Cinderella's Guardian (5 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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Conner didn't want to frighten Tina, and she looked very nervous. A shaft of moonlight glinted off her necklace. She was wearing his gift. It melted his heart that she honestly liked it enough to put it straight on. He spread his legs to give her more room as she wheeled in close to his front. Unfortunately, she stopped before she was that close.


"Hey, yourself. Glad you like the pendant." He leaned forward to brush his finger around the heart shape, grazing her skin lightly with the tip. He felt sparks shoot up his arm at the light contact and watched as Tina's eyes slid shut on a gasp. He let his hand drop away, gripping the swing ropes to prevent himself from wrapping her up in his embrace. He toed the ground and moved the seat a little. Tina watched the movement with longing.

"I haven't swung on that since I was a kid."

"Would you like to? I can help you; keep you safe while you swing."

She went to shake her head but stopped as Conner rose and moved toward her. He couldn't believe his good fortune, he was hoping tonight might end in a small kiss. But to hold her in his arms, even if for only a moment was too good to be true.

Slipping his arm beneath her legs, he scooped her out of her chair and against his chest. His heart leapt at the contact. Her citrus scent teased his senses as he filled his lungs with air. As he smoothly made his way over to the swing with her, she relaxed against him, resting her head on his chest. It felt so right. He gently lowered her to sit on the swing and she wrapped her hands tightly around the ropes. The way she was looking down at her feet prevented Conner from seeing her face. So, he smoothly dropped to his knees beside her.

"Tina? Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?"

She shook her head and tightened her grip on the ropes, so much so that he could see her knuckles turning white. With a finger beneath her chin, he tilted her face up. With gentleness he wiped away her tears. His mind whirled. What had he done to upset her? How could he fix it? Make her smile.

"Don't cry, Tina. Please, I can't take you being sad. Want me to put you back in your chair?"

She rolled her lips in before releasing them and taking a shaky breath, "Would, hold me? Please."

Would he hold her? It took him less than a heartbeat to have her back in his arms. He settled himself on the swing and rocked back and forth with her as he kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry. I'm such a mess." She lifted her head from his chest and pressed her hand over his heart. "If you want to leave, I understand."

Was the woman mad? He would never leave her, but he knew it was too soon to be making such declarations.

"I don't want to leave, Tina. I like spending time with you, holding you like this."

He smiled as the moonlight showed him the blush that rose over her cheeks and the small smile that played at the edges of her lips.

"You must be crazy. Who'd want to spend time with an overly emotional cripple?"

Conner hissed in a breath, her insult to herself cut through him like a knife, "You are beautiful, Tina. You are most certainly not a cripple. Who would tell you such a thing?"

"Robyn and Barbara at the salon. They say it about me—or to me—regularly."

He was infuriated for her that she had to live with such abuse. He'd also begun to question what else the women did to Tina, aside from verbal insults.

"Oh, Tina baby. That's on them, not you. Their insults only show how insecure and childish they are. It's not anything to do with who you are."

With a slight shake of her head, Tina changed the topic of conversation. "You haven't asked how I got in the chair. It's normally the first thing people ask."

"What put you in the chair is in the past. I'm much more concerned with you now. And I know you'll tell me when you're ready. I'm in no rush."

"But the past makes us who we are now. You can't possibly know me now without knowing what happened."

Conner understood she wanted to talk about her accident. To be honest, if she told him, it would make life easier as he wouldn't have to pretend he didn't know anymore.

"You can tell me about it anytime you want. I'm not going to pressure you about it."

She began playing with a button on his shirt, tickling the flesh beneath as she told him about the accident he'd already seen in their dream.

"So, you'll be out of the chair one day?"

"Hmm, with rehab maybe. But I'm not getting it. Robyn is supposed to do the exercises with me, but she doesn't lift a finger. She thinks I don't see what she's about, but I see her clear as day."

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't she help you with your rehab?"

"Robyn likes my dad. My mother stole him out from under her in high school. From what I understand, Dad has never really noticed Robyn. He's always been all about Mum. Crazy man. Anyway, I'm pretty sure Robyn took on being my caretaker to get in good with my dad. She knows if I get better that's all over."

His grip tightened on her.
That bitch
! Her light caress over his clenched jaw drew his attention from his fury, "I can only guess that is why she's keeping you away too. I mean, if I had a boyfriend who was willing to help me, she wouldn't be needed."

His whole body was tense with rage and frustration. He wanted to tell her he was willing—more than willing—to care for her. To keep her safe forever with him, but Conner knew he couldn't talk like that yet. He'd scare her.

"Why don't you leave? I mean, she's not helping you recover. Wouldn't you be better off on your own?"

Her gaze dropped away from him, and she twisted her hands together in her lap. Damn, he shouldn't have voiced the questions. But they'd slipped from his mouth before he'd really thought them through.

"Where would I go? How would I get a place to live? What would I do? I have no money, no skills that would help me gain employment."

"I could—"

She cut him off by pressing two fingers against his lips, "We've only just met, Conner. I don't know you well enough to run away with you. No matter how much I'm tempted."

Needing to release at least some of the emotions running around his mind, he kissed her fingers before gently peeling them away from his mouth. He palmed her face, tilted it up to his and lowered his lips to hers. He sipped at her lips. Light tender kisses to convey his deep feelings for her. He felt her hands grip his head as she deepened the kiss with a small moan. He was lost to the taste of her, tangy citrus filling his senses. Her tongue stroked against his, and Conner groaned as he hardened further against her soft bottom. She was driving him insane with lust. He pulled back from her mouth, panting. With closed eyes, he rested his forehead against hers. Her finger, cool from the night air, traced his lips.

"You are an amazing kisser."

"Really? Because I've never done it before."

The words left his mouth before his desire soaked brain could stop them. He silently cursed as he felt her body stiffen.

"You can't expect me to believe a guy that looks as good as you do has never kissed a girl before."

"Looks aren't everything, baby doll. And I've never wanted to kiss anyone before you, so I haven't."

"Well, you can kiss me any time you like."

"Hmmm, is that so?" He pressed against her mouth again to have another taste. He would never get enough of her. She pulled back this time, stroked his face as she did.

"I'd best be getting back inside before Robyn figures out what we're up to."

"Can I come back tomorrow night? I'll wait back here for you. I promise she won't see me or my car."

"That sounds divine. Thank you, Conner."

"It's my pleasure, Tina."

He reluctantly rose from the swing and settled her in her chair before he wheeled her over to the ramp. He bent and kissed her neck before whispering in her ear, "Happy birthday, baby doll. Sweet dreams." He rose and strode away, jumping the fence and jogging back to his car, all the while trying to work out a way to get Tina away from Robyn's care.

~ * ~

In a daze, Tina made her way to her room. Glancing out the window, she was just in time to see Conner's car quietly roll down the street. With fingers brushing her lips, she smiled. Sparks of happiness zinged through her body as she stripped and hauled herself into bed. Usually she'd be in tears of frustration, after struggling to get through her nightly routine. Not tonight. Tonight she was giddy with excitement.

Conner White was as beautiful in real life as he'd been in her dream. She hoped she would dream of him again tonight. She felt a frown form. She would have to keep him hidden from Robyn. Tina didn't want to think about what the crazy bitch would do if she found out about their little late night get together. Her worry washed away as she thought about the fact he'd be waiting for her again tomorrow night.

Conner couldn't have known what it had meant to be able to sit on her swing. Memories of her as a small child filled her mind, her daddy pushing her higher as she squealed in delight. Back before her training had taken up all her time. Before her mother took over her life. The more time she had to reflect on her childhood and career, the more she resented her mother. With little to no consideration for Tina, she had pushed and forced her so hard. Even when she won awards and accolades—it was never enough. Perfection was her mother's requirement of her, at all times, in all things. Her father was different though. His love was unconditional and simple. Pure. As a parent's love should be.

In their bonding time after her accident, he'd told her how sorry he was that he hadn't fought for her. He'd thought she was happy with her gymnastics, so he went along with Gloria's plans. She'd seen the pain in his eyes. Tina had tried to tell him it wasn't his fault, but he wouldn't hear it. She half believed her dad had taken the long job away in an attempt to escape his misguided guilt regarding her. She sighed. When he found out how Robyn had been treating her, he'd feel even worse. But she couldn't tell him. Especially now he'd told her this is the last time he'd leave her for so long. She wouldn't jeopardize his returning to her simply so she could vent her frustrations. Besides, she had Conner to focus on now. He'd allow her to keep a bubble around her mind. So long as she thought about Conner, Robyn's shit couldn't penetrate into her psyche to take effect.

Rolling over and curling up, she nuzzled into her pillow, wishing it were Conner's chest, as she allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

Curling her toes into the sand, she grinned. The feeling of freedom to be able to move without limitation was the best sensation. Taking off, she sprinted across the sand. She executed a perfect cartwheel followed by a somersault; she laughed with pure joy as she finished with a pirouette. Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her back to a hard chest. She took a deep breath and absorbed Conner's scent. Cedarwood and sage. The smell made her feel cocooned in warmth, like the humidity of a rainforest—without the suffocating effect, of course.

"I love to hear you laugh, baby doll."

"Hmmm, Conner. You smell so good, better in real life, but still."

His deep chuckle in her ear brought out goose bumps on her flesh.

"You smell pretty good yourself. All citrusy fresh and entirely irresistible."

He nibbled down her neck, caressing her flat stomach with his large masculine hands. She reached a hand up and tousled his hair. The thick strands felt so good against her fingers. He gripped her hips and turned her to face him, taking her mouth with his as soon as he could.

Oh, how I wish this was real.

Breathless, she pulled from the kiss. She stroked his face with her fingertips, caressing and memorizing each inch of his beauty. The realization that this was just a dream brought tears to her eyes.

"This can never be my reality...and it sucks that my dreams would tease me like this."

She whirled around and sprinted from him, from the pain threatening to envelope her. She made it to the lifeguard tower and slumped to her knees beneath its shelter, sobbing and panting. She was such a fool to torment herself with such dreams. Suddenly, she was scooped up and held against a firm chest.

"Oh, baby, it'll be real. Just you wait. This will be our reality, one day. I will find a way to get past Robyn, to get you free of her."

"You have no idea how much I want this dream to be real, Conner. I can't stand my life! I'm locked away, forced to work in that tiny back room of the salon, not allowed out or to speak to anyone. She's turned me into a ghost! The only spark of life I've had was Kit smuggling your present and note to me, then meeting you at my swing."

"Oh, Tina...I will find a way. I promise I'll make it better. Just hang in there for me, please."

Wrapped in Conner's strong embrace, she allowed herself to lean on him. Why the hell couldn't this be real? Surely after all she'd suffered this last year, she deserved something good, some happiness? And Conner would make a wonderful knight in shining armor.

Chapter Four

Robyn tapped a perfectly manicured nail against her lips as she watched Tina. Something was different about her. She couldn't quite place it. She looked a little different, her shoulders straighter, her face not quite so pathetically sad all the time. In fact, a ghost of a smile graced her lips. As Tina wheeled back from the coffee table, the lounge light reflected on something around her throat.

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