Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series (24 page)

Read Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series Online

Authors: Jeff Kinney

Tags: #Comedy, #Young Adult Fiction

BOOK: Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Book Series
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Pretty sooh, the rest of the Trees started throwlhg apples, +oo. I think T>to eVeh 30+ ih oh the act.

Somebody knocked the glasses
off of
Patty's head, and ohe
the lehses broke. Mrs. Mor+oh had +0 shut dowh the play after that, because Patty cah’t See +wo feet ih froh+
her without her glasses.

After the play was over, my family went home together. Mom had brought a bouquet of flowers, ahd I guess they were supposed to be for me. But she ehded up tossihg them in the trash cah oh the way out the door.

I just hope that everyohe who came to See the play was as ehtertaihed as X was.


Well, if one ^ood thing cane out of the •play', it's that X don’t have to worry about the "Botty' nickname anymore.

Archie Kelly getting hassled in the hallway after fifth period today, so it looks like X can finally start to breathe a little easier.

this stuff going on at school, X haven’t even had time to think about Christmas. And it’s less than ten days away.


nday With all

Xn ■fact, +ke only iking +k«+ +i^>ped me off +k«+ Ckris+mas was corning was wken Rod rick pu+ Kis wisk lis+ o^> on +ke refrigera+or.

^.odrieks W'Sk^


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X usually make a tig wisk lisi every year, bu+

+kis Ckris+mas, all X really wan+ is +kis video game called Twis+ed Vliiard

X>nigk+ Manny was going +krougk +ke Ckris+mas ca+alog, picking ou+ all +ke s+uff ke wan+s wi+k a tig red marker. Manny was circling every single +oy in -tke ca+alog. He was even circling really expensive +kings like a gan+ mo+orired car and s+uff like +ka+.

So X decided +o step ih and give Kim sorte good big-brotKerly advice.

X +old Kin tKat
Ke circled stuff tKat was +oo expehsiVe, Ke was going to ehd up witK a buhcK of clotKes
CKristmas. X said Ke sKould just pick +Kree or
nediun-priced gifts so Ke would ehd up witK a couple
of tKihgS Ke actually wanted

course Mahhy just weht back to circlihg everytKihg agaih. So X guess Ke’ll just K«Ve to learh tKe K«rd way.

VJKeh X was seveh, tKe only tKihg X really wahted -for CKristnas was a Barbie Prean House. Ahd NOT because X like girls* toys, like Rodrick said.


X just thought ii would be a really awesome fori for my toy soldiers.

Vihen Mom and Pad saw ry wish lisi that year, they got in a big fight over ii. Pad said there was no way he was getting me a dollhouse, bui Mom said ii was healthy for me io "experiment" with whatever kind of toys X wanted io play with.


Believe ii or hoi, Pad actually won that argument. Pad told me io start ry wish list over and pick some ioys that were more "appropriate" for boys.

Bui X have a secret weapon when it comes io Christmas. My Uncle Charlie always gets me whatever X want. X told him X wanted the Barbie Pream House, and he said hed hook

me up.

Oh Christmas, when Uhcle Charlie gave me my gift, i+ was NOT what X asked for. He must’ve walked ihto the toy s+ore ahd picked up the first thihg he saw that had the word Barkie * oh i+.

Pad washt real happy wheh he saw wha-t Uhcle Charlie got me. He told me +o either throw it out or give it away to charity.

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