series)
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“They did this on purpose,” I whispered to Jonah. “They must know what he did to me.”

His hands cupped my face and lifted my head. “Nobody knows what he did to you Ava. The arrogant bastard most probably commissioned that portrait and hung it in here himself. I should have checked this building out from top to bottom before I ever allowed you to come here so any trace of that fucker was totally eradicated.”

“It’s not your fault,” I shook my head. “He did this. It’s the way he operated.”

“I don’t care who was responsible.” He gave me a fierce look. “We end this now, Ava. You inform every person in here that on a temporary basis all dealings relevant to this company run through me and me alone and I’m taking you home. You may be the CEO sweetheart but you don’t need to stay here one minute longer than necessary.”

A thin, gaunt looking man wearing a black suit and tie stood abruptly as Mason held Alex’s portrait in his hands and began to cross the meeting room floor towards us and the open door. “What the hell is going on here, Mason?” He asked loudly. 

Mason faced the man with a smirk curling the corner of his lips. My eyes flew to the painting he was holding, grateful to find only the back of the canvas was visible.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Mason addressed the suits that were now staring in my direction. “Please meet your new CEO, Savannah Matthews and her partner Jonah Jacobson, who I am sure most of you have already spoken to.”

A stunned silence fell; shocked faces and wide eyes drank me in as I stood clinging to Jonah. Mason walked passed the two of us into the corridor then returned only a few seconds later.

“She as no right to remove that painting,” an angry voice projected from the rear of the room. “And until I see verified proof of her identity, I refuse to believe that this
is Alex’s successor.”

Jonah’s entire body tensed against me. Tucking me into his side, he scanned the room with narrowed azure eyes. His baritone voice was loud with that authoritative bite which always moistened my panties. “This
IS your CEO and was appointed so by Alexander Matthews. You have all received the paperwork informing you of Alex’s intentions and wishes upon his death, along with signed, legal documentation verifying those wishes, as well as the identity of Savannah Matthews and I can assure every one of you this is her. Being the CEO and majority shareholder gives her free reign to do as she pleases. And that monstrosity painting displeases her greatly. So if she wants it removing, she has the authority to consider it done.”

Audible gasps of surprise and huffs of irritation resounded around the room. The sub zero atmospheric temperature dipped even lower as individuals began to make their obvious distain for my presence clear.

“Pieces of paper are worthless. None of us here agree with Alex’s actions. The man must have been out of his goddamn mind to curse us in this way.”

“Alex committed commercial suicide bringing an unknown into this company. She probably has no more knowledge of how to be a CEO than she knows how to act like one,” shouted another voice to yet another unknown face.

“Do us all a favour, young lady, go live the life of luxury that Alex would undoubtedly have provided you with, and leave the running of A.M Enterprises to those who actually know how to do it.”

“That is enough,” boomed Jonah, his voice snapping everyone to attention. His arm left me as he stalked to the front and centre of the room. I could see the dark fury on his gorgeous face, the clenching of his fists by his side and his commanding demeanour as he assessed the room with steely, determined eyes. He was magnificent, exuded power and professionalism from every pore and possessed a majestic air as he eyed his prey with predatory precision. This was my man, my core shattering lover and fierce protector. This was the Jonah who drew me in from the first glance. He was pure, vibrant, and dominating. And every drop of fear weighing me down evaporated as I stood, rooted to the spot watching Jonah at his most arousing best.

“You will each show your CEO some respect or you can consider yourselves unemployed in the morning.” Not one person spoke or moved. The men in the room scowled but remained silent, the women riveted and rendered speechless by the insanely attractive, virile man before them. Frantically scouring the room, I blew out a huge sigh of relief when not one pair of eyes met mine. All eyes were on my husband to be and that is exactly the way I liked it.

He squared his broad, muscular shoulders, pushed his hands in his pants pocket and continued. “Savannah wishes to speak to you all directly and I assume you will each conduct yourselves as the highly educated, professional people you claim to be, while she does so. If anyone is unable to do that, make yourselves known now then leave the room.”

I held my breath and waited for objections that never came. Smoothing my dress over my hips and thighs, I flicked strands of auburn hair from my shoulders, steadied myself on my heels and walked towards Jonah’s now outstretched hand. His smile was reassuring, his eyes warm with pride and as our fingers laced, I could not have been more in love with him than I was at that moment. Mouthing ‘I love you’ as I stood by his side, his smile broadened. He shuddered slightly as a volt of electricity shot into my groin when our skin connected. Judging by his reaction, he felt it too.

Facing the pack of wolves staring and grimacing straight at me, I allowed a mask of impassivity to shutter my face. I took on a huge lungful of air, composed myself then spoke to them all for the first and thankfully the very last time. The speech I had spent days practising over and over in my mind spilled from my lips.

“Thank you for attending today everyone and I can assure you I won’t take up too much of your time. I don’t blame you for seeing me as the wrong choice for the position of CEO. I can assure you I am most definitely the wrong choice. I’m twenty two years old, have spent the last four years living in London and approximately eighteen years of my life have been spent despising Alexander Matthews.” I shot a glance at Jonah and wrung my hands together. His small nod encouraged me to continue. “Everything that man stood for I hated, everything he touched I despised. This company is no different. The truth is there is no way out of this torment for me, I wish with everything that I am, that there was, so that means all of you need to start facing up to the fact that I’m going nowhere real soon because I simply have no choice. A clause in Alex’s will clearly states that A.M Enterprises must remain in my control or that of a member of my family for as long as it is operable. So, whatever you think of me or don’t, honestly, I couldn’t give a shit, but you will show me and anyone I appoint a position to some god damn respect even if it’s only because I’m the one in charge here. My overwhelming majority stake is such, I don’t have to ask, consult or seek approval from any of you. Basically, you answer to me and I do not, and never, will answer to you.”

“You earn respect, Miss Matthews. Assuming a position of power does not grant you a pre requisite for respect from people who have been integral parts of this company since before you were born.” A slender, mature woman wearing a skirt suit, heavy makeup and spoke with a thick American drawl rose from her seat. “You can not blame any of us for being extremely concerned as to the safety of our invested time and money. It truly is nothing personal towards you; I more than anyone understand the position you have found yourself in. But you must also understand that I am not prepared to sit and say nothing when all I have worked so hard for may be at risk.”

Mason, who had remained quiet since removing that fucker’s face from the room, stepped forward. “This company was more at risk with Alex in charge than with Savannah and we all know the reason’s why that was the case.”

“The police and internal investigations came up blank, Carter. This company is clean and has been for years. Yes, I agree, Alex involved himself with less than agreeable working practises at one time or another but that ended long ago and wouldn’t be tolerated again,” the woman answered firmly.

“That may well be true, Maryanne, but we all lived with the taint that Alex’s illegal dealings left behind. I believe Savannah could be the start of a new beginning for this company and for us all if we just get behind her and show her our support.”

“That won’t be necessary,” I interjected. Mason’s face fell as I cut in. “I’m not going to be running this company or assuming my position as its leader. I really have no intentions of remaining in Chicago and nothing can change that. I only flew out here for a quick visit and to inform all of you of how I intend to move forward.”

“You’re leaving?” Mason’s voice was low, his brows clenched and utter desolation etched across his face. His reaction to my announcement was startling and only added to the feeling of confusion he filled me with.

“Ava only came today because she felt she owed the board members the chance to put a face to her name and explain what she plans to do going forward. We intend to fly home as soon as she’s finished.” Jonah stood beside me, his hand entwining with mine.

“I understand.” Mason nodded but was visibly disappointed. His behaviour was heightening my curiosity by the second.
Where in gods name did I know him from?

The short, chunky man who met us in the foyer earlier stood up and folded his arms across his wide chest. “So what exactly are your plans, Savannah? If what you say is correct and Alex’s will stipulated you or a member of your family must remain in the position of CEO then what are you going to do to ensure the smooth running of this company while you remain oblivious and residing at the other side of the world.”

Mason’s brown eyes focused on me intently as I answered. “Until I find a suitable replacement and someone who keeps within Alex’s stipulations, all matters regarding the company will be handled by Jonah on a temporary basis. I know it’s not an ideal situation for anyone but that is just the way things will have to be until something more long term can be put in place.”

“That’s far from good enough,” sneered the chubby man. “A CEO needs to be here, in Chicago, working within this building on a daily basis. Your proposal will leave us in total chaos. We need leadership, not an inexperienced, naive young woman who expects us to pick up the telephone every time we require authority or to discuss business matters in general. You’re going to have to come up with a better scenario than that, Miss Matthews, if you expect to appease the board.”

“Watch your tongue,” Jonah growled. I was beginning to lose composure as each second that ticked by was getting us nowhere. This was such a huge mistake. Coming here was the biggest fuck up of my life and now I had to deal with the consequences. Did I honestly think flying here in then flying straight home would be enough? I was dealing with hardened, experienced businessmen and women, ruthless to the core and determined to receive more than a pathetic brush off because I was too chicken to face up to my responsibilities. But I didn’t want the responsibility. I never had. A.M Enterprises could crumble right now and I would feel an enormous sense of relief and happiness at seeing it do so. The problem was for the people sat in front of me, this was their livelihood and I got the distinct impression each of them would be prepared to do whatever it took to ensure the business continued to thrive, even if that meant taking me out of the equation in the process.

The four walls were closing in around me and anxiety began to suffocate me. I could see no end to this; no way
out and panic began to shake through me. Jonah searched my face, concern in his eyes as I closed mine in the hope of blocking out my surroundings. Leaning into Jonah, a warm hand grasped mine. I flinched and withdrew my hand quickly as my eyes flew open. Mason’s rich brown eyes shone with warmth and sincerity clung to his face. “You look pale Savannah; I think you’ve had enough for one day. I’ll have my driver take the two of you back to the hotel.”

I nodded, tears stinging my eyes. I had failed, miserably. And I had no idea how this was going to end. Burying my face in Jonah’s chest, I felt truly defeated. Raised voices echoed around me and the instinct to run became a real one.

“Get her out of here, Jonah. I’ll handle this from here,” I heard Mason order, his voice hard and edgy. “I’ll call you later.”

I heard no reply from Jonah only angered words and venomous curse words as I was pulled from the room.


I don’t remember the ride back to the hotel. Mason’s limousine pulled up to the kerb without me even being aware we had come to a stop. I’d settled into the familiar, numbed state of mind that I always slipped into when things were hard to deal with and out of control, and by the time we reached our room, I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep until all the insanity raging around me fucked the hell off. Jonah was attentive, holding me close and not letting go of me as he promised. Shrugging out of his suit jacket, he swept me into his arms and carried me into the bathroom. Setting me down on the closed toilet seat, he ran a steaming bath, stripped us both of our clothes then held me tightly as we lay motionless and silent in the hot water. I closed my eyes and sank my weary body against Jonah’s hard flesh and smooth skin. I was spent, done and exhausted. Even Jonah’s hands running along my stomach, hips and ribcage and his semi hard erection resting against my lower back barely registered. I just wanted to go home. Being in Chicago was slowly eating away at me from within and booking a flight to London was my only way out.

“I need to go home, Jonah,” I said flatly.

BOOK: Divinely Living (Surviving Series)
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