Cinderella's Guardian (8 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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In a low pain-filled whisper, she spoke aloud to no one, "a prisoner who is in constant pain. That's my life in a nutshell."

And how sad was that?

Her leg still ached most days, but the real pain was deep inside. She felt so alone. Her mother's rejection was still a fresh wound on her heart. Her father had now abandoned her too—she understood he needed to work, but it didn't change the fact that it left her alone. All her friends in Sydney had quickly forgotten her. She felt totally deserted.

She slowly rolled back toward the salon. Distractedly she watched a bus turn onto the road beside her, heading toward her. Maybe...if she simply checked out of life, she wouldn't be in pain. It would be gone. Robyn wouldn't be able to use her anymore. All her problems would be solved. With a heavy heart she allowed the bus to pass her, a breeze washing over her as it did. Could she do it?

"Dad would miss me, but I'm sure he'd recover."

He'd not been a part of her life for so long, he'd quickly adjust to not having her around again. Her damn mother would no doubt be relieved.
. She sighed as she closed her eyes and pictured him. He was so handsome. He'd been so mad at her in that dream when she'd tried to end it all. But that was just a dream. She couldn't be certain he truly felt for her like that. He'd turned into a damn snow leopard. That couldn't be real.

Conner is a fantasy, one that's not destined to ever be mine.

As the fresh heartache ripped through her, she opened her eyes and focused on a delivery van coming up the road. She gripped her wheels tightly, waiting for the perfect moment. With a couple of hard and fast pushes, she hurtled off the footpath and into the oncoming traffic.

Tires squealed seconds before her chair spun and she was thrown free. Pain radiated through her left side, her shoulder and bicep burned as the asphalt scraped her skin from her body.

"What the fuck? Tina? Tina!"

A panicked female voice she knew from somewhere came closer, continuing to cuss and scream her name. She glanced over to see flame red hair. Kit, the one who delivered Conner's present.

"I've called the ambulance. I didn't see her till it was too late. What the hell was she thinking?" The man spoke as he ran to her side. Tina assumed he was the driver. Tina closed her eyes against them both, ignoring their conversation. Tears flowed freely. She was such a bloody failure. She couldn't even do this right. Now she was more broken than before, in more pain. She knew for certain Robyn would chain her to the desk now, taking the last shred of freedom from her. She sobbed harder as she realized all she'd accomplished was to make her life worse.

~ * ~

Conner dropped to his knees as agony ripped through him. He'd been feeling off all morning, but this sudden attack left him breathless. Dominic snatched the hose from his clenched fist and turned the flow off before handing it to Joel who'd also come over to check on him.

"It has to be Tina. She's hurt. Bad."

Dominic frowned down at him for a moment. "I know you want to go to her, but you're in no state to run back into town, and this grass fire isn't big but we can't leave it."

Conner ripped out his phone when it started ringing. "Kit."

"And Adele is calling me, this can't be good."

No, it couldn't be good. Adele was Rosebery's paramedic so her involvement meant an ambulance had been called. He turned from his brother to answer Kit's call.

"What happened, Kit? I can feel her pain."

"I'm sorry, Conner, but it looks like she tried to kill herself."

His heart clenched. "She tried to- Is she okay?"

Conner's hands began to tremble as he waited for Kit's response.

"Physically, she'll recover."

"How?" Conner was having trouble breathing. His mate had tried to take her own life, again. Visions of her standing atop the waterfall in their dream flashed through his mind.

"She was watching traffic, she looked dazed. She'd come to the station but left when she saw the vehicle bay was empty. I'd just arrived when I caught sight of her turning away from the door. I went after her to see if she was okay. Before I realized what she was planning on doing, she'd pushed herself onto the road. Straight in front of a delivery van. It swerved, but still clipped her chair and she was thrown free. Her left side is all scraped to shit from hitting the road. Adele came and we're on the way to the hospital now. Where are you?"

"We're out at a grass fire, at least twenty minutes away from you. Fuck, Kit. What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Personally, I vote we go tie up Robyn and beat the shit out of her. Selfish fucking bitch."

Conner couldn't help but grin at Kit's words. He loved Kit like a sister and he fully understood how she felt. He felt the same way. "I wish, but she isn't worth the trouble. Look, we've nearly got this fire out so I'll head in once we're finished. You'll stay with her, right? Don't you dare leave her alone with Robyn."

Conner shuddered at the thought of Tina, injured as she was, being in Robyn's sole care.

"You don't have to ask, Conner. You know me better than that. No way in hell will that bitch lay a finger on her while I'm there."

"Yeah, I know. Just had to say it. Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye, Kit."

"See you then."

Conner hung up and rubbed his chest. His heart ached. But he felt a measure of reassurance now that Kit was with her. Tina would be safe until he could make it to her. Ignoring the fire, he went to the vehicle to grab a bottle of water and sit on the ledge at the back of the truck for a minute. Until he got himself under wraps, he was useless to the team. The pain he'd felt rip through his body had now dimmed to almost non-existent. He guessed that meant Tina was now unconscious.

Connor watched Dom jog over to him as guilt swamped him. He should have tried harder to get her free of Robyn. He should have known she'd try something like this after the dream. His eyes stung with unshed tears as Dom reached his side.

"Adele's got her, bro. She's in good hands."

"I know. Kit told me what happened. This is the second time, Dom. I
to do something. Maybe I could just take her and run away somewhere. We're both adults, Robyn can't really do anything to stop us."

"That's not a long term solution, and you know it. What about her father? What about us? Your family? Friends? Look, I know Dad's been trying to get a hold of Dale. He hasn't been able to find what company he's now working with. With Tina being in the hospital, he has to be contacted. Clint or Adele will be ringing him. Then he'll know about what's happening, and we can explain what Robyn's been up to. Get Tina out of her care. Hell, if Dale still wants her to have a caretaker, Mum will step in."

Conner took a deep breath and finished off his water. That was why Dom was a future alpha, cool and calm under any circumstance, and he made good points.

"Okay, I hadn't thought of any of that. Thanks, Dom. Now, let's get this fire out so I can go see my woman."

With a nod, Dom led him back toward the fire.

It took another half hour to get the fire completely out and mopped up. It had been a small fire, lit on the roadside by some moron flicking their cigarette butt out a window. Thankfully, it had been called in quickly so not much area had burned. Driving back to the station, his muscles grew tense. He honestly didn't know how to quickly get his mate to trust him enough to allow him to take her away from Robyn. He needed her in his arms.

Where she belonged.

Where he could protect her.

The second the truck stopped in the station house, he jumped from the back and headed into the locker room. He showered in record-breaking time before he headed out to his Prado.

Ten minutes later Connor rushed through the front doors of the hospital. He'd rung Kit in the car so he knew where to find his mate and headed straight to her room, not stopping for anyone. His steps faltered as he entered her room. Kit and Adele stood beside her bed. Adele was filling out something on a chart. Tina had turned her face away. She looked out the window but her eyes were barely open. Her skin appeared dull, her hair limp. Depression was a ghastly disease, one which had its claws firmly embedded in his precious mate.

"She's been sedated, Conner. We had to calm her down. It was the only way we could get her shoulder back in place. She's a lucky girl to only have a dislocated shoulder from a run in with a van."

Conner couldn't form words. His chest ached as he took in the bright white bandages covering her left arm. Oblivious to Kit and Adele's presence, he crumpled to his knees beside her, tears burning his eyes as he pressed his face against her right palm, her cold flesh against his hot skin searing him.

"Why baby? Why'd you try to leave me?"

~ * ~

Wiping her sweaty palms on the crisp linen of her pants, Robyn licked her dry lips as she paced her shop. Tina was missing. Had been for at least an hour. Where would she have gone? She stopped still as the obvious slammed into her. Of course, she'd seek out that boy.

"Barbara, Conner's a firefighter, right?"

"Sure is, you think she went up to see him?"

She snatched up her keys. "Soon find out."

Before she got out the back door, her phone rang. Pulling it out, she saw the number was international. Fuck. The one time Dale calls her, Tina's missing.

"Hello, Robyn speaking."

"What the hell is going on, Robyn? I just got an urgent phone call from the hospital about Tina. Her chair was hit by a van—while she was still in it. Am I not paying you enough to keep my daughter safe?"

"Ah, hi Dale. I'm not sure what's going on. I, ah, was about to go looking for her. She snuck out without letting me know where she was going."

out? She is an adult, Robyn. You are not supposed to be keeping her locked away. No bloody wonder she's suffering depression!"

"Oh, don't be silly, Dale. I would never lock her away," although the thought was temping right about now, "I simply meant she went out without letting me know. I was getting worried for her. Did the hospital tell you she's suffering depression?"

"Yeah, they did. Said a witness saw her roll in front of the van on purpose. Why didn't you bother to inform me that she wasn't doing well?"

Robyn was flustered, how could she answer? "I, ah, hadn't noticed any change in her myself, she kept it well hidden, Dale."

"Whatever. I'm doing what I can to cut short my contract so I can come home. I should never have left her. I'll only need you to continue to look after her until I can get back. Hopefully it won't take long."

"Sure, Dale, Tina's a pleasure to care for. Now, I need to run along and get down to the hospital right away to see how she is."

"Okay, keep me informed, Robyn. No excuses. Bye."

With a low growl, she thrust her phone back in her pocket.

"What is it, Robyn?"

"The stupid girl got herself run over by a van. She's at the hospital. They rung Dale claiming she is suffering
of all things. You'll be right to close the salon tonight? I have to go deal with this mess."

"Sure, let me know how it goes."

Without responding to Barbara, she headed out to her car. Rage building with each and every step. How dare she! Now Dale was mad at her, when it wasn't her fault. Damn it. She needed Dale to fall in love with her, not be out for her blood.

Within fifteen minutes she was at the hospital. Marching in with shoulders back and head held high, she demanded at the front desk to be taken to Tina. The receptionist told her the room number and how to get there with no offer to show her. With a huff, she headed in the direction indicated by the stuffy nurse. She easily found Tina's room and went to enter when a tall muscular female stepped into the doorway, blocking her entry.

"Get out of my way."

"I don't think so. There is no way in hell I'm letting you near Tina."

Robyn eyed the woman from her flame red hair to her bright red boots. Her muscled arms crossed over her chest, her legs shoulder width apart. This woman was a fighter. No way would Robyn be able to physically push past her. She'd have to talk her way into the room.

"I am her caretaker. I have every right to be here. Who are you? What right do

The woman before her growled and bared her teeth, with her slightly slanted eyes she looked every inch a predator, but Robyn refused to be intimidated by her.

"Cat got your tongue? I said, who are you?"

A cold laugh was her response. "I'm no one you want to mess with, bitch. Now, get out of here before I forget where I am."

The hairs on the back of Robyn's neck stood up at the waves of malevolence that radiated from this woman. Robyn looked past her into the room, and her body stiffened. None other than Conner White knelt by Tina's bedside with his head pressed into her hand.

"What is he doing here? He has no right!"

has every right to be exactly where he is. Last warning. Get of here."

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