Divinely Living (Surviving Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Divinely Living (Surviving Series)
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“Deal,” Jonah nodded just as firmly.

Squaring my shoulders and forcing myself to appear braver than the quivering mess I still felt inside, I grabbed Jonah’s hand tightly and followed him into the building to confront my past.


The entrance foyer was sparse, void of any kind of inviting features such as artwork or calm, neutral colours and it emulated the man Alexander Matthews was, completely. It was cold, empty and lifeless. A steel staircase leading to an open plan second floor was to our left, leather sofas and a couple of tables were situated in a waiting area to our right, as well as doors leading off into what I assumed were corridors and offices. Behind the reception desk, in front of us, sat two
, immaculately groomed receptionists. Both were beautiful, their make up precise and had petite, slender bodies that reminded me of my mothers and my own. No doubt the two beauties were hand picked by Alex more for their aesthetic attributes than their actual work qualifications. I’m sure both ‘Sarah’ and ‘Donna’ received the full Alexander Matthews special treatment during their employment while he was alive. They were totally his type and exactly the type of female I would have picked if I were asked to provide an example of Alex’s type of woman. Young, attractive and enthusiastic to please women, whose sole life’s aim was to climb the social ladder. That was the sucker punch for Matthews. Young women eager to do whatever it took, to claim a man like him for their own, because of the obscenely luxurious lifestyle he could offer. He abused their enthusiasm, exploited their weaknesses and slowly destroyed them. It was the story of my mothers’ life, women before her and very nearly my own life.

At the end of the reception desk there stood three suited men. Two were greying, older looking men wearing sharp, expensive tailored suits, overly polished shoes and wrinkled, grim faces. But the third man, he was different. As our eyes locked over the foyer floor, familiarity washed over me yet I didn’t know why. He had a shock of black hair that fell across his forehead but was shorter at the back. His tanned face framed rich, brown eyes that were round and wide. The black suit and tie he wore paired with a light, pastel pink shirt was less formal than his colleagues and offered softness to his appearance. He was tall and lean and obviously took care of himself. I found no intimidation in his face, only warmth and as he continued to stare directly at me, I felt he bore me no malice only kindness. Something inside my gut told me I knew him and that our paths had crossed before but I could not for the life of me think where. Shaking my head and breaking our mutual stare, I pushed the nagging feeling that this man was somehow involved in my past to one side, and glanced at Jonah.

“Don’t let go of me,” I whispered as his eyes found mine.

“Not for a second,” he replied with a wink before lifting my hand to his mouth and kissing my hand.

“Savannah.” The deep, throaty voice grabbed my attention immediately. Looking forward again, the man dark haired man was walking in my direction. A myriad of fleeting emotions crossed his brown eyes and face as he approached. He was definitely fixated on me. But not in a sleazy, checking me out way. He looked at me with longing, but not sexually. God, he was so confusing. And as he came to a stop before me, the suspicion that we knew each other became more profound. I just had no idea how or where from.

Jonah held my hand in one of his and offered his free hand out in greeting. Pink shirt man took it without hesitation, his eyes never leaving me while he shook the hand offered to him. Tucking me against his side, Jonah’s brows
pinched; as the man in pink’s continual staring didn’t go unnoticed. “Do we have a problem here?”

He shook his head as if regaining his composure, then smiled. “No problem at all. I’m Mason Carter. I’ve been acting CEO since Alexander’s death.”

I could hear the disgust in his voice as the word ‘Alex’ rolled off his tongue, disgust that was mirrored in his eyes. His accent was even more confusing than he was. From my time spent in London, I could pick an English accent out of a crowd but his was mixed with an American twang, it was a surprisingly pleasant accent, but a strange one.

Once again his eyes fell to me and a warm smile spread across his lips. “You must be Savannah. I’ve been waiting to meet you.” Sadness crinkled the corners of his eyes as he spoke.

I took the hand he offered without thinking and smiled back. “I hope you don’t find me disappointing now you’ve finally met me.”

“I could never find you disappointing,” he said quietly. Knowledge masked his eyes then passed, professionalism but without the hard edge resuming in his dark irises. He looked back at Jonah. “I’m assuming you’re the Mr Jacobson who arranged today’s meeting.”

Jonah nodded in agreement and clutched me tighter. “We don’t expect this to take too long Mason. Ava is clear on her intentions and wishes only to be here for as long as it takes to inform the board and shareholders of such. I’m sure you can appreciate it as been an extremely difficult time for her and she would like to bring an end to her dealings with A.M Enterprises as quickly as possible.”

Mason’s face, hardened, and his lips thinned into a grim set line. “I can imagine losing Alex has proved difficult. Believe me, it is not my intention to cause Miss Matthews anymore distress than that which she is currently experiencing.”

I eased myself from Jonah’s strong arm and gritted my teeth. “My name is Ava and Alex’s passing has only proved difficult due to the shit he’s piled on me to deal with. If you were expecting a distraught step-daughter, Mason, then I’m afraid I
disappoint you. I’m glad that man’s dead. What I’m not happy about is he left me with this awful damn mess to clean up before I say goodbye to the asshole forever and move on with my life.”

Mason stared at me, his face stunned. Pure admiration seeped into his eyes as he smiled broadly. Jonah smirked down at me, I could see the pride swell in his chest as it expanded fully, his hand squeezed mine and his brow arched while he slightly shook his head in amusement. I grinned back, amazed at how much calmer I was beginning to feel. Fuck Alex, fuck his company and I didn’t care who knew it. The two other men, who stood beside Mason when we entered, made their way towards us, their faces holding none of the warmness their colleague had. Jonah’s arm immediately found my waist as he tugged me slightly behind him in a protective move as they approached. The tallest and oldest looking of the two stopped directly in front of me, his eyes were cold and his stance tense. I straightened at Jonah’s side, determined not to feel threatened by the icy stares both men were throwing me.

Sensing the growing tension, Mason turned to face his colleagues. “Gentlemen, you are both more then aware of Miss Matthews’s position here and will grant her the respect that position deserves.” His eyes held mine as he continued. “Anyone who fails to do so will be escorted from the building immediately. Am I being clear enough for you?”

“You have no authority here, Carter. We’ve tolerated your ideas of grandeur since Alex died, at best. Now the CEO as arrived to face up to her responsibilities at last, you can go back to your usual position which is just the same of the rest of us.”

Jonah’s low growl mirrored the anger boiling within me. Placing a hand on his arm, I took a step closer to the man stood in front of me who had just spoken and pinned him with my deadliest glare. “I don’t want to be here or be the CEO of this company anymore than you want me, gentlemen, but believe me when I say that I’m more then prepared to face up to my responsibilities within this company, starting with deciding just how important each board member and share holder actually are to this business. I’m ready to dispose of any old baggage that is no longer needed or I feel is of no further use to A.M Enterprises as it moves forward.”

A low chuckle escaped Mason’s lips as he shook his head. The other two men, predominantly the taller of the two still invading my personal space, let their jaws drop at my statement and looked taken aback. I was past allowing suited, power driven men, dictate to me or attempt to dominate my life. I was no longer the weak, broken teenager I had been the last time I was in Chicago. The future I craved was within my grasp and nothing and no one was about to take that from me.

“You heard the lady,” Jonah said firmly. “I suggest you tread carefully gentlemen. As much as your support would be gratefully received, my wife to be is more than capable of dealing with all matters at hand without any one of you. None of you are surplus to requirements just yet but needs change on a daily basis and I’d warn you to bear that in mind.”

“You have no idea what you’re taking on here, Miss Matthews. Alex must have been out of his goddamn mind appointing a, barely twenty year old woman, with a commanding position within a company of this magnitude. I only hope his lack of judgement proves to be a good one, although from first impressions, I highly doubt that.”

The shorter and bulkier of the two, who was visibly irritated by my words, spat out his tirade before turning on his polished heels and disappearing through a door to our right. His colleague followed immediately in silence and without a second look in my direction. I sank against Jonah, my first confrontation already taking its toll and one undoubtedly of many to come before the day was over. Mason’s brown eyes shone with unknown emotions though admiration was still plastered across his tanned face. I searched every crevice of my brain to find a memory he was part of but found none. Pushing the curious feeling of familiarity I felt towards him aside, I was rapidly realising he may be my only ally apart from Jonah, attending the meeting today which made him valuable. I had the sinking feeling I would need every ounce of support and help I could get; the moment I stepped foot into the meeting room and the vultures began to swarm in.

“Thank you Mason, your support is greatly appreciated,” I said meaningfully. “I get the feeling that those attending this meeting are now sat sharpening their claws and are preparing to rip me apart.”

“None of the assholes in there will get anywhere near you.” Jonah lifted my chin as he spoke. “Stay to your plan, Ava. You give them a few hours of your time, make your intentions clear, then we leave.” He ran his fingertips across my cheek. “I’m so proud of you, baby. You’re quite formidable when you’re pissed.”

“I don’t feel formidable,” I sighed. “This isn’t me, Jonah. Being here goes against everything I believe in or want. I swear that jerk is laughing is evil ass off at me right now.”

“You will be the one having the last laugh sweetheart I promise you. Just a few more hours, Ava and you’re free of this.” Jonah kissed my forehead then released me. Taking my hand in his, he nodded at Mason who was watching us intently. “She’s ready, Mason. Let’s get this over with.”

Mason smiled and his gestured with his hand to follow him down the corridor, which the two men had disappeared into previously. Half way down, he stopped suddenly at a door to his right but turned to face me before he reached for the handle.

“I’ll support and guide you to the best of my ability, Ava on one condition.”

My eyes widened. I wasn’t in the mood to make deals but the humour tugging at his mouth raised my curiosity.

“Oh, and what condition would that be, Mr Carter?”

A full blown grin lit up his face and his eyes shone wickedly. “Give the bastards hell.”

“Don’t worry about that, Mason,” Jonah chuckled, as Mason reached for the handle. “Hell is Ava’s middle name. It’s one of her most special qualities.”

Chapter Nineteen

The door opened and my heart stopped. I froze. Every hair on my neck stood to attention and trepidation prickled my skin.
Holy fuck,
I cursed,
what the fuck, am I doing here?
The room before me was enormous, packed with scowling suits sat in high backed leather chairs, and the tension bouncing between the four walls was so palpable you could almost taste it. But it was the face in front of me hanging from the far wall that spread ice through my veins and made my body shake involuntarily. Every ounce of blood dripped from my face, breathing was almost impossible as the enormity of who was facing me shook me from head to feet. A portrait of my rapist, tormentor and the man partly responsible for my mother’s death hung before me like a colossal punch to the face and a knife thrust straight through my stomach. Those cold, blank brown eyes ripped into me, the sneer of the vicious thin lips that nipped and bit at my face and body struck fear into my core. Closing my eyes, I could still envision that face twisted in violence as he scratched, slapped and clawed at me while I begged him to stop. My muffled screams for help as he pinned me to the bed and violated me rang loudly in my ears and the stench of tobacco and alcohol invaded my nostrils sending waves of nausea into my core. My hand flew to my mouth, cutting off a cry of fear and desperation. Alexander Matthews was before me in all his torturous glory and all courage left me as the need to run gripped me. Every face in the room gaped at me as I unravelled before their eyes.  Jonah’s eyes flew to the portrait then his face darkened. Clasping my upper arms, he pulled me against his chest and held me with brute force.

“Get that mother fucking portrait out of here now,” he ordered loudly. “Get it out of here before I start ripping this fucking room, and everyone sat in it apart limb by limb and with my own bare hands.”

“It will be my pleasure to remove that bastard for good,” I faintly heard Mason growl beside me. Peering up from Jonah’s chest, I saw him stalk his way through the meeting room and pull the portrait down with a hard tug that practically ripped it from the wall. Lowering my head, I inhaled cleansing breaths of Jonah’s masculine scent furiously, in an attempt to steady my racing imagination and the torturous memories quickly engulfing me.

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