Cinderella's Guardian (7 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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Her hands played over his shoulders and upper back before sliding down his arms. He occupied his fingers by caressing every square inch of her he could reach. He gripped the fly of her pants and she pulled his head up from her skin.

"Not here, not in a dream. I need to feel you in the real world, I need to be one hundred percent sure it's for real."

He kissed her with all the love he was feeling for this wonderful woman.

"Sounds good to me. I can't wait." He snuggled against her on the mossy forest floor, enjoying simply holding her in his embrace where he could keep her safe.

~ * ~

"C'mon Dominic, we need to get going."

Adele gave her husband a small shove toward the door. They had been away for a month on an extended honeymoon. After all the drama of Cole kidnapping Kelly and Adele, then Adele shifting for the first time, Dominic insisted they take a full month to holiday, relax and recover. Having Dominic all to herself twenty-four/seven had been amazing. She smiled as she remembered their visit to see the original shifter, Choden Sangye, high in the Tibetan mountains. She'd loved being able to shift and run as a leopard in the dense forest, to feel the cold of the snow on the pads of her feet. She shivered as remembered excitement raced through her. The feel of fur against fur when Dominic would nuzzle against her had made her heart melt and her body heat. But, as wonderful as it had all been, she'd missed Kelly something fierce and couldn't wait to get back to her fostered daughter.

"Kelly won't even be out of bed yet, beautiful. What's the rush?"

"Please Dominic. I need to see her."

He leaned in to kiss her, before he whispered against her lips, "why didn't we collect her yesterday then?"

With a nervous smile, she responded, "I had something I had to do, before we picked her up."

Dominic raised an eyebrow at her in question, but she wasn't telling him. At least not yet.

"All will be revealed very soon,
mon amour
, I promise."

While away, she'd had an idea. So far, she'd kept it to herself, not wanting to get everyone's hopes up. Well, she had discussed it with Choden. Adele had great respect for the Tibetan Buddhist culture, but she didn't know much about it. So she had asked Choden if he would help her. Of course the gentle monk had readily agreed, thinking her idea wonderful.

Then soon after they had touched down yesterday, she'd received a phone call from Constable Alex Ross. Using DNA they had identified the remains of Kelly's mother. Her body had been found washed up on the beach further down the coast from Strahan about eight months ago. After thirty days her body had remained unclaimed, so following protocol, she had been buried at the Strahan cemetery in an unmarked grave.

That information had changed her plans. She'd originally wanted to hold a memorial at the remains of Cole's house, but now she'd have it at the gravesite. She'd also contacted a funeral home and made plans to have a headstone made for Kelly's mother. The police were still researching her history, finding out details. Even simple things like her full name were still unknown. Kelly knew her first name was Lisa, but no more. Her poor
petite fille
couldn't remember ever celebrating her birthday. Such a sad life Kelly had lived. Even before Cole had captured her and her mother, they'd been on the run. Living day to day and barely surviving.

Her time spent at the Police Station had been beneficial. Constable Ross was very helpful. He'd explained how they were searching for details and paperwork on Kelly and Lisa. Currently, he was preparing the necessary forms for Kelly and Adele to apply to Victims of Crime for a grant. Adele was hoping the grants would cover the cost of the headstone, and the burial costs they owed. Now they needed to wait for the government cogs to turn. But her plans were concrete enough that she could tell everyone about them. She'd resisted telling Dominic—not because she liked secrets. She hated them. Adele was a firm believer they had no place in a relationship but Dominic was simply too adorable when he begged her to tell him about it, for her to resist teasing him a little. A tap on her nose brought her back to reality.

"Where'd you go? You looked very deep in thought there."

"I was, and I'll reveal all at your parents' place. You ready?"

"Yep, sure am. Has this big secret got anything to do with your disappearing act yesterday?"

"Most definitely."

With her sweetest smile in place she snatched the keys from Dominic's hand and raced out to the car. She didn't make it. As she giggled, Dominic swept Adele off her feet and carried her to the passenger side of the car. She unlocked the car and Dominic awkwardly opened the door without releasing his hold on her. Placing Adele in the seat, he leaned in for a searing kiss. Getting her so hot, she barely felt him take the keys from her fingers.

"You just relax, beautiful. I'll drive."

"Yeah, you do that."
Because after a kiss like that, my brain can't function well enough to drive.

She knew she had a goofy grin on her face, but didn't care in the least as she watched her sexy husband prowl around the bonnet of the Rav4 to the driver's door.

Moments later they were on their way to his parents' house where Kelly had been staying. Adele was filled with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Both emotions sent the butterflies in her stomach into overdrive. She sincerely hoped she wouldn't be sick.

~ * ~

Dominic eyed his wife warily as they walked up to the house. She had a secret, and she was having way too much fun keeping it from him.

"You can't even give me a hint before you tell everyone?"

"Nope. It's your own fault,
. You're just so cute when you're frustrated."

He growled low at his cheeky mate as he reached to grip her hips. The front door swinging open prevented him from doing any more.

For the moment.

Adele was so going to pay for teasing him.

"Adele!" Kelly's high pitch squeal pierced his ear drums as the young girl sprinted toward them—still wearing her pajamas—throwing herself into Adele's embrace.

He watched with pride as Adele wrapped her in her arms and cuddled her tightly. "Oh, my
petite fille,
I missed you."

"I missed you too. And Dominic. Did you have fun?"

"We had lots of fun. Next holiday we'll take you too, I promise."

As Adele released Kelly, Dominic swooped in to give her a hug and twirl her around before setting her back down. "Missed you too, kiddo. You're definitely coming with us next time."

"Come inside all of you! Kelly's not the only one who missed you, you know."

He looked to the doorway to see his mother standing there, arms crossed with the biggest grin spread over her face. He strode over to her to kiss her cheek and give her a hug. "Hi, Mum. I'd spin you around too, but you'd probably slap me for it."

"Too right I would my boy."

Patting his cheek, she moved back into the house with them all following her.

Everyone settled in the lounge room. Kelly stole the seat next to Adele, snuggling into her side. Dominic sat in a single chair opposite with a chuckle. His girls were so sweet. His dad came in with a tray of coffees, and a hot chocolate for Kelly. Once everyone had their drinks, Dominic cocked a brow at Adele. "Well, beautiful, are you going to put me out of my misery now? We're all here."

"You are so easy to tease, Dominic. I've had a secret for less than a week and you're just about jumping out of your skin." She shook her head at him with a giggle. "Okay, I received a very interesting phone call yesterday..."

Dominic sat awestruck as Adele relayed everything that she'd accomplished yesterday. Part of him felt hurt she hadn't needed his help, but mostly he was extremely proud of her. His wife and mate was an extraordinary female indeed.

"Someone found her. So, she's really dead." Kelly's whisper cut through the room like a sharp knife.

The poor little mite had tears streaming down her face. Dominic's heart broke for her. Kelly's young mind had obviously chosen denial as a means to cope with what she knew must have happened to her mother.

, how about we get a special headstone made up for her grave and have a memorial service for her? That way, you can say goodbye to your mum. Would you like to do that?"

With a slight nod, Kelly buried her face into Adele's shoulder. Adele pressed her cheek against her hair and began humming to her a French lullaby her mother used to hum to her as a child. Curious, Dominic had quizzed her about the tune before their wedding.

A hand on his shoulder brought his attention to his younger brother. Conner looked stressed and worn out. Not like his usual carefree self at all.

"What's up, Conner?"

"So much. Too much. Want to go for a run?"

"Sounds good. The girls could use some time without us males around, I'm sure."

He glanced over to Adele who was watching him and nodded that she'd heard. Grabbing his keys out of his pocket, he followed Conner out to the Rav4, to head deep into the Cradle Mountains where they could run in their snow leopard forms without risk of being seen.

As they drove, he sensed Conner needed to talk.

"So, what's got you looking so strung out?"

"My mate turned twenty-one while you were gone."

"Ahh, and you're desperate to find her already? Know that feeling."

Dominic shook his head slightly, trust his little brother to get so worked up about not knowing-

"Oh, I know precisely who she is. She's here in town."

The car swerved slightly as the shock hit Dominic.


"Tina Anderson. You probably didn't hear about what happened at the hairdressers the morning of your wedding."

Adele had told him about the young woman in the wheelchair so he cut his brother short, anxious to get to the real issue, "Adele told me what happened."

"Okay. Well, that's Tina. In the chair. But she's basically being held prisoner. I don't know what to do, Dom. We were secretly meeting at night, but Robyn found out and now, all we have is Dream Bonding." Conner let out a long suffering sigh, "in our last dream she tried to kill herself. I got there in time to save her. But what if she does something like that in the real world?"

Dominic's mind whirled. Sympathy for his brother, and for Tina, coursed through him.

"I'm guessing simply taking her is out of the question?"

"The only way to do that would be to break in at night and kidnap her. Knowing what I do about Robyn, she'll come looking with the Police and I'll be charged and locked up. Then who will help her? I can't risk it. Especially with her state of mind as it is. She might see it as me kidnaping her and never forgive me. Trust me, Dom. I've thought long and hard about it. Even offered to take her that first night we met up, but she shut me down, saying she didn't know me well enough to run away with me."

"I'm so sorry, bro. I'll have to think about it and you need to tell me everything. I'm sure between all of us we can come up with something."

"I'll fill you in on everything after. I really need to run right now."

"I completely understand. Adele and I got to run in the Tibetan mountains with Choden. It was awesome."

"Wow. That would definitely be an experience of a lifetime."

Conner perked up as Dominic filled him in on some of the lighter moments of their trip. Dominic would do anything to ease his younger brother's pain.

Chapter Five

Tina felt hollow, strangely detached from herself. She was on edge too, unable to concentrate on anything. She checked through the curtain for the hundredth time since she'd arrived with Robyn. Finally, both Barbara and Robyn had clients. Quietly, she wheeled out of the salon's back door. It had been three days since she'd seen Conner, outside of her dreams. Conner had told her they were real, but she wasn't sure it was true. Even if they were real, it would never be enough to only be able to be near him a few hours each night.

Robyn had now restricted her life to the point it felt as though she was suffocating. Her chest ached and she was tired, both in body and mind. So much so, that this morning she could barely muster the energy required to get out of bed. It didn't help that she now had to wait for Robyn to bring in her chair.

Once out on the street, Tina headed to the firehouse hoping to find Conner, something deep within her was calling out for him. Craving his touch, wanting to be near him and needing to obtain that feeling of being protected she only felt when in his arms. It took fifteen minutes but she made it.
Damn it.
The door was locked. Frowning, she moved to the larger roller-door of the vehicle bay. Looking though the row of clear plastic panels centered in the red metal, she felt her heart sink. Empty. He must be out on a job.

She simply stared at the red door as her mind crashed, the ache in her chest turned to agony and tears streamed down her face.

She just couldn't go on like this.

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