Read Divided Online

Authors: Livia Jamerlan

Divided (21 page)

BOOK: Divided
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I arrived home early the next day from work, Ryan’s car in the driveway.  When he wasn’t in the kitchen or the TV room I walked through the first floor looking for him.

“Ry? You home?”

“Up in your office.” I heard him yell back.
My office?

I took the stairs two at a time, at the top Ryan was in the guest bedroom next to his office. I peaked my head inside and found a new white computer desk, a large file cabinet, and a pushpin board hung up above the desk.

“Hi.” I said walking into the room. 

He turned the chair around to face me, “Hi, I have a surprise for you.” He said as I walked in and sat on his lap, kissing him hello. 

“I see.” I placed my hand on the computer desk.

“Nope, that’s only part of the surprise.” His excitement gave me butterflies. I was as excited as he was without even knowing why.

He pulled his laptop from under the table opening it up for me before quickly opening the Internet browser. Typing in a domain, the screen opened to a blog page with my name at the top. I looked at the screen and then back at him.

“Ryan, what is that?” I said, pointing to the computer screen.

“It’s your blog page.” He informed me.  Rendered speechless, I waited for him to continue. I couldn’t help the tears from forming in my eyes.

“I spoke with the Dean and explained to him that you really want to help the students out. I told him what you wanted to do and he agreed that it was a great idea. He gave me a point of contact for the IT department and I had them create your blog that is connected with the server at the school.”

He reached for the laptop showing me the page they had created. I wiped the tears from my face, looking at what he was showing me.

“You can do this, Bug, I have faith in you. You’ll be able to help all those kids and lead them to a better future.”

I didn’t say a word, wrapping my arms around Ryan’s neck, I kissed him deeply. Thanking him with my lips. What he had done for me was more than I could ever ask for. 


Chapter 14
The Pillow


yan had mentioned that he always had a Fourth of July picnic at his house. And the butterflies were already forming in my stomach just thinking about it. His whole family would be there in addition to all of his friends. It was my audition. My time to show everyone that I was the girl for him.

Ryan’s strong arms appeared from behind, wrapping around my waist. He smelled like wood and charcoal having walked over from cooking at the grill. I was finishing my last touches to my macaroni salad.

“I have something for you.” He said, presenting me with a small jewelry box.

“Ryan, you didn’t have to.” I said, taking it from his hand and slowly opening it.

“It reminded me of you.” He said placing a kiss on my temple.

In the box there was a white gold necklace, with a tiny ladybug pendant. It was diamond incrusted with ruby ladybug wings. It was absolutely breath taking “Oh Ryan, it’s beautiful.” I pulled it out of the box and handed it to him as I lifted my hair, giving him access to my neck.

When he helped clasp the pendant on, I held it right over my heart.  “Thank you, I love it.”

Ryan lifted my chin up to meet his lips for a soft kiss. “Hey, what’s the matter?” He asked, sensing that something was amiss.

“Nothing” I said coldly.

“Something’s up, are you nervous that everyone is coming?” His eyes looked for some type of answer in mine.

“No, I’m fine, it’s just that Melanie and Caitlyn are going to the Hamptons and I tried to call Katie to see what she was doing for the fourth and she hasn’t answered any of my calls.” I said, sounding like a child.

“OK.” He seemed confused.

“It’s just…. We always spend the Fourth of July together and I don’t want her to be pissed that I couldn’t get out there.” I pouted.

“Babe, I think she will be fine.” He said placing a swift kiss on my cheek. I nodded and continue finishing my macaroni salad, every so often running my hand over my pendant.

Mrs. and Mr. Kraft arrived early and Rosemary assisted me in the kitchen with all of the last minute preparations. She was sweet like her son, a loving mother proud of her children. She reminded me of my grandmother, caring, soft, and with plenty of love to go around.  At two in the afternoon everyone started trailing in. Ryan, Michael, and his father managed the grill along with some of Ryan’s other friends that I was quickly introduced to. Jessica moved me from group to group introducing me to everyone, like her mother, she was a breath of fresh air. The baby of the family but fearless.

When the doorbell rang, we all stopped talking, everyone looked at one another, a question on their faces. It was strange to hear it ring; everyone who had come over came through the garage.

“Bug, you mind getting that?”  Ryan shouted from the grill.

I nodded and walked back inside the house. When I pulled the door open I screamed bloody murder from the top of my lungs when I saw Katie standing in front of me with

“Surprise!!” Katie squealed.

I ran out and hugged my best friend that I hadn’t seen in months. “Not that I don’t love having you here, but what are you doing here?” I asked her when I was released from her embrace.

“Ryan flew me out to see you.” She said.

I looked back at the door and noticed that Ryan had been standing there watching us. “You did that for me?” I asked him.

“Yup.” He nodded. “Hi Katie, I’m so glad you made it.”

We walked back into the house while Ryan ran Katie’s belonging upstairs and I continued jumping for joy that she was here.

“Katie,” Michael said approaching her from behind.

“Michael.” She nodded back at him.

I looked between them both not understanding the awkward mood that had set in. Michael leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her cheek and walked back to the grill.

“Um… Katie, care to explain?” I asked placing my hands on my hips.

“Just some unfinished business.” She shrugged her shoulder.

Shut up
! You and Michael?” I was shocked.

“Yep in Vegas, he gave me his number and I never called. There was definitely some unfinished sexual tension.” She said causally. “You were too caught up in Ryan that night.”

The picnic was a success. Katie kept the cocktails coming, each one a little stronger than the last. Ryan and Michael set off fireworks in the backyard and we sat watching our own personal show. The backyard was open with only a few trees making it perfect for their firework spectacular.

When I said goodbye to Mr. & Mrs. Kraft, I promised Jessica that we would get together for a manicure soon. When Ryan and I began cleaning up, I noticed that Michael and Katie were sitting outside deep in conversation. Ryan brought all the dishes in and closed the door behind him giving them their privacy.

“Thank you for flying Katie out here.” I said while loading the dishes in the dishwasher.

“I flew her here for you, but I think Michael is convinced it was for him.” He said, pointing his head towards the sliding door.

“Hmm…” I smiled, peeking over the kitchen window. “I saw that, the sexual tension was screaming between them.”

“You should’ve seen him in Vegas, he was practically humping my leg on the flight home.”

After the kitchen was all cleaned I placed fresh clean towels for Katie in the guest bathroom. After a quick shower I dressed in another of Ryan’s shirts and made my way to Katie’s room. I knocked softly and opened the door.


“Hi.” She squealed from her bed, freshly showered with her hair still wet. I quickly ran to her, knowing that she was dying to spill all the juicy gossip.

“Spill it!”

“Oh girl, I can see now what you mean about these Midwestern men. Michael was so charming and charismatic, he asked me to dinner on Friday night. I told him I would have to check with you first since I came here for you.”

“It’s perfectly fine by me.” The last thing I wanted to do was cock block the two of them.

“Okay, well tell me about you. How is tutoring, and the school, and that hot piece of Midwest you snuggle with, is he still toe curlingly yummy? Did you know he called my cell and my job?” She stated all in one breath.

I couldn’t help but bite my bottom lip, containing my smile. “He really is spectacular, it’s still new and fresh though, so we haven’t had any issues yet.”

“He seems likes a keeper.” Katie said, her face shining with a wide smile.

He was the keeper of my heart and I was so glad that Katie was finally on board. “So what are you going to wear on your hot date?” I asked.

“Crap, I don’t know.
We’re going to have to go shopping.” Panic appeared on Katie’s face.
      “Grand Forks Mall will never know what hit it.” I joked.



The weekend flew by. Michael spent a lot of time with us while Katie was here and I loved getting to know him better. The way she acted all giddy and excited when she was around him was a rare side of her. Katie had never been a woman to cling to a man or let her feelings for him prioritize what was important to her. Herself.  Katie was both powerful and successful and there was no way she was allowing anyone or anything to come in between that. Not even love.

Sunday morning I got out of bed early to cook breakfast for the four of us. The previous night we had all gone to Bistro 52 for dinner. Katie and I had not been on a double date in ages and both she and Michael had a field day with Ryan and I; they both took turns revealing our deepest secrets at the table.

“Alani, sucked her thumb until the third grade.” Katie explained. The laughter erupting when Michael chimed in.

“Ryan has a special pillow that no one is allowed to touch, in college he could never bring girls back to his dorm because he refused to share his pillow.”

Ryan approached behind me and wrapped his arms around me as his lips met my neck. “Morning, Bug, what’s so funny?”

“Where is your special pillow?” I asked.

I felt his prickling facial hair against my skin. “It’s a secret.” He said before placing a kiss on my head before heading outside to grab the paper.

“No wonder you never want to leave the house, Kraft.” Michael said as he and Katie entered the kitchen hand in hand. I looked at her and she was all smiles from ear to ear.

“You can’t blame me if my girl knows how to take care of her man.” Ryan came up next to me and tried to steal a piece of bacon off of the plate.

“Knock it off. “ I said, smacking his hand away, “Come on, bring these to the table, breakfast is ready.”

After we finished breakfast, Ryan and Michael cleaned the kitchen while I helped Katie pack. “I’m really happy for you, A.” She said as she sat on her suitcase while I attempted to close the zipper.

“Thanks,” I huffed.

“No I’m serious. I’ve known you my whole life and I have never seen you like this, there’s this life in your eyes again. You don’t just seem happy, you actually look happy. I wasn’t fond of you leaving but now, I see why you needed to be with him. Being around you two is infectious. The love you two have is so powerful the whole room can feel it.”

I finally got the zipper down and closed it tight. “What about you and Michael?” I asked.

“What about us? We fucked. It was really good, keep it moving.” She said nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders.

“Katherine!” I screeched. She brushed it off like it was nothing.

“What? I’m not moving here. You might like this but I am a city girl, and you know me, I’m no good with relationships. I like to have my freedom.” She said, standing her suitcase up.

“I know.” I agreed. Katie was never one to settle down, but I couldn’t help the feeling that she was letting life pass all for the sake of her career. A knock on the bedroom door startled us from our conversation. Ryan’s head popped in as the door opened.

“Katie, Michael is all set to take you.” Ryan walked into the room grabbing both suitcases and brought them downstairs for Katie as we followed behind. Michael was waiting at the car with the trunk door open wide.

Katie hugged Ryan tightly. “Thank you for the trip and for everything. You take care of my girl.” Ryan hugged her back and whispered something in her ear that made her laugh.

She walked over to me and I wrapped my arms around her. “No mushy crap.” I said to her.

“Nope, no mushy crap. I’m only a phone call away, I love you!” She squeezed me tightly. Katie hopped in the car as Ryan and I closed her door. Michael turned the car on and Ryan and I waved goodbye as my best friend drove away.

Chapter 15
Before Las Vegas


fter Katie’s visit I became consumed with my work. Elaine had sent me a new assignment that needed to be completed along with a million questions about Ryan, North Dakota, and how I was enjoying my time. School had also picked up a lot. The students were so genuine in wanting to learn and the blog was a huge success. I had more students engaged then I had ever thought possible and I was able to provide tutoring sessions when it was convenient for them.

In the middle of July the college closed for summer break so I spent my time catching up on articles for Elaine. The doorbell rang one morning startling me from my writing concentration. Usually no one came by during the day and I wasn’t expecting any deliveries. When I opened the front door I found a stunning woman standing on the porch. I could have sworn that I’d seen her before but I couldn’t remember exactly where.  She was a little taller than me with crystal blue eyes and the most beautiful blonde hair I had ever seen.

“Hi.” I said. “Can I help you?” I asked opening the door further.

“No.” She didn’t take her eyes off of me “I just wanted to see you in person.” She said, her crystal clear voice matching her crystal blue like eyes.

“I’m sorry you have me at a disadvantage here. I haven’t lived here long so I think you must be confusing me with someone else.” I began to explain.

BOOK: Divided
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