Cinderella's Guardian (9 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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"Or what? What are you going to do? I am her legal guardian, appointed by her father. She will be coming home with me just as soon as she's released."

"Oh honey, I wouldn't tempt me like that. I may just decide to screw the consequences and take you outside for a bit. I guarantee it would be a lesson you'd never forget. And we'll just wait and see who takes Tina home when she's well."

With a loud huff, Robyn turned on her heel and headed away from the room. She needed to find the boss of this place. Surely he'd see reason and remove these two from Tina's room. How convenient it was that the poor girl was mentally unstable with her depression. With Tina being over eighteen and legally an adult, the only way Robyn could use the Medical Power of Attorney was if Tina was either unconscious and in need of medical treatment or if she was of 'unsound mind.'

~ * ~

Conner's tears branded Tina's soul. She'd just wanted a moment's peace, time when she didn't hurt. Instead, her impulsive decision had caused more pain. She'd never intended to hurt Conner. She honestly hadn't known he truly cared for her. She'd thought he saw her as the poor cripple who needed his compassion. But this reaction spoke of deeper emotion. Here was a tough six-foot-two man crying over her. His hot tears filled her palm. She couldn't deny his feelings must be deep and true.

She'd turned away from the door toward the window when they'd settled her into this bed. The morphine had kicked in fully now, making her body heavy and unresponsive. She wanted to see Conner, wanted to turn her face toward him. She focused her energy and moved her head smoothly over so she could see his glossy black hair against the white sheet and her pale arm.

"I'm sorry." Her speech was slurred and whisper quiet but he'd heard. His head popped up from the bed, and his watery red eyes held her gaze.

"Why, baby?" His voice cracked with pain, splintering her heart.

"I hurt. All the time. Just want…some peace."

She felt tears slide down her face. The emotion in his gaze, emphasized her own, making it too much for her to contain. He rose up from where he'd been kneeling by her side. Callused thumbs tenderly wiped the moisture away before he cupped her face. He took her mouth in a kiss so fiercely possessive it left his imprint on her soul.

"I'll fix this. I'll find a way to get you away from Robyn. Even if we have to leave-"

Footsteps outside her room stopped Conner from finishing. Tina glanced at the door to see who was entering. A doctor strode in, his short brown hair messy as if he'd been running his hands through it. He had kind hazel eyes and a gentle smile. She felt her lips twitch, trying to return his smile. Conner greeted the doctor with an ease that had to mean they had known each other for some time.

"Hi Doc."

"Hi Conner, Tina, it's good to see you awake." He came closer to the bed to shake Conner's hand, before he sighed and crossed his arms. "We've got problems. Adele's told me about the situation. We've reported the incident as an accident, not the suicide attempt it really was. This keeps the police out of it. Do not make me regret covering for you, understand?"

Tina gave a slight nod as Conner agreed with the doctor, assuring him he'd keep a very close eye on her from now on. A warmth spread through her at his words, a warmth that soon dissipated at the doctor's next words.

"Robyn is causing a stink as I'm sure you're both aware she would. She claims to have a Medical Power of Attorney for you, Tina. I refused to do anything until she produces it, but once she does, my hands are tied. I spoke to your father earlier this morning and he's currently doing everything he can to get back to you. But it's not going to be anytime soon. He has to get out of his contract, then arrange transport off the rig." He paused to rub the bridge of his nose. "Kit verbally abused and threatened Robyn with physical violence. I understand her reasoning, but Kit can't pull that crap—especially on hospital grounds. Conner, will you talk to her?"

"Sure, Clint. Not sure it will do any good. Kit's protective of us all. You know her well enough to know she wouldn't ever start something here in the hospital unless she absolutely had to."

"Yeah, I know. But Robyn could report her to the police, and get her charged. I'd hate to see Kit earn a record over this. Now, from what Adele has told me, Tina hasn't been getting the rehab required for her leg to recuperate. Is that right?"

"She won't help me. Refuses." Tina's voice was still slurred, but both men seemed to be able to understand her broken speech.

"Okay. I'll have the hospital physio come in to assess you. She'll show you and Conner what you need to do. Now, even though we didn't report the suicide, you have been diagnosed with depression. Unfortunately, it means Robyn can activate the Medical Power of Attorney, if she does in fact have one. She's claiming the depression is affecting your ability to make sound decisions, Tina. I'll do my best to keep you here till your dad gets back, but I can't guarantee it, especially if Robyn finds that document. I'll be sending our psychiatrist in to talk to you too. She'll need to assess what we can do to help you. She may also be able to help us get around that damn Power of Attorney."

A knock on the doorframe drew all their attention.

"Ahh, Nina, perfect timing. Conner, Tina, this is Nina, our physio. I'll leave you three to get started. Either of you need anything, just get the nurses to buzz me, okay?"

"Shall do, Clint. And thanks for all your help. Appreciate it."

"No trouble, Conner. Let's just hope we can get things sorted in time."

With that, Clint left the room. Tina's mind clouded a little. All these people who barely knew her were willing to do so much to help her. Before she could become too overwhelmed, Nina caught her attention.

"Okay guys, so I'm Nina and I'm here to help you get back on your feet, Tina. I've tracked down your medical records and know what was suggested. It all sounds good to me, so I'll spend some time going through it all and make sure you both know how to do each exercise properly. Sound good?"

Tears welled in Tina's eyes. It sounded better than good. Conner gripped her hand in his before he responded.

"That would be great, Nina."

Tina's head whirled with everything that was suddenly happening. For over an hour Nina explained and demonstrated exercises. Some she could do on her own, but some she'd need assistance with. Conner was enthusiastic, wanting to help her however he could. Watching him listening intently before laying his hands on her leg to aid her, made her smile. Her muscles were beginning to ache from all the movement but her heart felt lighter. She struggled to keep the wince of pain from her face as Conner arranged her leg onto the mattress.

"I think we'll call it a day. I'll get the nurse to give you another shot of morphine to help with the pain. If you need me to go through anything again, just get the nurses to buzz me for you. I'll be back to check in on you in a few days, in any case."

Nina left and moments later a nurse came in and administered the shot. Then she was alone with Conner. He pulled a chair over to her bed and sat there stroking her face and hair. The drug began to make her mind feel fuzzy, sleepy. But before she passed out, she had to know. "Why? Why are you here?"

"Because I love you, Tina, my mate."

The words were a low whisper. She wasn't sure if it were real or in her head as she slipped into her pain free drug hazy sleep.

Chapter Six

Conner paced up and down the hospital corridor in an attempt to vent some of his nervous energy. Dominic had taken him off the roster so he could spend as much time with Tina as possible. The last three days had been pretty good all things considered. He'd spent all his time at the hospital. That small fold out couch was uncomfortable as all get out, but the discomfort was worth being able to spend every moment with his mate.

"Mr. White?"

Conner spun on his heel and strode to where the psychiatrist stood several steps away from Tina's door. She'd been in with Tina for a bloody long time, long enough that he'd had time to race home for a shower and change of clothes.

"Since when have I been
Mr. White
, Jennifer? First names are fine."

"Fair enough. Well, Tina has given me permission to discuss her case with you. There are a number of things that concern me." Conner bet there was more than a couple. Dr. Jennifer Reid was a shifter like him, except she was like his dad—one of the rare shifters with enhanced abilities. His dad was strongly empathic. He would often be sick when he was around people emitting intense emotions. Jennifer could read emotion and intentions. She couldn't read thoughts but she came close.

"Things that we need to discuss in private." She raised her hand to stop him interrupting her. "I know you don't want her left alone. I've got Adele coming to sit with her."

"Okay, but I'm not leaving her until Adele gets here. I won't leave her alone, not when we don't know where Robyn is."

"I fully understand your concerns, Conner. Here she comes now."

With a quick nod and smile, Adele slipped into Tina's room.

"Hi Tina, how about I help you take a shower?" Adele's voice floated out of the room and Jennifer led him down the hall toward her office.

Once they'd both settled into seats, Jennifer didn't waste any time.

"Tina is your mate, correct?"

"Yeah, she is."

"You need to get her away from Robyn. Tina will never recover, physically or mentally, while under her care. I have no idea what her father was thinking putting his daughter in her care in the first place. Robyn is a hairdresser. She has no experience or training to be a caretaker for anyone, let alone a fragile young woman grappling with a life altering injury. I can only guess it was a hasty decision made out of desperation."

"I know how destructive Robyn is to Tina. But I can't even see Tina when she's in Robyn's care. The only contact I've had before her hospitalization was through Dream Bonding. I'm getting so strung out, Jennifer. I need to have her safe and in my arms."

"So marry her. If you get married, Robyn has no say. As her husband, her care is in your hands. It stinks she doesn't have more control of her own life at the moment. She is legally an adult. But if Robyn has a Medical Power of Attorney, she can make decisions in regard to Tina's health. Normally, there are clauses which dictate that only if Tina is either unconscious or mentally unsound, Robyn gains control. With Tina's depression, it leaves the door wide open for Robyn to take advantage."

"What about her dad? Can he revoke the power of attorney? Surely, his rights as her parent supersede Robyn's?"

"I'm not familiar with the inner workings of the legal system, but Dale isn't here, so it's a moot point. My advice is for you to propose to her. Looking at the reports of her condition, both physical and mental, on admission to now—just three days later—she's improved a great deal. She feels the connection with you and is blossoming under your love and care. But, we can't keep her cooped up in here. A major part of her depression is because she feels trapped, like she's being held prisoner. That's not going to improve while she's stuck in a hospital bed."

Conner knew Jennifer was speaking the truth. He just wasn't ready to lose what they'd built these last days. But her idea of proposing had merit. Hopefully, Tina knew him well enough now to agree.

"I'm not sure she'll say yes if I propose. She's only known me for a few weeks."

"Well, I suggest you spend the next couple of days wisely. I can't see Tina staying past the weekend. You'll have until then. Otherwise, sadly, Tina will be going back to live with Robyn."

Conner said his goodbyes and wandered back down to Tina's room, his heart felt heavy. How could he convince her in just a few days to marry him? And as her fiancé, could he stop Robyn from taking her? He stood in the doorway and watched his mate. Adele had produced some nail polish from somewhere and was painting Tina's toenails. The soft pink color suited her dainty feet. He looked up to her face to see her watching him with a smile. He moved to her side as he forced down his worries.

"Hey there, baby doll." He leaned in for a kiss before pulling back. "You ladies having a mini spa day or something?"

"Something like that," Adele winked at Tina, "however, I better be getting back to work. I'll see you later, Tina. You too, Conner."

Conner settled into the chair by Tina's side as Adele left them alone, closing the door behind her. Unable to not touch his mate, he stroked her face. He barely held back his purr as she nuzzled into his palm. He wasn't certain she'd believed him in their dream about the shifter thing, and he didn't want to freak her out.

"Your hair's damp. Did you go home?"

"Yeah, did a quick run home to shower and change while you were with Dr. Reid. Also picked up something for you."

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled free the necklace he'd previously given her.

"Like I told you, I found it outside your window. I've had the chain fixed. Mum suggested making it longer, so now you can hide it under your shirt. So Robyn won't see it."

"Thank you, Conner. I've missed wearing it."

She reached forward and fingered the heart before Conner leaned over and clasped it around her neck.

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